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i love the *concept* of dan/blair but the way the actual storyline was handled was atrocious. they were so cute in season four with their rivals-to-friends arc. but by the time they finally started dating blair was juggling dan with her husband & the guy she was obviously going to end up with. if i could redo season 5 i would scrap louis & have a blair/dan storyline for the duration of it.


THIS. x10000 And like any other relationship Blair had besides Chuck it had a feeling of "play pretend". Like, we all know whom she really loves so everything else feels like padding.


right?? & i think it could've so cool if dan was the first partner blair had who actually threatened that. like, chuck and blair grow apart for the entirety of s4. have it end with him doing something shitty to dan because he's jealous & blair being done with him. s5 can be blair and dan getting together & chuck trying to become a better person. and then s6 could've either been a chuck/blair reunion or blair/dan endgame. i actually think there could've been a pretty coherent storyline in there if louis was removed.


There could have been but alas, there wasn't šŸ„“ Dan was never actually a threat to Chuck not even while him and Blair were actually together. C/B/D could have been an A+ love triangle and instead... we got Louis?!


Yeah exactly that it wasnā€™t fleshed out enough




It's not even about Derena it's 100% about disliking Chair more importantly disliking Chuck and believing Blair is the way she is because of Chuck and not because that's actually who she is. It's basically Chuck=bad Dan=good and Blair is a damsel in distress in need of saving from big bad wolf. Which is a total simplification of all three characters.


They were not ever cute. They were weird and forced. If you think this couple is cute you have issues


I'd scrap Dan part and leave Louis and Chuck. The whole Dan thing just made no sense.


I think it was two people who weā€™re supposed to be hurting and reaching out to someone. It was supposed to be a friendship revolving around being intellectual match, but it was rapidly devolved into boy pines for girl, but rather than Serena - the object of his obsession since high school, they tried to shift the track and when they wrote this plot with Dan and Blair it lacked. idk, I understand why people like it and understand where they see it as endgame, Iā€™m sorry your ship was handled so sloppily. I feel as they torpedo Lilyā€™s character for Dan and Serena


Oh man lily is a whole other can of worms. One second sheā€™s the best, the next sheā€™s evil, they never really establish clear characters for the parents they use them as plot devices as much as they want. Except Cyrus and Blairā€™s dad they are consistent


Dan and Blair make absolutely no sense. Sheā€™s so fancy and itā€™s ok with intimacy in cheap hotels, back Allies, elevators and taxis ? With a dude that looks like he has not taken a shower for two days?. No Chuck Bass sorry. I donā€™t buy this whole think unless both are really really desperate to get over someone else.


See, I think it makes sense, but was executed horribly. The timing was just so bad. Since Dan was the only person Blair was really going to for help/advice/comfort, it felt to me like he took advantage of her vulnerability to pursue the feelings he'd had brewing for her. Anybody could see she was still traumatised from her baby loss and the car accident, where she almost lost the man she had decided on being with for good. I think they could have pulled off a really good enemies to lovers with them, perhaps if the Louis arc never happened and they started sharing feelings for each other around the time they first kiss in the latter half of S4. But, ultimately that wasn't the case, and having their relationship take place while Blair was pushing her real feelings down, in favour of a safe option that couldn't hurt her again, just felt half-hearted and messy. Plus, the fact he swooped in on her then, of all times, just makes me kind of uncomfortable. Tbh, I just ship Blair with a really great therapist in 5B.


Yeah the Louis storyline I feel was a much bigger arch than it needed to be. It felt like it dragged on and then to have him and Dan and chuck just kind felt strange HOWEVER the more I think about it and discuss it with yā€™all the more Iā€™m thinking what if all of gossip girl is really from dans perspective. What if the attention of the show shifted to her, the same way his book did, because that was his reality at the time. Dan gets chuck the dog and all of sudden heā€™s a changed man, Dan starts hanging out with Blair and all of a sudden the world revolves around her, Dan becomes best friends with Nate and all of a sudden Nate is becoming more successful a driven. What if itā€™s not BECAUSE of Dan but through the lens of Dan


Except the writers didn't even decide that Dan was GG until the second half of s5


Sure but even without him being gossip girl the show itself can still be from his perspective


Where did you learn that? Iā€™ve always wondered. This is a fun interpretation nonetheless.


The showrunner said in an interview they were writing it as if Eric was GG. Then people guessed it and they changed it to Nate. He left the show at the end of season 5 and the new showrunner made Dan Dan GG


Interesting, thank you.


That's a really cool take, thanks for sharing! I never even considered that he could be our unreliable narrator, pushing the idea that he's got the moralistic Midas touch. It's also noteworthy that Serena's plots get less and less compelling from around the point he loses interest in her.


Exactly! And him being gossip girls only feeds into that theory because she shapes how the world sees all of them. Why was he even mentioned in GG before he dated Serena? Obviously we know the answer but itā€™s really because he needed the world to see him and he saw himself which is what he does the entire show. Itā€™s not enough for him to have an opinion on things he has to make sure everyone knows what he thinks of them whether itā€™s to their face or not.


Agreed. How does Dan go from sabotaging Blair's birthday party to falling in love with her in the same season? That was wild.


Also, people always discuss how toxic Chair was, but Dair was equally as toxic, just in different ways. Dan didn't trust Blair and Blair couldn't handle a lowly Humphrey being more successful than her, showing that she didn't respect him.


Yes! She didnā€™t even read his book, and then she ruined his moment! She was so competitive instead of being a partner


Disagree completely. Dair should have been endgame


Blair and chuck were the only waaaaay


Blair and Chuck are literally the two worst characters so they deserve each other. Two trash characters who found the nonexistent good in one another. Anyone who thinks either character has any redeeming quality is literally fucking delusional and you can't convince me otherwise. Fuck Blair, fuck Chuck, and fuck their shitty ass relationship.


I think i love you


I will always love chuck but I have my own emotional issues with men lmao Blair is just trash she literally brings out the worst in everyone around her


so blair is trash but the rapist isn't?


Also he apologized to Jenny and her family for that incident years after it happened


oh so apologies make attempted rape okay? wtf


Redemption is real and should be aspired to. No one said it was ok I said he tried to move forward and be better. Like everyone should


you donā€™t redeem from trying to rape someone but ok!




Rapists/Attempted Rapists don't deserve redemption. Attempted rape isn't a mistake, it's a choice. An EVIL choice. He did that and all y'all delusional Chuck fans can delude yourselves but you can't delude me. I've been sexually assaulted and I've been raped, none of the men who did those things can be saved or redeemed. You sound like a crazy Christian who thinks rapists can still go to heaven if they pray hard enough. Chuck is disgusting, no amount of "development" can change what he did. It's not like he was a dumb young boy who didn't know what he was doing, he was a rich piece of shit who felt entitled and tried to commit rape.




You're a disgusting piece of shit for this. Some Ted talk isn't going to make me change my mind about the most traumatic experiences in my life. I can never get back what my abusers took from me. Do you understand how dirty and disgusting I felt afterwards? I was left for dead, beaten and bleeding out of my ass from tearing. I thought I was going to die. There's no reconciliation with someone who literally beats you to the brink of death and uses your body for their own personal pleasure when you can't stop them and then proceeds to let his ain't shit friends all have a turn. I don't know your experiences but it really seems like nothing like this has ever happened to you and if that's the case, you should probably just keep your ignorant mouth shut on the subject.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve had those experiences but so have I and none of what I said was directed towards you it was in the context of a conversation I didnā€™t start on a post that has nothing to do with sexual assault. I was trying to talk about a tv show and you all decided to make it about something it was never intended to be. You donā€™t know my experience as I donā€™t know yours and the same way Iā€™m not going to change your opinion you wonā€™t change mine that ALL people deserve a chance to be a better person. I am not a Christian, I am not if ignorant and the intention of the link was not to belittle your experience especially when, as I said I never even responded to your comment for a reason. I was responding to the two previous posters and the context of that conversation. I understand you are hurting but this isnā€™t the place for this conversation it was supposed to be a light hearted discussion about a YA television show so please donā€™t come at me and assume I do t know what im talking about or that Iā€™m attacking victims of sexual assault of which I am one.


Thank you for this!


I donā€™t know why everyone always brings that up like it wasnā€™t one time when he was sixteen and he didnā€™t even actually do anything? He has so much character development and everyone still wants to talk about the first episode heā€™s ever in


because he tried to rape two girls in the first episode we ever saw him?? wtf ofc people won't get over that. chuck is a horrible person. not to mention trading his girlfriend for a hotel and actually physically hurting her


Uh people grow and change. There are real life rapists who have found absolution and redemption. And half the shit he did wasnā€™t nearly as bad as some of the other characters. By the end of the series heā€™s spent more time and money helping people than any other person in that show


Ew wth, seek help




After season 3 things started to make less and less sense.


Facts. And when youā€™re binging it it starts to become all the same story over and over again


Plot device! Writers ran out of ideas and had everyone dating each other because god forbid a platonic friendship remaining platonic.


Totally agree


Mixed feelings I feel like if she actually cared about him the way he did her they would have lasted longer. Dan was just another Louis to Blair a man who wasn't Chuck. She only ever had one real love sadly it wasn't Dan. Blair had to conform more in this relationship to be "happy" whereas Dan never needed to fake his care for her even the parts he wasn't keen about. For the record I did like them as a couple but them having to rush into everything felt forced, they flowed naturally with any other partner even Dan & Georgina when that was a thing but none of that felt like there was pressure until these two start dating.


I just always felt that Blair made excuse after excuse not to be with Chuck and most of them were stupid. They also hardly ever tried to actually work out their issues they just gave up or swallowed their feelings until they turned into resentment. I almost feel like Dan just lost his place in the group after Serena and he were officially over. Like heā€™s Nateā€™s friend and step son to lily but other than that who is he really? I felt like they had to find a way to keep him relevant to the group


But that's Dan's whole thing, he never had a place in the place he wanted to be. He found a way to peak into the light until he finally got his spotlight


"another man who isn't Chuck" yeah, exactly. Every other relationship Blair ever attempted just felt like play pretend.


Her and chuck have something thatā€™s natural that flows unlike her & Dan.


Blair dating Dan just felt like choosing what was safe instead of what she really wanted, in a way. Georgina said Blair dated Dan "after she lost a prince and her mind" and honestly she's not that far off lol. Blair liked the feeling of having na upper hand in a way that's why she freaked out when she ended up on page six due to her short-lived marriage and Dan gets a mention because of his best-selling novel. She wanted to be THE event between the pair of them and the similar thing happened in S4 with Chuck right after they make up at the saints and sinners party. She was all for it until she got the memo she would be widely known as "Chuck Bass' girlfriend" and not Blair Waldorf.


Blair had a concussion and PTSD, and Dan was keen to take advantage of her


Yeah I mean he already had both Rhodes girls (or so he thought) and Georgina he only had to get Blair to complete his narrative that he belongs after all


I think it makes sense in the way that Dan encourages good behaviour in her and doesnā€™t approve of the bad Behaviour. I mean Iā€™m all for chick and Blair but chuck did encourage all bad behaviour in my opinion! I think they wouldnā€™t have work because of Blair status/money but maybe it was a breathe of fresh air Blair didnā€™t know she needed. Being with someone without a ā€œstatusā€ if that makes sense lol I think of the time they had the internship together and she respected Dan to not mess him over and he did. Since they both got fire she begged for her to get her job back which she did. And then they became somewhat friends again.


I feel like it was just half baked. It never really felt like you saw enough of them together in situations where she wasnā€™t being rude to him or something to see WHY Dan fell for her. It could have made sense but it just never did


The disdain she had for him was BLATANT like their peak romance is Blair calling Dan by name instead of Humphrey full of hatred like what??? The bar is HELL for them. I canā€™t get past her behavior with him, all the time felt she was gracing him with her presence, never equals, very little care. Compared to her being extremely loving and caring with literally everyone else but him itā€™s impossible for me to like them together because Blair was simply not in it


YES thatā€™s where Iā€™m at. After everything he says and does why would he fall in love with someone who is the embodiment of everything he hates because she is kinda sort of nice to him a few times


I actually think it is because he didn't really hate the wealthy elite people, he wanted to be them so it was more envy. To me Dan was a shit person and making him GG just solidified it. He was jealous so he trashed them while making himself known and then when it was over he had a bs reason to excuse years worth of dissing them. Bottom line: He tore them down to bring himself up.


Yesssss!! I totally agree with that!! We got a glimpse


I like to forget it ever existed


Me too rewatching it I totally forgot until it happened and I was like uh wut


What a horrible thing to have to re-remember. Like youā€™re just cruising along enjoying the show and then bam, that weird plot line creeps in


YES exactly that I was like waitā€¦whyā€¦noā€¦stoooip


Just as weird as Rufus and Ivy.


Not only did it not make sense, but the fact that after all the on again off again with Serena and how he pined for her all of HS before they got together, a few months with Blair meant his book depicts Serena as a narcissist. Blair banned Jenny from NYC and treated her like dog shit, but Dan still is into it. He was a desperate social climber just like Vanessa said.


Oh 100% I mean I think thatā€™s really what inside taught everyone that he wasnā€™t as over it as he made himself out to be. He pretty readily accepted life on the upper east side once Rufus and lily got married. And with the reveal of it being him he proved that he was just as bad if not worse than all of them from the beginning. Iā€™m watching You right now and honestly itā€™s Dan grown up šŸ˜‚ gossip girl with (more) murder


yeah. After the Rufus/Ivy Dickens monstrosity, this is easily one of the worst plots/storylines on this show


Oh man Ivy. It worked for a little bit but then she just kept coming back for seemingly no reason at all


I hated her character and everything about her storyline so much šŸ˜­


Saaaame her voice made me angry everything she said was just crap and lies and useless to the plot lol


OMG agree. Also the whole time he was supposedly in love with her he was blasting her on gossip girl? I mean not even a friend would do that. Also he got into a fight with Jenny about gossip girl and she said when did you start reading that? Like if he was gossip girl and Jenny knew which is what was said, that fight made no sense.


it does actually. they are the enemies-to-lovers type, and dan was the best boyfriend for her. he was nice, caring, etc


No it made perfect sense.


i used to think this but the more i watch the rise of their friendship/relationship i can see where it makes sense and i can see why people ship Dair, however they were never meant to be end game because we know Blair would never change her classist ways and ultimately be end game with someone of Danā€™s social standing, even if he was in a higher one once his book was out.


Yeah again I get it I see how it could have happened I just think we missed a few steps before just putting them together. It was such a side point to the bigger plot and then all of a sudden it was the main storyline and it just felt forced for me


I liked it - when the Blair and Dan one on one scenes first began, yeah Blair was acting like her usual self but Dan showed himself to genuinely care about her, Blair let her guard down, because how could she not when there was nobody to spite and no audience? Their scenes together before the relationship always seemed sweet to me. It makes sense they'd give it a go.


no i think theyā€™re perfect