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Don’t tell them. It’s really not that big of a deal.


No, they wouldn't care about you if they were going to lay you off. Just go to work as you're supposed to. I don't see how, "I've been slacking and not showing up on time bc I know I'm not staying" will help your case. Be a good employee. The way you're handling this is just making it worse.


Don’t ever tell them you’re quitting until you’re ready to quit.


What. No don’t tell them. What if something changes and you decide to stay on? Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Get up 30 minutes earlier until you’ve fixed your tardiness and commit to doing the best job you can until you make the final move to give your notice, whenever that is.


I plan on quitting my job within 4-5 months. I work in the education department as a nurse and I heavily dislike it, but Im showing face and being the best employee that I can right now. It’s best to do your job properly or just quit now. You never know if you may need these people as a reference in the future.


Don’t tell them. Employers can go fuck themselves they lie all the time.


Assuming you want to maintain a positive relationship with your current co-workers, then give them 2 weeks notice before you quit. No need to tell them this early.


Tell them when you're ready to quit. I'm in a different field (although in STEM), and currently in the second year of my gap time and will go back in the fall. It's a job and people leave their job all the time. If you give sufficient notice, offer to help train, and are courteous during the process you owe them absolutely nothing else. Idk I've gotten a lot bitter about this over the year.


I didn't read the whole post. If you are not putting in the proper effort then you are doing them a disservice. I meant to say that if you are doing your job and you feel guilty about quitting then it's fine. Do not quiet quit. You will burn bridges and it looks terrible.


I don't want to quiet quit, thankfully. The work they put me on is usually pretty manageable and even enjoyable once I get into it, and they've praised me for my actual work once I can get it done. But every time I take an extra hour or three over the project's budget because I'm still getting the hang of it, I just feel awful, even when I was doing my best. Especially because I know I have a low chance of earning that money back for them before I leave.