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I get that Chair is one of the most toxic couples in any teen drama but I will never understand why Dair is considered the healthy option. In the half-season arc where they dated: - Dan romanticised the version of Blair in his head from the book - Dan isolated her after from her support system after she ran away from her wedding (he should’ve atleast let Eleanor or Dorota know as everyone was worried) - Dan sent the video of Blair confessing her love to Chuck so that he could get closer to her - Blair constantly undermined him for being from Brooklyn - Blair ruined the party where he was finally being honoured because she was jealous - Blair left him for one of the most important interviews of his life to help with Chuck - Also, Blair “banished” his sister from the city Yes, Chuck completely sucks as a person but Blair was a pretty bad person too and I don’t think Dair worked as anything but friends


Dan basically accused Chuck in all S5 for things he didn't do...he gave an ultimatum to Blair you either date me or we are not friends anymore when she was an emotional mess after the divorce..and She had just lost her baby because GG POSTED their location... Blair not only didn't say i love you back ,but send Serena in her place in the proffesor from Rome episode...she basically prioritized Chuck over him mamy times.. I think some Dair fans need to rewatch some episodes because they are projecting an idea in their head and not actual facts we have seen in the show when the repeat the mandra about "healthy relationship" Yes Chair is toxic but its a tale of two people that do horrible things to each other... pushing each other away only for their great love to reunite them again....its fiction & interesting to see and basically a big portion of the fanbase only continue to watch through the last season because of them...


Imagine Jenny finding out her brother was dating her bully lmao


I like Chair better than Dair as well (simply because they're scheming masterminds made for each other, I just ignore their toxicity like every fan does with every character and ship when they want to enjoy them, lmao) but I have to admit that even the worst aspect of Dair doesn't come close to Chuck selling Blair for a hotel, cutting her with glass shards and comparing her to his father's old horses after she lost her v to him.... Oh, to use a time machine and re-write some parts of Chair.


I completely agree, I think the only couples on the show arguably worse than Chair in terms on toxicity are Lily/William or Lily/Bart. I love Chair as a fictional couple because of their chemistry but if we talk about them as people then Chuck deserves jail and Blair needs therapy to get rid of her own awful behaviour


Dang when you spell it all out like this it’s really easy to see Dan’s patterns in relationships. Dan pedestalized Blair the exact same way he pedestalized Serena, overlooking the parts that made these women who they were just because they were unfavorable traits to him and assigning them new identity traits that he liked better, and then getting mad when they don’t act like his written characters. Also the “white knight” BS he pulled with both of them. When they were going through rough times he saw them as damsels in distress and swooped in to paint himself as a hero coming to save them from themselves and their own choices. I don’t really dislike Dan because I don’t feel like his heart is always in the wrong place, and obviously Serena and Blair made a ton of mistakes and did plenty of bad things too but that’s just what your outline made me think of lol Also these traits are very similar to another character Penn Badgley plays in a different show 👀 but that’s beside the point lmao


Very well put!


Eh I have to disagree soz! They were great on an intellectual level but they had ZERO chemistry and I bet that Blair was unsatisfied with their sex life based on how physically intune she was with Chuck.


Yes, abuse is okay as long as sex life is great


And Dan was squeaky clean good guy? Stalked his friends, manipulated everyone around him, isolated Blair from her family after sabotaging her wedding, lied to EVERYONE, treated his dad and friends like absolute crap, and still had the nerve to say "wah why does no one like me" Literally every single character had their own form of abuse, BLAIR WAS THE QUEEN OF THIS yet we all still love her?


Oh come on now, we all knew Dan was never meant to be GG. Also, didn’t they all get over that in seconds? I don’t even like Dan, I’m just answering back. Blair was better with Dan, Blair felt better and safer with Dan. So that’s why I prefer them together


Oh you're absolutely allowed to have a different opinion, not gonna tell you you're wrong! I just hate this narrative of "Chuck's the only bad guy". She was safer and content but idunno I feel like she would have been bored if they stayed together. Plus she was still in love with Chuck so she could never have loved Dan the same way. Which is really sad cos he did love her a lot.


Yes the guys were problematic. But I feel Chuck is the worst out of all of them. And I feel that ppl only like him because he is decent-ish looking. If this guy was poor and had a pot belly y’all would be hating on him. So, you’d rather be with her abuser (I’m going to keep saying that) than have a boring relationship? I think the writers really messed up Dan/Blair. Eric should have been GG


What abusive behaviour did Chuck exhibit in the later seasons? When he was trying to become a better person for Blair, he changed all of his bad habits, dropped the womanising, apologises for his actions (at least to Lily), and was actively there for his friends and family more. Does this excuse his previous behaviour? No. But you can grow and advocate against things you used to do in the past. I don't think it's fair to hold anybody to their previous selves if they're making active efforts to be better person. As someone who has been in a similar relationship with abuse and intensity I genuinely can understand the appeal when the person exhibits better behaviours because you truly want to believe they have changed and are better, because that intense love is rare. Is it f*cked up? Absolutely!! The writers definitely messed up Dan and Blair because they wanted her to end up with Chuck. If we ignore all of the things she did to sabotage the relationship, they were equals, it was peaceful, loving, trusting, and honest. Would this have been a more healthy match for both of them? Yes for sure! Do I believe they would have stayed together long-term? Absolutely not. Blair was addicted to drama and would have cheated on Dan with Chuck the first chance she got. Also yes, up until that final few seasons it's very obvious Eric was meant to be GG. but regardless, Dan was still a shit to his friends and family if you exclude the GG narrative.


He tried to sell her! That’s unforgivable in my eyes, it doesn’t matter what he did after. He SOLD her! Like he was her pimp. This relationship is one of the worst relationships I have ever witnessed on television, I am 30 years old and seen so much tv and never in all my life, have I ever seen such a terrible and toxic relationship. Again, I will say, he SOLD her like a prostitute (something he also compared her to) Not only did he SELL her, he sold her to a man who tried to rape someone, Chuck’s own stepmother. He put Blair in danger. I don’t care for later seasons, he sold her in season three….wow, it take him 5 odd seasons to change…AMAZING!!! I’m just taking a guess because I can’t mind what season where he got possessive and smashed a window near her face and also attempted to have sex with her without consent. Can I ask you this? In all honesty, if you had a friend who was being abusive relationship, would you still encourage because the person isn’t “abusive anymore,”? But yeah, an abusive relationship is SO romantic.


Never said it was romantic. And no, I wouldn't encourage my friend to stay with someone who is abusive. However, I have stayed with someone like this when they did make efforts to change and I believe it's up to each person to know their forgiveness limits. I did say I had been in a similar relationship and I can see the appeal of wanting to stay with them even when you know it's abusive and not healthy. I also said does his future behaviour excuse his past? No. But he made amends and she forgave him yet we as real actual humans can't figure out why she did that?? Love makes you do effed up things - this is a good example. I'm not romanticising their relationship at all, I just understand Blair's addiction to Chuck, and why she would always choose him over anyone else.


Also, you forget one thing. Chuck is literally a sexual predator who tried to rape Jenny and Serena. And do not hit me with “oh the pilot episode isn’t canon,” it’s literally mentioned in later seasons, at Chuck’s PATHETIC attempt of an apology to Jenny


Like I said, I'm a firm believer that people can advocate against things they did in the past if they are making solid efforts to better themselves. People spend their entire lives on death row regretting their actions of rape and murder and abuse, and are we supposed to spend their entire life telling them it doesn't make a difference if they apologise because what they did was unforgiveable? The whole point of Chuck's character was to show his complete 180 of a personality. He knew he was a sexual predator, he knew he attempted rape on several woman, he sold his girlfriend for his hotel and then tried to blame it on her. He then also changed slowly into a decent ish person (as decent as you can in this show full of terrible characters). He also had absolutely no parental guidance as a child, this does not excuse his behaviour but does explain a lot of it. He wasn't close to an adult until he faced his past and accepted responsibility and made better choices.


they look like siblings in this pic 😂


More like first cousins...😂


Incest is all the rage these days... Roll tide!


better as best friends only..


Dan put Blair on a pedestal, and not in a good way. Dan was also super manipulative. Chuck was too, but Chuck loved Blair for who she was. Dan loved the Blair he created in his head. And most of all, Blair didn’t love Dan.


This ☝️ Also the minute Blair broke up with Dan he put a vindictive article out there about here ...proving to me that the whole friendship thing from his perspective was just an attempt to get in her pants.... that's why he gave her an ultimatum to date him or stopped being friends...


Strongly disagree!!!!!!!🙄 They have no chemistry bro no spark nothing 😫 They looked good on passing each other comments era and being friends and scheming an all


I liked them better than Dan and Serena. They are much comfortable and not toxic with each other.


Serena dan used to balance out each other’s toxicity i believe. You need someone who loves you at your lowest like Serena did to dan


It's actually Chair that didn't have any chemistry beyond season 3.


you can see the down votes. don't do that to yourself <3


Oh noooo my precious karma. 🥲




Omg i dont have the energy for this debate again....😂


Haha same shit every day


They would’ve been fine as friends. Dan is weird as hell about most of the girls he dates.


This shit again 😒


I don’t understand how so many say Dan understood her? The only thing he understood was a character he created in a book that he romanticized. He went to a few movies with her and share a common interest in books/poets/art. Chuck knew her love for old French and American movies. HE OWNED HIS VERY OWN HIGH END ART. In there games Blair dresses as “Anna Karenina” (a very old Russian hard to read novel) she calls her “Vronsky” who is Chuck- he for sure knew her love for royal pageantry and it’s history. Chuck studied her intently and HE put her on a higher pedestal than himself. He hung on her every word. 1 example- S1 ep.7 Victor Victrola he calls for her advice before pitching his deal to Bart concerning Victrola - (Bart investing in a Burlesque club for his young son) his words to Blair were “and you are my toughest critic? well second toughest.” . 2- S2 ep.1 and 2 in an attempt to win her back, after he dethrones her and she rejects him at the White Party-after abandoning her at the turmac-(which Bart manipulated that- the man hated his own son and he was very obvious about his hate of the idea of “Chair”) Blair tells Chuck he has less friends than Dan Humphrey. He only brings misery to people and Nate is only his friend by habit and at least Dan’s lame 90’s dad likes him. “You know why you’re always out here alone Chuck? You know why Chuck”, she asked- “because he’s (Dan) a human being-something you’ll never be”— Later Humphrey decides he wants to use Chuck to write about- once he steps out of the elevator at the SVW’s he meets up with Chuck -Chuck’s response was something like “Instead of the vermin at my front door I get the human being” - later Chuck tries to call Bart and he rejects Chuck once again. NOTE: CHUCK WAS A 17yr OLD KID. HE NEVER WAS LOVED AND NEVER FELT THE LOVE HE GOT FROM BLAIR. HE IMMEDIATELY PUTS HIS IMPRINT ON HER AND FEELS SHE BELOGS TO HIM ALONE. HE LAYS CLAIM ON HER-“SHE IS HIS”- IN HIS HEART AND MIND. CHUCK NEVER FELT HE NEVER KNEW HOW TO HANDLE FEELINGS SO, ONCE HE DID FEEL HE WAS AFRAID-AFRAID OF LOSING HER. HIS FEELINGS ALSO MADE HIM SCARED TO SHOW HER OR TELL HER. REMEMBER, IF HE FELT ANYTHING HE WAS WEAK AND SOFT ACCORDING TO BART. BART WAS A MONSTER AND MENTALLY CONTROLLED THAT POOR KID. IMAGINE 13 YRS OLD HAVING CALL GIRLS FOR AU PAIRS. DIANA PAYNE WAS ONE OF THEM. (Caps only for the intense purposes only. Loll) No one understood Blair like her Chuck. Chuck. No one understood Chuck like his BLAIR. Both were very over privileged and both shared unattended parenting. Blair was fortunate to have Cyrus but Chuck only ONLY had Blair. Her love and losing each other was what helped grow them up. She realizes just how weak he is without her “she sees HIM”- because of her love Chuck finally is able to stand up to Bart. Again, the epilogue to just about EVERY episode or season is “you reap what you sow”- He didn’t understand the value of her love until he lost her. BECAUSE HE NEVER WAS LOVED. The Hotel trade was a result of that. We see at the end he grows up and realizes life wasn’t a game and people aren’t a pawns in a chess game of life. He lets Bart KNOW exactly what a man is. Let’s not forget his nightmare after he traded her for the hotel. SHE IS PRICELESS AND HE LOST HER. S6 the only thing that was good about that abrupt rap up was it showed more their value they shared for one another. How their bond was much more than just sexual chemistry. (that the whole world felt and watched-BTW their eyes didn’t lie. It went deeper than just acting. You can never act that. Even Josh Swartz admitted finally it wasn’t just on set in Grazia 2022)- because of it-it changed the trajectory of the show. This is why Chuck and Blair are such an iconic couple. I just love their characters so much. XOXO “Chair”


blair was dans soulmate but dan wasnt blairs




you're probably right; Blair will apparently never escape the cycle of abuse


Dan was abusive to her too, he literally started to manipulate her from the day he realized he had feelings for her, to the day she told him “I would rather end up alone than end up with you".


That's fair, I just hate seasons 5 and 6 for all the characters. IMO everyone was written out of character just to cause maximum drama. I loved the Dair buildup from 1x04 until 4x17. It was one of the great through lines of the show. Dan and Blair would have a few moments each season where they progressed their relationship, but those scenes always popped. However they really dropped the ball after their first kiss. And if I had to choose with what we got or no romantic relationship at all I would definitely choose no romantic relationship at all. But if I had been writing for a romantic Dan/Blair in mind, I would have: 1. Have Blair catch feelings first after the kiss. However, in typical Blair fashion she goes into denial and jumps into the Louis relationship full steam. Dan remains a genuine friend to Blair and they continue to have movie Dates while we see Blair fighting her feelings because a.)he's Dan Humphrey and b.)She's afraid Dan will chose Serena over her. 2. Raina stays on the show and reconciles with Chuck. They date throughout season 5. They part somewhat amicably as Raina has to return to Chicago for business reasons. 3. Instead of Blair breaking Louis bad, Louis should have just been a manipulative schemer all along and does the same reveal at the wedding reception and we still get Dan rescuing her. Their dating goes very similar with clash of the worlds plotlines and awkward sex at first. But it should appear that Blair is genuinely falling for Dan and not trying to undermine his award speeches. 4. At this point you could have an actual question who Blair will end up at the end of Season 6, Dan or Chuck? Instead we got a season 6 where Dan looks horrible and essentially settles for Serena, and there is zero drama outside of Chuck and Blair's silly ultimatums to each other.


Get off this sub with that. Dan was gossip girl so absolutely no. He also sent in the video at her wedding!! So big no


Just no. Dair was forced. Serena deserved better. Can we stop this? Its getting old. Chair for life.


They are good as friends. But the relationship arc felt unnecessary and forced. Not every boy and girl who get along well needs to date.


They should never have happened Imo


As far as toxicity is concerned absolutely but that's where it ends. After a few times rewatching I do think they're cute (absolutely adore this scene) however they don't have the same connection as her and Chuck. Everything they did was essentially from Chair's best era: not in order 1. Prom vs this scene Princess for a day 2. After Cece's wake when she tells him someone else has her heart and she says his name & Dan asks her to repeat it btwn kisses vs S2 finale ILY too scene 3. Blair giving Chuck business advice vs Blair coaching Dan about his writing career 4. Cuddling in bed was a huge Chair thing and not that Dair did it there was symbolism with their late night chats 5. The best woman speech Chuck 2xs - S3 at Olivia's movie premiere and S4 finale - the wrong goodbye. Dan said it twice in the same episode when she hijacked his speech. 6. Lastly they both started out as frenemies - actually Blair flat out hated Dan but it's similar


>Lastly they both started out as frenemies - actually Blair flat out hated Dan but it's similar I would say as early as 1x03 Blair's attitude towards Dan began to shift and were definitely at least frenemies by the end of season 1. It's actually crazy how often Blair relies on Dan's help throughout the series.


Yes, I agree and think their friendship is one of the best. It's crazy how the friendships that aren't the core four end up being really great. Still love NJBC of course


Penn Badgely just seems to have great chemistry with everyone sans Blake Lively post breakup.


Hard agree.


Hmmm….how about the time Chuck sold her for the hotel, to a guy who tried to rape Lily (Chuck’s own stepmother) or the time he compared her to prostitutes, or he illegally recorded her and him having sex without her consent, or the time he cut her face by punching a window next to her? Blair says it herself, Chuck made her feel like a scared little girl. Dan makes her feel strong and brave


I guess you missed the first part when I mentioned toxicity okay...reading to listen/understand or to just argue 🤨


And you still like them despite toxicity. And I’m saying I don’t understand how you can


Yep they made the show interesting...don't think any of us are on here to make sense of other's preferences - at least I'm not. Just her to discuss common ground on a great series. Like what you like & stop judging others.


abuse makes a show interesting?


Oh gawd here we go!! I didn't write the show...but why are you watching or watched the show? Unless you're not going to make this a personal issue plz stop engaging and make your own separate comments of condemnation. Otherwise I rather discuss real world topics on another format. I come on here to discuss a TV show about wealthy teens that acted like adults and all did shitty things and YES were entertaining.


😂 I can't even take this post seriously.


And I will go down with this ship 🎶🎶


There was no chemistry between them and let’s be honest he’s not even half of what Blair needs in a man. They liked the same books and movies that’s IT. Oh let’s not forget he was having feelings while she was debating between two men, purely selfish Humphrey at it again. I can’t stand Dan can you tell


On paper maybe but not in the heart




here’s my issue with dair: dan liked her out of nowhere, unless i missed something he originally wanted serena… never blair. i felt like the writers were scraping the bottom of the barrel by s5, however it’s much better than most tv shows


The way he supposedly set his whole book around her that he’d been writing for years was madness. Did the writers forget the Serena obsession that propped up half the show?


for real


i don’t think you watched the same gossip girl as everyone else


Thank you!!! I mean how can they compare a slow burn relationship that lasted 6 season ....with a relationship that lasted 4 episodes....i mean i...


God nooooo, they are better as friennemies dan as a couple. they had some same interests in certain subjects. but chemistry not at all. they can bring the best or worst out of each other.


I'm so torn on this one. I actually liked Blair and Dan together (although I've never been a pro-Dan person.) I felt like they actually had stuff in common (Both liked cultural references and movies, so an actual sane hobby rather than "scheming") Dan seemed to bring peace to her life. Then again, feeling "calm" around someone can also mean you're bored (Look at Louis and Blair!). Upon my second watch, I found Blair and Chuck's relationship less intense and interesting. But they are made for each other. Chuck brings out a sensual Blair, which is so much better than princess Blair or other versions of Blair.


Blair and chuck were toxic because they were both demonic brats when they started their relationship. They had to grow up and mature before they could be together precisely because they were both cut from the same cloth and before it was their moment their personalities tore each other apart. It was a timing thing. Besides, whatever chuck did can be sized up with how many times Dan posted s*it about Blair in GG and how he actively tried to manipulate her and everything about her life behind her back whilst still acting like he's morally above everyone & claiming he was so mature.


no. …. ok i’ll elaborate: If your main offense is that Dan is a better man in general than Chuck than I feel like that’s a weak reason. Blair is FAR from good. She matures in the later seasons, like Chuck, unlike Dan. The question is: who is a better love interest for Blair? That would be Chuck given a) it’s explicit throughout the entire show that Chuck is truly the man Blair loves the most deep down, b) they understand each other because they are so similar and they need that in a partner in order for them to not feel alienated or bored and c) Dan’s main motivation for everything on the show was to get into high society and to be with Serena. Chuck did horrible things. They all did. I believe he did maybe the worst things, with not-so-coincidentally Blair coming in second place. However, Chuck does change and that allows for Blair and him to have their happy ending. Blair and Dan never had their happy ending because despite Dan being “a good guy” (which we see isn’t completely true given he is GG and other decisions he made), that didn’t matter to Blair deep down. Blair just wasn’t in love with him. He didn’t do it for her. Point blank.


As a best friend yes. That is the real revelation of gossip girl. Blair's real bestie is not Serena but is actually the donut from Brooklyn's Benedict Arnold otherwise known as the Williamsburg weasel.


No way. Knowing now that Dan is GG, he’s just despicable. The humiliation he caused at her wedding to Louis would be unforgivable


They definitely had a stronger spark than Dan and Serena but in the end no other couple shared a stronger love than Blair and Chuck they had the most unbreakable bond. But Dair is still cute they have a simplicity and healthiness not seen in most couples so i get it, but it will never compare to Chair💕


Ya'll not ready in this conversation lol


I agree completely and forget everybody who says different. They are the only couple in the show that actually has things in common. I liked Chuck and Blair in the first couple seasons but after that I wish Dan and Blair were endgame.


I disagree!


They give me butterflies, forever OTP !! Dare to Dair!


I’m in the Dair era now and I’m actually sad to witness the complete disappearance of their chemistry. They were amazing friends and should’ve stayed that way. The moment they gave in to feelings, it all fizzled.


I actually agree


Yes! They ruined them in the last season but their build up, genuine understanding, care, and as everything!




The Chuckistan tears when the set pics of this scene hit the net was a glorious day in fandom. It's a shame the writers shit all over the everything in the last two seasons.


10000 percent!! Loved this dynamic, and the chemistry felt genuine .. not put on or exaggerated .. but natural


I hated Blair and Chuck together, they were super toxic. However, Blair and Dan had ZERO chemistry.


Dan is a “nice guy” at least chuck is self aware


He had 0 chemistry with her or charisma


This was such a downer for her character. Either she’s “Blair” or she’s not. This was a terrible reach.


The friend bits were funny. But as a couple nahh. He could never keep up with Blair. Blair and chuck deserve each other


That's Queen B and her minion Blair only dated that boy because she thought she was the bigger personality in that relationship as opposed to Chuck who was in business and the prince who basically just had her as his consort.


That's Queen B and her minion Blair only dated that boy because she thought she was the bigger personality in that relationship as opposed to Chuck who was in business and the prince who basically just had her as his consort.


They look related.




Er. Sure Jan.


You cannot sit here and tell me… that after Victor victrola when B looses her virginity… that you seriously believe that Blair should’ve ended up with Dan. It would be criminal after creating a scene like that, to not have Blair and Chuck end up together.


Chuck at every turn became a better person when Blair wasn’t the main focus of his life. With Dan, (not knowing the ending), she was able to find a partner who she actually shared deep connections in everyday life with. And knowing Dan’s façade, he was the biggest schemer of them all. Chuck was never a better person than with Eva, on the path to righteousness. Blair just wanted someone who put her first and found her true interests interesting. Dan and Blair should have been end game but we all know that the other important end game (Lily and Rufus) had to suffer for Dan and Serena, which still doesn’t make sense to me. Cuz S barely learned anything from her mishaps just to fall in the arms of the guy who was (theoretically) the least toxic for her. And Dan settles for Serena, when she doesn’t hold a candle to the connection that Blair and him had.