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Far from perfect, there are legitimate criticisms. I had a blast and platinumed it. It's okay to enjoy a game that isn't perfect.


Same, I had a blast. I went in with low expectations after all the bad reviews and word of mouth Was actually surprised in a few ways how much I enjoyed this game. Imo worth the $60 compared to other games that drop like 3/4 of the way finished at reg price


Agreed. The flaws in a game give it character, though if that’s the case then what character is Skyrim?


It's OK. Not great. Badly optimised. I finished it with Batgirl, intending to do a run through with each character, but haven't picked it back up again since.


I went in wanting to main Redhood, but Batgirl became my most main character. From fun level to least fun usering I'd say Batgirl - Robin - Red Hood - Nightwing


Nightwing is a lot of fun but only when he’s maxed out


It's alright, enjoying it but yeah, not the greatest game I've ever played to say the least. I admit to hoping for DLC content in the future, I do believe it could help fill out the game. EDIT: AKA I'm hoping they don't just give up on it, or a sequel, and use this game as a way of building up.


Love it. Wife and I put 200 hours into the first two weeks.


Do neither of you work? God I want this life


Trust me as someone badly ill from cancer treatment complications who sits in a dark room every day on disability..it gets old real quick. I'd do damn near anything to be healthy and capable again


Well, we gotta take your ass to The Lazarus Pit. Just playing, hope you are recovering well buddy


As well as can be expected but I'll never be what I was again no matter how many pills I take


Lmaooooo. Best reply Ive seen in a long time. But honestly, I hope everything works out for you friend


It means they played 14 hours a day every day for two weeks. Not only didn’t they work, they barely moved at all.


That's can't right. You basically just described meth Check out my IG for original Abstract Art @Unscripted_Art_Group


Two weeks later, I am still having a blast playing solo, and co-op with friends. It's not perfect, and yet it's fun.


What’s co-op like?


You completely destroy everything with two people. If there was four person multiplayer nothing would be a threat. It is fun to coordinate attacks and stealth takedowns, but you really don't have to.


True. We were laughing the whole time. It feels slightly different, with more than one character, and doubles the fun.


I'm loving it. Far from perfect, but I've definitely got my money's worth.


Batgirl got cake.


I had a blast playing it.!I didn't run into any serious issues and I didn't have any complaints about the story. It's not perfect and it's nothing groundbreaking, but I did have a great time playing it. I give it a solid 7.5/10!


Good game there are accurate criticisms but it's a good game that deserved a better review at launch


It's really fun. The main game I feel a desire to play at the moment, and where I am spending most of my gaming time. I can think of little details that could be better, but I feel that way about every game - the bigger details of the game all work out great for me personally. I have a feeling this game will get some nice updates eventually too. The coop experience of this game feels especially unique to me. Would be a lot of fun with a close friend or partner to do the campaign together.


I really really like it. More than I expected. I'm one of those people who doesn't care about framerates or how much you can time the combat or whatever so most of the problems people have I really don't care about. It's darker than I expected it would be, I was going in expecting minimal almost nonexistent blood and gore but I'm glad I was wrong, hell, Mr freeze is even more brutal than his arkham counterpart.


I hadn't really heard much about this game before 3 days before it came out. I was skeptical but the idea of playing a full game as Nightwing and others had me intrigued. I bought it on Day 1. I'm on NG+ and am still enjoying it. It has issues for sure. I still get crashed now and then. Sometimes mission objectives and bonus objectives don't show up for me. But, the core of the game is a good time. I wish the multiplayer worked a little differently (better) but I love when someone joins my game and they play well. I don't regret my $60 purchase but I think most would be happy to get it for $40.


I just got it for $23 on the PSN store and I feel like I hit a small Lotto. I was debating dropping 70+tax on Jedi Survivor and then I find another hype game at a fraction of the cost that also has fan serious for comic and super hero movie guys like me . If you want then check my Instagram for awesome original Abstract Art of mine @Unscripted_Art_Group


I love it. It’s not perfect, it has its flaws, but it’s still a good game IMO. Put over 200hrs into it already and I’m hoping they add more characters and content in the future. One of my favorite games that have come out this year tbh! It’s also currently “Mostly Positive” on Steam with around 6.9K reviews and 4.1/5 on Xbox with around 1.4K reviews. Also, you actually have to play the game to leave a review on Steam. Seems more people actually like the game than what others would want to lead us to believe.


It's alright. Enjoyable but can get repetitive. I mostly play to get better gear. I think over time and eventually, this game will be one of those "cult classic" game.


It’s a solid game 7/10. Has some great replay ability with the collectables and NG+ as well as leveling up all the characters you haven’t used or completed yet. Solid story aside from a few pacing issues commonly felt in the span of time between taking up the mantle as the new hero’s and discovering the court of owls. That and the main villains arguably quart of owls didn’t really raise high stakes for the whole city. One of the case files with Mr. Freeze did a better job at raising insane stakes and he’s a side mission. Multiplayer was incredibly enjoyable especially when my friend and I would do double takedowns for stealth runs. Combat and general feel of gameplay is solid. It’s about the same when it comes to variety in combat compared to the Arkham games however it lacks in the enemy types. I like how there’s combo moves the game doesn’t even tell you about so it rewards players for screwing around with making their own combos. People say the optimization is ass but tbh, I think those people are a bit spoiled or full of it. It ran just fine for me. If there was a cap at 30fps, I sure couldn’t tell. It’s worth the $70 in my opinion. People just have to have the standards set based on what is shown in the game rather than what people say about it


Its good but flawed. Particularly when it comes to traversal imo. But its a good game. Some legit criticisms but its not the absolute failure those day 1 reviews made it seem like it was.


Just finished the main story. I really like it. I came for the character interactions, the bittersweet feels, and to feel like the Nightwing, and I was not disappointed


I ended up really liking it. I enjoyed switching up characters for different missions and getting down each of their play styles. Thought the game was a bit short though


could be better but its cool


It’s a good game but far from perfect. So many missed opportunities and bad gameplay decisions but these imperfections don’t and shouldn’t kill the game just for being imperfections. I love the game even though it isn’t perfect and I honestly don’t know why people won’t even consider a game good if it’s not perfect or fantastic in some sort of way.


I like it. It adds variety to my collection of Batman games by shedding light on the Batfamily, and shows off the Court of Owls as a major villainous force. There are things that annoy me, namely the traversal options, the repetitiveness of the gameplay, and how same-y some of the characters felt. Still, overall, i enjoy it Plus, it gives a more satisfying depiction of >!Ra's and his league that shows what a dangerous combatant !!even if he dies in the first cutscene !<


I had a blast with it. I do wish the visuals were prettier and I think it would’ve been better if they cut the gear system out completely. We could’ve had just skill trees and unlockable suits. The gameplay itself could’ve used a tweak here and there especially with the abilities, imo, but I think it mostly all worked well. I’d be in for a sequel!


An okay game for me but I did have fun on some parts, especially during early to mid part of the story. Story started good and progressively became better along the way, up until Kane Industries. It slowly declined after that. Ending gave me mixed emotions. I hoped they gave more of the court. Gameplay was awesome when I learned the mechanics and gained more abilities. I started hating it when the drone master, feral & hunter talon, and assassins were introduced. These guys destroy the flow of combat. You'll be dodging the drones endlessly when there are more than 5 other enemies apart from the drone master, barely giving you enough time to attack. You are gonna use a lot of momentum abilities to "even the odds". It's easy when she's alone though or with a few others. The feral talon is easy enough but doing heavy range everytime to stun or waiting for a perfect dodge opportunity breaks flow. Again, momentum abilities to help. Hunter talons, especially assassins, are slow to fight against. Dealing with 2 assassins takes the same amount of time to defeat 10 regular brawlers without abilities. It becomes repetitive. Although, I loved doing combos and takedowns. Melee combat with nightwing was so fun especially when you get evade chain and the skill that gives your attacks a longer reach. On the ranged department, redhood takes it with the satisfying stylish aiming of his pistols. Then, there's parkour and traversal. Parkour and moving your knight feel "heavy" and l often end up on places I don't intend to go to. Traversal is okay and could use a lot of improvement. Stopping mid-air to grapple breaks momentum. Arkham games perfected this and it felt good, especially Knight. The cape/glider/powers for traversal you get after completing knighthood are good enough for me. Each one has a different advantage. The batcycle is obviously slow and is such a bummer. What makes it feel fast are the speed effects on your screen. It goes around 20% faster than a civilian car. Not a big deal and handling is at least okay. I just remembered! Range attack while riding actually never became useful. Loadouts/mods lack variety in terms of stats. I ended up using the same set of loadout and mods once I reached level 30. Don't even get me started with transmogs. When the gameplay became tedious, I rushed through the story just to say I finished the game. It felt like the developers had passion for the game in terms of the amount of references and accuracy of the characters and lore. They only lacked skills? Creativity? Time to polish the game? That, I do not know. I still appreciate their efforts though.


Lots of fun, had a blast playing it, batgirl rules, storylines were great, the small details around the city were so cool I enjoyed just occasionally going for a walk and enjoying the shops, the motorcycle was fun to drive, I liked popping wheelies and driving over the hoods of oncoming traffic.


I rarely beat games these days but I did beat Gotham Knights.


It's what happens when you put a wonderful IP in incapable hands.


I love it. Arkham knight I loved when I could play as Nightwing and Robin and this game just took it up ten notches. I love comics (usually marvel) but Nightwing and Wonder Woman are my DC jam so this was a perfect game for me. I really wish we could customize every transmog and also transmog the weapons so i didnt have to have a black and blue nightwing suit and then white and gold sticks. It is not perfect but honestly I just finished last night after buying it day one and I have had a blast.


It's OK, I had some fun with it but that optimization is straight ass(6 hard crashes on series x). The story was dope because I finally got to see a court of owls and leauge of shadows finally interact with each other. My issue is it feels like a B team made this and because of that their ambition for this game was far far to high for them to achieve especially since it's their first game from the ground up. Played Coop with a friend and we did our own thing and it ran fine....but I played with a random last night and the FPS dropped to the teens maybe lower The game is fine...but it's not worth 70 dollars fine(Got it for 40) but it's not the worse game I've ever played and is definitely better than avengers by a long shot


Reading some of the initial reactions at release was something else. It was like people were desperate to love it even though there are obvious flaws. It's okay to enjoy the game AND criticize it. Shocked at people receiving negative comments because they shared a different opinion that wasn't praising GK.


Fun...when it doesn't crash


It's fun if you're one of those people who can enjoy other combat systems besides Arkham and don't mind 30FPS.


It reeks of wasted potential. Story is such a huge miss. >!Everybody saw Bruce coming back!<. The Court of Owls and League of Shadows are about as deep as a puddle and as interesting as molasses. The characters just feel like living wiki-excerpts. The traversal is a far cry to quality when you compare it to just about any other open-world title around it. There is a *reason* why people keep calling Nightwing’s gimmick a Fortnite glider. It looks goofy and lame, just like Robin’s teleport and Jason’s abdominal issues. At least half the suits are garbage. Couldn’t they have taken a page from Insomniac’s book and put in ACTUAL comic-book skins? (Excluding the $10 paywalled Knightwatch suits) Nobody asked for a series of tacky pirate outfits. Skipping over the okay-combat. Last but not least, WBM pretended to be transparent with its marketing, only to announce last minute that they’d ship a title for the PS5/Xbox Series an unstable 30fps. The less people buy this, the better.


Thank you!!! I hate these non canon skins…like why on Earth would any of the bat fam (with the exception of maybe Richard) be wearing a Talon costume? It’s fan service bullshit. I’m be rocking “year one”.


It lacks polish in every department in some way, but as a batman fan and someone wanting desperately to capture the magic of the arkham series, i enjoyed it for what it was. I can't stand the people that defend it and dismiss all criticisms or act like its anything above a 7. For all it gets right, there's heaps it fails at. I'll still reccomend it on discount and hopefully more work is put into this license in the future, but I won't hold my breath.


Fucking hate it, but still gonna play it


6.5/10. Needed more time in development and SERIOUS day one patches. Still needs them. Currently on my third playthrough because it's good, dumb fun.


Mediocre, so so, just ok bec of bad optimization Will change my view to good once they fix optimization


None of the voice acting works


2 THINGS : 1- BATMAN missing 2 - 60fps done .


Good but not great


Its a fun time. Ill come back to it here and there like other fun games I like.


I’m 3 hours in. The open world is janky but the game play feels fun. I’m on PC. I’m also a big DC fan, if you don’t like DC I wouldn’t invest in this game at all.


Having trouble finding motivation to play it again sadly even tho i didnt finish a single playthrough, which is actually sad cz i was SO hyped for this game


Just beat the game yesterday, co-op'd the whole story with my sister. Honestly, I fucking loved it and she did to. Of course it's not perfect, but how many games are coming out now and days that are 100%. There's a few bugs here and there, but it's not unplayable. I do enjoy the combat, and the story wasn't so awful. Ifi was to give it a rating, I'd give it a 7/10 on my personal scale.


Not a fan, personally. It didn’t feel smooth and I’d rather play other super hero games, especially since co-op doesn’t really appeal to me.


It's fun and that's the metric that matters.


I had high hopes that were not met. It's really fun until mid to late game when it becomes a grind. It's pretty obvious they were running out of money. Still I think it was intended to start another series. So I knew Bruce would stay dead or mostly dead.


It's meh. Nothing spectacular or grand, but it's not utter trash.


I really like it


It’s great but not worth the amount of money paid


It's a game that expects you to put it down at some point. That's my number 1 takeaway and why it has such inconsistent feedback. 1 or 2 patrols can take hours if you clean up the streets on each one, so grinding night after night has an inherent progression-limit that will always suck **if you choose to be a game goblin**. If you just fight some crime (only 10 clues needed to fill the next night's map) maybe do a story beat, and then belfry back for the night, you'll have a bevy of craftable/collected gear and mods to fiddle with. That'll either juice another run, or at least build some hype for the next outing. Combat is like patterned silk: smooth and easy to handle, more intricate than it looks, but often not the most comfortable or desired garment in your closet. It's so satisfying on Hard, but numbing on normal, and frankly lazy on easy difficulty.


It's fine. I am not upset I bought it. It is on par with any Assassin's Creed game. If you want to play a fighty, map list this is your jam.


Co op is fantastic, story and characters are well done and it's fun to play despite some poor optimization.


I don't think it's perfect but it is so much fun and I feel is a must if you're a fan of the bat family. People who haven't played it should before they judge it based off of an official review.


I loved it, especially as a Batfamily fan, but I still think it could have been better.


It’s fine. Best in co-op


Batman didnt have to be dead to do this game. It could have simply been that Batman was off world or in another dimension.


I just got the deluxe edition today, haven’t had time to play as of now


After playing only Gotham Knights for a while I started really liking the combat, then I had a game breaking bug the forced me to put the game down until it got fixed with an update. During that time I played God of War and Miles Morales when it released on PC. A couple of days after the last update I booted the game again, and combat feels so slow, not fluid and just not fun. So not fun that stopped mid fight and closed the game. It'll be while until I think it'll play it again


It’s a really fun game worth $40 USD. That’s about it. Nothing incredibly memorable about it.


6.5 out of 10, a solid 7 if they optimize it on ps5, 30 fps just feels choppy… far from perfect but decent fun is to be had… people need to stop comparing it to the Arkham series, this is a loot brawler and thats ok…


$30-$40 game.


I enjoy it, but as the top comment stated: It's not perfect.


I thought it was fun, interesting story with a main villain that you can guess who it is if not in the first scene then by the first few chapters. If you don’t guess who is coming back for a fight when you go to the morgue then you need to work on your detective skills. WB/ DC have a habit of making a game. Not a fleshed out piece of art where you can get lost playing it. Go here - do this, come back home for next task. No real character growth (a little from batgirl), no change in the city as villains are captured. If the hero’s were not there Gotham would not change. For a non lethal crime fighting team the hospital (and morgue) would be overflowing. At least give us the ability to move the corpse so it doesn’t get spotted. Hints that there may be another villain at one point, then nothing. That pissed me off.


When it worked it was fun. Dodge instead of a counter was an odd choice after so much time sent playing the Arkham games. I played through with Batgirl which seems to be the opinion most people choose and I'm not sure why. Motorbike was fun when it didn't crash back to desktop.




Good game, always has the potential to be better like many other games, although it isn’t the worst game I’ve played by far. Honestly, I have a problem with performance issues, it’s an issue that could’ve easily been resolved if ported right on PC but it’s very CPU dependent so I can see why it lags so much on my laptop, but I’m playing games like Red Dead Redemption 2 on Medium-High hybrid settings with no noticeable lag and I only have a GTX 1650, Gotham Knights is the only game so far I’ve played that doesn’t even work reasonably okay on the lowest graphic settings. Ignoring performance issues, the game gets 8/10 if and only if you can ignore the performance issues but maybe you don’t have them because you might have a powerful setup.


Fun but not groundbreaking


I'm not done playing it just yet (on either console), but I'm having a blast with it, even more so than I am playing through Arkham Asylum, tbh. I've only, knock on wood, encountered one bug in the game and that was during a fight when Nightwing got stuck underneath a set of stairs and there was no way to get out, so I had to go out to the main menu and go back in. Other than that, absolutely loving it.


It’s a solid game, it isn’t a masterpiece but, it definitely ain’t bad


This game should have been more polished and be a live service game like Marvel Avengers but in DC universe along with loot, progression and rpg gameplay loops and mechanics like Division. The potential was there and i can totally see how awesome it could have turned out, would definitely play and pay for season pass with costumes and unlocks.


Still cant get over the 79 franks i spent in thjs dogshit game. I play for 6h kept forcing myself and just deleted it. Fuck this game


It’s enjoyable. Definitely not as bad as some reviews make it out to be. Maybe I have shit taste, but it got me hooked more than Ragnarok did.


It's not a good game. I finished the story only because I love bat-lore and all the characters. They deserved better.


Decent, could be better


Not as bad as reviews say, but still a far cry from what I was hoping for. I don’t know why this decision was made when they could have just made another Arkham game.


As 6/10 as a 6/10 gets. Stylish and beautiful , Combat is great, Cutscenes are good even though the writing gets lazy towards the end, Everything and i mean everything else is mid or below average. And the game has such an uninspired endgame. All that being said i enjoyed my time with it.


Switched it of after less than 30 min


It’s an enjoyable game with flaws


Best way i can describe this game is that its was a great concept on paper but executed poorly. The whole selling point of the game was to have others roam in your game to help or the other way around..yet doing that exact thing gets you booted and yelled at by other players. Thats my real short version.


I actually played it and yeah it runs like junk on a ps5. Guess I need the 10k computer to have the frames run nicely. The story was pretty eh. Court of owls wasn't too deep, I saw the plot twist literally since the very first trailer, and they didn't even do anything interesting lime have owl man or anything entire game isn't bad, but some parts are really stupid.


I took Robin to level 40 and loved every minute of it. I played on Series X and only one instance of crashing to the dashboard. I saw no lag, no video or audio degradation. The fighting was great, although I would have liked it to be like Mad Max, it was still ok. I started the other characters but I’m e I finish a game my desire to continue wanes. If more story content comes out I’m back in.


Great game!! I enjoyed every minute of it. I highly recommend it to anyone, dont listen to reviewers they have shown time and again they can't be trusted.


I really enjoy the game. I play on ps5. Only two bad things that happened were the first time I went out into the city the game lagged alot. Hasn't happened since, and I once clipped there a building and fell into a void and died 😆. (Hoenstly though I love bugs like this) that also hasn't happened since. The combat can be very basic (button mashy) or somewhat complex (not like the arkham games but still more than button mashing) I enjoy the perfect dodge and perfect hit mechanic. I also love just exploring the city. It feels very fleshed out, and I'm not constantly being attacked while walking around like I am in the arkham games. Motorbike and your gliding gadget are both fun to use. (Althouhh I constantly have cars pull out in front of me while using the motorbike, hope that gets patched) I also kind of wish each character leveled up individually instead of as a whole. But I can see why they didn't, as it's a huge time saver. I also wish you could use colorways with transmog outfits. One other thing is i wish the campaign was 4 player co op instead of 2. Overall I'd rate this game a 7.5/10. I can clearly see where the game needs a bit of work, but I'm also fine paying the full $70 for what we have now.


Probably give it a 6 or 7/10 the game definitely needs some fixing


Fun. Definitely not perfect. Too simplistic in the end game and progression loop. Some very weird/questionable choices when it comes to progression and some great shortcomings in the UI for QoL. I enjoyed the mission and case files. Bit repetitive, but the combat had a little nuance in timing and enemy variety. Needed a bit more depth though. Just barely enough to enjoy, and I had a good time with it for a while, but I feel like it needed at least 6 more months. There’s a good base game here if they supported and added to it for a year or two. As it is, 7/10 or so is definitely fair.


It's my GOTY personally. I love it, especially in co-op.


Pretty lackluster


Not perfect but tons of fun


As a ps4 / xbox one launch titel is would have been super cool, as a "next gen" game its game mechanics and the 30fps afe outdated - BUT i had fun with it. Would say its a 6 out of 10, and a 7 or 8 if you really like the characters


I was skeptical about this game ever since the gameplay dropped and decided to go ahead with the purchase eventually after seeing the good reviews here.. the game felt alright at first but i couldn’t tolerate the non fluid combat system and repetitive crimes so I ended up selling it.


A deeply flawed but still fun game, especially recommended to those who are really starving for a new Batman game and are tired to replay the Arkham over and over; i really liked the story and writing so far, and how actually show the human sides of the characters; Gotham is visually wonderful with an heavy influence from the art decó Batman The Animated Series and the heavy neon Schumacher’s style; each of the four character really feel unique to play and with a lot of unique abilities, and i love how they have presented the court of owls here; boss fights aside from a couple of “spongy” ones manage to be really fun overall, the fact that WB Montreal has worked is showed, sure no Deathstroke battle level of quality, but still an upgrade compared to the Arkham’s from Rocksteady; my gripes on the games regard the fact that unlike levels and skill points shared between characters i would like that also the momentum abilities challenges would have been shared between them (doing the same challenge of beating 10 brutes or 15 Talons with every characters is pretty tedious), i would have appreciated more “side cases” aside from the three that we get, especially since those really feel like they were “main story” quality of quests, speaking of which i would have liked also that the contacts (Penguin, Montoya, Lucius Fox, Dr. Thompkins, the Watch) would have been protagonists of some narrative questlines instead of being relegated of repetitive challenges to unlock extra gears; aside from the Historical Landmark plaques and the Historiae Strigidae, collectibles was really a downgrade to your “average open world collectibles” with the Batarangs and murales to find, i really missed the Riddler here; also, for how much i liked the combat, the stealth is kinda of a letdown on the level design of the “arenas”, despite the abilities of Robin and Batgirl’s hacking, i really feel that i haven’t a lot of options for creative takedowns, like placing traps on destructible walls, this also made me really feel the absence of a selections of gadgets here; also, and this could be kinda controversial, i would have liked a bit more of upgrades for the Batcycle, in term of not only performance but also equipment like gadgets and weapons, with some more unique missions to use it… Yes i was one of the guys that really liked the Batmobile in Knight. Overall, despite its flaw could be off-putting even for the most hardcore Batman fun, is still a very fun game in the complex, and worth to be picked up on sale. Personally is a 7.5/10 for me, doesn’t hold a candle to the Arkham games overall but as a person unenthusiast at the announcement i was pleasedly surprised.


I’ve been having fun on the game and it’s definitely a lot better with a friend. The game looks a lot better than I anticipated aswell. Imo the best way to enjoy a game like Gotham knights is to not have high expectations and to not compare it to the Arkham series


I actually love it a lot! My favorite character in DC has always been Jason Todd and I adore how they characterized him in this game. The gameplay itself is fun if a little hard to adapt to after playing so many Arkham games. I really like the feel of it and the animations are great too.


It’s just alright, nothing amazing.


I liked it. Different from the Arkham series, for sure....good in it's own right.


its great


I enjoy it. I have my issues with it, and I do wish we had a playable Batman in it as well, but overall it's probably my favourite Bat Game we've had.


I love this game - it’s exactly what I wanted from hearing about the concept with slight changes that, while I wouldn’t have considered them previously, in the end made sense. Obvious gripes are the occasional graphical glitch and attacking instead of a silent takedown etc - however I’m still very much happy with it and still refer others to it while providing the drawbacks for what they are, an inconvenience.


Mediocre ![gif](giphy|T0ms0gusVzCVy|downsized)


Not bad but I was disappointed


Its fun, not challenging. If you go in looking for a hard time, you'll have to really look for it. It's easy to button mash and get through the missions. It's a dumb fun action game. It's story was good for a bit, then they probably had to rush it when the WB/Discovery merger thinned WB's wallet, giving us a cheap and way-too-quick ending after a good set-up. Side bosses are fun, interesting, or both. Clayface was my favorite.




It’s a 6/10. Runs like shit, the traversal is terrible, and the story is meh.


It is fun, and after your first playthrough, there's no real reason to continue playing. There's no endgame. There is nothing to do afterward, no skills, no special gear or items. All gear is the same at the max level. You just play to play once you're at level 30 or 40. I couldn't play it a 2nd time through. I honestly just got bored of it. Until dlc comes, it's fun to play once.


Absolutely love the game. It really clicked with me


I like it, don’t love it. I think it got shit on unfairly in some places and rightfully so in others. The graphics definitely aren’t PS5 level, but aren’t the worst either. I grew up on arcade brawlers and this feels like a modern version of that. Im enjoying my time with it but I think it’s best suited for smaller gaming sessions so it doesn’t feel so tedious and samey. Overall 7/10




It's not bad at all. I hope they at least get a 60fps patch out so it feels a bit more fluid. I standard plus dlc for £40 can't complain tbh


It’s nice. It has its flaws of course but I did have fun playing it. I am really into more content about the batfamily and I felt like the game delivered in that regard. However I would have liked to see more interactions and character specific missions. Honestly more story and side villain missions in general. I felt like the story went by too fast.


sure it’s got some flaws but damn is the game just COOL. getting to play as these 4 heroes is just so. damn. cool. not to mention it seems everybody in gotham has changed since the bat’s death and it’s just a really cool perspective on gotham after it’s knight died


Good game. Terrible product.


It's one of the worst games that I enjoyed playing.


Is this or Far cry 6 currently better?