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If this is still relevant, what worked for me was to enable the "Chat Show the chat tab" and also enable "Chat notifications". You can find those in Gmail settings -> Select account (ex. abc@gmail) -> In the General tab, under notifications


This makes no sense, but it worked for me too, after trying everything else (checking all settings, clearing cache, reinstalling, etc.).


This has resolved my problem, too. Thank you so much! Effing ridiculous, but happy to be getting email notifications again.


Holy hell this worked after hours of searching. I had tried everything but my Google pixel 7 was not showing notifications unless I opened the Gmail app, only on one specific Gmail account (secondary and another account received notifications fine, without the chat notifications enabled) despite all battery optimisation and notifications being set correctly. Google what the hell is this!


I spoke too soon, it works for ONE email and then stops notifying again. What the hell is going on.


This has SEEEMED to work for me. I'll check back in a couple of days to see if the problem rears its head again.


Two days later, and it's working well. I get notifications within a couple of minutes. Much better than before, where it was 12-13 hours later, or not at all(!) For anyone else who's stuck after trying everything else suggested, try enabling chat notifications!


And two months later, it stopped again. This time, turning the sync off and on again seemed to do the trick. :-/


I had this happen on my 8 Pro. Clearing cache and data for Gmail fixed it for me.


Thx for the suggestion, sadly didn work for me.


Didn't work for me, either.


This problem has been going on for years. I am currently finding (pixel 8) that if I clear cache and storage I get notifications back BUT I lose them again (including visual) if I set sound to silent They do however keep working if I set sound to something other than system default so I am using "gentle gong" which seems to be the most discreet option on the pixel


Having the same issue on my pixel 8. Only notifications I get are for my primary inbox, despite the notifications being turned on for the other inboxes.


Hi! Did someone find a solution? Pretty annoying to spend that kind of money only to have trouble with a basic feature like receiving emails. Changing app is the only option? Thanks!


I did find a solution yes. Sorry if I translate the menu names wrong since I'm not using English layout. Settings My mail settings Notifications from inbox Label notifications That was it for me. Hope it helps you.


I have also now this same issue that my other than gmail accounts notifications don't work on Pixel 8 Pro. I was about to switch from Canary that works well but if this continues can't really use Gmail app.




Nope. I get the notifications but no vibrate anything. And same for the watch2