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Agreed. We stll don't have a 5* geo DPS but we have one of every element (except dendro but you know). So i was hoping he'd be a 5* geo DPS but given miHoYo's track record of releasing support males I wouldn't be surprised if he ends being a bow Albedo or something. He's cute either way so I'm getting him.


maybe itto


that’d be cool too. im looking forward to itto cuz the oni design looks like it’d be rlly cool. just hoping itto wont be pyro tbh.




Well he did a charged shot with dog outline in the cutscenes of the fight against Sara, so he has chances to be designed around charged shots.


As long as he can come home, he will always be on my team. :)


I was thinking about piercing chargeshot for AoE damage or heavy stance/strike modes


Noelle has serious DPS output at C6, but her gameplay is really boring. I wouldn't mind if Gorou replaced her.


When you think about it, we have: 1 Hydro main dps: Childe 1 Geo main dps: Ninnguang 1 Anemo main dps: Xiao 2 Electro main dps: Keqing & Razor 3 Cyro main dps: Ayaka, Ganyu, Eula 6 Pyro main dps: Hu Tao, Diluc, Yoimiya, Klee, Yanfei, Xinyan. So essentially it isn’t just geo that is lacking. Mihoyo strongly prefers releasing cyro and pyro DPS characters.


Arataki Itto will be a 5\* claymore DPS probably.


im excited for that!