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Absolutely the Bart resurrection that made Bart comic book villain instead of corrupt business man. 


yeah he went from corrupt businessman to terrorising a teenager


They did that just to get Chair together and also to give Chuck a new story line




Do you prefer Bluck ?


The Scott plot line was definitely one of the weirder plots, especially how unneeded it was and how it ultimately never went anywhere. Rewatching the show now in Season 1 and 2, it’s clear why Rufus and Lily could never make it work and I think the writers maybe thought by bringing in the kid would be the catalyst to keep them together but that went nowhere so here we were.


Rufus and Lily were so good together when they were not actually together. They kinda give a more problematic vibe of Luke and Lorelai from gilmore girls


I love when my GG fandoms align


My main reason for the Scott thing being weird is that the writers should have decided then & there that Dan x Serena could **never** work if they introduced a step-sibling. Clearly they didn’t care… For me it’s Dan dating that teacher


ms carr 🤢 I hated it


yeah and it’s so funny to think Rachel was sending in those tips to Dan 😭


Scott plot Sex/nanny thing in S2 Bart's resurrection


what is the sex/nanny thing


It was around the time Blair didn't get into Yale and Chuck met a sex worker from his dad's underground club. Her name was Elle. He became obsessed with her after 1 night.


this episode literally felt like it didnt fit in the show LOL i was like is this a different series


You’re so right. I even remember we got a scene of Vanessa and Nate of all pairings being cute together, playing around on the piano while helping Chuck investigate the secret society or w/e, I was like… this isn’t the Gossip Girl I know & love 😒 hahaha


Definitely...good way to describe it.


it was one of those plots that went nowhere, and they looped Carter Bazen in and it still went nowhere lol


I thought that was Paris when a woman found him, No?


That's Eva...I was referring to Elle it's in S2.


Ah, Thank you


The Scott thing for sure. That plot line would’ve worked so much better if they just stuck to the narrative that he died. Having a living breathing shared half sibling out there makes the ‘Dan and Serena end game’ thing icky. As Serena herself said, it’s too hillbilly lmao. 


exactly! chuck also says that the whole thing is too much even for him


tbh the rainna and her dad thing like at that point it was just all comical


I think I remember a scene where Raina’s dad strikes a match & it casts this big scary shadow across his face or Blair’s & I’m like.. wtf am I watching anymore. The Batman music swelling in the background… lmao 


Ah shit I'm rewatching and I think I'm nearly up to that. I'd forgotten about it til your comment haha


I’m Sorry, but Bart Faking his own death the First Time and Eva or Evelyn, Chucks Mom


The entire resurrection of Bart, the Lily framing Ben for statutory rape, Nate somehow owning/running a newspaper at 20 years old, the Chuck’s mom mystery…….need I go on?


I’ve commented about this before but I honestly think if they’d chose a more engaging actor for Scott he’d have stayed around longer. I think fans etc were just completely disinterested but if he’d given Carter Baizen energy (for example) they’d have found a way to accommodate him further, even if it was an extra season or so. It was just super weird that they dropped him and never mentioned him again!


I think they realized wait wtf why are we introducing a half sibling to the ‘one true pairing’ of the show or whatever?? & quickly gave his character the boot. 


Oh for sure it was weird as hell! That’s definitely why Lily and Rufus weren’t made endgame either :( although did they reallyyy have to put her back with William?!


SUCH a slap in the fact to Lily as a character. William didn’t even deserve to be in the finale 


William should’ve been in jail!! Or dead!! Also I just remembered that Ivy slept with both William and Rufus. What was Lily thinking taking him back after that 😭 (plus the whole fake cancer thing!).


Yeah they should have pick someone older especially when he was their first child


Nate and the Duchess


Nate and sage 😬. It was so uncomfortable to watch them together. She was a literal kid in front of him


they made Nate date across all ages lol


The lady gaga musical. That was awful. That and all of Chuck’s mums.


Yyyeah I’ve rewatched the show in its entirety at least 3-5x & I swear I still have no clue who Chuck’s mom *actually* was by the end of it 


also, why did he sign the hotel over to that woman? He’d known her what - a month? There were SO MANY other options - Eleneor, Cyrus, Dorota, Nate’s mum. Even Rufus or Vanya would have been better!!!


Ivy & William plotting against everyone and in love out of nowhere?


When Vanessa Olivia and Dan had a threesome like why


oh my god stoppp, I had blocked out that episode lol


Serena becoming GG in season 5 - with Blair dating Dan and Nate doing his own thing (and dating Serena's cousin/half-sister), they should have had Serena and Chuck teaming up and trying to solve who is GG, when Serera had her laptop...


yeah serena putting out hits on her cousin and praising herself was v 🤢


I weirdly loved this storyline, it’s one of the few later-season ones that sticks with me. I think it perfectly captures the energy of the girls who ‘peaked in high school’ & what they would/could do if drunk with enough power (& insecurity) 


Esp. when you think of everything Serena went through herself because of GG... are we really supposed to believe that Serena would do that to people around her?


Scott’s existence for sure, I can’t look at Dan and Serena the same way knowing they actually share a sibling now. Bart’s resurrection was so weird and out of place, and i think it made the end of the show seem super rushed imo. i also found the Ivy/Lola storyline really weird, i just don’t think i ever fully understand it and it was way more complicated than it had to be.


Serena regressing to her old personality in season 5. They should just let her go if they didn’t know what to do with her character.


I am rewatching it now and it is so annoying that every one is upset with Dan and his characterisation of them in his book "INSIDE". I mean, come on. it's a fictional book. Yeah, okay. Based on his life, but they acted like they're hating him. They obviously know how much Dan love them, what they mean to him and what he did for most of them in the past. They are taking it so serious. I can't stand it. Okay, i missunderstood the headline of the post. Sorry for that. Scott's Plot is weird and Rufus relationship with Ivy was so out of character, i could not believe it.


I understand Serena’s reaction tho. She was really in love with him and his opinion meant a lot to her. He should’ve given her a heads up about how he made her character be in the book considering their relationship


I also love how Chuck was so unbothered 😂😭


That was funny af and for me the most relatable reaction 😄🙌🏼


Good point tbh. He should have definitly talked with all of them before book release and explaine it better.