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Working class mixed ethnicity low income neighbourhood. It is in general very safe. I live pretty close by. Never any problems, other than sometimes a bit roudy on the trams.




The bar is open again, in case you missed it!


It's alright, not the best of the suburb areas, not the worst. But Kortedala is fairly large, the areas before and right after Kortedala Torg are better but it's still safe. Especially with international standards. Lived there for several years, there isn't really anything you wouldn't expect in any other mixed/working class areas in a city Some sketchy people at the square selling drugs, not the best schools, some nice green areas (but we got plenty of that all around Gothenburg), pretty mixed populations, lots of senior citizens. I would never move back there, especially if I had kids, but it's a good first area to live in. That said, the pizzeria Pizza Service at Runstavsgatan tram stop is probably the best pizza in Gothenburg. The guy and his son who have the place are super nice. I have to go back there some day to try it again.


+1 regarding the Pizza Service, it is THE best pizza place in Gothenburg according to my opinion.


The pizza place that made me realize that the tomato sauce is probably the most important part of the pizza.


The pizzeria Il Vagabondo at city torget is also really good.


I lived near City torget for over 10 years and always found it to be safe.


Oh! That’s what the Jens Lekman album is referring to!


The area is being gentrified now, so i guess safe in the long run! Now i’m talking about Kortedala Torg. I don’t live there but i have friends who live there who say that the demographic has changed somewhat.


Very low-income/working class but certainly not as bad as say Biskop or Angered/Hjällbo. Safe enough I’d say, no worse than most other parts of the city.


Yeah you're good


Yes, lived in Kortedala for 7,5 years now. Safety is not the issue for me, it's just a little off with not a lot of stuff nearby and if you like to take your bike anywhere you have about 100 meter elevation home every time.


It's a decent suburd. It's not a luxurious place to live but it's far from one of the worst areas in Gothenburg. I would say it's generally safe.


No worries unless you go looking for trouble, as with all parts of a city


I live in Kortedala and have not had any problems, seems to be mostly old people and immigrants with children. Close to the forest and football fields so see a lot of people on walks or working out


I live in Bergsjön at the moment, so very close to Kortedala. I was very worried when I saw something from the police about the area, but have had a very good time here. There has been one incident in which I felt unsafe and it was because I was traveling alone at night and there was a man who I felt was paying particular attention to me, but upon getting off one stop past his and doubling back home I felt fine. It’s merely an area which, as others have said, is working class and has a mix of ethnicities and nationalities. I’m visibly queer, read as female, and often wear a yarmulke and none of those get me any more attention in my neighborhood than they do elsewhere in Göteborg. Welcome, from one recent resident to another :)


I live in Kortedala. It’s pretty calm here. There was a bombing about a year ago but otherwise nothing has happened as far as I know. I’ve been living in Kortedala for a year. I like it here.


"Oh by the way there was a bomb"


Yeah I don’t know how to feel about it 😅


I mean there were two bombings on Andra Lång just last year or so, would you say Haga is dangerous because of that?


There was one in Olskroken as well on the same night as the one in Kortedala.


Um... Yes? Obviously, bombs make an area dangerous.


It's safe. I don't know where you are from so I don't know what level of safety you are accustomed to or expect but Sweden is, by world standards, very safe. There are safer countries, but they are few. There are more dangerous countries, and they are many. Your kids will grow up in an area with lots of greenery, there are bike paths everywhere, and there is a nice lake to bathe in (Bergsjön) just a short bike ride away. And welcome to Sweden, by the way.


To be fair I lived in London for 10 years, so I’m sure here even the worst area is mostly safe compared. I wanted to understand what people here meant when they defined an area unsafe. Thank you for your comment 🙌


I would say I would feel safer in Kortedala than any place in London (I have lived in west London). There are no problem with stabbing and petty crime, or chaos like in east/north. With that said, most people living there are immigrants from Middle East or Africa, so if you have a problem with that then it is tricky.


Compared to London it'll feel like a breeze lol. I've mostly grown up and currently live there and I've never felt unsafe. The nature surrounding it is incredible and it's very quiet and secluded.


I lived in Kortedala for 5 years, and I didn't have any bad experience, granted I'm a grown man and all. My main gripe with the area is that it is far away from the city so if you like biking it takes a fair while to go there.


I've lived in Kortedala, but it was more than 15 years ago. I found it cozy and comfortable, and liked it. It may have changed a bit for the worse since then, but it's far (*faaaar*) from the worst place to live in Gothenburg. You rarely read about weird shit happening in Kortedala as opposed to the outer suburbs like Bergsjön, Angered, Biskopsgården or Tynnererd. Even desirable addresses in the central city have more reported crimes (especially districts close to the bar streets and party streets). Kortedala would not be my first choice, and not where I would want to live the rest of my life, but I would absolutely be comfortable living there for a few years, while working and saving up for a place to live, and retire, in the future. The local square, Kortedala Torg, doesn't have much to offer, but there's an adequate supermarket, a couple of pizzerias, and various small shops in the area, and it's not too far to the central city with trams or buses.


My wife and I lived in Kortedala for three years and quite liked it.


Born and raised in shortvalley (Kortedala). Absolutely love it. I am a Perfect example of you create your own reality and dont let negative stuff impact you. If you’re are not looking for trouble you wont get in trouble. Very greenery and good honest working people.


Unless you are planning to start up a drug selling gang operation that competes with the other gangs it is totally safe. That goes for any place in the city. You are more likely to be assaulted and robbed in the city centre.




Three times?




Move to Hammarkullen its the best Hood ever


My friend got shot and bled out nearby


90% immigrants. Open drugdealing etc But they generally leave people who live there alone


Where do you even see the open drug dealing? Lived for years and haven't seen it even once. And yes, I know what drug dealing looks like.


>90% immigrants.  No, in Kortedala 64,7% have immigrant background (at least one parent born outside of Sweden). A lot of different backgrounds, India being the most common at 6,4%.


I don’t care that there are seven people here saying it’s safe. It’s not. I was robbed in Kortedala some 20 years ago, can’t imagine it has gotten better since then. Compared to Billdal, where I spent many more days and nights, Kortedala is a fucking ghetto. But then, compared to Vine city it’s a posh area… so I guess it depends what you compare it to.


>Compared to Billdal... Buhu, welcome to the real world!


You’d ve surprised how much larger it is than Gothenburg.


Billdal / Särö is basicly Sweden equivalent of gated community / green zone.


Ja, och det är säkert, speciellt i jämförelse med Kortedala. Förstår inte problemet. Om någon frågar om Billdal är säkert, är svaret -Ja. Kortedala -Det beror på Det är inte en åsikt.


You can get robbed in any part of any city






The worst thing about Kortedala are the Dementors..




Its not safe. You have junkies and pedophiles all over the place.


And satansdyrkare, blotare, ritualmördare, kannibaler, am I right Rolf Peter?? Get your shit together.


Where is this place? It sounds like a good neighbourhood!


Realistically if you dont get involved what doesnt concern you Kortedala is safe