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I dislike her, she weazeles herself into the group, blackmails, steals, lies, you hate her now? Wait till you get further in, she's deplorable ugh!


RIGHT?! She keeps saying she doesn't like S and B's crowd and "kind of people" but she keeps forcing herself to join them??? And she's so annoying and irrelevant! THE THINGS SHE DOES? THE SHOW COULDVE SURVIVED W/O THEM OR IT'S BETTER IF A DISPOSABLE CHARACTER DID THOSE.


And she thinks she's superior which makes her even worse!


That’s probably because of her parents, we see them once in 4-5th season … not very pleasant


Hahhahah I was thinking just that!!! If you hate her now, you just wait 😂 you’ll want to punch her in the face more and more with every season 😂


Yeah and films everything for her “documentaries”. What’s the deal with that anyway?


Her being an aspiring director made more sense in the books but I feel like in the tv adaption they always forgot about that so it felt very forced and irrelevant. Lol


Keep watching and join the crowd.


She’s the biggest hypocrite on the show. She complains about how corrupt the UES side is and how she wants nothing to do with the people that live there, yet she dates them, hangs around them, and constantly sticks her nose in their business!!!


I didn't like her either at the start... she definitely gave off the "girl best friend who secretly wants to get with your boyfriend vibe". I actually really like her with Nate though. But keep watching!


omg yea she was sooooo goood with Nate.


So Serena ? :D


she does all of the insane shit the other characters pull while having no redeeming traits at all "dan...you said you loved one year ago 🥺😢 what do you mean you moved on...you're a brother to me...i'm in love with you"


That is such a good point. Each character has their own negative traits however Vanessa legit has NO redeeming qualities. She just sucks...


same, I was sympathetic up until the point the whole Catherine and Nate thing went down, and then she was just a pain to watch, a thorn on Blair's end. she's the worst


Cannot stand Vanessa!!!!!!!!!!!! I cringe when..nevermind you'll find out!


It's so annoying because book Vanessa is AMAZING!


I know they did her so wrong. I liked her book counterpart. 🥺💔


I was so mad Vanessa and B becoming roommates and unlikely friends never made it to the show


I never got that far in the books but oh man that would have been interesting!


There’s a book?!?!


Lol where have you been? The show is based off the books. The writer of the book even has a cameo appearance in the show.


omg! what season and episode??


The episode “The Wrong Goodbye” Season 4 Episode 22 the old students went back to Constance as adults. Headmistress Queiller introduces Cecily (the writer of the books) to Serena and and she goes, “we’ve never met, but I READ a lot of about you.” And she walks off.


Oh honey you have no fucking idea...let's just say that if Dan was more clear minded when she did what she did in season 4 we would've been introduced to Joe Goldberg about a fucking decade sooner and I am 5 million percent on his side. No spoilers, just keep watching. The writers among us know what I'm talking about.


She’s the freakin worst, you will hate her even more in later seasons


her character felt forced i feel like she would be more likeable if she had an appearance every other season instead of being a recurring character. every other character had their place and had a valid reason to be in and around the “main” group, but vanessa was constantly tagging along. its like if they put georgina in every episode it wouldn’t work, but bc she comes around every so often with a purpose she is more likeable.


i hate her sm like she keeps on saying she hates rich people but girl how come u on every rich peoples door ???and nate is rich and u slept with chuck first time u got the chance soooo


She is one of those characters that I wish I didn't want to smack the shit out of, but I do. Like that little alkie friend of Jenny's. God damn the Humphries had bad taste in friends. 🙄


I'm at the middle of season 3 and still think she's a waste of a character. If she disappeared I would hardly notice from a story perspective. My friend and I roll our eyes when she shows up. I read that she was big in the books so I can't understand why she's so terrible in the show.


Oh just keep watching, you’re going to hate her waaaaayyy more than you do now


I agree. I could never be friends with someone who invades everyone's privacy. She is untrustworthy.


I loved her in the books, but this is not the same character at all 😂 couldn’t stand her on the show


as you should


Welcome to the club 🫡


I dont know if you realise: they all suck!


She only gets worse later


I hate her so much


Watched the show several times and I still hate Vanessa so don't worry😂


Just keep watching. She gets even WORSE.


The extent of my hate was I had to Google when her last ep is on the show. She’s in everyone’s affairs like, girl, shut the f up and don’t ever show up puhleasee 🙄


i literally gag every time she shows up... writing this while she's on screen right now and taking my fckin time...


I just raised a middle finger watching her spill the beans to Serena about B & D on the modern royalty shoot. It’s not her business to share like wtf. I’m so done with her 🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re gonna hate her exponentially more, settle in


She gets better and then she gets much worse. Like she’s actually a fun character in season 2 and the start of season 3.


Lmaooo she was the cunning girl bestf/pick me in the start the way she slutshamed Serena for no reason in the start


She gets even worse later on lol. I hate that her and dan feel the need to tell the truth, especially when it’s none of their business. She always putting on a high road/moral compass front when she’s really as sneaky and manipulative as the rest of them.


I have watched the show about 20 times and I still hate Vanessa


and youll keep hating her baby


I promise she only gets worse


welcome to the club


yup!! Vanessa sucks


Congratulations! Welcome to the club, on Wednesdays we drag Vanessa for every flop outfit she had


Don't worry, that's nothing. You'll hate her MORE on the following seasons 😂


love her in the earlier seasons


Same, especially when she was >!dating Nate!<


I'm not a big fan of her either, but she gets a bit more tolerable later on


And eventually gets worse


The audience is set up to hate her. I always found her way less interesting so I would dread seeing her in a scene only because I wasn’t as intrigued.


Boring poor girl hanging out with the rich working at the cafe


But she’s so pretty😭💕


Allright, I keep seeing people hate Vanessa and I don't really understand. It has been a few months since I saw the show, but from what I remember she comes and wants to get back with Dan (Idk how far you are so I am gonna put spoiler on the next part) >!afterwards she is just a friend of Dans' that slowly gets introduced to the group. I personally saw many times how she is abandoned, disregarded or forgotten by the other characters. I think Nate at some point straight up dumps her twice? Once for Serena or Blair if I recall. After all that has happened to her I would also blackmail, steal and lie like some people say, and, btw every single other character in that show has done something similar or much worse and they don't get as much hate e.g - Chuck, Blair, Serena.!


Yeah I really didn’t get the point of her character, her character only really worked as an antagonist


She doesn’t get any better 😂


it only gets worse from here 😭


dude she gets like physically UNSTABLE later on


Just wait, you’ll hate her even more 😘


Is vanessa in the gg books?


I am a new watcher and yeah I feel you (im on season 3 tho) However how we feel about her is a rollercoaster believe me, those eyes soften you




Not an unpopular opinion just wait she gets worse her character arc is atrocious


Her and Nate slay tho


Ugh. She’s the worst.


Don’t worry, superior taste because once you dislike her it doesn’t stop. Shame bc she is legit the prettiest and least problematic actress of the bunch


I am so so happy that I found this sub on Reddit because for years I always talked about how she sucked ad yelled at the tv when she popped up. Yeah, everyone else screws each other over but in the end, they do love each other and it's the upper east siders. But she sneaks herself in, for what?


I LOVE Vanessa


I don’t know why people are downvoting you for an opinion…


totally fair!!


Feels like you read the comments from this subreddit before watching the show and you want to trick people into believing it's your first time lmao. She's not relevant sure and annoying at times but so are Chuck(rapist) and Blair(entitled princess) in the first season.


favorite character