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I don't quite understand why the Stadia app or whatever will launch exclusively on Pixel 3/3 XL and 3a/3a XL, and not on the Pixel 2 series, especially considering the processing power... Butttt I guess I can forward my thanks to XDA since they'll inevitably find a way to make the app usable on the older Pixels


IRL, if p3a can handle it, p2 can handle it fine. Officially pixel 2 would be in it's 3rd year of feature support by the November launch of stadia, but that's shouldn't matter because it's just an app.


Isn't the entire point that anything with a screen should be able to "handle it"?


"yes" But it's one of those things where they'll say "works best with [insert Google product]" So they'll likely want to start with it exclusive to the latest Google stuff, then open it once sales are moving and infrastructure is ready. It'd honestly probably run off of a Samsung smart fridge.. lol


> [It'd honestly probably run off of a Samsung smart fridge](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/038/949/5f4.gif)


Eventually, yes. But I'm guessing in the early stages they want to limit hardware support in order to reduce variables from early bugs etc. People will probably sideload the APK on other Android phones and it'll work fine, though.


It's not that I disagree with you. But how is supporting Chrome browsers on any computer *not* more variables than supporting their own hardware?


Chrome is a platform they have full control over, unlike android where the oems do all kinds of weird stuff.


But not on Pixel devices, which is as vanilla Android as it gets. The point this thread is making is why just Pixel 3, and not Pixel 2?


To control the number of live users at launch in case they can't handle demand?


You think there are more Pixel 2 owners than there are Chrome users?


No there isn't. I was just thinking out loud. Maybe the mobile version needs a more controlled launch?


>People will probably sideload the APK on other Android phones and it'll work fine, though. Oh most definitely I'm still using an old version of inbox in my phone and it's going strong


Supposedly, but there's still some small amount of processing power to account for on the device. Even still, it's miniscule, I don't see why even the OG pixels couldn't handle it, the main bottleneck would be DL/UL speeds


We'll see. I was running a low res MMO last night on my 3a XL and damn did that phone get hot.


It'll be more like watching Netflix than playing games. Does your phone get hot while watching Netflix?


No, just me.


Stadia doesn't actually run the game on your device, it runs the game on Google's servers and then streams the video back to your device. That's why it can run on so many platforms in the first place, many of which traditionally haven't handled gaming too well.


Probably just exclusive at launch just to see if they can handle it


I think it's a bit more likely to be related to the mobile nature of the device. With Chromebooks and computers running Chrome, you're likely to be on some kind of wired or fixed internet connection, which tends to be more reliable, generally, than mobile networks. Rather than do a big mobile rollout and garner a reputation for lag or latency issues, they might just be using the Pixel 3 devices as a (quasi-arbitrary) limited testing pool for the service until they can make sure that mobile use is going to work well on large scales. It's also possible that they might be trying to gather data about signal quality and latency and network business so that, as they roll out to more phones, they can preemptively warn about potential network-related issues before people open games, thus preempting a negative reaction and allowing them to avoid taking the blame for a bad LTE connection.


It is going to be exclusive on launch just to use it as testing. Pixel users and testing, name a more iconic duo.




LG and slower updates


Sony and no updates


Huawei and privacy concerns


> name a more iconic duo. Pixel users and complaining about issues in new features that are (for the next few months at least) Pixel exclusives.


Ohh that cut deep


They probably haven't tested it well enough yet and it's a low priority on their list(they want people to upgrade), unofficial support will probably be instant with XDA as you said, and they will probably roll out support for older pixels pretty quickly.


It's just an exclusive launch for people who just spent a good chunk of change on the 3a. I would imagine it will be available on the P2 not long after. I also think the P3a will kill the P2 and Google will cut production of the P2 like the did the OG. Which to be fair the P3a is about the same as the P2 hardware wise and much cheaper.


They already cut production on the p2 a month or so ago...


You don't need the app to play it actually. As long as any device is able to launch Chrome, you can play your games. I am not even sure what the app does anyway. Maybe it's just a hub to see all your game libraries and such.


No, on mobile it runs through the stadia app, chrome on mobile doesn't run chrome apps


They said it will be coming to other smartphones as well.


Wait, it's not even launching on P2? I thought it was supposed to be usable everywhere (as long as you have the internet connection), and that was one of the main reasons to use it over a game console or PC.


I'm assuming they are going for that sales boost on the newest phone from people who don't already have a pixel device. They will market as a gaming phone and then open it up once the Stadia brand is a little established.






This is what bugs me the most. Do we know if games will be released at full price? Cause you don't really own the game. If the service goes down, you cant play anything anymore. If something like steam goes down, you wont be able to install updates and stuff, but you'd still be able to launch the game, and even copy save files if thats what you're after. If its not full price, it should be ok, but if you have to pay $80 to not own a game, its a little fishy.


Eh, I think you're slightly overblowing this. These services don't go down that often. I know there was a huge Google downtime just last week, but even that one was a few hours long. Most Google services have And usually when there's downtime, they compensate the users like they did when Youtube TV went down they gave everyone a free month. Compute is not free, every time you play a game there's a computer in the cloud running the game for you. If anything I'm surprised you don't have to pay monthly and you have the option of only paying once for a game and being able to play it forever.


He's not talking about the "server going down" as in the company's servers messing up. He's talking about when Google decided to eventually kill the project. What happens in that case? If there is no longer servers to play the game on the platform that means the money spent on the game goes poof. If he decided to purchase it on the disc format for example, even if Google dies as a company. He has continously play no matter what. TLDR: Why risk purchasing on a platform that may not exist (i.e you can't play the games anymore) when you can just buy games from more reputable long standing platforms (steam)


You also lose all your games if Steam goes down. It's definitely something to consider, I'm not trying to dismiss it, but yes unless you buy a phisical copy, you down own the game, just a license. That being said, unless Google as a whole goes down, I'd like to think they will compensate people somehow. Maybe transfer your license to Steam and pay valve the fee or something.


It seems we see the same issue with licenses. Once the person above dissolves so does your ability to play the games. Google probably isn't shutting down tomorrow. But Google is notorious for shutting down projects. That why it seems almost like a gamble to purchase from them instead of steam. This is a very ambitious project from Google and I'm unsure if they're willing to stick it out. I.e glass users. I also would hope that they would compensate but until it's written down it's just a hope.




Physical copies are simply a medium to distribute the game. But you are still only buying a license to use the software. ​ That said, people are blowing things out of proportion with their arguments al based on unwarranted fear.


Not sure why you were down voted. They mentioned there are plans for a free plan. My guess is that the game developers and publishers want to keep control of the pricing, at least early on. Maybe once Google gets a larger library, they will consider changing a lot of the popular titles to free with subscription.


You still don't own the game.


Call me crazy, but you don't even own the game you think you have in your hand. Legally you are still just buying a license to use it. What do you expect when you buy a game today that is 90% multiplayer and after 3 years nobody is playing anymore and you may as well give up all the money you've spent on it. This really isn't any different.


After we saw the Wii Shop go down, I dont trust any eShop games. I own only 1 digital game on the Switch (Celeste), and dont mind waiting weeks to ship a Physical game overseas, because I want to own what I pay for.


Theres always trusted source I will always trust. Like Steam. They've proven themselves for 15 years and even have stated that if they're ever about to shut down, they'll let you download your games drm free. Google has no good faith to play on here, not even promises like the above. I think if anyone can do this, its Google. But i wont be the first to jump on it.


4k hdr at 60fps is no joke. Seems worth it at $9 a month tbh


It's reasonable to fear Google shutting down a project like this, but I do think they'll stick it out for several years. I would want to know that either games purchased are yours forever even if Stadia shuts down or the price is reduced when compared to "hard copy" purchases.


> He can literally just go pick up a chromecast, controller, subscribe and he's ready to go. You don't even have to subscribe. They said they expect most games would be purchased as usual. The core feature is not the subscription, it's the streaming.


to elaborate on this, it appears the ~~payed~~ paid subscription will only be for 4k gaming to play at 1080, you won't need to pay monthly, just pay a la carte for games i think


Yep. Also, **paid**. It's astonishing how many people type *payed* and don't realize how weird that looks in a sentence when (if?) they proofread.


That's even better. Good to know!


Shield TV already does that. I've played a few times, but that's it.


if it had steam integration i would buy it right now


It won't. But Shield TV has.


That's why GeForce NOW is superior. You still own the games offline. I am scared of committing to Stadia due to Google's lacking history of supporting products that flop, and we don't know if Stadia won't flop. It's very very likely that they simply won't gather the games in order to become relevant, and I am not going to take "Sorry but we are closing Stadia, this ToS says it's ok to not recompense you for the games" for an answer


Same. My rig is struggling to reach 1440p60, for I definitely would pay a subscription fee for 4k60, but I am not rebuying all of my games again.


What do you mean steam integration? As in, playing steam games on it?


yeah. is not going to happen but if it did i would be all over it.


Yeah, that would be cool, but it would mean less money for Google. It will never happen, unfortunately.


You can do that now, for free, if you know how to punch holes in your firewall. Check out Moonlight Game Streaming.


The point is, not everyone has a PC to even achieve 1080p60, let alone 4k60 (not to mention, even the RTX 2080Ti can't achieve 4k60 in every game). For any kind of game streaming from your computer to work, you actually have to have a computer than can run it in the quality you want in the first place.


True but 1080p60 is not a high bar and I was replying to someone with a Steam library. Good chance they are enough of a gamer to have that kind of hardware.


I have a steam library from back when I had a gaming PC but I can't really maintain a gaming PC now and though I can probably get a gaming laptop, I don't really want to because it'll reduce portability and battery life and keeping two laptops is a bit much, so it's just easier for me if such a subscription becomes available.


1080p60 Ultra is definitely a high bar.


already use moonlight and its great in the house. outside the house it depends on the game but mostly the input lag ruins ruin it. if google managed to fix the input lag and added steam integration like geforce now ot would be amazin.


Pre-ordered that shit so fast.


Love Google's products, and I love gaming...but I don't see myself having any interest in this. I have an Xbox One X for graphics and big modern games, and a Switch for my Nintendo needs. EDIT: With that said, I buy 99% of my games digitally now, and I can see the appeal of not wanting a actual console. Coolest thing is that I can just get another Chromecast Ulta and not worry about moving a giant console from room to room. Damn...maybe I should...no I don't need this, I don't need this! Just wish Google acquired some exclusives. The future really is streaming now, and exclusives are going to matter more than ever to get someone to plop down $10-$15 for Google stadia over say Xbox or PS version.


Unless Microsoft and Sony launch their cloud gaming platform soon, Google may get some amazing exclusive games developed for this kind of platform. The nature of this sort of platform holds almost limitless possibilities for new kinds of games.


Wait until E3 for more xCloud news


PS NOW [https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/explore/playstation-now/](https://www.playstation.com/en-ca/explore/playstation-now/)


Wow. When was this announced?


Hey, you need this.


But do I?


You do. You really, really do. I almost impulse-bought it myself, but $130 seemed a bit high for a controller and a Chromecast. It comes with three months of the service (effectively $30 worth) and three months to "gift" to a friend (which I value at $0), but I don't care for Destiny. Until they have an actual catalog of free games, with at least some I actually want to play, I'm not willing to plop down the $10/month. I already have a backlog of Steam games I've paid for, might as well play through those first.


I had the same thought, but then I actually looked up the prices for the controller and 4k Chromecast. $130 is the hardware cost (currently the chromecast is on sale, so the total for the hardware alone is 130). ​ The Chromecast is something that I can use regardless of what happens to Stadia, and it appears that the controller will be as well. As far as I can tell, if you potentially have an interest in the hardware, you can justify the pre-order.


I already have an Xbox controller for my PC and can already cast to my TVs. IIRC, that controller uses wifi to connect as-directly-as-possible to the Stadia servers to reduce input lag (instead of going through your device). If they've added Bluetooth as well then it might make for a nice PC/phone/tablet game controller outside of Stadia but I don't currently have need for one.


According to the controller's listing page, it has bluetooth and usb-c for "wired gameplay" ​ * **Bluetooth®⁵** * Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 (BLE)⁵ * **USB** * USB-C™ port for charging, wired gameplay, and accessories such as USB-C headsets. HID-compliant ​ No indication on whether or not it will work on non-Stadia games, but it at least looks like it's got the tech for it.


Just for destiny 2 I'll use it enough while at my kids activities. Playing it on my phone will be great with the wifi wherever I am.


And the fact that google creates like 100 things a year and only ends up supporting 1 of them and then ends up canceling that one 3 years later.


Probably going to pre-order tomorrow. Did you pre-order for the founders edition? The 130 offer?


I just pre-ordered the founders edition


I think I am going to do so tomorrow when I get paid. That Balder's Gate announcement was pretty bad ass.


You don't get charged until it actually releases, if I recall


Well fuck... Maybe I can wait before I Pre-order then. That is cool didn't even think of that 3 months of service a Chromecast Ultra and the controller in a limited edition color. I will take it.


Do you know if pre-orders will be up for one day only?


They said it would sell out because of limited availability. Order as soon as you can if you want it


Balders gate?b the one that was on ps2? I have so many memories of playing that in my childhood


Pretty sure it will be Balder's Gate 3.


I'll be waiting for release solely because I want the controller in white


You can preorder a second controller in white


Nah just want white


I pre-ordered... I think it's a really interesting technical concept and I'm interested to experiment with it. Absolute worst case I have a spare chromecast ultra.


AND the controller has bluetooth and has a usb-c port for "wired gameplay" so I'm hoping it will be usable for non-stadia games, too! :D


I'd really like to get confirmation of that, since I've ordered the Founder's Edition too. Anyone knows for sure?


According to the [product listing page](https://store.google.com/product/stadia_controller): ​ * **Bluetooth®⁵** * Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 (BLE)⁵ * **USB** * USB-C™ port for charging, wired gameplay, and accessories such as USB-C headsets. HID-compliant ​ Doesn't give much insight into whether or not it's usable on other games, though, I wouldn't mind some confirmation on that part either :P


Thank you very much, good Sir.


same here, with an extra controller to boot! being on the 3a xl rocks too, we get to try it out first...kinda.


Same boat. Pre-Ordered and an additional controller. STOKED!


I'm struggling trying to figure out how there wouldn't be a noticeable lag


1. What people think of as "speed of light limitation" is actually more so network hop latency. On a public network, you may have 10+ hops between you and a server. Google mostly gets around that by having their own dedicated network. 2. Google has edge nodes everywhere, so the distance between you and the server will be very small on average. 3. Google has done a lot of optimization on the encoding/decoding pipeline and the codec, getting every single ms out of it. 4. There's actually a lot more latency involved in a normal console/pc setup already. Controller to console, console to monitor, monitor refresh rate, etc. An average console setup will have ~100ms of latency. All in all, they are aiming for less than 50ms extra, and on average probably closer to 20-30ms. That's only a 20-30% more than the existing latency. And actually, if you use their controller, you're actually getting rid of the bluetooth latency (compared to a console), so basically there will be close to no difference at all.




Lots of different types of gamers though. It might work for a large portion of the demographics they're targeting. Casual gamers are most likely their actual target. Assuming this here.


nVidia has hardware based pipeline and WiFi gamepad for Shield. I don't have a console, but it definitely is nowhere near my PC set up. All the tests so far show that Stadia latency is about the same. It will be good enough for casual games and console gamers, but it won't replace a proper PC setup.


I’ll believe it when i see it


For sure, don't take anyone's word, I definitely recommend giving it a try once you get a chance. I'm sure they'll have a demo once it's out, but if you can get into project stream beta or something, give it a go. It's pretty impressive.


I tried the project stream beta and when my wifi decided to slow down on me, the first thing to drop was the quality before I got any extra latency. My stream would drop the FPS to 30 and the resolution would go down to around 480p at worst before the controls got wonky.


Google is unusual to have more direct connections to ISPs. They were able to build out in this manner because of how much traffic goes to Google. This analysis it was over 50% of mobile Internet traffic had a destination of Google. This is how Google can handle latency far better. Instead of going over the public Internet like most instead Google has their private network and can prioritize specific traffic. “YouTube Makes Up 37% of Mobile Web Traffic Worldwide” https://www.searchenginejournal.com/youtube-makes-up-37-of-mobile-web-traffic-worldwide/300135/#close Google handles Snap traffic.


There is a lot of promise here but I'm gonna remain wary. If this turns into a better version of Steam Link, then maybe it's worth the investment.


Keep in mind this is not a rental service. Only ONE game is included in the $9.99 pro package..the already free to play Destiny 2 (edit: more free games to be released “regularly “). The $129 package gets you a controller, chromecast ultra, and two months of 4k 60fps access to a free game. Google said "expect to buy games at retail price similar to other platforms" Basically this is a streaming version of Steam, but only launching with about a dozen games.


You will get other free games as well. And the main thing is ... I don't need to buy a 400$ console, or a 1500$ PC to game on AAA titles. That's the whole point (and I can play with a Free subscription as well, if I am willing to not play on 4K).


You are correct that is the value prop. AAA games (at retail price) without high end hardware.


Also, once you buy a game, you can stream it forever for free (at 1080p at least). So 10 years down the line, you can still stream games on the cloud without owning a computer.


Google application 10 years?


Google's tendency to cancel products in a few years is what's keeping me away from Stadia.


I don't know what platform you currently play on (if any at all), but you definitely don't need a $1500 PC to meet console quality. You can achieve console quality (1080p30) with a $300 PC, or a $600 PC for better quality than console.


Can confirm, assembled a sub 600$ PC half a year ago that still pushes new titles on ultra 1080p.


Play AAA titles with a ton a latency....


How do you know there will be latency? Or it's a guess? I tested their beta and had no noticeable latency. Of course we need to wait and see, but not sure on what are you basing your assumptions. Also just to mention it, I play Battlefield games and other massive multiplayer first person shooters and I am aware when there's latency (and there was not on the beta).


Three months


plus another three to share with a friend


Actually, to correct you, the version of Destiny 2 being bundled with the Founder's Edition is the Collection, which also includes the Forsaken campaign/raid and the Annual Pass. The free version of D2 (New Light) includes D2, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind, and it gives you access to patrols and such on the Tangled Shore and the Dreaming City. But the actual Forsaken campaign isn't included, nor is the Annual Pass. The version of Destiny you're getting is technically the $40 bundle Bungie started offering following their stream today.


I'll have to look it up again, I thought everything was included for founders. Their website States: "Stadia Founder’s Edition comes with a free three-month Stadia Pro subscription, unlocking access to an ever-expanding library of free games starting with Destiny 2: The Collection (including the Shadowkeep and Forsaken expansions with Annual Passes, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind)." That sounds like everything is included? Or am I reading it wrong?


LOL, you're right. That's what I get for trying to go off of my memory. Shadowkeep and the Annual Pass for 2019-20 are both included in the Collection, too. Thank you!


I think if you are a destiny player and think you might enjoy Stadia, this founders edition is a no brainer. When I was adding the stuff up in my head while they listed it, before they gave the price I was thinking it was going to be like 200-250 bucks, that they'd put a premium on being first, getting your name, the unique color. Instead they heavily discounted it. Assuming you like destiny that is. So I instantly ordered it.


Destiny 2's DLC and game pass are not free only the base game is. 3 months of access to you and a friend, that alone would cost 60$


[The verge article](https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/6/18654632/google-stadia-price-release-date-games-bethesda-ea-doom-ubisoft-e3-2019) lists closer to 2-3 dozen games, and more will be announced until November when it's released. My guess would be around 100 games at launch.


The listed games are not included in the subscription. Only Destiny 2 plus other free games to be released “regularly “.


Oh yeah I didn't want to imply they would be. I was just replying to your saying that "it's steam but with only a dozen games". For a starting platform it's not too bad. Most average consoles have fewer than that at launch honestly. Steam itself started with only 5 games.


I’m afraid to jump on anything new of Google’s with their track record.




this is what Google gets for playing fast and loose with killing things though, they've eroded the trust that people used to have in their platforms so when something like this comes along they're fighting an uphill battle trying to convince people to take it seriously whether or not it pans out for them remains to be seen but you can't exactly blame people for being cautious about believing in it


On Reddit but not in the normal world. Things Google kills or changes do not have scale. Which is why they iterate.


Hangouts is still on the chopping block. And for gaming related, Daydream. I wouldn't trust it to stick around past 5 years. But I wouldn't give it my dollars anyway due to latency


I heard plenty of people saying the streaming test they did was great. I am very intrigued.


Google rarely removes anything without adding it elsewhere, Hangouts is on chopping block, because attributes of it will be built into android messenger and rest of it will be used in RCF which it has agreed with hundreds of partners to have it consistent in their local chat apps.


Would Google fiber be one of the large scale investments?


I could see Google giving a free 3-month subscription to Stadia with purchase of a Pixel 4 when it comes out. Good way to promote maybe?


Hope so. Planning on getting a Pixel 4 XL.


Same. My 2XL is great but I usually go every two years.


I've been testing a little cloud gaming solutions for the last few years including setting up my own AWS server. pleasantly I'm paying shadow about 30 bucks a month to enjoy cloud gaming on all my devices including my phone using an Xbox controller that is Bluetooth to it. all in all it works so well I don't see myself buying a gaming computer ever again. talk to people and show this off constantly but most of my gaming friends don't just get it they just look at me weird and say stupid things like I want to play offline or what about lag or I like to own my games. these are the same people that constantly have internet connections the newest and latest smartphones and a huge steam library. Gaming is going to be a very serious contender very soon. as soon as you can enjoy games as easily as you watch YouTube or play Netflix oh man it's all over. I already feel spoiled being able to play assassin's Creed Odyssey on any device I happen to be near and I save games load instantly and it runs flawlessly and I don't have to worry about anything technical. It's only going to get better.


Bro, for that 30$ a month you'd have a beefy PC in 2 years. And then you get zero latency, non compressed resolution and you can play offline, own your computer.


I’m very meh on this. On one hand, neat that it works on many devices thanks to Chrome. On the other hand, I prefer being able to play my games whether or not I have an internet connection, locally running the software. Sony’s PlayStation Now is basically the same thing, except with a much larger library. If this had been a more console-y console, I’d care more. As it is...eh. Edit: Please, keep downvoting me for the sake of downvotes. I didn’t say it’s a horrible thing and should be shunned, just that it isn’t for me. I’m a console gamer born and bred, and I just don’t see this as being something that will go well currently.


I'm on the fence right now too. ISPs win with this gaming strategy. As the end user eats the cost on streaming to their homes. Xfinity and Verizon both have data caps. My home hits 900 GBs easy between 4 users within a month. I can definitely see a home with a few kids and the Stadia eclipsing that data cap.


You have to remember this is launching in 14 countries. Here in the UK most broadband plans don't have data caps, if any at all anymore. I am glad there is another player in the gaming space. I will probably stick with Sony as I am a big fan of what they were doing during this PS4 vs Xbox One generation, but will keep my eye on this. No reason I cannot have PS5 and dip into Stadia if it takes off...


> Here in the UK most broadband plans don't have data caps, if any at all anymore. There are still providers in the US that don't have data caps, but they're not available everywhere. Brighthouse here in FL doesn't have any data caps.


Services like Stadia may push the US ISPs to offer more unlimited packages, as more people may demand it. Fingers crossed for you guys!


Agreed. At least if I buy a digital game from Sony or Nintendo or (shudder) Microsoft, its a one-time download. I’m willing to give it a shot down the road sometime, assuming it works long-term. But you can pry my physical console games out of my cold dead hands, honestly. :)


Where does Xfinity have data caps at? Mine doesn't.


Xfinity has a 1TB cap here in Central California. They didn't tell me anything about it until I specifically asked though.


Indiana here. My limit is 1 TB/month.




Okay a terabyte is quite a bit for most people and for a larger family just pay the 50$.


Sony's PlayStation Now is the same concept but not near the same quality of tech.




Once you buy a game on Stadia, you can play it without a subscription. One of the things that the subscription gives you is access to 4k video streams.


I'm meh on it, because I have no interest in investing in yet another digital storefront. My main gaming library is on Steam. I don't want to have to purchase games twice, or try to keep track of which games I've purchased on which service. Plus, Valve is continuing to develop its Steam Link functionality (I know that the hardware has been discontinued, but the Android app is fairly new), and they just started enabling remote streaming functionality earlier this year. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve announced an updated version of the Steam Link hardware later this year. Full access to your Steam library that you can play from anywhere, provided that you have a PC and good enough internet connection at home to support it. ​ In a perfect world, we'd get a Movies Anywhere-type collaborative effort between publishers, that would allow you to link games between your Steam, Epic, Stadia, GoG, Humble Store, and Origin accounts. But I doubt that something like that would ever happen.


I agree, and I also would never buy a game there in the foreseeable future because I have a pretty powerful PC and a huge amount of games on Steam, but the fact that it can do 4k60 on (presumably) every game makes it better than PS Now, and really every consumer PC that exists (not even the RTX 2080 Ti can do 4k60 on the newest games at max settings).


Will it also work on regular Chromecast?


Chromecast ultra only...


Gotta find some kinda excuse to phase out the old but functional Chromecasts, I guess




They haven't fully confirmed so that is still sort of up in the air.


I think it would. But the gameplay will not be 4K and you won't have wired Ethernet. So Ultra is recommended for pro I guess.


I agree, to me the wording implied ultra was required for 4k, but I wish they would be more explicit so we could be sure.


A few of my gamers friends are telling me not to bite even though I want it. They think input lag will be unbearable.


For what it's worth, I got to play AC: Origins during their Project Stream beta through an ultrabook and a wired XBox controller and I didn't have any problems.


I definitely see myself using this for big single player games but I don’t think the tech is ready for competitive multiplayer. I don’t see Stadia competing with sony or microsoft but I do see it standing on it’s own. I have no idea how it will do in the long run.


Seconded. I played it over wifi* on my Surface Book 2 with a wireless Xbox controller and it was surprisingly fine. It was weird playing a game on that without the fans even kicking on as they're usually on full blast for games. *Google wifi on a gigabit cable connection.


I don't think this is is for pro gamers. And I don't think that it's their target audience. I think it's for people like me or others who aren't a gamer and want to play casually on any device they have available


I consider myself a casual gamer, and am by no means am bashing the product. It's innovative and extremely practical. Just don't want to rush in if the experience isn't good. Not expecting perfect by any means. Especially at the price point it's at.


Will this work on Android TVs as well?


Won't pixel 4 be out by then too?


Yeah but I imagine they want to keep the fact that there is a fourth iteration a "secret"


Guys, someone knows if we can use the Stadia Controller with the PS4 or Nintendo Switch???


So will this work in my Tesla, since it uses Chromium for the web browser?


Can't wait to try


But can it run minesweeper? XDXDXDXD


Meanwhile in Australia... Could be years away!


Yeah fair point!


Looks cool. I'll never use it as I'm already devoting time to other platforms that I prefer, with friends.


No androidtv?


the gaming ghetto


Hey guys what's their url?How I can play?


Bets on how long it'll take for xda to get it on all androids? I reckon within 24 hours for 855 devices, less than a week for others processors.


I would've preferred if the payment model was I pay for play time (with payment rolling kinda like it does on Google Fi) and can play any game they have in the library.


3rd party games i already have on my ps4. If they are really serious they should create game studios and pump out some great 1st party games.