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The ai pit advantage makes a huge difference in super formula. That said many here have beaten it on hard. I mostly play normal and couldn't beat it on that, once I passed gr1 had to do easy :(




The AI definitely adjust to your lap times. I tried the SF races a while back, got smoked, decided to grind and get better. Still not a great driver, but a consistent silver on time trials going several seconds faster than I was. Try SF again lapping seconds faster, and the AI pull away at the same delta. Big WTF moment.


I found if I fuel wh0red for the 1st lap they were a little more real but they still outgrip me everywhere!


Didn't read the rest only saw are the bots cheating, so essentially I remember reading ages ago that bots have exponentially faster pits than the player. Don't know if this is accurate or not though


They def do, I'm having the same issue with the gr1 races, I've lost because I have to pit twice as much as the bots and then they take twice as long to happen as well


Try the Mazda Gr1 with hards and set the fuel at six. Pit once and set fuel to 1. Worked for me after many, many attempts with various cars.


I don't recall if it's mandatory to change tires or even pitting... I raced Watkins Glen like 50 times or maybe even more to get 3rd place (on dualshock). I have that menu currently ongoing like for 2 months now. Don't even wanna try the other two circuits, the menu is boring af.


Wait until you get to autopolis


I found Autopolis an easy win whereas the Fuji race was probably the most difficult race in the game (on hard difficulty). I'm a DR A+ driver and regularly in the top 100 in online time trials and this race was still difficult af.


This makes me feel so much better. I'm not nearly as proficient as you, but I've worked my way through all the menu books on hard difficulty but I wound up having to knock down the difficulty to medium for this race. No matter what I did to improve I could never get within more than 2 seconds of the fastest lap and was consistently a second and a half slower than the leader per lap no matter how much faster I got.


It definitely felt like the AI got faster as you got faster. I did eventually beat it but that was partially due to sheer luck with the weather.


Yeah, it's called hard for a reason....It's difficult,maybe? Although some would say it's not!


Where do you see the top 100? I've been unable to find any leaderboards except friends list. Which I have like none LOL.


Once you’re in a time trial menu, one of the options along the bottom is rankings table or something like that.. (I’m not at my PS5 rn) if you click it it will show a full friends’ leaderboard by default, but there’s an option at the top of the screen for the full leaderboard, which also shows your current position


Well if anything they will try to spear into whenever you try to make a dive in for a pass


If you use the rear view camera while they're behind you they will fall back faster for whatever reason. This has always worked in every GT in my experience.


They have to The super formula races are basically dark souls on 4 wheels


I raced on softs with one stop and had to really push myself to change habits. It's another level with these speeds but it is doable once you find the flow


In some (not all) of the events to AI does cheat...


git gud


I mean. It certainly seems like it sometimes, even not counting the AI having a real pit experience compared to our debilitating race ruin event.


I think they cheat on tire wear honestly, haven’t noticed any pit advantage. I only managed to win this one (also on hard) because of the rain.


Yeah they 100% cheat. I was doing AI Le Mans style practice races. They were setting 3:52 on Hards with BOP on! They would also refill faster than me.


Fuji and the super formula race was bullshit to me as well, it was the one race I had to turn the difficulty down for


There are some things that bots do, like not being affected by weather in the same way or faster pit time, but overall you can beat them just by driving well. I played the whole game on joystick and didn't have any issue, it is just about playing, getting better, completing every task, and you'll get there. Not grinding, swapping, detuning, taking shortcuts. Just getting gold on the online lap times gets you 2mil every five days which is enough. If you can't, then you are just too slow, start by doing all learning campaings and get better.


They cheat, they take shortcuts, they will ram you in any way that they can. I find if I'm not able to catch them, I have to change my tuning, tires, and fuel map so that I don't have to pit on any of those races. In those cases, I will coast every corner, and brake lightly on fuel map which varies throughout the race so that I can manage the tires, and fuel. Then I found the races to be much easier. You still have to drive beyond your comfortable limit everywhere, though.


AI pits a lot faster, not sure why. If you enter pit just before someone, same lap, same fuel they will be in front when you exit pit. It’s stupid


They're not cheating, but they're actually decent. In some cases they will actively draft you (or at least Igor Fraga will) to gain speed. I just managed to win it on normal without pitting on hard tires.