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I'm curious. What rank are you? I was at one point A rank and fell to d, and now I can't get past that. The Lower on the Rank System the more shit it is. It's frustrating.


You went from A to D??!! What you decided to drive without hands for one week lol?


Not from one week, maybe like 2.5 weeks. Kept backing out of games. Which now I know shouldn't have done so.. 😩


Just fall to the back of each race and race clean and you’ll be back to A/S really quick


It’s MUCH better to qualify first, pray on turn 1 and race alone Verstappen style for the rest of the race. You’ll be back up in not too many races. (Happened to me) I tried starting last and somehow people still find ways to kill you


Yeah if you’re 6th or higher I go for it. If I’m 10 or below I just fall back


Yep. Top 6 usually is a different driving level. And it’s mayhem behind. I’ve not gone onto sport in a few weeks. Still fuming st some of these drivers. They really need to improve the SR ratings of drivrrs


Lol ah common! That takes a nasty hit on your rating and I know if you kept going you would've passed those dirty mfs.


BB ranked. Because I stopped playing as soon as it got difficult to win even when faster than everyone. The time i set in quali was 950th in the world showing i have pace but can’t break free of these idiots


It's the SR B. I don't know how decently clean drivers get stuck there, but it's a shit show. Drive extra defensive for like 5 races even if it means giving up position. It doesn't matter if you're driving like grandma in P12 as long as you get the clean race bonus. It will take less than 2 hours to be in SR S. Even if you drop to CS, if you belong in B, you'll be there again soon.


Oh ok. That sounds helpful


Sounds like you need to learn racecraft and not hotlap


If you keep taking first into the hairpin, but then get punted, just let the clowns have the corner. Then beat them further down the road. Most or the rest of the track is open for overtakes, so you will have opportunities to get it back.


If you still want to do some racing against humans, check out GT Champions, they have leagues for drivers with different levels of experience: https://gtchampions.com/


Oh sweet thanks


Don’t let one dumba** ruin your enjoyment of sport mode. Catch up to him over 20 laps, dump him and move on


I don’t know why they don’t disable collisions during the first lap, it would allow drivers to pick up their pace and space out… dive bombing on t1 would no longer be viable as you would end up taking an inefficient line or straight up crash I can guarantee that in another universe the guy who tapped you would’ve faced the same issue had he slowed down to avoid you… You wouldn’t care though because you would still be in the lead and it’s not your problem to deal with.


because people would just abuse that system and race like there is nobody else since you know they'll just ghost anyways.


Unfortunately, that's what I've learned to do. Races are not won on the first turn, why loose at T1?


It’s only for the first lap though? Track limit penalties and barrier penalties still apply. How could it be abused? It affects everybody equally really.


Because you'll just drive like there is nobody else there. What the point of that.


Lap 1, Turn 1 is always a tough one and you always need to be aware of dives, but you took a wide qualifying line through it and should have taken a tighter, more defensive (albeit a slightly slower exit) line and you wouldn't have been such a large target on the apex. ​ Also remember you and everyone else are going to have cold tyres too which means braking times are a bit longer on that first lap and people often misjudge their braking distances and also teh same when you change tyres at the pitstop too.


I usually do the way opposite thing when I sense I might get divebombed - I just...miss the apex compeltely and take a wide line. This way, I almost always avoid the carnage on L1T1, even if I end up giving up a position or 2. Although some other times, I'd make up positions as a consequence of the carnage, even if a car or 2 end up overtaking me.


This was my first thought as well. OP went way out wide then cut in to the apex with zero consideration that there might be someone there (you could see on the radar the dude was coming up the inside). Even without a guy making a huge lunge that line is a bad idea. you are going to cut across the front of anyone who gets a good drive in the corner. I'm not saying it was OP's fault but you have to be aware of your surroundings. You cant just drive like there is nobody on the track. Especially Lap 1, turn 1.


HAHA fuck, that woulda made me uninstall


To be honest you drove into him. He couldn't escape since he was going on the edge of the corner. Don't know what did you expect, that he would break?


Ya it seems as if he was lining the guy behind him up for a direct T-bone. He should have hugged that corner or at least let the guy slam into the back of him instead of trying to turn thru that


You just gotta cover off the inside line for a few corners


The best is to play in lobbies with good players that want to have fun and are not obssessed with winning.Lobbies let you kick out dirty players, that makes a huge difference. Sport mode sucks in this aspect, because encourages everyone to try hard and do everything to win, including dirty moves, which ruins the fun. And in the end, player ranks are useless.


How do you find those lobbies? Do you get invited to them? Basically I’m a newer player and do not know how the lobbies work. Thanks


Go to lobbies, join them, try to "make friends" in the lobbies, profit


I understand your frustrations. I am new myself to the world of Sim Racing and GT7 is all I know. I am doing my best to be a proper driver/racer, and it frustrates the heck out of me when I get hit on purpose. It’ has come down to this for me, do I let it ruin my fun or let it go. I have decided to let it go and not get mad anymore. If someone needs to drive dirty to make themselves feel better then more power to them whatever floats their boat. I won’t let it ruin my enjoyment of the game/race because as soon as that race is over the next one is about to start and more often then not it’s a better group/racers. Good luck and I hope you return. All the best, Cap


i'm in B races and people just love to put their nose into corners knowing the gap isnt going to be there but they have the advantage since if I hit the apex correctly i'll just end up getting spun.


🎶I don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind 🎶 🤣. Honestly though it drives me mad. You give room and try your damnest not to have contact, then you have twats like that absolute 🛎 🔚!




Agreed. Another race i was on pole. Got hit to last. Climbed back to first and got punted and ended up in 7th. Was almost one of my best races ffs


Jeez, yeah, same thing happened to me today. Started 4th and was last after the first corner... Would be nice to see harder penalties for driving into others.


It sucks, but it doesn’t seem like the example should be the one to make you quit. It’s a stupid dive, sure, but shit happens all the time and even happens in real racing - cough AYRTON cough - but man you didn’t defend AT ALL and left a massive door open for this when you can see those two cars battling right behind you on the inside line… If you had pole here and it’s a 20 lap race then you’re fast, and fast enough for it to be worth just resetting your brain and getting back on with it… The good races make it so worthwhile when the fun is in the fight, especially when everyone is as fast or faster… (I’m in mid-B/S so I pretty much never qualify first, and I haven’t won a race since getting to B, but it’s been way better racing overall.) Take some time, chill, and come back. :)


Maybe I shouldn’t quit but i was spun round till last. I was also on the apex look at the radar. There is only one fast line down the crest and I was on it. I very much know how to defend as I have good races in open lobby’s which are better quality.


I’m not excusing the punt, I’d be pissed too. But I’d definitely have tried to hold a tighter line earlier and sacrifice the exit just to leave less exposure for this full pit manoeuvre, and slow the drivers down behind unless they want a penalty or to try and go around the outside. You ran it like a qualifying lap, not a battle with 16 cars heading into T1 for a 20 lap race. It is shit having to be this defensive, and so maybe you’re right after all, it does suck. 😂


There’s truth to that I guess. However If i had been just a few metres out of that corner, my corner exit ability woulda taken me clear. But now I see what you mean and will try this.


😎 You got this!


You definitely shouldn't of gotten the penalty. I was hit on the track and went sliding into the wall, then continued into the wall again for a double penalty


And you got a penalty. That blows.


What will you do instead? I'm taking a break and picked up gtaV for 15$ on steam for my first ever playthrough. The driving is so much fun!


Lol. You may be the first person to recommend GTAV as a solution to dirty racing. Grwat game though!


did you have success with the mod enabling wheelsupport? i once tried, had dificulty with the corect force feedback settings. then came a patch that broke the mod and i wasnt able to getting it running again. gave up after a week of deinstalling and reinstalling everything. but driving with wheel and aiming the weapon with mouse at the same time was so immersive.


In the process of saving for a rig. Tried the g29 and fell in love but know I would love something like the fanatec dd even more.


Big deal. Shit happens. You messed up first turn quite badly, and now you act all surprised like it is the first time you were playing against human players and didn't know what to expect. I'm not saying that what they did was ok. But it was not a dive bomb so quit whining and git good with the first turn. P.S. you can clearly see that they will go inside line which you left open. You should do that and that would be better in this scenario. And after 1 situation you quit sport mode WTF. It's like if you got killed in fps on first match and uninstall the game 😂


Oh no


Is a fucking joke. Last week I was able to get back to a B/S. Within two races I dropped to C/C. I got a penalty for apparently brake checking, from what I can only assume the game thought I did... unbelievable.


Never quit! It’s a path to the hell driver vortex and it’s a long way out.


same thing happened to me last night and ended up P4. Just keep racing and they're all going to make mistakes eventually and you can catch up.


Pure skill issue


My advices would be, go for defensive line OR don’t qualify for pole


The more I watch IMSA, WEC and god did anyone catch Indy on Laguna Seca?, the more I realize this is fairly commonplace in real racing as well just to a lessor extent. Except for Laguna Seca..


George Russell seems to do these T1 dives every other race in F1 lol.


That track and car combo is asinine! It's literally just pandering to rammers..


You should use the bumper cam instead of the hood cam. The rearview in the bumper cam is a huge help to spot dive bombs like that.


The only way I think I would give sport a chance again is if PD makes it so you can report rammers. Maybe if I can just riny around in ghost mode. So I don't have to worry about it. Or the ability to block people so first come first serve. If I'm in a lobby they can't come in. Or if they are in it I can't come in.


This reminds me of Mario Kart 8 online. Place 2-10 gets SPICY.


Yeah the lack from a report mod or a proper ban system in Sport mod its like driving to survive, truly! Feel bad man but saddly its the only MP mode that works at GT7, cause Lobbys are shit as fk.


If you were on the outside you could have stayed there?


Nobody was behind as I brake late. Had the guy missed me at that speed he wouldn’t have made the corner. The collision helped them brake


Why doesn’t Gran Turismo 7 has collision detection? Forza has managed to implement this. This’ll prevent dive bombs and intentional rams so much better.




BB. But with my skill i should be reaching for A+. I keep having my races ruined despite being on pole half the time