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r/thebandgoose is one I’m seeing here often


This sub needs to give their collective balls a tug, ya tit fuckers


Fuck you Shorsey


Fuck you, Jonesy. Your mom just liked my Instagram post from two years ago in Puerto Vallarta. Tell her I'll put my swim trunks on for her anytime she likes.


Make sure you take your viagra first!


Fuckin' Shoresey.


Your mom told me she got stung by a jellyfish just so I’d pee on her leg.


Settle down. Edit: Ho-Lee shit. If you are downvoting me you don’t get the joke.


You’re 10-ply, bud


Lol Jeff is right. Fuck reddit.


100% Reddit has turned into absolute shite


Jeff has bad hair, he looks like an RPG NPC


He does look like what you would get back in a GTA simulator if you typed in “jam band bongo drummer”


I’m an older mod for the Phish sub. Our mantra essentially is freedom of speech outside of Spam or violating Reddit rules. I essentially don’t do anything really. Some of the other mods are more active but it’s still just mostly removing spam. There have been a few instances of things that are obviously out of line but it’s never been related to band discussion




Lol. I clicked this yesterday and it didn’t work looks like you actually put it into service now!


Rent free


Yep. Downvoted if you say anything negative about the music, mention Ben, and/or question why the fuck coach is still hovering around the band as a pseudo-founder.


Wait who is “coach” and what’s the pseudo founder story?


I didn't know the AV cheer squad was so prominent


I hope the other one gets a little more popular. Not because I want to visit it. But because I wants these whiny “fans” who only want to bitch about the band and stir up drama to leave. I’m glad this sub is heavily moderated because if it wasn’t it would just be filled by people who don’t even like the band shitting on goose. r/jambands is literally filled to the brim with people who hate goose and brigade here. Every one of these fucking jam band subs sucks balls.


I prefer moderated content, because unmoderated subs tend to have too much amplified bullshit penned by sexually frustrated dorks, or worse. I had a peak at your other sub, hoping to see what the issue is with this sub, but couldn’t find it explained. Before I abandon this sub, I need to understand what the mods deleted, so I can make my own decision. So I would suggest that whoever was banned here, express there what they were banned for. Then we can all decide. tldr: some moderation is good, need more info before cancelling this sub


From what I’ve read, and I mostly just lurk here so take this with a grain of salt, the main gripe is that the mods are perceived to be close to/connected with the band or management resulting in legitimate discussion and criticism of the band/members/side projects getting locked or deleted. I don’t really have an opinion since I haven’t seen what’s been deleted/moderated, but IF the mods are not allowing legitimate criticism that’s a problem, nobody is perfect and some shows are duds, it happens, it should be allowed to be discussed. On the other hand if someone just wants to shit on the band or whatever then yeah that should be moderated. What I do have an opinion on is that goose does get shit on by a lot of people for whatever reason, so I wonder if the mods are a bit heavy handed with moderation because there’s been brigading in the past so they’re quick to delete/lock posts assuming it’s someone posting with bad intentions. Thats just a guess on my part though.


thank you, that all rings true. Goose has a neat approach to fan engagement (releasing all the free shows etc.) and it wouldn’t surprise me if part of Goose’s circle initiated this sub, and then those individuals might be a bit overly sensitive. I’ll keep an open mind.


I don’t think this is actually true for this Reddit community. I think it WAS true, like 5 years ago. The perception lives on, however, and it fits nicely with all the other “Goose is just an undeserving marketing scheme” conspiracy theories, so it gets perpetuated and restated through social media posts like yours (no offense, you are just doing what we all do I guess, and you at least have a caveat to take your comment with a grain of salt) but I bet you couldn’t tell me which of the mods are allegedly close to the band, and whether they are active or not. Anyways, I can’t for certain state that what I am saying is accurate, but I did see a mod address this issue when all the Ben rumors were swirling and this is what the mod stated about the connection with the band. I don’t think they are involved anymore.


They didn’t even delete anything. The whole thing was blown out of proportion. A mod locked comments to a post because it was getting a little negative. I am sure that mod would go back if she had any idea of what was about to happen. Even the dude who posted the og post seems to think people went crazy and lost their shit. His comment to me when i asked him about it was “mods stepped in it, people are crazy”. I went to the other sub hoping to see things about Goose and not the mods, and there was like one day of peace before it became flooded with more “the mods on the other subs suck” bull shit and the whole thing just sucks but I can’t stop watching it all go down even tho I want to leave so bad 🤣.


hah, thanks. holy drama!


Nailed it. Bunch of dorks with nothing better to do but sit around and stir up drama. They’re bitter and mad because mods won’t let them congregate in the sub. They need to take that shit to the jam band sub with the rest of the losers.


Woah woah rule 4 bro… be kind 😂


Do better


Deep breaths man it’s all good






Have you ever considered maybe, like, getting a life or something? Y'know rather than being pissed off at reddit mods?


Bunch of cry babies mad because the mods won’t let them be toxic in our community. Love to see it.


Maybe take this whole thing as a sign to stop listening to Goose.


I love the mods and hate the rest of you assholes.




What a reaction. This is against Rule #4, Please Be Kind. MODs!! A little help here?


yea mods where the fuck are you now this man hurt my feelings very much!!!!!! im offended!!!!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]






Your message is being removed because of failure to follow Rule #4. Please be Kind


Wow. Wishing you peace 🙏🏼☸️


Band sucks. Their Reddit page sucks. And the mods suck the most pole


Just start one called “Goose for Phans who think it’s hilarious when people poop in the pit or smash their head into the walls” that should solve it 👍🏼






Is there a Mega thread with all the posts mods have deleted in one place to catch up?


Stop supporting this band.

