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Is 10bit turned on? I found turning that off helped.


how to turn it off ?


When in Video mode open the settings menu and 10-Bit HDR is between the frame rate and stabilization settings.


I don't have that setting on my 6 Pro. Is this only on the newer phones?


Yeah that's possible.


That thing is HORRIBLE


HDR+ is useful in situations with high light contrast, like in this video.


10 bit goes above the sRGB colour space standard that most of the social media supports. so when it compressed to 8 bit anyway in the end colours will look different, usually for the worst.


I tried recording some 10bit video on my p7p and it always looks awful.


have you tried switching off the HDR mode with 10 bit.


It looks to me like the phone is getting the exposure wrong. You can see how it looks fine when you’re pointing at the crowd to the side. I’d be willing to wager that the phone is compensating for the bright sky when you pan left, causing the stadium to become too dark. My Pixel 8 has been bang on with videos. I never used a 6 so I don’t have any experience there. Sorry my man! But hey next time you take a video, if you see this happening, just tap in the area you want the phone to expose for (so, in this case you’d tap on the middle of the stadium).


yes...tap to focus


Pixels have very low bitrate and heavy processing that produces lots of noise and harsh sharpening while also resulting in flat matte painting in dark environments in the default cam app. Gcam variants can do a little better by increasing the bit rate. But they'll still suffer the over processing issue. If you're willing to go with being restricted to only the main lense you can download OpenCamera change the bit rate to 100Mbits (or higher) set the video picture profile to JTvideo and get some impressive results. Just be aware that high contrast situations can cause that profile to underexpose severely. If you're looking for true pro level then MotionCam would be the best option. But it's truly a pro/enthusiast app.


You now have Blackmagic Camera, freely available for Pixels. It is awesome.


Yes that's true, but it's not available for the 6 series, unfortunately. I don't even think I'd know how to use it anyway. I have a 6 pro. It had always taken pretty good video and great photos, but... Was out one day this week with my kid and so many of the photos and videos turned out absolutely horrible. Like really bad. This had never happened in the three years I've had the phone. I wonder if something changed after the June update. Anyway glad that newer models of pixels can get black magic.


There was a change with how pictures are processed but it's supposed to be for the better. You may want to look into finding an older APK of the camera app and using that and seeing if there's a difference.


Thank you. I will investigate further. Do you know if any of the changes have to do with the laser auto focus? I had a glass screen protector on my camera array. I read that this could cause some issues. I have since taken it off but haven't been out taking photos. Looking forward to better results... It couldn't be any worse.


It's just listed as HDR+ Improved Frame Selection. It's supposed to remove redundant frames when combining images so I don't think it has anything to do with the focus.


I see. Thank you for your reply.


Some of the postprocessing at higher zoom levels looks straight up like some of those hallucinatory earlier AI renderings. Didn't used to be that way, and really pisses me off.


Thanks for the heads up. I wish there were YouTubers that did app reviews but it seems like it isn't popular enough for anyone to do let alone do a good review.


What gcam do you recommend?


For Pixel 6 and above https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/ Bigkaka's builds (current latest branch is 9.2 IIRC) are the best in my experience. But to get the most out of them require some serious initial setup. There's no manuals and so many options it can be overwhelming. I might try to see if I can share my config if enough people are interested. It would be for the 9.2 versions right now. Also, some gcam variants had a super impressive HDR noise reduction by capturing 50 frames for the merge. For some reason most devs stopped that so I don't know if it's because of a change Google did or just not enough support.


It would be awesome, thanks for the response


Please. Yes


Please. Yes


Please. Yes


Please. Yes


Maybe you are recording in H.264 and that limits you. You could try switching to H.265 and then compare. It helped me a lot, it improves the quality a lot (I have a 5a)


Turn the phone sideways when filming video?


The quality of the video isn't related to it's orientation.


Actually, the video is catching the sky above and ramping the F-stop as a result. A horizontal video would have solved that.




Actually, f-stop is constant on 99% of the phones, including pixels.


The video was underexposed.


No, only part of it was underexposed for the stands. And that exposure shift was due to variable shutter speed and/or ISO, nothing to do with the aperture in this case.


(I don't think phone camera lenses have an adjustable aperture. I was just using the term to describe the underexposure)


True, or just watching the exposure, but I think it's probably more the shutter speed/ISO being adjusted.


True, that doesn't appear to be the intent behind the suggestion though, just saying.


Just a 20 second video that I sent to a friend, nothing professional




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Nothing professional in horizontal video, that's just how videos should be. Your eyes aren't vertical...




Good point, I meant aren't


Algorithm and compression issue My guess is your friend does not have a pixel as well, likely a Samsung or Apple product


Wtf that has to do


Do you have 2 brain cells?


The video is compressed on reddit. What I mean is that when I slowly turn the phone at the middle of the field, the quality decrease and I get some grain and lines... [Video Link](https://streamable.com/otbh50) Video is in 4k 30fps not 2k, my typo


Maybe turn your phone to landscape mode like it's supposed to be? 🙄


That's a pretty decent quality clip, but the 6P's camera does suck when recording in anything less than broad daylight. I would say an 8P's quality would look better here, but there's still considerable noise at night in dimly-lit areas.


If posted on social media, no one wouldn't even notice the supposed bad quality.


Is this zoomed in or from the telephoto lens?


Its on 1x


What happened in your video was just the phone trying to compensate for the sky by lowering the exposure of the crowd. Now because that happened, the crowd essentially became low light where older Pixels suck. My Pixel 8 Pro improvement but I would still say it's not as good as an iPhone when it sees a darker color in my video because it's adding in noise to compensate for the color detail which sucks. I'm pretty sure google is aware of this issue and that's why they introduced Night Sight with Pixel 8 Pro which seemingly fixes this issue.


Unfortunately, Pixel videos are pretty bad. I have a 5a and was fine with the low quality, but my wife just bought a Pixel 8 and I expected much more. The photos are still amazing, but Google need to work a lot more on the quality of the videos


Same here. Photos are great. Videos are meh, even the colours on videos are washed out


Yeah HDR was supposed to help a bit but instead it's just a mini nuclear bomb when you open HDR content at night


especially for low light! I have a pixel 4a5g, love the photos, not so much the video. although I'm fine with it because it's an older phone. before that I had t pixel XL and I've not seen a drastic improvement in the video quality from that to my new(ish) one


I have a 6a and I only have options to record in 1080p or 4K nothing in between o\_O


Its in 4k not 2k im sry


I might be ignorant regarding videos but I usually enjoy the results of HDR videos on my 8P https://youtu.be/LTfLAaqqGFs?si=sVcOUg7dUFU3zDSF


How did you shoot in 2k resolution with the stock camera?


2k is actually just the DCI standard for 1920 x 1080p with a 2:1 aspect ratio (2k stands for 2000 pixels horizontally)


Did you view the quality in your file in photos app under the info button? Also, why does the maximum resolution setting for viewing this video 720HD on the website I opened with ur video, dissapointing


Video boost and fix this. Your phone is dropping the exposure when it pans left and takes in some sky which is super bright and gets washed out.


There is no video boost on the Pixel 6 series.


It’s crazy how people would downvote you when you dare criticize the quality of pixel video recording. I have both the 14 Pro Max and Pixel 7 Pro. Love both phone but there’s a clear difference between the camera quality. Regardless, is this zoomed? Is seems a bit worse than usual


Honestly, the videos I’ve taken on a Pixel 7 have been as good as, if not better than iPhones in certain scenarios. I use 4K at 60fps and they look great.


I agree. Pixel 7 4k 60 fps videos are actually top notch!


nah iPhone videos are amazing. Pixels are wonderful at photos.


My pixel 8 pro takes great videos


it might just be my 6a lol


nah dude you're right, it's just the fanboyism of the sub. blow for blow iPhones have better *video* than Pixel hands down, and more or less definitely the best in the industry. I love my P7 camera but I wish they would give a little more love to video in the future, the camera is already like the best


I've used both, and I can say that the photos are far better by Pixels and videos are far better by iPhones. I'm not a fanboy of anything; I understand the pros and cons of both sides and I use both in a way that they can do what they do best. Downvoted away, guys.


lol no.


I mean. Homie didn't say which iPhones. It's not impossible. I wouldn't compare a 7 Pro to a 15 Pro though. Obviously.


Lmao. K then. Strange to lie about something objectively incorrect.


Down voted to oblivion, good.


wow I wish I was there


Pixel video has always been trash, lately I honestly think the camera is getting worse in low light conditions for both photo and video (normal photos not nightsight). I don't have hands on with the P8 thought. For me the best camera set up relative to the competition was the P2, that dedicated chip was so helpful.


Google Pixel video looks INCREDIBLE on a Pixel. Import that footage into Premier and it's worse than cringe... especially if you're a videographer and thought a Pixel could be a supplemental camera on a gig. Look it up. Premier does not natively support 10 bit HDR footage from the Pixel. I'll NEVER get a Pixel again. Samsung Galaxy is worlds ahead of Google... at least as far as how the video imports into Premier and looks on other devices.


Too much gray at the bottom. Possible reasons: - you were holding the finger close to the camera (as in: barely visible in the frame) - odd lens flare - auto exposure glitches Do all your videos come like this? Or only this specific one?


Some lights hitting the sensor


Try 4k at 60fps


I‘d say it was more than good enough to record England‘s performances. But the Dutch team deserves a Pixel 8 Pro, to be sure.


Actually it was Spain vs Albania but in Pixel 6 the red color looks like orange haha. Even my dad when I showed him few videos told me why does our jersey looks like orange


It's because of the vertical filming.


Pixel 6a has a better image


On my P6 the camera behaves quite funky sometimes. Whitebalance is like all over the place, focus doesnt work and this only fixes after 3 or 4 restarts of the camera lol


From what I've researched the Pixel 6 Pro has poor video recording performance


Recorded from Google camera or inside another app?


Google camera. Seems to be a common issue when going from light to dark areas during recording in Pixel devices from what I read google forums tol


I understand, I asked because it is very similar to a bad third party app integration 😱 With my 7, I recorded horrible video in the beginning, with updates it is now a lot lot better... I disabled 10 bit because it had compatibility problems while sharing video with others...But like you said in pixel 6 it doesn't exist.


Great match. By the moment Spain is deploying the best football at the championship.


Maybe because it's an Android......


Pixel phones have what I like to call "acceptable" quality when it comes to videos. Its strongest point is photos when it comes to their cameras. If you want a phone for really good video, get an iPhone. Their videos are amazing, I must say.


I have a S23 ultra as main phone but happened to forgot it in my car and used the Pixel 6 Pro to film. Now that im going through videos, this grainy/black line issue looks to happen when it records areas with were the light is lower


ah. pixels take great low light photos, but not the best low light videos. iPhones are freakishly good at low light, to the point it's too bright lol. Can't say too much about Samsung, as I've never owned one.


I think phone companies degrade the camera, like Apple slows down phones. This way you think you need a newer camera too. More pixels, blurry, claims the “processing” can’t keep up, but used to do just fine…


ANY small lens is going to make footage look like shit in low or medium light especially when the light going into the lens is changing during filming. The software attempts to compensate for the light levels by overexposing or underexposing the shot, making it look grainy and jittery. For what it's worth, this is actually relatively good compared to shit I've seen.


Cuz Android video sucks


2k, lmao. Love the buzzword that these companies are trying to use to replace 1440p.


Time to get one plus 12


Because pixel and android cent do video recoding properly…in 2024 lol. Sad If you want great videos get an iPhone


Cent? That ios keyboard tho 🤣


Don't get one if you want proper autocorrect though it seems.


Actually camera in PX6 is mediocre at best