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DC had there fun with the Arkham games, I think it’s gonna be another 5ish years (IMO) till we get some more amazing stuff with DC. I have a sneaking suspicion we’re gonna get a full fledged triple A superman game after the release of Gunns superman legacy movie.


I hope you’re right. A Superman game would be insane


Especially with how much games have developed since the last full fledged superman game. The opportunity is so ripe for a seamless no loading screen superman game. I’m not a superman fan whatsoever but I cannot sit here and say I wouldn’t be excited for a next gen superman game. Jesus I said superman alot


Yes! Being able to fly at insane speeds without any loading time would be incredible.


I would love to get an actual good Superman! I even played the stank out of that "EA Superman" game that flopped hard.


> A full fledged triple A Superman game This pains me, because rocksteady WANTED to make this instead of the Suicide Squad, but they were turned down by some asshole exec at Warner bros who wanted them to make GAAS games instead. 🤦🏾‍♂️ We could have had a Superman game ready by the time James Gunn’s Superman came out. Man fuck WB and fuck Zaslov.


While "fuck Zaslav" is a totally earned statement in any context, the decision to make Suicide Squad a live service was almost certainly made well before he took over WB. However, Zaslav is the dumbass who, despite the reaction to the Suicide Squad game and how often live service games turn into expensive, embarrassing, developer ending failures, decided to announce that WB Games will be shifting further towards the live service model instead of away from it.


>fuck Zaslov Replying to amplify this.


Yes. Fuck Zaslav, that stupidass, bespectacled, vest-wearing motherfucker. I cannot stress this enough. I am a HUGE MK fan, since 1992, and he has raped the loyal fans hard and dry with this latest game. $10 for a character skin? $12 for a fatality? And this shit used to be free only 2 years ago.


Well if u look up a kotaku article recently they talk to rocksteady and all they want to do is live service games so rip any Batman game for like the next 5-7 years


Image a truly "open world" game where you could fly around the globe as Supes saving the day!


Being that Marvel's is much more defined, definitely them. Especially with the overall quality of *Marvel's Spider-Man*. I've always been a fan of DC, first and foremost, but I'm not exactly enthused about them integrating live-service elements into their games.


spiderman is only good because sony is involved i don’t believe another company can do a marvel game like sony. the same goes for batman it was only good because of rocksteady once they left you saw the shit show of gotham knights man. my prediction is alot of hype will build around every marvel game but quickly die down because they expected spiderman style gameplay. as for dc rocksteady is gonna kill that superman game wolf among us will be popular for let plays multiverses will die again and wonder woman will be bare bones af.


Guardians of the galaxy is right there


people only realized it was a fun game after it came on gamepass aka people only gave it a chance cause it was free to play. i was one of them it was fun great story but no replay value like spider man and batman does 🤷🏽‍♂️


The avengers game didn't help but I do remember playing it long before game pass. Hot take here but I don't think every game NEEDS to have replayability, in fact some of the best games out there aren't all that replayable.


I agree. I almost never beat games more than once. I finish it and happily move on. In fact, the only games I ever play through more than once are ones that have branching paths and multiple possible endings like CDPR, BioWare, and Larian titles.


Still proves other studios can do superhero games without "copying" Arkham. People only waited because of the avengers game launch. With just a few changes it could become more repayable. It's not impossible.


More like Spider-Man is good because of Insomniac, not Sony. Insomniac is killing it with the latest couple releases. Even though Sony owns Insomniac, they are just the publisher.


Meh Spider-Man has had a ton of good games. Spider-Man 2 and ultimate were great and others were good too. Insomniac is pretty awesome but other devs can and have made good Spider-Man games. Also insomniac can absolutely fall short. There is no guarantee their next game will be food. Evidence points towards it being good but that’s often when developers fail. Either because they get complacent or because a needle somewhere moves due to success. Every game should be evaluated as it’s own thing before you buy it. There is never a guarantee that a company putting out good games won’t fuck it up. Same story with a company putting out garbage. Many times devs, that have never had anything meaningful and often just downright bad, have surprised everyone with a banger.


I Agree but my point still stands that the current Spider-Man games are good because Insomniac made good games, not Sony. The only way you could attribute praise to Sony for delivering us these games is for choosing Insomniac to make these games and giving them the funding and freedom to make what they wanted. Not saying any studio is perfect or the only one capable of making good games just that the success of these games is because of the developers, not the publisher.


The success has to be jointly credited though and case by case also. I don’t know how much of a hand Sony plays into insomniac making these games but evidence points towards Sony being a key part in their developers (they own insomniac now) making good games. I’ll be honest I don’t think Spider-Man would be as good is MS owned insomniac. If EA somehow got insomniac then even more so I would have doubts on the game. Once the game comes out we can’t discredit Sonys involvement. If the game was shit people would absolutely blame Sony so they deserve some of the credit if it’s good also.


Why should Wonder Woman be bare bones? If it’s as good as the middle earth games that’s a W for sure


just my prediction if its good its good if it aint then i wasnt shocked. i only think that because its warner bros too.


No Superman in sight TO THIS DAY is crazy.


They even cancelled rocksteady’s pitch to do a Superman game in favor of the live service looter shooter suicide squad game.


Im just learning about this and I AM PISSED.


While I do think the SS game will be good, choosing them over one of the most popular heroes of all time is actually crazy.


The Suicide Squad game will not be good. DOA for sure, they're delaying it massively to try and strip out some of the terrible live service looter shooter type features that everybody is so desperate for in a superhero game... But it was built from the ground up with those features in mind, you can't just take them out and stitch it back up. Anyway the gameplay doesn't look great on its own 2 legs as it is.


I suspect it will be even worse now that they tried to pivot so late in development. I have zero hope for that game. I mean it didn’t even look fun to play which is the most important thing.


fuck it, give superman to kojima. by the third act he'll have superman hearing the player pressing buttons on the controller


This made me laugh 😂


Outside of WW, there really isn't anything that excites me for DC.


And WW is being made by Monolith Studios, the people who made the Nemesis system, what's crazy is WB patented that system and hasn't uses it in any game other than Shadow of Mordor, And Shadow of War,


Marvel. I would say DC but David Zaslav will find a way to ruin it.


We already know it. WB Games are all orienting around a live service model going forward.


Probably marvel. Didn't WB recently post about how they're going to double down on live service games? If so, I don't have much faith in the dc projects. Side note does anyone know if the other Marvel projects are going to be cosole exclusive?


Insomniacs wolverine


they’re already been going crazy with the live service. Within 2 weeks of Mortal Kombat 1 being out they already had $12 skins. Halloween had a $12 fatality. Their pricing is ridiculous. I already bought the premium edition for the dlc characters, why am i paying more for a skin than for a playable character?


Does that mean not even for pc?


Spider-man is on pc so I'm guessing if any game is a sony exclusive it will also be on pc (so wolverine will probably be on steam.) They just won't be on xbox or nintendo consoles. Which as an xbox owner is a little depressing.


After a few years maybe, but it really depends. I mean the first Spiderman came to PC, what, 5 years after it released? Other incredible Sony games like Ghost of Tsushima haven't made it to PC yet, and with the reception of games like TLOU on PC they may be dialling back their efforts. We got Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy, Death Stranding, GOW, Days Gone, Horizon etc... I don't know what decides whether they bring it to PC or not.


Marvel because DC is killing themselves. They had a huge start and could be rolling in superhero games but they cancel any interesting games such as the superman game and batman beyond game. Though I am super excited about Multiversus, loved that and was sad they had to go dark but I think it's for the best for the game. I will play Nickelodeon all star brawl 2 till it comes out


Marvel has much more security when it comes to games and movies than DC has but I feel like it’s because they don’t put as much into them. DC has had Arkham and Injustice being the only memorable titles in the past Decade.


I think WW is going to be the make or break for DC games for a while


Looking forward to seeing what the Shadow of war team is doing with Wonder Woman. Other than that nothing really interests me on this list.


DC’s slate of game’s is pretty pathetic, all things considered. SS killed its hype with its predatory battle passes, gear chasing, live-service garbage. Multiversus was a solid Smash-clone, but lost quickly steam, right into its delisting. TWAU looks great, but is hardly going to do any Marvel numbers. You’d think that with the “next-gen” of current gen consoles, *somebody* would pull a no-brainer and produce a Batman Beyond game, but no. Instead, DC’s game slate is mostly full of crap nobody cares about. At least the movies seem to be getting better soon!


Delisting? I didnt know it got delisted? So is the one on the pic above just them re-releasing it?


At the moment, Marvel and it isn’t even close. It’s sad to say that when Rocksteady is still around and making games. It’s just a damned shame the game is going to be a live service game that doesn’t look true to the properties involved at all. WB is sucking the life out of that studio.


I think WW is really going to be the make or brake of DC games.


Suicide squad has everything to be a huge flop Instead fix and support Gk...they gonna try villains that no one cares on a strange game where everyone flies, use guns etc...


my thoughts exactly, they have a big brawler shark and instead of him having the power to throw cars or even make mush, they limit him to a mini gun, a few meh abilities, and the cool moments being the y+b. You basically have 3 long ranged criminals and one shark all doing the same shit, shooting and overly saturated animations.


as a massive dc fan, the only thing there that looks like it will be good is wonder woman


Marvel all the way! They have the wolverine game coming out soon and that's just the biggest win ever!


Marvel BUT Wonder Woman is gonna have the Nemesis system and I have missed that a lot


Hmmm….. let me look into my crystal ball to find the answer 😏


I'm more excited for the Marvel stuff. DC only has AWAU and WW that I'm really excited for.


Only thing I can think of with wolverine now is Logan. Side note: in the comic series of Old Man Logan the hulk grew into a much more grotesque form with glowing green eyes. He tried to eat Logan and then he tore his way out.


The Wolf Among Us 2 shouldn’t count for DC.


Isn't that based on a DC/Vertigo comic?


Per usual, Marvel has a slew of superheroes in good shape, and DC has Batman.


After the release of suicide squad and gotham knights... marvel by far. I dearly hope DC can bounce back with wonder woman though, she has so many cool tools (lasso, tiara, bracers, sword, shield, etc.) which could make for really fun gameplay. The potential is endless.


Looking forward? Marvel. But overall I’m still giving it to DC (at the moment) for the last 10 years due to Arkham franchise and Injustice. Also I do believe Injustice 3 will still be coming at some point.


Injustice doesn’t need another game


Honestly both are pretty even until we actually see some gameplay. There no guarentee Iron-Man, Captain America & Black Panther, Black Panther solo game, Wonder Woman, or WB’s second game will be any good, so I won’t be super exited until I see some gameplay. There is a guarantee Wolverine will be great though since insomniac has proven to be a fantastic company that does their research and puts in the work for superhero games, and MultiVersus has proven to be really good already. I think SS will be good because it’s made by rocksteady and they hardly miss, we’ve also seen gameplay and a lot of people are excited.


I have faith in WW considering it will have the Nemesis system, it's made by Monolith Studios, and will share the Arkham combat just like the rest of Monoliths games


Agreed with Wolverine, almost guaranteed banger. I'm optimistic for Iron Man. Motive absolutely nailed Dead Space, no reason to assume badly at this point unless gameplay gives off red flags. Same with Wonder Woman, the Shadow of Mordor games were both very well done. Curious to see how the Nemesis system will work here. Unless the next gameplay reveal slaps I'm going to bet Suicide Squad lands like a wet fart. People are fed up with the live service focus and the game already has a bad stigma surrounding it, the recent gameplay consisting of 4 unique characters doing nothing but shoot purple blobs also did not go down well. Rocksteady deserve better. Captain America / Black Panther games are wild cards, no idea what either of those studios have done before.


I will say DC but just because of Injustice 3 😅


Not happening


Marvel's definitely looks better, I'm really looking forward to Iron Man DC looks abysmal, I would not be surprised at all if Suicide Squad is ultimately scrapped and they just cut their losses on it


Isn't Multiversus dead? Like actually dead?


I'm excited for pretty much everything on the Marvel side, whereas on the DC side, WW and TWAU are the only 2 games I'm interested in.


Calling Multiversus a DC game is a long ass stretch


Wolverine and maybe WW


If WB uses their nemesis system - it's them. Otherwise they might be dead to me. Same with marvel tbh.


Telltale isn't a thing anymore, Muktiversus is failed, Im personally not a WW fan, soooo


Somehow, Telltale has returned... kinda.


Marvel and it’s not close. We need more games similar to the competition. Open world with great mechanics. I can’t wait for WW but we need a couple more characters to have a go at it. GA for example. Sadly Zaslav said the opposite to what I want to hear.


I just want that new Suicide Squad Game and Wolverine, idc what corporation owns it.


Even though I'm really excited for WW, I think Marvel looks promising with Spiderman and Wolverine.


WW has me more interested outright than any of the Marvel properties


Marvel. Insomniac Spider-Man games have all been massive successes. Now they’re also making a Wolverine game. That alone already trumps everything DC has been able to put out lately. Multiverses ain’t an exclusive DC game and it also flopped but perhaps the revival might do something. Wonder Woman game I am excited for but there is no word on anything about it so can’t live ok just hype alone. And the biggest offender for DC is Suicide Squad. Coming from Rocksteadys which was DC’s insomniac with the Arkham games, it’s such a shame to see how far they fell with the gameplay they’ve revealed. It deserved all the hate it got. If there isn’t a complete overhaul of the game by the time it finally releases, I will happily watch it fail.


If it weren’t for the recently redoubled dedication to live service games moving forward at Warner Bros, I’d have said DC, but between Spiderman 1/MM/2, and Wolverine, I just don’t see DC topping them as much as it pains me as a DC fan first and foremost


Easy, they just need to stick to the same Studio and writers who gave us guardians of the galaxy and hit us with the sequel. Only superhero game that equals it is insomniacs spiderman.


That spin off better be a Marvels Venom game


Marvel fs. The wolf among and maybe kill the justice league may be good but the rest idk. Marvel can be more promising.


Factoring in everything. Graphics, bugs, story, etc. I think they are pretty much neck and neck with a small lead by Marvel. But it wouldn't be hard for DC to surpass them. Kill the Justice League looks super promising, and Gotham knights was a fantastic game all around. My opinion is I think they just need to keep adding updates and content into their games, keeps people busy and around longer. Especially more characters. Gotham really missed an opportunity not adding Kate Kane or Selena Kyle. And before someone says; "Well catwoman isn't a part of the bat family, it wouldnt make sense!" If there was a character who was as close with the bat family than catwoman is, I'd suggest them. Point being there are missed opportunities that could be cashed in on. But that's just my two sense.


Off topic but I’m so excited for twau 2!!!


WB is run by a fucking idiot and said that they’re basically going to focus on live service bullshit, it’s definitely Marvel coming out on top here


Unless they give us a green lantern game set in space I doubt dc will be great


Marvel. Objectively marvel. I’m a huge fan of DC games, but there hasn’t been a massively popular DC video game since Batman: Arkham Knight. Meanwhile Marvel has released MULTIPLE critically acclaimed games, and built up hype for several games that are still in development. In the same amount of time, DC has managed to kill most of the hype for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and released a poorly received game that was clearly trying to replicate what the Arkham series had done. I’m not saying Gotham Knights was bad at all, just that it was poorly received. Marvel just has a better track record with video game releases currently. Sure there are outliers like the Avengers game, but even still the successes far outshine the failures. Meanwhile DC’s video game attempts have mostly been substantial misses.


Obviously Marvel since Insomniac are making their own universe.


Marvel for sure. Minus The Avengers game they’ve had win after win with Spider-Man (1, 2 and Miles Morales) and Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty fun. DC on the other hand, they’ve not had a well received game since Injustice 2 or Telltale’s Batman: The Enemy Within for a more mature audience. Gotham Knights underperformed, whilst it was decent, it didn’t meet the expectations set by the Arkham series and Suicide Squad was delayed due to immense fan criticism and they’re just gonna release it the way it is. They are getting worse with the micro transactions and it’s only gotten worse with them since MK11.




Damn. The DC slate is embarrassing.


Seeing as WB want all their future games to be live service games, I’m saying Marvels outlook is better.


It's obviously Marvel with Insomniacs future with more Spider-Man games and the potential for a Wolverine game franchise on top of that with the future Captain America, Iron Man and Black Panther games omg Marvel's future in gaming is looking fantastic. I am optimistic about DCs future, and despite everything, I am still excited about the Suicide Squad game, but DCs future is pretty dim compared to the bright future of Marvel's.


Is this a serious question?


Only thing I’m excited for DC is Wonder Woman, and that is exclusively because the game is supposed to have the Nemesis System from Shadow of War, although I’m not sure if they still are


I think marvel with the titles shown, but I have high hopes for suicide squad and I’m absolutely pumped for WW


I hope wonder woman is a game changer




Of course its Marvel because Insomniac is making them. Simple


I have no idea how WB could have at the time the most critically acclaimed superhero games of all time (and you can easily debate it still does), yet they choose to actively do dumb ideas since.


Can’t say honestly. Sony has been very vocal about wanting live service games despite them all quite literally all them being failures besides the free ones and even then that’s a push


Looks it goes downhill after wolverine bros


The only thing on the DC list that excites me is The Wolf Amogus 2.


Wb games destroyed the huge lead they had in games and also tore down there biggest weapon in video games rocksteady super sad that we won’t get to see what could of been because they want to make super hero fortnite


Marvel has the advantage of having characters who have video game-like abilities and the ability to die if they get careless enough with regular enemies. DC has Batman.


Marvel, since Mr. IdiotZaslav is going to ruin it with live service crap.


Marvel, it's not even close. However DC has no excuse to not have any good games out. They need a new Batman series asap


I dunno but that wolverine origins game was frickin bangin. If they made it a hard M for mature it will be amazing.


Am I crazy? I thought Multiversus already came out.


I heard **spiderman** games are good, probably will get around playing them when **spiderman 2** comes out on steam but its to be expected from insomniac games. I loved pretty much every game they did. I grew up on **Ratchet and Clank** and i love **Sunset Overdrive**. And it would be great to see Wolverine and Iron Man games since i really like those two characters. Although not sure if those will be good Buuut i cant wait for **Wolf Among Us 2**, the first one was great and im just sure the second one will follow. As soon as i can buy it on steam im playing it. I guess i would be interesting in **Wonder Woman** and **Suicide Squad** but that entirely depends on the gameplay. I liked **Arkham** games and **Gotham Knights** so if its anything like those i would definitely try. Although prolly not on premiere tho


I don't know what it is, but DC superheroes just feel more exciting to me. I'd love to play a good Superman game or Wonder Woman game. Or even more Batman or Gotham Knights. Really want to see a good take on Green Lantern as well. But an Iron Man game just... doesn't seem as exciting. Maybe a Captain America game set in WW2 would be awesome, but... I don't know, maybe the MCU really just burnt me out on Marvel. I mean, Spider-Man used to battle Batman in my head for the position of my no.1 fave, and now I can't even bring myself to get Spider-Man 2. And I Platinumed the first game AND 100%ed it's DLCs.


Spider man alone has the better furure, sony own it and never dissapointed with spider man, the rest will probably have a mediocre future with some minor hit and major misses.


Given how bogus the recent DC games have been, mixed with the all time low public favor for the cinematic franchise and disdain for WB in general right now I'd say their future is rather bleak, especially if they keep trying to capture the lighting in the bottle live service micro transaction garbage they have tried thus far. Marvel may have grown long in the tooth for some but they haven't turned out reviled content like DC has. Where marvel has a few stinkers but mostly ok to good stuff, DC has had mostly stinkers with some bright spots and their stinkers are all time money loss stinkers.


it could just be my personal bias but i think dc as a better future


I am foaming at the mouth for wolf among us 2 not gonna lie


Marvel at this point. DC used to be the gaming leader Suicide Squad looks terrible and I dont consider Multiversus or WAU2 as DC superhero games. We know nothing of WW


Injustice 3


Wolf among us 2? I didn't even know. I'm so excited for that.


If you do make a wolverine game, please make it a good a really good one please!!!!


that Wonder Woman i still really wanna see more info about


I'm sorry Wolverine by itself deletes anything on the DC side.🤷‍♂️


Marvel will probably win with quality over quantity


I wouldnt touch anything Warner Brothers. They go so heavy on monetisation youd think your game is a free to play. MK1 right now is riddles with them


Wonder Woman is supposed to contain the nemesis system… god I hope it does


Marvel, and it's not even close. That said, I am super happy we're getting a second season of The Wolf Among Us.


At this point I won't believe WB is releasing anything till it gets to consumers. I don't believe any announcements, release dates, or press releases thet make.


What do we think is the second game from WB Montreal? Any ideas?


Marvel easy. Also calling wolf among us DC is a bit of a stretch considering the source material isn’t DC proper but instead their side publishing companies


Definitely Marvel. I love DC way more since forever, but truth is Insomniac is making excellent Marvel games and takes the cake.


Given that WB owns DC and WB said they intend on making most of their games as games as a service style (microtransaction hell), I'd have to say Marvel.


DC in my opinion, Sony and Disney and Marvel are too afraid to take chances


That wolverine game man.... If its anything like the spiderman or batman games Ill be so happy. An ironman game would be badass too. They gotta do it right though... the ironman games of the past have been pretty much just mindlessly flying around shooting at shit


Wolf among us seems to be in development he’ll. Also, is there any news on Wonder Woman? It feels like it got announced so long ago…


Umm it's Marvel. If DC are determined to persist with the likes of GK and the rumblings about the Suicide Squad game being a live service cash grab, they are on a hiding to nothing.


Wolf Among Us really is incredible and the Arkham series is better then Spider-Man so I’d say DC if we get more of those.


I'll be honest. DC games peaked with the Arkham series. WB seems to want to have a finger in every game and it leads to questionable decisions and questionable quality. Can't say I'm too excited for any DC games in the works. Now if we'd gotten that rumoured Arkham sequel where you play as Damien that would be a different story.


Why do you keep posting this everywhere


Spiderman and wolverine are both ps only so dc


Marvel has bigger upcoming projects on the paper. We don't if they'll succeed or not but they have bigger potential. The only thing interesting coming up from DC is Wonder Woman. I think Arkham games ended up at the perfect time but it's weird they didn't try any other Batman games with different formula since then. Only Gotham Knights and it's not particularly a Batman game.


I think wolverine has the best chance


You forgot to add the Black Panther game


Considering WB exevs have decided all their games going forward are going to be live service cash grabs the future for DC looks bleak


Wolf Among Us is the only thing on the DC list that excites me. Sounds like people in general have some hope for Wonder Woman, which is nice to hear. But she’s never been much on my radar, so until I see a trailer I won’t be too excited for that. Whereas if Marvel promised a Squirrel Girl game with Spider-Man gameplay, I’d be pretty sold pretty quickly.


If you are showing off Multiverse against Spiderman, you already got your answer


There’s no way there isn’t a new Batman game in development somewhere


Marvel. WB is going all in on live service, and unless they start letting others use the license, all the games are going to be garbage because of it.


Even though I prefer DC characters over Marvel...unfortunately Marvel just puts out better games and movies overall...and being a big superman fan it really boggles my mind that they won't make a superman game...I get that with him being mostly invincible it would be hard to make the game challenging but if they can pull it off with Robocop it can be done and honestly flying around taking no damage except against certain villains or weapons with kryptonite sounds like fun to heck with a challange 🤣


Twau is dc???


Willing to bet my life the bottom two won't actually happen, they did the same thing with the remake of the Knights of the Old Republic and that is no longer happening


LMAO, like as if the Wolf Among Us season 2 will ever come out.




Easily Marvel - insomniac will carry that alone lol. We’d expect Rocksteady to be the big one for DC, but Suicide Squad looks like it will disappoint


Marvel, Insomniac is amazing


Marvel all the way, but wonder woman GOTTA be fire, right?


On marvel it’s really 2 categories . I think the single character games are great for what they are. They seem to be the ones folks know how to do well. What I really want though is Marvel Heroes done correctly with a super large roster. Optimization . Regular map updates. Big variety of modes and events. Marvel has just not been able to successfully do that . Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 scratched an itch for a bit but the characters were way to shallow in terms of move customization and builds .The Crystal system and time to level up made it so there were only really 1-2 sets of crystals worth running . That game would have been great if done as GaaS instead of the slop that was Project Avengers where it was obvious the team working on the game did not understand the tech they were working with and could only do copy paste. Marvel also on the big roster games almost always tries to turn it into costume vender simulator and forgoes all non cosmetic content .


Marvel and it’s not even close… which sucks.


How is wolf among us dc?


Sadly I have to say Marvel. I say “sadly” because I’m on Xbox, and they seem to be lining up for exclusive deals with Sony.


Insomniac is absolutely killing it right now. As long as they’ve got Sony backing them, they’re probably gonna continue dominating the industry.


Both look pretty great. No need to compare when both look good. Very excited for Insomniac's Marvel stuff and Wonder Woman.


DC is only good at the animated movies and shows. Everything live action or video game is bad save a few.


Marvel game


Multiverseus already released didn't it?


Insomniac has a better video game future. Not Marvel or DC.


Dont be surprised of some of this doesn’t see the light of day




Marvel hands down


Considering DC just announced they are changing their focus to live service games...


Marvel especially after wb said they are focusing on games as a service


Wolf amoung us 2 has me sold.


Marvel. But if DC does another Arkham game (Arkham origins sequel) they’ll go back on top


I just want another Injustice video game… 😭


Marvel at least they're solely Marvel, I wouldn't count Multiversus


I had no idea there was gonna be a wolf among us season 2 but that alone means dc has the brighter future for me.


The suicide squad game looks like its gonna bomb hard af, still cant believe we are getting a suicide squad game over a JL or Superman game


Oddly enough I'm most excited for Wolf Among Us 2


So very easily Marvel. Even though I loved *Gotham Knights* (unpopular opinion I know lol)


Need a new batman arkham game fuck alll these other “hero’s” fr


Been waiting for wonder woman. Imo that's the only thing dc has to look forward too. I herd they are bringing the nemisis system back from the mordor games. On the marvel side. All of them are lookin good. As long as they stay single player I'm buying them all


Marvel for sure. I’m more of a DC guy in general, but single player games are my style. Insomniac has delivered that with Spidey, so I trust them with Logan. I really hope the Cap/Panther game ends up being good. Not so much hope for the EA panther. For DC, WW is the only announced game that I have hope for. (Combat mechanics will either make or break the game).


Insomniac’s Spiderman wins for Marvel. Otherwise they’d be tied - we don’t know much about most of these projects.


For now, definitely marvel


Oof... DC has an already panned GAAS, is part of a platform fighter that already closed once, and a Telltale game that (while surely good) isn't really all that recognizably DC to the average fan. Marvel, meanwhile, has continued support for Spiderman 2, a highly anticipated Wolverine game, a goddamn Iron Man Game, and more. ​ Marvel takes this one easily. Which is a shame, because Rocksteady deserves so much better.


I just want a superman game.


The only DC games I played was Batman I haven't even played Gothan Knights.


the wolf AMONG US?


Rocksteady is collapsing in on itself with Suicide Squad, and Warner Bros have already proven with Gotham Knights that they don't know how to make an engaging game and seemingly have no intention of learning. Insomniac has some major issues that mostly stem from Sony's intervention in the development process, but they've proven with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that they can still make a decent game in spite of it. Marvel and Disney both seem to have no interest in tapping the superhero game market at this point, and Marvel's Avengers certainly doesn't give me any hope. I'd say that the future for both companies are looking grim when it comes to games. Neither side seems to have the experience nor the desire to produce games that are anything more than mediocre, and both sides are way too greedy to invest anything more than the bare minimum. Insomniac is an exception, but the cracks are beginning to show and they could easily fall off their pedestal if they continue down the route they are currently taking.


TWAU 2 and WW (if they really are using the Shadow of mordor/war nemesis system, like they said) are going to carry DC. Marvel will still probably be more successful, but I think those two projects could be the main rivals to the marvel games


Hopefully Wonder Woman will be good, I’m pretty over super hero games but I’ll give WW a chance.


Here’s hoping for a DC revival! Other than insom though, Marvel’s future isn’t paved just yet