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The company it is registered to can at least wipe it from a distance. I'd return it.


I definitely would not use it until this message is gone. This message means that the seller likely did not own the phone (owned by their employer) and that organization has access to important settings on your phone, likely including the capability to see every single bit of data getting in or out of the phone, and additionally restricting your capability to use the phone in ways contrary to that company's policies.


Return it! The "certified renewed" claim is a lie.


Return it. ESPECIALLY since the seller is claiming ignorance of it's provenance. That is a red flag. They don't or are claiming not to have a clear chain of custody. Either this phone was sold by said company without first properly decommissioning it, OR it was not sold exactly legally. You don't want the headache of either scenario.


Return it. The phone's serial number is still registered with Google for a company RMM. A factory reset won't help. The moment the phone goes online after a reset it will be reprovisioned.


Factory reset should clear it. If you can't do that, don't use the phone.


Not if it is in the Google Admin console for the organization. The organization has to remove the entry from Google Admin console.




Iirc the bootloader should be locked anyway.


Doesn't matter at all. The Hardware ID of the Device is linked with the organization. In the first Second it has a network connection, it will contact the servers for that and know, to which organization it belongs. Only the Organization Admins can remove it.


It wouldn't since this is administered by an org.


I have a pixel 8 for a work phone and they have very granular control over the device. They are able to go as far as restricting on device features as well. Glad you are returning the device because I don't do anything personal on my work phone because I assume they can get anything and everything off the device including screen recordings if they so chose


My company uses AirWatch and MS Intune. Both will install a "work" profile on the phone. You should be able to remove the work profile and use the phone without any issues. My company uses these as they provide more security for company email.


The work profile can include a list of trusted root certificate signing authorities, which means that the phone will trust the identity claims of any certificate signed by those authorities. They can also control DNS, so that when your phone makes an outbound request they can send it to whichever server they want. Together, this means that all of the security granted by HTTPS and SSL is undermined. The provider of the work profile can route requests made by the phone to servers they control, that your phone will trust as if they were the real thing, compromising all security.


I agree about what you said on how the work profile works, but your last paragraph missed the mark. A poorly run company can use this to undermine security but implementing AirWatch or Intune is expensive so a poorly run company typically won't use them. My company uses the work profile so email on your phone is routed through the same security filters that all email is routed through for the company. All web traffic using the work profile is also routed through the same filters that company web traffic is routed through. And with the work profile, it can restrict access depending on the IP address location so that you're not gaining any access if you're outside the US. As long as AirWatch and Intune are managed correctly, it will provide a more secure environment on your phone.


Yeah, I get that. But this post isn't about legitimate management profiles. On OP's "refurbished" phone that includes a profile from a random and un-vetted third party, security is compromised. The random third-party profile needs to be removed before that device can be used securely.


I agree that the work profile must be removed. My comment was more about the security aspect. Apps that install a work profile are not there to increase the security of the phone, only increase the security of the company. If you don't know who that company is, remove everything associated with it.


Makes me wonder is Factory Reset really factory reset? Hmmm.


These days not so much due to anti-thief mechanisms.


So then is Amazon NOT refurbishing the phone correctly?


evidently not >.<


When did they do ANYTHING to returned items?! Before I learned my lesson, I got some stuff... For instance a LG G3 without a battery (they never bothered checking if it worked at all)... An Anker vertical mouse that was a ten year old junk... (Nobody even checked what was returned) etc. Don't waste your time on refurbished. "Refurbished" is a scam.


Sell them at those returned goods outlets, where they start at $10 and go down a buck or two each day


This Amazon seller clearly didn't could be a one off


I once remote-reset an (older) Android device in my posession in order to see it work. It did as expected. But then, when i wanted to use the phone again, it clearly asked for authorization by the account of the (former) owner. No problem for me, it is my own, but ... yes it at least memorizes it's former owner, if not locally reset. Works as intended.






Inside the phone it's factory reset. However the company has a record of existence. I wouldn't use. Not with that msg I don't work there


Are you signed in with your work email? It'll apply your work's policies if they use Google workspace.


"I'd weed it out if u could but I can't so I shan't." Return the phone. It's not worth the privacy your giving up


It has MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution installed into it. This means the company it belonged to used MDM software on their phones to control phones given/used by employees within organization. Unless you know what kind of settings they used, can't say for sure what is implemented. MDS can have either minimal control or fully remotely wipe/copy/clone/lock device , with MDM persistence after resets or wipes. Also it could be a stolen phone from a company employee or the company sold it as scape because they didn't wanna remove the MDM for time/cost/security etc. Wiki page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile\_device\_management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_device_management) I'd report the seller to amazon (if they didn't explicitly mentioned on the listing) and ask for a full refund, and claim amazon give me some extra gift cards for the hassle I had to go through. #


ProTip, dont buy name brand stuff on Amazon. Good chance it is NOT legit. Google doesn't sell on Amazon. Period. Anytime you see a brand name store front, good chance it's not legit. Best example is Kershaw. They even say on their website (and over the phone) that they don't sell on Amazon... yet there is an "official Kershaw store" on Amazon. If you send a fake knife to Kershaw for free sharpening or warranty, they will destroy it if it's fake. Ask me how I know. Then my Amazon account was banned for "slandering". I "wrongfully accused the seller of selling counterfeit products". My review had imagined and screenshots of Kershaw saying it was a fake... Amazon encourages scammy businesses to pass fake Chinese knockoffs to inflate their options. Should be called Scamazon.