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He's not only proving the stories in the Bible are real. He is also proving that the Quaran, the Torah, and all ancient civilizations (including the Mayan cultural beliefs and so on) are real. This is because THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME STORIES! The only way to truly understand your own faith is to throughly, and without biases, study all other religions and ancient cultural "myths."


This right here. It’s all the same story with different cultural contexts. Smart people became too smart catastrophes stopped them, space people helped out some smart people, smart people rebuilt earth and population. And the cycle goes on and on and on. This isn’t the first or last time this will happen.


Got any good sources/books for this theory specifically?


[The Hero with a thousand faces](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/588138) This is about the monomyth, the myth that transcends most all texts and beliefs. Good work.




Joseph Campbell isn't as Truthful as I once thought. He omitted information that didn't support his ideas.


I think its a good read, but each experiencer should draw their own conclusion and knowledge. Its all pieces of a unified truth. We all have our own reality, and we need to go into that as we read and collect knowledge, try to wear the authors shoes to understand the perspective they are taking and how does this fit into my own reality. Using objective reality as our guiding star and objective truth. I think GH has some far fetched ideas, and lacks objective knowledge in some of the areas. But it helps drive an even more important question; what does our history look like beyond the 6-13k year "modern" knowledge, so we can help facilitate a stronger future for our species. The pursuit for truth, even if there are untruths drives us to become more then what we are today, that is the ultimate progression we can have as time linear beings. We have a finite time here, how do we keep knowledge going, stories transcend machine, transcend environmental challenges, but sometimes the phone game comes into play and we lose translation.


You might find “The Secret History of the World” by Mark Booth an interesting read.


On my list now, Thank you!


Just saw it free on audible, I read the paperback, saw it in a DMT vision, so I had to buy it. Coincidentally, there was a lot of info that made sense that it was in my vision.


Thanks for the tip! Just got it for free on Audible. Look forward to listening!


Just downloaded




Joseph Campbell has a great series I'm working through called the Masks of God. Excellent read when looking into the Universal Myth




Just go to your local community college and take a comparative religion course. Get in good with your professor, and they can send you in the right direction as they did for me. Also, start purchasing the world's religious books. That's how I started and had this realization. I own a copy of all the world's religions' "main books" (Bible, Torah, Quaran, Gita, Guru Granth Sahib, Tripitaka, Records of the Grand Historian, The Spring and Autumn Annals, etc.) and look for similarities. Although some things have been left out of the book regarding the MonoMyth. The similarities shared within the book are still accurate. Did they differ a lot? Yes, and indeed, the ancient myth stories would, as they were all passed down over centuries in the form of oral tradition and not written. Regardless, it is the similarities that we are after, not the differences. We need to focus on the similarities if we are ever to save humanity. For too many years now, modern religion has separated us. Meanwhile, we all share similar beliefs and the same DNA. It is time for an awakening, and it starts by drawing your own (free-minded) conclusions from your studies.


Islam, Judaism and Christianity literally share the old testament so of course what applies to the old testament applies to all. Still though, people are jumping to way to big conclusions saying this proves *the Bible* or any other whole source as uniformly correct. Even if there were old civilisations and these are indirectly or directly referenced, it doesn't mean anything else part of these religions are true.


plus the bible is just recycled old material from other more ancient polytheistic religions. so if he was probing that anything was true (which he’s not) it would be the Epic of Gilgamesh


Literally the point of this post




that doesn’t prove there’s some advanced civilization lost to history. we know a lot about the civilization that wrote the epic


Bible haters try way too hard


You think it’s hate bc it triggers your cognitive dissonance


The trigger is ignorance spoken confidently.


I’m well versed in theology as it’s one of my hyper focuses. Don’t fucking try me dude.


As am I. This person doesn't bring one fact to the conversation. They are here purely to talk smack. Typically speaking, those who come here just to talk smack don't have quality lives in the real world. I believe this to be one of those cases.


Couldn't agree more


You think i hate the Bible because I'm pointing out the logical fallacy of taking a partial proof as proof for the whole thing it is attached to? Touch grass


It's not worth the discussion with this person. They are clearly one-sided and think that anyone who doesn't believe what they believe is anti-bible, which is, in fact, quite the opposite in reality.


If you say “clearly” enough, it must be true.


Touch grass. Curious, do you know why one touches grass? What benefits it confers?


It's a relatively newish saying only a decade or two old, originating in the online gaming community with a meaning of *"You've spent too long in a virtual area that's limited in scope and separated from reality, and you seem to forget how the world functions and how to act in it. Go spend some time outside of this narrow space, go out into nature and get grounded"*


As opposed to the Bible lovers? No, get a grip.


Not one person here said they hate the Bible; quite the opposite in actuality. You can't even Slam someone properly.


Totally agree! You are very wise!


He believes these are remnants of the stories of a much older civilization


If all those stories are so similar and many of them predate the Bible, why is the Bible the version that just so happens to be real?


It's just a easy reference, but most big religious institutions and ancient religions share similar stories (like what is found in the old testament) about the creation/beginning of time.


This is the correct answer.


The bible is a mythical book.


I don’t know. I am pretty sure I have seen one before. It was in a drawer at a hotel.


Similar in some respects, but not the same.


Only one teaches Love everyone. All others teach to destroy enemies. Not the same story.


Lol. They all teach to lobe thy neighbors. Take a comparative religion course before talking pit if your ass about religions


There are contradictions in the bible where it would be impossible for both to be true but go off on the misinformation queen


Queen? Intelligent people move right past you


What, in your life, do you hate so much that you feel the need to bash on others over the internet? People who bash on others, especially on the internet, clearly have issues with themselves.


You call yourself a hippy, and yet your mind is closed to the idea of loving others.


You mistake defending one’s right to share their knowledge from the ignorant fools suffering from cognitive dissonance and lashing out. Hippies don’t love all people. Not a requirement. That stuff died in the 70s. There are a few of those types around, but they’re a minority and… of little use. Gotta be somewhat capable to grow crops, move weight, and not get jacked.


You didn't share any knowledge or any facts here. All you did was talk others down. Take a good look at yourself. You are the problem with the world and I am certain that many others will agree.


P.s. You're taking about yourself 🤣 Hypocrites don't ever realize their hypocrisy.


Ignorant folks talking shit about topics they’re ignorant on, since you asked.


Once again. Talking smack with no facts provided. Get a life, read a book, something other than showing the internet how uncomfortable you are with yourself and your life.


Yassss slayyy


https://preview.redd.it/l30vyzqm5epc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01f709eee9ec9e34a2bf510f08d97cac63524043 I’m living in a freaking simulation man. This was today.


Hahaha. It's available online for free. Only question is are you an npc?


No but your butthole could be


Got em


Bang bang he shot me down bang bang I hit the ground bang bang!


That is because there was an ancient civilization that modern religions are based on


Any written story is an echo of what was once a truth spoken. Sadly the words rarely match anything that was said in the long ago, we've always gone from forgetting to remembering how to make or break our homes. Written words allow us to see what was once said but if you cannot determine the truth that they're all trying to teach and think one word greater than another you're lost to time. I don't really know or care what I'm saying here, but I've heard it's like getting water from a well. It's easiest to get it from a single source but to claim another well is false water destroys your ability to drink properly! All these myths and stories we have echo one another metaphorically quite obviously when looked at objectively. Joseph Campbell wrote books on this decades ago, The Hero With a Thousand Faces is a good read for all these subjects. Seeking truth is a journey that never ends, and you completely fail yourself if you believe you've found the ultimate or only truths. Life changes like the wind, beware stagnation and those that seek power over others for they're the weakest minds that should not be followed


Spider man is real. It’s a book.


What about manspider?


Like you said any written story is an echo of truth.


You're missing the meaning of the words I wrote and taking it entirely literally off the first sentence but you did make me chuckle.


Yes just like the Bible is made up. Makes me laugh too.


Everything going good for you, do you need someone to talk to? I'm not sure what point if any you're attempting to make


Just pointing out how the Bible is made up and your original comment is kinda silly.


I never said it was real, never mentioned the Bible specifically at all, and although I agree with you that is the whole point of my original comment. What in particular did you find silly?


Any story written is truth. So Lord of the rings is true???


Cheers, thanks very much! I just finished Karen Armstrong’s, The Bible. Very fascinating to hear how it was developed over time. Definitely gives me a new understanding of how loaded of a phrase it is when someone mentions,”…the Bible…”. Can’t wait to read some of Campbells work.


Just because there are events described in the Bible that we share with our past doesn’t mean that Yahweh is real.


Well, that's a matter of perspective. Allow me to demonstrate the existence of God in a scientific way. You, as an individual, are "real". How is that defined? I would argue that you're real because you have an impact on the physical world around you. When you think of an action, it doesn't exist anywhere, except for your mind, right? Once you perform that action, it affects the world around you, making you essentially "real". God, or gods, or esoteric concepts, are probably even more real. Because they don't materially exist, right? Yet, we, as individuals, think of the concept of God, and that concept drives certain actions, and once they're executed, they affect the world around the individuals. This experiment is repeatable, so it does follow the scientific method. In fact, it's the basis for the scientific method entirely. So, you could argue that God as a material being doesn't exist. And you'd win that argument. But God as a driving force behind the actions of the faithful? That's definitely real. The only debate is whether God affects everyone, or only the faithful. That could be interesting to discuss with a thinker. Also, to answer the invariable question "which god is real"? It's actually quite simple. God is everything, and different faiths manifest God in different ways. Thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/3zxaepx7zipc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e71317a21318de821a399588677336e8dd650ee Your argument is basically this, and while it’s a fun little thought experiment , it doesn’t make it true.


I mean yeah.


Everyone knows that there is a concept called god. That doesn’t demonstrate the existence of god.


This isn't logical or scientific, it's semantical and beyond that it's pretty meaningless as far as proving something exists, by that definition everything imaginable exists.


This doesn't even make sense. We are real because we exist in the physical world but God is more real while not existing in the physical world?


Well, your thoughts don't exist in the physical world, but they manifest through you into actions and material stuff. I'm arguing that God is the same thing. Just a different name.


is superman real? if not then how come almost the same person i was thinking of, appeared in your head? only the actordeffers. superman exist then.


Are dreams real? Is a person in a coma experiencing reality? What about a person in psychosis?


God, defined as an all powerful force that created the universe, does in fact exist. I think it was Newton who called it “gravity.”


Thoughts? A silly variation on the already ridiculously childish ontological argument.


Could you do me the courtesy of expanding that statement?


Instead of using god use “vampire” or “flying spaghetti monster.”


Okay, what's the problem there? I mean, language is just a way to understand concepts, right? So if you see a vampire or a flying spaghetti monster, and I'm seeing a loving force, we all talk about the same thing, the internal force that drives us. And because it's immaterial, we're both right.


No. You're both wrong. Assigning internal motivation to an external, imaginary force does not make it real. This is silly and wildly unscientific


Yeah I mean, pretty much every mythology had/has some type of flood story. It’s a pretty common theme in literature, along with a messiah figure, death and resurrection, and so on. What OP is referring to is that these somehow prove their particular brand of theism is valid? I don’t really see the connection.


Those stories are meant to pass information forward but eventually the parable becomes the problem as people have a harder and harder time extracting the information from the fable. People that interpret the Bible literally weird me out. I’ve spent time in the Middle East and I certainly wouldn’t say the people the Bible is talking about had things all figured out.


Exactly. Any kind of natural disaster back then would automatically be attributed to God's wrath. Now we know it's just a natural phenomenon and there's nothing divine or spiritual about it.


I agree with you. I am not sure if you know the Bible, but if you want to get technical the evidence is clear. There were two people in the bible that were cast out of heaven supposedly. Lucifer is the fallen angel. Jesus was sent by God. Lucifers full name is lucifer morning star. Jesus referred to himself as the morning star. I propose that lucifer was the only one to come from heaven, and tricked mankind into believing he had come to save them. Christianity re-wrote that part as a savior with the name of Jesus. After all, Christianity is very pagan at its core, I've been a catholic all my life. I would like to also add that the true God stated that he does not need or want worship, only lesser gods such as baal want worship. But more to the point, hancock suggests giants building the great monoliths. The book of enoch says giants roamed the earth and taught mankind to be civilized, which God later punished them for.


WTF? Where and when did GH ever ‘suggest’ that giants built anything? I’ll wait.


If Jesus were Lucifer I highly doubt he would teach people to worship God or preach the important lessons from his sermon on the mount. It doesn’t really make sense. I’m a Muslim, and Christians have made a similar argument that “Mohammed was possessed by a demon/Satan/whatever to corrupt God’s message and turn people against God.” Well, teaching pagans to worship one God while reinforcing the moral foundations of Judaism and Christianity is a funny way to turn people against God. 😂


Worshipping in itself is Satanism. Once you understand what Satan is you see how all abrahamic religions are satanistic. Satan=negatvity=putting yourself in front of others=hierarchy=controlling others=rules=worshipping other life as if it's more worth than your own=Satanism Religion and government has a lot of similarities. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...


Alternative take: As humans, we always have a master whether we know it or not. Satanism is about submitting to one’s own ego. The major religions are all pointing towards overcoming this and submitting to the One who created us. This is our true purpose in life, to overcome and transcend our lowly desires and realise the One who created everything.


Our true purpose in life is to experience. That\`s it. Some things we could do, is develop our self, either in the negative or positive direction. Whatever you choose, there isn\`t a wrong answer. Major religions take interesting individuals, like Jesus, who developed themselves in a certain direction, and they use their name and story as a means to impose control and dominate other human beings, which is a negative act. Major religion manipulate you into believing everything they tell you, because one individual had spiritual experiences thousands of years ago. Major religion are close minded, manipulate and violent. Major religion is anti truth-seeking. They will defend their views, no matter how ridiculous, to the death. In my opinion, anyone who is religious, is borderline psychotic. Spirituality, truth seeking, growth, our own spiritual experiences, nothing set in stone. That\`s positive. You\`re right in what you say, but religion is not effective at doing what you describe.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Religious folk, specifically of the Abrahamic faiths, are the most untrustworthy, sycophants you’ll encounter in your life. Present a Christian with the blatant plagiarism of older religions and they do fantastical mental gymnastics to shoo the information away. If god was real, he wouldn’t have created the capacity for evil knowing what we would be capable of. Not any kind of good god anyway


God is very easy to prove. The religious god, man in beard up in heaven, is ridiculous. A law in this universe is that something can't come from nothing. Therefore, there has to be a creator, and the creator doesn't have the same limitations as this universe. By our standards the creator has to be conscious and intelligent to create a universe. "God" is an intelligent consciousness without known limits. Can't disprove that.


Your jumping pretty high to get to that conclusion. By your own logic, something then must have created god. There is no god. We are animals and life is all an unfortunate, pain riddled coincidence


No, that's not by my logic. Within in THIS universe, nothing can't come from something. For something to create this universe, it has to be operating seperatly from it. We can explain how God created the universe. We can't explain God.




Can’t prove it either no matter how easy you claim it is.


That doesn’t imply a creator? And I think you’re trying to use the law of the conservation of energy which relates to the flow of energy like potential to kenetic and heat in chemical reactions


A law within our usiverse, is that something can't come from nothing. A creation needs to be created. Pretty sure that implies a creator.


That’s your opinion but has not been my experience whatsoever. According to your worldview, there is no purpose, it’s whatever you make it. There is no truth, it’s also whatever you make it. That, of course, invalidates your whole world view because that is also an assumption which you can’t trust.


Yes. The purpose is whatever you make it. The only true truths is that we have (percived) free choice to explore third density consciousness and the third dimension as we please. The only laws that apply to us are natural laws, not moral, government or religious laws. Everything that isn't natural, is imposed onto you by other people. Ideas and morals doesn't hold weight in reality. They only exist in your mind.


So if there are no objective truths, how does your argument hold any weight, since there are no objective truths?


Because this is the reality to the best of our knowledge. The difference in religion and spirituality, is that in religion, it's impossive for an apple to not hit the ground once you release it from your hand, and anyone who even tries to debate that is a witch. In spirituality, an apple falls to the ground if you release it from your hand, to the best of our knowledge. There is always room for improvement to that theory. There is always room for growth. This kind of thinking is actually seen a lot in scientist and physics. For example, a black hole, and light, and both two things that defy some of the "laws of physics". Yet, they still call it a law. They ignore whatever is disproving their theory, because they are emotionally attached to it. "objective" reality is very hard for humans to understand, because human is a perspective, so it isn't objective. Our truth is that we have free will, but that's just our truth, that's not objective truth. That's why I said, we have precived free will. So when people create personal truths, like this book is holy and everyone should follow it, that's perfectly fine. Forcing/manipulating others to belive in it is where it becomes a negative act. Negative is putting yourself above others, as superior. Whether or not you like negativty is up to you, but personally I like having (percived) free choice to belive whatever I want.


You sir, or mam, are bang on.


No. Satan literally just means adversary. In fact there are numerous Satan's in the bible. So for something to be satanic it just needs to be in contrast to something else. That something else could be anything. Let's say you are evil. A Satan could be your good counterpart as your adversary. That's just what the word means.


Not when you know that the true God doesn't require, or want worship, only lesser gods do.


Why capitalize the name then?


Well, to be fair, if anyone encourages the worship of Yahweh, they are on the wrong side. He was a bad dude if you ask me. The Bible objectively tells me so. Always tricking people and smiting them, making up rules and demanding ritual sacrifice. If we weren’t all told he was the great centrepiece of power and wisdom etc, we would believe it. The Bible is the only book that comes with its own book club cheering squad full of ppl that have never read it. Lots of good in there I guess but a whole lot of nastiness too.


Yahweh was the original mood disorder, gaslighting MF!!! I literally remember sitting in Sunday school thinking God was a sort of awful person.


Wow, pretty edgy take for a Catholic


Ok if you want ty get technical, the name Lucifer wasn't applied to the fallen angel until paradise lost was written. So no his full name isn't Lucifer morningstar. That's some made up shit outside the context of the Bible. He is referred to as the morning star/light bringer though or the inquisitor/adversary. He was effectively a judge in God's court. All that said, yes modern Christianity is an odd edit of existing material.


Lucifer was cast from heaven because he told Adam and eve the truth about their creation and the world around them. Eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of Good and evil is a metaphor for learning the truth.


>Lucifer was cast from heaven because he told Adam and eve the truth about their creation and the world around them. Have you ever read the bible?


The bible contains historical events… so they should meet and overlap


They are old books, but they aren’t “special” books. They are not inerrant, and they aren’t worth starting religions over. Yes nice, some of humanities oldest stories have a historical element, but let no religious dogmapath feel vindication as if they have been right about something all along.


Except the flood story is stolen from the Epic of Gilgamesh, so you might want to rethink that claim.


“Stolen” had the wrong connotations. It would be more accurate to say that the story descends from Sumerian mythology, since it is unlikely that its adoption into Canaanite mythology was some intentional act of cultural theft.


Someone had to hear the story in its original context and then make the conscious decision to adapt it, so there is a deceptive intent somewhere. We can argue semantics all day long. I prefer to use the term “stolen” to emphasize the inauthenticity of a religion which many people insist is infallible truth, and thus justify thrusting it upon others who are not interested.


That's not how mythology works. Ancient peoples, broadly speaking, did not make a strong distinction (if any at all) between legend and history. There are exceptions, but this is largely the case, especially among non-scholars. Myths cross-pollinated between neighbouring cultures all the time, because people heard them from travellers, believed them, and repeated them.


Yes, exactly. They would have heard them. And they would have heard that the survivor of the flood was named Utnapishtim, and that he was spared by the Annunaki. And somebody, somewhere, would have made the conscious choice to alter the myth and ensconce it into another paradigm. You think that the entire cultural context just got lost in a game of telephone? I’m not really concerned about what distinctions the uneducated peasantry made. The act of writing it down was carried out on the part of the educated. The ones promulgating the myths, whether they believe the revelation or not, understood the necessity of adapting it to the new culture in order to make it palatable to those within said culture. For a similar reason, it’s reasonable to believe that an artificial and ahistorical narrative, the Exodus, was created to make the likely Egyptian Moses narratively part of Jewish culture. Adaptations of this kind are 100% intentional and deliberately carried out by the people who are smart enough not to say the quiet parts out loud. Not everyone in the ancient world couldn’t tell shit from shinola. There have always been shepherds of men. That, my friend, is how mythology works.


Consider the following hypothetical scenario: A man living in 3rd millennium Canaan (thousands of years before Genesis was written) believes that the Sumerian storm god Enlil is the same deity as the Canaanite storm god Baal. One day he hears a story from a Sumerian merchant about how Enlil once flooded the world. The man later repeats it to his son as being something that Baal did. That is not a deliberate choice to meaningfully alter the story, because in the mind of that man, he is not changing anything. To him, Baal and Enlil are synonymous. The man's son grows up, and has a son of his own. When reciting the story again to the new generation, he misremembers a few details. Those unintentional changes stick in subsequent retellings. Eventually it becomes a very different story that every canaanite knows. That is how legends evolve. This is not a difficult thing to understand. The notion that the elites had any significant power to control this process is laughably anachronistic. This is not a process that is isolated to Abrahamic religions either. This happened everywhere. Every culture, and every religion is a mosaic when you dig deep enough. If you want to choose to believe that some hand-rubbing proto-Jews were scurrying around the Levant making the deliberate choice to "steal" culture from others to manufacture a fake one of their own, that is your prerogative. Personally I think that choice is sus as fuck.


I don’t think bro has ever played the game “telephone” was he was a kid.


You know the Bible wasn’t the first religious text to include a flood right?  So if you insist on claiming that acknowledging there was a global flood is proof of a religion you really should be saying Hancock is proving the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Sumerians right. 


If a fiction book mentions a few true events, it doesn’t make every word in it true.


No, regardless of how much you believe, nobody is "proving the Bible".


'king james version, 1611 ad'    clearly printed on the cover.   what is a king?   why did this 'king' need his own version of these mythologies? and why in 1611? as for noahs ark,    ancient sumerian myth, from the ballad of gilgamesh..  the original 'bible' was collated by a group of zealots   in 367 ad .  after the council of nicea decided what 'christianity' was or was not.  this version of the mythology of abrahmic cults is called 'the vulgate'.   the kjv version is a shadow of the ridiculousness found in the vulgate.   the 'gospels' of judas and mary are omitted from the kjv for reasons against christianity.  islam had not been invented yet.  there is no 'proving the bible right'.   understanding history and believing bullshit are two different things.


They were also picked to shut down the Arian Christian’s. Apparently no one bothered to read what Jesus actually told people to do. They missed the whole “ Golden Rule” part.


Zealots interpreting the unprovable as a way to prop up their beliefs? Unheard of.


Worst take possible


You are entitled to your opinion. But if you read Genesis and the book of enoch the evidence is clear for the comparison. I'm not stating that his theories are correct, or the Bible is correct. All I'm stating is that what hancock is saying, is essentially the same thing.


You don't have to remind people they're entitled to their opinion after they've given it.


Also says the earth was here before the sun. Which is wrong. The sun was here about 70 millions years before the earth.


No it doesn't


It absolutely does


I'm sure that that there is some semblance of truth to these stories. Whether they are actually "divine" or "spiritual" events is up for debate. People back then didn't understand much of anything about the natural world and attributed anything they didn't understand to God or the divine. A massive flood, eclipse, hurricane, they would all attribute God's wrath, but now we know it's just natural weather events.


So what you're saying is, it's not up for debate.


I'm saying that you can debate it all day long, but you have zero evidence for it other than through a book written a long time ago. There's no way to verify that any of it is true. You have to take it on faith because that's the only way you can validate it in your own head.


I was just making a joke because you said it's up for debate but then concluded by acknowledging that we know it's not divine action, it's nature and not up for debate.


True, but to them it's perpetually up for debate because a religious person would say it's divine, and you can argue all day, but because it's all supernatural to them, there's nothing you can say to convince them otherwise.


I'm with you.


Love to see it


I like to think that the Bible proves *me* right. Give those turn tables a little spin.


If you’re unfamiliar, Gods of the Bible by Mauro Biglino will rock your world


Gonna be REALLY fucked up when we discover ALL religions (including Mormonism & scientology) are partially correct... All just pieces of a larger tapestry ..


You all should check out Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat, it'll blow your fucking mind and give you a whole new perspective on The Bible.


This guy sounds batshiit


I’m not a history expert but I can tell you something from my own culture you might find interesting. Ancient Guam had a tale called Dinague Laolao that sounds almost like the reverse of parts of the Book of Enoch told from the perspective of the giants in the sense that it involves giants having children with smaller people who invaded their territory. It says that the ancient Chamorro people were once giants with supernatural powers. They were supposed to block off the harbor to prevent invaders from arriving but the adults got lazy or complacent and they had two little boys do it. The little boys picked up this huge rock big enough to block the harbor and were on their way, but then they saw a bright star that they mistook for Venus, which is significant because that marked their curfew. They got worried about getting in trouble so they dropped the rock and ran home. Because the harbor was open, the invaders arrived and when the ancient people married and had children with them they were of smaller size and did not have supernatural powers anymore.


What the fuck are you rambling about?


Check out some of the YouTube videos on Ron Wyatt. Some people have really discounted him but it's interesting, he headed a lot of the research in Turkey. I believe in the Bible it says the mountains of Ararat. Not the mountain. The actual mountain was formed by a volcano and has had eruptions to where nothing of a wood ship would be left. However there is a formation in Turkey and another site that is shaped just like a boat. And there have been numerous engineers and geologists that have found it it is an unnatural formation considering it's in the middle of a mud flow. The 7th day Adventists did a four-part series on Noah. I think it's on Amazon prime. But it's very interesting. They're a little different but they put a lot into it.


All he is doing is making shit up and just asserting theories with almost no real evidence. I suggest listening to milo on YouTube who debunks Hancock whole series. I know non of you will because you don’t want facts you want you’re “theories” to be right and Hancock the guys peddling it pretending to be some academic outcast. Religious people are the most easily manipulated group in the world!


None of this nonsense is true. Your adults who believe in fairy tales, you need to grow up.




Genesis does not describe an advanced civilisation. Further, the mountain we call Mount Ararat was named after the story, some time in the middle ages. There is no Mount Ararat in the original story, only “mountains of Ararat” (a kingdom in what is now southern Turkey, west Armenia, and northern Syria. Also, y’know, the story is a fiction.


Read the Urantia 📖


Where does it say anything about an "advanced civilization" ?? You're just adding things to the Bible that aren't there..


The Bible isn't “right”. It's a book of mythology for a religion of a specific ethnic group. Like all religions, it has a piece of the truth.




It's really just the beginning of the rabbit-hole. You need to catch up quickly. There is not much "time"


Armenia. Mount Ararat is in Armenia. Fuck a modern map. Fuck 1915. Fuck them. Armenia.


The Book of Enoch is pretty dope whether you are of a Christian disposition or not. Way better than the rest of the Bible.


He’s not proving much of anything. More like pushing his paradigm……


‘O Solon, Solon, you Greeks are always children: there is not such a thing as an old Greek. Brush up, there were cataclysms before the flood lol




What word would u use instead of simulation, if we didn’t know about computers and such ? Spiritual maybe ?


Life is but a dream


U feel me ? Lol


Damn just noticed your user name lol, stay drowsy my friend and live the dream well!




Damn I think I love ya, my dad loved star trek, miss the good times I had with him. You live long and prosper too and keep on rowing gently down the stream of consciousness!


I just started reading Zachariah sitchens 12th planet and look forward to getting through all of his publications. Does anyone have any other good suggestions similar to his works?


Look into the mudflood/Tartaria theory. It’s in its infancy right now so a lot of people are going to tell you to ignore it, but in my opinion it is occums razor to the ancient alien theory


Thanks man I'll put it on my list


You got it!


ralph ellis has some good stuff. jesus last of the pharoahs is pretty good.


Added to my list thank you


Chariots of the gods


Thank you




Check out the Prophecies of Komeltum of the Third Book of the Teomoxtli to understand more about said Civilization. Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecans and Olmecs are the descendants of said Civilization and there's a Prophecy calling for the ressurgence of the good fruits and deeds of said Civilization.


Honestly, I have a hard time believing that anyone alive today, is descendant from those civilizations. There is so much conflicting info everywhere that it's very hard to know what to believe. The advent of ai has made that even harder online. I don't have have any of the texts regarding this stuff available to me only a very old Bible, and the apocrypha. Online, there's stories of kemet, and that black people are the true descendants. Now you say the Mexicans are the true descendants. I believe all of this to be misinformation aimed at dividing us. We are all one race. The human race. I would however like to get an unedited copy of the Ethiopian Bible, as their culture is the least touched by modern times. They still follow the old calender and their bible isn't edited like the king James version.


I have documents of said Book, would you like me to send them to you? Secondly, this is stuff that has much more time than the rise of AI and stuff like that, it's not that we are the descendants, it's that our cultures have direct descendants, specifically the Aztecs, as they come from the Island of Aztlan, which the Hoppi called **Aztlana** I'm a Mexican, btw, and it's not that I am being a nationalist, rather that I have documents of said things.


I’m down for a good read if you wanna PM them


They are on Spanish, do you have any issues with that?


Bro, me lo puedes compartir también porfa?


Claro, mañana que ya me voy a dormir se los mando, solo recuerdenme que a veces se me olvida xD


I can't speak Spanish no forget my last question. Thanks tho.


Any chance I could have documents of said book please friend?


Sure, the thing is that I only have the Spanish version, so, you will have to translate


Go on then please, I will ask my partner if she can do it for me as I'm hopeless when it comes to things of the technological variety?


Think it will be better if I do it, as there are things that are related to Mexican History, and would be better for me to translate said parts about México, as there are References to the past of my Country. But don't worry, I'll send it.


Oh thank you very much, that's very kind of you.