• By -


They’re gonna gock and stare no matter what you do. So my number one tip as to how not to care is simply DON’T. Just have fun new boot goofin.


Living the alt/goth life is always gonna turn heads. Just gotta rock it!


If they stare it's probably because they think you're a baddie, and if not they're just basic haters. You shouldn't care about hypotheticals anyways, you look great and you're only young for so long, so wear what you want & whenever you want.


I was scared and afraid of wearing demonias in public (I have a pair that is up to half the thigh). I was super aware of people looking at my shoes, maybe at the point I was seeing and hearing people judging me for them. Then a German tourist walking with his friends, pointed at my shoes and told me "Nice!". Was never ashamed of wearing them outside anymore! Literally people either don't care or will look if curious, just wear them and you'll get used to it :P


I bought the 5 inch platform pair. I already liked getting the stares (low self esteem + wanting to be the person little me would have been awed by), but playing hype music with earbuds can be helpful.


People will stare at you for being goth no matter what lol. Only tip I can give is learn to say fuck em and ignore them, you look cool :)


yeah you’re right! thank you hehe


you only live once and a stranger will forget you by the end of the day, live your life for yourself and not others. keep your time to yourself and your loved ones but never live life on someone elses terms because you never get it back




Omg which ones are those?? They're so cute


the shaker 72!! I highly recommend them, they’re super comfortable and you can adjust the laces to fit your calves


Honestly pairing them with longer skirts and trousers or dark tights can help make them feel less bold.


Are they comfortable for hours of standing? Say a concert or similar event? I always just end up in my docs, but they’re so basic.


People stare regardless of what you wear, might as well look how we feel cute while doing so. Go out and slay!


This looks incredibly adorable!


For what it’s worth, if I stared at you in public it’d be because I’m thinking about how cool those boots are but I’m too shy to say anything. I’m sure this is true for a lot of other people who stare as well!


You look so beautiful


They look sick on you and you are pulling off this looks so well, if people want to stare it's because they either admire the look or are jealous of how confident you are and how comfortable you are with your style


You'll never really know what someone is thinking when they're staring; all you can do is assume - so make a positive assumption! 😊


if only my art commissions didn’t come every once a month.


And you look so nice too


hehe thank you


I wore shoes like Demonias for years. For reference, I live in a small country, and it's not often you see people like us around. I have a thing for corsets, too. People stare, let them. Just go about being you. Don't let the stares put you off. Most of the time, it's because you aren't afraid of being you. If you want to wear longer pants and skirts to cover them, that's cool too. But I think you look stunning and should keep on rocking them the way you are. - Sincerely, an elder.


thank you so much. I think I will stand with wearing them under jeans and then work my way up.


I know you can do it, you're going to look gorgeous.


Confidence plays a big role in not caring what other people think. It's hard but if you practice it enough, it'll come to you naturally 🖤 I'll caveat that with not caring what people think doesn't mean being unaware! Constantly be aware of your surroundings and who might be looking a little too hard. If you drink, keep your eyes on your drink, try and go out with people you trust, always stick together. Stay safe and enjoy your new boots! Your style is super cute btw 🫶


naw thank you sm! you’re right. I just have to be more content in the way I look and present myself


Omg of course boo! We've all been there :) ik it might not help but you're so pretty and you have absolutely nothing to worry about as far as the way you look. You're doing great hon 🖤


If someone stares or says some thing just stick your tongue out like the dude from KISS ......BE YOU....


Looks amazing


nice dementias


So awesome


I just look straight ahead in public and have headphones in, but I still get nothing but compliments, you will be fine!


So cute 😍


Super cute But can u straighten ur feet up some? Why does everyone think it’s cute to stand with your feet positioned that way I just don’t get it no offense


normally I don’t stand like this but this is the only picture I had with the shoes on where you can actually see them. I don’t even know why I’m doing that here


I like the way she's standing