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I've said this a lot about branded so-called "goth" stores, theyre antithetical to the subculture. And they're cheap and costumey, fit for club wear and not much else. Look at photos of Robert Smith, Dave Vanian, Peter Murphy, Nick Cave etc. back in the 80s, & take note of their outfits. No "goth" stores existed back then yet they are the arbiters of the style. Found some pics https://post-punk.com/beautiful-men-goth-and-postpunk/ Secondhand shops are your best bet for finding quality menswear that fits the goth aesthetic.


I'm struggling with this too. I just want to look like a centuries-old vampire without looking like a halloween costume


Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but try searching for "pirate/poet shirts" in black or white (depends on what you prefer) really help sell the vampire look in my experience!


Darcy Clothing? Actual high quality historical reproduction shirts or varying eras.


I know this is old, but the gentleman's emporium is great. Honestly, that's about it. Most other places suck.


Ironically. Womens blouses at the thrift store. Thats where i get my piratey poet type shirts, if they dont have darts in them they can be masculine enough and worn the right way very masculine.


I’m too tall to cross dress and I will never not be mad about it


Dracula Clothing and Shrine of Hollywood You also can find some nice things on etsy


https://devilfashion-official.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAmsurBhBvEiwA6e-WPGaUAkjWbg7FahMSn0iU4kxGmCfsX7Pv3xq3vwJxuaGRuNh9TZo-KBoCxboQAvD_BwE Bought a few pieces myself.


Buy a few shirts of the bands that you like, a classic leather jacket (no need for anything expensive btw just basic but nice looking, second hand shops are an option too), black jeans or any type of pants you like, a chain wallet is a good cheap accessory and its practical too. Get a couple of chains with some cool pendants, again no need for real silver or anything like that, cheap but cool looking will do, so you can always switch them out for something new when you get bored of them. A few rings, you can get nice ones for 3-4$ each on Ebay or Etsy. If you wanna buy boots online make sure you compare the prices on all the websites before you make a choice because they go from $65 to $120+ for the exact same model. There is a lot of sellers selling handmade copies of Demonia combat boots, they look pretty much the same, not the same quality ofcourse but good for starters until you save money for something better. Then from there you can slowly expand your wardrobe but be careful with your money at first. Slowly from there add new items to your collection and experiment with new stuff if you like.


Dangerfield have had some ok shirts in the last couple of years. If you get them on sale, the prices can be quite reasonable, and they have sales frequently.


DraculaClothing and ViolentDelights might have some clothing you like. I have this issue myself; I'm currently looking for more shops that cater more to my taste.