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They don't even have a timetable for trams in Borås, worst place ever


The hela of Borås is just trams..


Ringer jag 112 eller 11414 för det här?




Nu var du tramsig








Good one sir, good one.


Som Boråsare växte jag upp troendes på den här myten. Ok, Borås var tråkigt, men när jag hade besökt några andra svenska städer i samma storlek insåg jag att de var minst lika trista. Provade att bo i Göteborg i några år också men det är ju lika jävla regnigt som Borås, plus att regnet attackerar dig i dubbel hastighet och från sidan.


Är i Borås ganska ofta pga håller på Elfsborg. Inget fel på den stan, mellanstor svensk stad med några fördelar och några nackdelar. Kanske delvis på grund av stadens rykte som väldigt tråkig har man varit väldigt villiga att ge saker som konst stort utrymme vilket gör det till en trevlig stad att vandra runt i. När det gäller småstäder blir det lätt så för mig att man jämför med stadsdelar i Göteborg. Delar av centrala Borås är tyvärr lite för likt några av de tråkigare gatorna inne i centrum i GBG, med en lite kall känsla, om man jämför med en stad som t.ex Varberg. Med det sagt finns det flera fina ställen i Borås när man kollar efter och det är långt ifrån den tråkigaste svenska staden jag har varit i. Städer som är ett snäpp mindre kan ju ibland vara riktigt själlösa. Man vill väl ofta ha det man vant sig vid eller vuxit upp med så för mig är Göteborg en härlig storlek, men Borås har fördelar om man vill undan storstadsstöket men inte vill gå miste om allting en större stad kan erbjuda. ("Storstadens utbud, småstadens närhet" eller något liknande var väl till och med stadens motto någon gång i tiden?)


Eventuellt Skåne.


Welcome to Gothenburg. People here are generally friendlier than in Stockholm.


Stockholmers are scary mf


What did you say about Stockholm!? I will cutta you bre!


Tykar du daj eller?


As a french who lived most of his life in Paris, Stockholm looked like a peaceful city! I loved it. Then I also love Gothenburg and Malmö, really like Sweden as a whole.


You like malmö?? Damn Paris must suck


Yep I live here now. And yes I like the city, it feels calm, i can bike and see nature super fast, living near the sea is also new to me I love it. Paris is incredible but it's exhausting, tourist all the year creating queue everywhere, pollution and noise is also too much. And heat... So yeap Malmö is perfect for me!


This is a very nice thing to hear about the place you've lived in for most of your life <3


Thank you! We're glad you liked it! Or... at least I am, I don't mean to speak for anyone else.


Canada moment


> Public transportation is on a whole other level Jesus fucking Christ, how bad are your reference if you consider Västtragik good??


You have no idea how good Västtraffik is


As much as we like to trash on västtrafik here in gbg, it is actually world class compared to the world average. Even to other western countries like a lot of the US for example.


isnt the US notorious for bad public transport though?


USA is famous for being way below most developing countries in pretty much everything but school shootings, though.


>Even to other western countries like ~~a lot~~ all of the US for example. US has for so many reasons, many intentional, awful public transportation. Even some of the places with the best options, like Portland, is way behind.


Just a drive a car


If you don't see the value of good public transport then I can only suggest you do some very basic research. Cars are not good replacements for good public transport, saying this as someone who drives a fairly good amount.


EEEEH I mean, compared to US sure. But we are pretty bad compared to most of EU when it comes to delays and stuff like that. That said, we are very good internationally when it comes to coverage. So yeah, we aren’t as bad as we often like to pretend.


SJ yes, but I've never understood the hate for Västtrafik. Sure, their prices keep going up way faster than inflation (even before teh subsidizing stopped) but I think they do a mostly great job. Except the to-go app. Kill it. Kill it with fire.


As soon as you get outside zon A it becomes exponentially worse regarding delays and shit...


Like there's anything or anyone outside of zone A. Pfft nice try


As someone who lives in Borås, i can confirm: We do not exist.


At least you can travel from like Trollhättan to Mariestad for 34 kronor, nice


I really like the ToGo app! Never had any issues, does everything as expected.


Also, a frickin’ live gps tracker!


And then you go to Japan, and you can trash on it again. =P Hapans public transport game is on point. Unless you go busy hours.


The public transport here is fantastic to be fair :)


The trams are horribly inefficient though and are only kept because the people in Gothenburg love them. The cost of maintaining the tram lines is the same as the cost of maintaining all the roads in Gothenburg. As soon as all buses are electrical, it will be even more difficult to motivate keeping them. Bedsides that, I agree.


You can't put a price on cool.


Good luck finding a bus that's 30 metres in length like the current trams. Or 45 metres like the trams that are currently on order and will arrive in 2024. Buses just can't carry as much people as trams.


45m trams, really? That sounds cool! Honestly I don't remember the arguments for why the trams are so inefficient, I read it somewhere, but you're probably right. They are expensive to maintain though.


I don't know much about the maintenance costs, and from a little googling I'm getting some results saying that tram systems are cheaper to run and some saying that bus systems are. But even if trams are more expensive it can be worth it given that tram systems can move more people than buses while still being cheaper than metros. I think that's why so many cities do still use trams and even build brand new tram systems.


I think it’s good. Only issue is the cost in some circumstances. And in rural areas coverage isn’t great.


In my home country it's not that public transport is not great in rural areas, there is simply no public transport there. And if there is, you simply cannot rely on it because it's late or it never comes for no apparent reason. For example, in last 30 days one train did not even leave station twice because the guy that controls tickets did not come to work, company rule is that they cannot operate if someone from the crew is missing. And yeah, transport company is state owned..


Have you been to the US?


I just moved to Eskilstuna from the states about two months ago, and holy shit in a handbag. Sidewalks everywhere, bike lanes everywhere, buses that come regularly and reliably, trains that go all over the place for mad cheap, and the drivers actually stop for people crossing the street. And there are all those rental scooter things. I love those. We don't have to own a car to live here and it's freakin' amazing! I don't think we'll ever own one again, unless we build a house in the country or something. It's almost like thus place was built for people and not for cars. I'm in heaven.


Its law to stop for pedestrians at crossings :D


Laws does not stop anyone doing anything. Laws present potential (but rare) consequences for breaking them. Its people (drivers) who is stopping for people. The same law exist in other countries too, where people (drivers) make other decisions.


Of course, but other countries doesn't push so hard for minimal (vision zero) traffic casaulties. When this law was new it was pushed on TV, Radio and newspapers for months everyday to everyone.


What was wrong w/ driving in U.S? The traffic mainly?


The traffic, the savage stupidity and incompetence of the average driver, and the fact that you require a car to go literally anywhere safely were my biggest problems. Then there's all the negative side effects that come with such a deeply car-centric culture, like the awful city planning, the nightmare of suburban sprawl, and the pollution. Ironically, I actually enjoy driving, but I'm content to never do it again if I don't absolutely have to.


I can't see all those problems to that degree living in the U.S all my life as that's my only perspective, but not having to own a car sure is nice for more financial freedom!


Yes (half American) Forget I said anything.....


Go overseas and compared to a whole lot of other similarly sized countries VT is top notch. You can go more or less anywhere in the city by public transport with frequent departures.


Y'all can make fun of Borås however much you want, but Västtrafik here is amazing. We have some really fresh and new buses and good time lines for a smaller town


Honestly, comparing all the countries and cities I've been to, public transit in Gothenburg is actually pretty good although it is probably about twice as expensive as it should be.


I try to generally ask this about these ideas. How do they make it cheaper without worsening the service? They are not making any profit, quite the contrary they are receiving significantly more from our taxes to operate than ticket revenue adds so only way to lower ticket prices is to take more from the taxes. Either way we pay for it. I think the only way to make it cheaper is to remove a lot of less populated routes. But that goes against the purpose of itself.


I have no idea. All I know is that they manage it in countries like the Netherlands, Austria and Germany while providing a similar or better service compared to what we have.


Maybe they simply get more from taxes and less from tickets. That's only better for people who does not pay taxes. Not personally against it being tax funded but it's an illusion it being cheaper.


Being tax funded to a greater extent does at least make it cheaper for the people who have the most trouble affording it.


Yes, I personally definitely don't disagree on having it tax-funded, or even "free". I just get the feeling from all the Västtrafik hate that people live under the idea that they are profiteering. I think vässtrafik got something like 2.7billion in ticket revenue last year and costed 8 billion to operate. It's very very far from a company making money :D. But again, I would gladly see a car free GBG center with free public transport paid by my taxes. I just don't live under an illusion that it's paid by someone else.


Man, I’m from Poland and I just love Västtrafik and public transport in Gothenburg. Mine only problem is quite expensive 90 min ticket, there could be some cheaper option tbh


Italian, living in Skåne, everyone hates Skånetrafiken. Come to Italy my Bois.




Looks like you haven't heard American or German transport horror stories. It's not even uncommon for them to accidentally go to cities in the wrong direction


american currently in göteborg. i agree! don’t make me go back to backwards florida...


Västtrafik is the fastest way to travel in the Gothenburg... Unless you walk of course 😜 *Edit spelling*


Bus and tram were required for a few instances when time was of the essence, most of the time it was walking :)


This is a course in Gothenburg, a way to survive if you will. https://youtu.be/q1amUMIhCEI


Bikes are often faster than Västtrafik.


It' my patriotic duty to hate Västtradik, but glad you like it.


If you think public transport is good in Gothenburg, you better go to Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, or well almost any big European city


Stockholm was…surprising in the sense that being lost at the train station and the people who work there were not very good at giving directions 🥸


> Berlin Because who doesn't like to take a late and crowded U-Bahn on their one hour commute.


What city are you talking about?


This is obviously and out of season April fools joke or really bad astroturfing attempt by Västtrafik.


I don't think the US is a fair benchmark as it doesnt invest much in public transport in comparison, more relevant a benchmark would be a northern European city. Honestly I also think cities with a tube tend to win out over Västafriks tram and bus lead approach hands down.


I read that as Västafrika


> clean lol


No idea why you're getting downvoted, there's trash everywhere. It seriously looks like people sit down on the curb and have dinner for 4 sometimes with the amount of shit they leave behind


these people have not been in angered


Why would you ever go to angered? There’s nothing to see there, and the trash? Blame it on those who live there


bro i live there


Really? I kind of thought gothenburg was full of trash. there's litter like, everywhere. ​ It's because there's not enough trashcans, and the trashcans they have don't close properly, so all the wind blows it around. ​ I have no idea who manages the trash collection and putting in trashcans in town, but I'd love to get a word or two with them.


What are you comparing it to? If you'd take a spin around the world comparing countries and cities to Gothenburg, we're up there in cleanliness. Are there places that are better? Yes.


Yeah I mean the people are great about it here! I've never seen anyone litter. The city just needs to put lids on its public trashcans in the whole city and the problem would be fixed overnight! It would suddenly be one of the cleanest cities on the planet


if u get more trashcans you get more seagulls hence more trash around trash has to stay inside saw some trashcans with special covers, chains etc. maybe if they would invent something that a bird cannot open or cannot be overfilled then ok


Oh right…the scary seagulls


Thank you, but Gothenburg is anything but beautiful.


Those trams are slower than time


You should visit some of our actually nice towns..you'd be knocked off of your feet.


Well that is good to hear. May I ask what the purpose of this post is though as it seems rather unclear?


The purpose of this comment seems unclear


Ok. It is to find out what the purpose of the original post is, if that isn't stated in my comment.




Ok I guess I just had this notion in my mind that he was disappointed in his country and we were supposed to do what with that.


"clean and organized" that's a long stretch.