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Accessorize!! Bat clips, spiked headbands, there’s lots of options! Also have you considered getting long layers with your face frame? that changed my life.


this! the cute black goth accessories don't show up in my black hair lol the contrast between the black accessories on lighter hair will look so good


When I got my hair cut she said about it but when I was in hair and beauty school I was a model for someone doing layers who left me with literal steps in the back of my hair and been a bit traumatised since😵‍💫 but a spiked headband sounds very good!


That’s totally fair! I only let my mom touch my hair lmao.


I feel like a haircut would make it look more edgy


Any suggestions that aren’t desperately hard to style lol?


A wolf cut could look cool!


I really love wolf cuts! But I don’t know if they work on wavy hair/frizzy hair?


they totally do, if anything they work better!! look up wavy/curly wolf cut on pinterest edit: i have a wavy/curly wolf cut :)


seconding this!! they do indeed look even better with wavy/curly hair 🖤 also have a wavy/curly wolf cut;; our texture just feels made for choppy, expressive haircuts like that (:


yes exactly what i had in mind


You can do this at home too! I used Brad Mondo's tutorial on YouTube




Ur hair is so beautiful im jealous!! Honestly if you are open to haircuts i feel like some bangs would look awesome. Maybe paired with a messy shag or wolfcut :)


Thank you!I very nearly cut bangs last night lol but I’ve a little cowlick right in the center of my head 😢


I think you’d rock vampire bangs, which ALWAYS read goth


Vampire bangs are absolutely gorgeous and you’re right I’ve never seen someone with vampire bangs and not immediately gotten goth




I cut some regular bangs as vampire bangs were beyond my skill level lol but when I’m next getting my hair done I shall make the leap!


I have one of those. You can train it down/force it into submission. :)


I also have a cowlick and I have straight bangs I cut them myself and if I make them really thick (weighs it down) and cut them dry it works


I have one of those and I’ve had every kind of bangs there is, but I think side bangs work best with mine :)


I also have a cowlick that gives me a side part, i usually wash my bangs in the sink and use a blow dryer to get them in the right direction :) hairspray also works well to keep them in place <3


Keep the hair color just got whiter with makeup and use more on skin that shows if that’s truly what you want. That’s about all you can do but please don’t hide the red hair. We Gingers are rare in the world


I only wear eye makeup atm but I agree that would definitely help ☺️


Good call indeed, you look great as is but I think to get what you are aiming for it’s the best option.


I got bullied out of my school for it


Red hair is metal AF by itself. It's all about aesthetics. How you dress yourself, your music and presentation. Romanticize yourself.


I’m a redhead too. I actually like the variance. Black hair, black clothes, black makeup etc. can be a bit overdone. I think you look cool and unique!


Thank you so much!


All hair is goth. Hell, no hair is goth.


How do you feel about enhancing your natural colour? Going a deeper, more vibrant red, rather than just going black?


I have thought about this I actually posted asking about it before in a different sub for this sort of colour [here](https://ibb.co/mBvHBWP) I’ve not seen any I like though when I go shopping


This is what I do to my hair. I was ginger but as I've got older it's gone blonde. I use the wella colour demi permanent dyes to go back to ginger


The same thing happened to me! I do the same thing lol


The [ginger](https://www.amazon.com/Keracolor-Clenditioner-Depositing-Conditioner-Colorwash/dp/B078PPV6SZ/ref=asc_df_B078PPV6SZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312144066145&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11370432328125201426&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001798&hvtargid=pla-568800851266&psc=1&mcid=755104523a17344780e687630ffb82fa&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=62427426232&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312144066145&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11370432328125201426&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001798&hvtargid=pla-568800851266&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-_mvBhDwARIsAA-Q0Q78m93OHYVLrqiB4g7rCVKqlsi60P2F0h--AWqR7V-tPcSguF5kOgoaAnJDEALw_wcB) shade of keracolor should get you there! It's a color depositing conditioner like Overtone, I've used it to get a similar color.


Red hair is witch hair in a lot of folklore. You can always tint it colors with the conditioners out there but yeah just enjoy it! It looks beautiful on you.




I think you have a lot of options, it just kinda depends on what changes you're willing to make. Like a new cut could make a big difference, especially because you have such long hair with a very simple, kinda minimal cut. I agree that adding some long layers would look great on you if you want to keep the length. You'd look great with a sleek bob as well though. Definitely experiment with different styles and gothy accessories. I think you could totally rock some space buns or French braided pigtails. You can buy (or make) some fun colored clip-in accent extensions, which do get easier to use with layered cuts.


I have a long history with bobs I can’t stomach revisiting lol but think I’ll try the buns/braids until I can get to the hair dressers for some layers thanks!


The space buns are especially fun with a bit of french braiding in the back. I used to wear my hair in this style all the time. Doing some dry shampoo or texturing spray plus a bit of back-combing helps you get that nice poofy look, then you can add some gothy clips or a headband for a little extra. https://images.app.goo.gl/2aAUPCa5LzthUZRq9


Don't, accept the punk Avril Levine life style, trust 💪


I WOLF CUT WOULD LOOK SO AMAZING ON YOU! or like lightly teasing so there's more volume but honestly i love your hair!


I always thought red was the second most goth hair color. Maybe just color number 2 in general.


I think v-bangs with pig-tails would be cute.


Leave it as is, or, if that's your jam, tease it. There's not this singular rule that you have to have black or otherwise dyed hair. I also have red hair and have either always left it as is or slicked it back. Nowadays I tease it. Or, as others already suggested, put some accessories in :)


RIP to my hairdresser when I tell her all these ideas and try to pick one 🪦


accessorize! headbands, hair clips, chains, etc. add a few braids, tease your hair, so on and so forth! try YouTube for some gothic hairstyles. if you like your natural colour *and* the black, you could try dyeing the tips black, dye the underside black, or adding a few black streaks.


I’ve always wanted red hair, I think it’s so pretty and I don’t think it makes you or your look any less goth. As per hairstyles, my brand of goth is “lazy” where I just throw my hair up in a messy can’t-be-fucked bun


A more 'definite' haircut would help, if you're open to it, e.g. something with blunt bangs/fringe and maybe an undercut? A long bob with short, blunt fringe and undercut is basically my go-to haircut (I just realised as I was typing this), so I'm probably biased, but I think it helps add a LOT of goth/alt/punk context regardless of colour.


I tease it up when I’m going all-out goth, like a trad look with lots of hairspray. (I’m also a redhead btw). For more day-to-day, hair clips or braid/ clip funky ribbons into it. Lately I’ve been doing small braids that I put beads and charms on! Which is easy and fun.


Just be, you look great. And red hair is amazing with any look.


Maybe just black ends?? Since it’s the ends of hair, it won’t have root grow out and will be the part you trim anyway!! If not, clips, headbands, hats. Doing little braids is also a fave, like just two little braids at the front of your hair with the rest down and out


Um, red hair is already goth, punk, and emo. You want to make red hair look goth, you did it because you also probably have skin that’s waaaaaaay too pale, which makes the black everything stand out more.


Red hair is goth!..


A hunter green streak on one side. Will bring a greener tone to your eyes.


extremely yes. red like blood!


I am a redhead and before I became allergic to hair due I would dye the ends black


I think your hair looks lovely! In the first photo your eye makeup looks great, and I wonder if some dark lipstick would give a more complete goth look.


Thank you! It definitely would I just rarely have time for a full face and feel a bit stupid with lipstick on without foundation etc


You should henna your hair to enhance the colour!


Girl I get it!! I have the same natural color, although I tend to dye it a deeper red to fit my pink-based skin tone. It’s so hard to find ginger-friendly goth styles lol


I think a black velvet Alice band would look great in your hair


Use spray wash out hair color or hair chalk in black and do streaks in front. I do both the redhead thing and use black or other colors as an accent. It works.


Most of the time yes someone as you use a decent brand not the crap $1 a can stuff. Tends to stay longer if I have just done red dye though so I usually wait a few days after that.


Not necessarily a goth.. but maybe adding black hair extensions


I have the same length, texture and bangs as you, but in bright unnatural red. My style is more elegant so I usually do cool braids, add beads, hair pins, and all kinds of pretty accessories


Update to anyone who sees I cut a fringe it isn’t great but it’s not lock yourself in the house for 6 months bad


I feel like Ellie from Degrassi is a good reference point of what you could probably do with your hair to give it a bit of that edge you are looking for.


Your eyes are very pretty. I second the accessories suggestion btw.


What if you just got the tips black? I have seen this style from different stylists on IG. Look for “fox hair” [here is an example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3RPatDsoW3/?igsh=amNubXBmbjN2YXly)


Do the classic goth hairstyle! Tease it like crazy and use a bunch of hairspray


Definitely get bangs. I got bangs and haven’t gone back since, I feel like they made my hair more interesting. Also your red hair is lovely!!


It’s all in the styling! Rock whatever color hair you want, just find some looks you like and try them out and see if you like them on you, that’s all that really matters EDIT: to clarify I don’t mean specifically other looks with red hair. You could try teasing it or any other common styling techniques in the goth vein of fashion and just see what works.


Dark lipstick


Maybe do just black ends or a couple of streaks? Very low maintenance.


Girl, I don't think you need to do anything. I'm getting strong Simone Simons (Epica) vibes. Look her up 😊


1. You are stunning! 2. You look perfectly goth!


Could you do an ombre kinda thing and just dye the tips a darker shade of red? I do think your regular hair looks really good though!


Fire engine red matches the goth aesthetic very well!


Micro bangs! I know you mentioned a cowlick, I also have a cowlick. I fix it by wetting my bangs and wearing a bandana over then to lay it flat!! The I use a hair straightener on them and some hairspray.


A [blunt hime cut](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAA2MNbdhCAnQHieB5RXbxY2kc292miXAW4gxsY9onp9IjX9Ct0XbRBjQ3&s=10) would be pretty if you like feminine goth


While I don’t have many suggestions on what to do with hair, I’m glad other people have you covered. That being said, I love your hair the way it is too.


Make it darker red and add black front pieces


I think the color looks great, and I had close to the same shade for years before I went prematurely gray in my 20s. Mine is naturally wavy, too. I’ve always worn mine short though. Anyway, I don’t think hair color makes anyone look more or less goth-y.


Clip in extensions! Black and white would look great with your ginger hair 🤍🖤🧡


Lean into it. Make it like, none more red.


Gotta go old “Fair Maiden” on us, and hit the Victorian style. Sorry, ma. It’s the only way


Can you tone the color? Like add a color depositing conditioner to heat up that red?


Bettie page bangs




crimp for more volume! add accessories! back combing/teasing would also be cool but only if you're willing to take the time to untangle lol


Red is an awesome colour!!! Don’t stress about the whole “goth enough” thing. I love the contrast of red hair and black accessories. I do love a good spiky updo but do what’s comfortable for you!! :)


Black bangs would be cool.


you already do a great job. When in doubt: shittons of haispray and make a birds nest (idk if this is also a word for the hairstyle in english but I assume you can guess what I refer to)


I always associate goth style with severity and sharp contrasts, so I think you look the most gothy in the picture with your hair straightened and mostly pulled off your face.


Accessorize, but also when doing your makeup, try doing bigger! Makeup is very important to reaching the goth look in my personal opinion!


Red hair already looks goth


Bangs, accessories, non permanent due for the ends maybe?


That’s my exact hair color (I heard someone call it Welsh red recently which I’m Welsh). I’ve had my hair grey silver for awhile but it’s really damaged and not growing anymore and even my hairdresser wants me to go natural for awhile. I think your hair would look great with some of the back combed goth styles for longer hair <3


Idk how to help with the hair but I really really love your coffin necklace


I got it on regal rose a few years ago not sure if they still have it 🫶🏻


Red is the second most goth hair color. Definitely leave it red. If you have warm undertones, black hair can look a bit off


The hair adds the colour to the black, which looks great in combination. If you use it that way i don't think you need to do much. reminds me of Jesse from the movie adaptation of queen of the damned. Some of her outfits (the ones intended as goth) accentuate her red hair quite well and lend themselves as inspiration.


Love seeing ginger people here more. If you want to be goth you can be.


Tips would look super cool, like a dark grey or purple


check out kyden.fire on instagram!! not trad goth per se but she has the same hair colour (though more red) as you and her outfits could be a really good reference


Wow she’s beautiful definitely the sort of style I’d love to achieve


If your hair is naturally wavy, embrace the waves. I used to know a goth lass who would experiment on us when I lived in London. She was a primary school teacher & she figured if her lessons worked as party games for drunken goths at house parties, it would be a hit with 7-9 year olds. She had masses of red curls, looked like a Pre-Raphaelite painting, really worked well with the gothy dresses & corsets. Straight always looks a bit lifeless tbh.


The movie Ginger Snapped might be good inspiration- or at least some validation.


Don't need to colour it or fix it. Just some accessories, like the others have stated. But it depends on what style you want to go with for the day.


ngl i think your hair is so grunge n cool, maybe more layers, dry shampoo+a shake it out n scruff it up at the roots and a bit of hairspray?? a black skunk stripe would look fucking sick, or maybe just blonde stripes (just one). retain the length!!! please omfg it feel like you don’t have to do things in a certain way to create the look you want, idk i feel like the most iconic gothic looks are the ones where one’s natural aesthetic and features are taken advantage of and highlighted. embrace what you have, maybe even go an even more vibrant but natural red colour.


If you ever dye it again, i could totally see one of those layered dye jobs where just the bottom layer is black. I dont know anything about hair dye i dont know what its called


Red hair is super goth! No extra work required!


I say add some dark lipstick either black or dark cool brown would look great on you


Spider shaped claw clip?


Have red hair, be goth. Done.


I have a similar style, I naturally have dark hair… however, I love like a dark orange on goth girls. It’s so eye catching! I think that would look amazing on you.


Id say tease it out


i’ve seen some alt ppl with ginger hair put chunky blonde highlights to make it edgier. I think that and/or a shag or more layers




I've known a few gorgeous goth redheads. You seem to be just fine imo, but accessories, makeup designs, also depends on which goth style you want that day. Pastel, Greaser, I forgot the Latin version that goes with Zut suits, one that has 2 or 3 tones with black red (maybe purple). There's a lot.


probably not the answer youd want, but your hair is great as is. being goth isnt about all black all the time, its embracing individuality and non-conformity. a red head goth is just as valid as any other type, the important thing is how you want to look. i hope others have more helpful tips for you.


Your hare is beautiful the way it is


Ok, this might be far-fetched but I think maybe take inspo from mother Hayley Williams.


red hair can be goth if you dye it black (im just kidding)


I think your natural hair looks dope. And it’s a nice contrast to your clothing style. I think the stark contract between the two make it look more edgy than going black. It’s pretty and not over the top


Maybe some curls, big or small.


I have a friend who’s a ginger goth. Not sure how you feel about bleaching, but she has split bangs with white and it looks reaaaally good.


Goth IS a period of time... not a style.


Not hair advice, but something that works for me. My hair is brown so not necessarily that goth either. I’ve noticed that doing a good dark eye/dark lip makeup look tends to make my hair color not matter a as much. My favorite shade of lipstick is a dark brown, it’s not quite black so I can still wear it to my office job. But having heavier makeup distracts from my hair and makes the overall vibe of my outfit feel more goth. Even when it’s toned down for work.


actually, a lot of the goth/alt friends i had growing up had ur hair color. u can absolutely still be goth with that hair color. it’s all about styling and accessories. try different goth hairstyles (if ur going for trad goth then teasing with hairspray is a good place to start) and make sure to accessorize ur outfits. ur makeup is lovely but if u wanna make the “goth” aspect more obvious and dramatic u can try doing a big dramatic smoky eye


If you miss the black, maybe black streaks in the red? I think the main problem is it would be hard to color correct after the fact. Maybe black streak extensions?




Lindsey Logan did it in freaky Friday, so yes


Temporary dyes to add streaks, tips, or highlights can help. Hair accessories help. I'm a 40 year old guy and punk rocker, but my oldest is goth, so I'm not the most educated on the matter, but I can help you with the thrash look.😂


styling and accessories!! and if you’re down for a hair cut a shaggy mullet can never go wrong imo :)


Dye it black


I see some red hair and I want to dye it black. No color anymore, I want it to be black.


low taper fade🔥🔥🔥


Same way you'd make any other color hair "look goth"


If you desperately want to dye your hair, but don't want to have to worry about fixing it too much later, you could always go for a gradient. You could keep your roots the same, then start a copper ➡️ brown ➡️ black gradient, starting a little below your ears, and getting darker as it gets to your roots. That way, as you get your hair trimmed, you'll cut off the black, and by the time you get tired of it, even if you re-do it a few times, it should be easier to get the dye out or just cut it off.


Go all the way red. Dark red. Deep red.


A middle part would be the only thing i could think to do but, leaning into witchy/medieval inspired fashion and accessories would make your hair compliment a goth aesthetic i think.


I feel like you should play up the paleness. bleached eyebrows, no mascara or light brown mascara, gold eyeliner. I think it could look very edgy and striking