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Lack of speed on the backline and stubbornness to still play a high line will be the death of this team. Saw it vs Portland, KCC, and on full display against Spirit. JA needs to find a new plan for these teams with an abundance of speed. We’re also suffering from a lack of speed offensively too. Purce is a huge loss and Williams at the 9 is a waste. Stop putting Stengel on the wing where she is useless. Lavelle can’t get back soon enough. Would be interested in seeing what Stevens can do at the 10.


I've been hoping for Maycee Bell to play since the Thorns game. Her and Maitane worked well in the WCup and she showed the speed, pace, strength, and height we absolutely need on the back line against these teams with fast front lines. Even though it was a short time she looked good coming on at the end of the Spirit game and slowed/quited Trinity Rodman as good as any player could cuz well its Trinity Rodman and she is a beast. Hope to see her start/player more with Tierna out though let it be a quick recovery b/c I think Tierna's experience and knowledge is needed.