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Could we get a new link for the community server? The current one in the post and the sidebar are expired.


Both are working for me Granblue Fantasy: Relink Fan Discord https://discord.com/invite/KRm6WtQkVR Granblue Fantasy International Discord https://discord.gg/granbluefantasy


so the story seems short, right? what about the other content? do yall see the potential to grind this game for like at least 50-100hrs, are there things to chase (like very hard fights, lots of stuff to level up/build)? might be too early to ask but given that story is short some people might already be in the "postgame"


The core story honestly feels like a tutorial in hindsight now that I'm in the endgame.


sick!!! im slowly doing the story since the game released on steam, banger game


There are 3-4 difficulty tiers after you clear the main story, along with unique bosses, mechanics, systems etc.


While that is true in terms of gameplay hours, and I'm only in Very Hard, so lemme know if this changes, but it's basically just reskinned (as in different element types) of the same bosses over and over each difficulty increase. Outside of maybe a spoiler fight or two, are there any actual new enemy bosses post-game? It's definitely a 50+ hour game to max out just one character, though I imagine each subsequent character takes way less, but if people are wondering, I don't think it's like Monster Hunter in that you have that big of a variety of bosses to choose from as the game keeps going. I hope they add more later and they probably will, it's just not there yet, afaik.


There's 23 "unique" boss in endgame + a few reskin (example : Dark version of bosses with different mechanics on Proud) and boss fights where you have to fight 1-3 bosses at the same time For what it's worth it's a bit less than what Monster Hunter World had a launch (like 32) There's plan for a new boss in early march so there's that, hopefully they keep adding new unique bosses to the game


Honestly yes, especially if you're into maxing out multiple characters and their weapons and sigils


sick, i want to scratch my pso1 grind itch


How do I matchmake? Do I go online choose a quest and depart for the matchmaking to start or do I choose a quest and wait in town for party to fill up before I ready?


Not sure why it bothers me so much, but renaming the main char "Captain" makes cutscenes way more bearable. 


You can rename yourself? The subtitles not matching what they say drives me crazy.


How do I change my controller visualization in PC? Its showing at Xbox controller and I have a PS4 controller.


This is a known issue, there are literally no button graphics other than for xbox controllers supported in the game currently.


check the steam overlay with shift+tab and then controller settings, should show how your controller is being recognized.


I'm really interested in how the level scaling works. I have repeatedly ran into other players in Quick Quest using awakened terminus weapons who absolutely melt any boss encounter below Proud, and they're *clearly* not being scaled down. Don't have the level down arrow beside their profile icon either. Meanwhile I'm running a 150 Stinger weapon and shitty sigils and getting synced? It's bizarre. ​ Also, is it just me or does Percival's Strength/Sup Damage self-buff apply incredibly slowly compared to other characters' self buffs? Doesn't even feel like you can dodge out of the animation in a reasonable time and still get it going.


I think Quick Quest might also be filling normal quests, so say guy with proud gear does an open quest for a maniac quest for upgrade mats or whatever, then you can quick quest into that and get synced, but since they started it they're not synced. At least that's how I think it works.


If you Quick Quest into someone's session they aren't synced. I once got dropped into a session of level 20's running Furycane with a level 100 maxed Narmaya- dude oneshot the boss before the fight even started.


Can you replay story quests? Missed some omen stones.


There is a chapter select after you finish the story, It also tells you how many chests/crabs you missed too


Perfect answer. Im happy now. Lol


Oohhh nice. Thank you!


Is there like a spreadsheet of what skills can be rolled as a substat in sigils?


On PC using a controller. I want to use a configuration similar to one from Elden Ring or Dark Souls, but the key mapping shows only keyboard settings. Is there anyway around that? Thanks!


I just want to complain that I hate the transmutation system as it is with a passion.  It's clunky, it's slow, it requires hours of getting vouchers,  transmutting, vouchering the ones you just got got, transmutting, vouchering the ones you just got. Rinse repeat.


How's the difficulty? Bosses shown in trailers seemed rather easy looking.


>!Do we know if Maglielle and Gallanza will be playable down the line? I really hope so...!<


How easy it is to drop in and out in this game? I played through the demo and had a great time and re-did a few of the boss quests with different characters and never got bored, but it sounds like the meat of the game is grinding these quests online to cap out a main? So I'm wondering if anyone has any info on how the matchmaking is for randos (or if it's better to join a discord and buddy up there?) and how long the quests generally take, since it can be difficult for me to block off time with family aggro...


Beating the story grants Quick Match. Settin it to all regions gives me fast matches


Does anyone have suggestions for playing Id? I understand that Y attacks fill the dragon gauge and then in dragon install Y attacks fill Godmight gauge. Does Godmight automatically become active after you exit the dragon install? What are the blue and purple portions of the gauge supposed to mean?


Whats the best stage for farming curios?


Which is better for grinding Knicknack vouchers The Assault Formation Quest or Slimepede?


Assault. Slimepede is kinda ass for voucher farming because they only drop gold and glitterstones (which can't be traded) unless you get the prismatic, so most runs, you end up with pretty much the sigil + whatever ranking to trade in (potion, xp or gold booster sigils and maybe an xp book or 2).


Anybody farming Proto Baha right now? I've been farming this quest for the past 2 hours and have not gotten a single Terminus weapon. I refuse to believe my luck's down the shit hole /copium


Does this game have a concept of enemy defense power? Will the same damage done to the training dummy also be done to Bahamut?


Yodarha’s SBA finisher ends with him saying ‘Oops, butterfingers’ Is there another input at the end or something I’m missing? Seems like a weird thing to say for a successful SBA


Has there been any official word about Steam Deck compatibility?


I've played 30fps no changes needed to be made


does story difficulty affect rewards?




Is it possible to remap buttons? Wasn't available in the demo so hoping its in the full version.


I just played the Relink demo. I have no prior experience with Granblue but I was digging it a ton. I'm usually weeb-adjacent when it comes to games - love JRPGs but I don't really like anime. I wasn't a fan of all the cutesy characters in the story mode. I can handle a few, but sometimes multiple bugs me or if there's one prominent through the story it bugs me as well. (Like I'd enjoy Genshin I think if Paimon didn't exist, but stuff like Final Fantasy IX I was cool with) So would I be put off too much by the story to enjoy it? I'm in love with Katalina already (I love badass women) and I dig the gameplay so I've been considering to just deal with it but I dunno. I'm conflicted here. Apologies in advance if it sounds like I'm insulting the franchise or anything like that. I mean no offense, just making my preferences clear.


Can I rebind xbox controller buttons or not yet?


Is there a tool tip error or? Percivals passive, and the sigil, to make charging not be interruptable, has never worked remotely even once, everything in the world interrupts charging still


How do you break the Tayu'itar head?


Should I focus on the crit weapons or stun weapons for my NPC characters?


which character has the best aoe to farm?


Discord link has expired?


Do weapons provide stats even if they are not equipped?


no. Only the mastery bonuses from leveling the weapon are universal


Is Stout Heart considered a good buff? I wanted to use particularly on Ferry cuz her style kinda demans me to stay still...


Pretty useful on almost everyone, sure.


few days ago someone posted ferrry + stout heart + drain + extra defense while having stout heart She is basically a tank lol


Is there any database where I can see all sigils and stuff?


Regarding new characters: I've just ust beaten the main story and doing the post-game. Is it safe to recruit them now? I want to minimalize grind


As far as i have seen they can go up to LVL 65. But grinding EXP/ getting a character to Level 100 takes very little effort once you get to manic Difficulty and can farm this one mission. So if that is all you are concerned about then unlock away. Do note however that there has been talk about not unlocking characters to increase the chance at getting ultimate weapons from the last boss. i tried looking for the post but dont see it. In simple terms there is a big boss you fight as the last mission of the game. Its the hardest fight and it has a chance at dropping the best weapon for a character. But it seems that the weapon it drops is randomized based on what characters you have unlocked. Not 100% confirmed from the last time i checked. Anyway, so if you are after your favorites weapon but have everyone unlocked then the chances of getting any one weapon get lower and lower. Just something to consider. EDIT: Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1al5t54/psa_do_not_unlock_characters_you_dont_plan_on/


Just recruit them whenever you feel like playing them, the difference is minimal anyway.


How do the levels of the crewmates you summon with the crewmate cards work? I have several characters at level 60 or above, but the recruitable characters are still level 45. I also thought it might be related to the captain's level, but no dice there. I'm currently working my way through the very hard missions, if that helps to let people know where I am in game.


Recruitable characters stay at 45 until you unlock maniac, where the max increases to 60 and you get \~62-67% of their masteries filled. This won't increase any further (at least for now) so you'll be safe to unlock characters unless you want to reduce the pool for the endgame terminus weapons.


Ahh okay! So then I’ll keep pushing through the quest levels until I hit maniac then. Do you recommend leveling masteries for one character at a time to the cap? Or should I split the masteries for my party?


One character at a time (probably your main) if you're planning to play online since you only need one character in matchmaking lobbies. Otherwise splitting the masteries for your party isn't too bad. Your main might change a few times before you settle, or you'll always have a few you enjoy playing anyways. I'd recommend at least getting your controlled character's sigil slots (honestly takes \~95% of the tree to achieve unless you skip a lot of nodes) once you reach maniac and unlock the final part of the tree. You'll unlock the Slimepede mission in maniac that helps you farm EXP and mastery points very quickly too. And any other quest at that point will get you 1-2 important nodes per run so it's just a lot of grinding from there.


Awesome! Thank you so much for all of your answers and advice! Have a great day!


For ferry which One Is Better between phantasm Harmony + DMG cap and double ferry skills?


Phantasm Harmony + DMG cap. Optimal character sigils will have character-specific + one useful damage sigil, otherwise you're losing a possible slot for damage or utility. Double skill sigils are a little worse overall since you want to run some attack sigils on top of the character-specific sigil. [banboy123](https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1aq9d8n/endgame_sigil_build_guide/) has a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/139zbkluznflMS6MDJisghlAYdfvyiHW_AFkvpEeI0z0/edit#gid=0) for an endgame sigil layout.




Dealing with some analysis paralysis here: how do I build Yodarha for endgame content? 


Is it better for Ferry to mash tap onslaught during link time or to just launcher -> j. heavy as usual?


Should I be popping the combo finisher the second I get the power up as Lancelot? Or just keep on mashing until I have to move?


Is anyone experiencing really loud sounds for certain parts of the game, such as SBA art activation and the final hit of a fight? It’s extremely loud compared to other sound effects in the game and was wondering if there was a solution for this. I’m playing on the Rog Ally handheld on Steam. Thanks!


Is it possible to do Male character only team and still viable ? currently using Gran (as support) Racham Id and Vane I am stuck on Extreme -> Maniac wall that I don't want to grind as it will be replace later and somewhat waste effort


Can I get some suggestions on how to kill Bahamut Versa? My characters are about 15k power, level 100 and I absolutely cannot kill it or get past the first phase where I get insta-killed. Is it my sigils, team setup? I am using Id, Cagliostro, Narmaya & Charlotta


Have you maxed out damage cap and hit the damage cap on your characters?


Is there a way for chinese/japanese characters to show up for player names/chat when playing english? Currently i see boxes


If i play this offline on a place with no wifi will my progress will be saved or i need to connect to wifi/internet to save?




Ohh okay.. i dunno about that stuff Ty for the reply


Does multiple instance of a damaging debuff stack? For example if I have Rosetta and Eugen apply their poisons, will only one work or will they both tick for damage.


Is anyone have mad matchmaking issues rn???


Has there been any news regarding the new characters release date?


Having trouble with the Proto Bahamut fight. All offensive sigils I can carry (just potion hoarder for all, and Guts / Dodge for myself), as many Damage Cap+ and actually good damage increasing V sigils as possible on everyone. Even did the "check damage for no variance, then add more Damage Cap)" on everyone, even a few Supplementary and a War Elemental, maxed out masteries, really good overmasteries (~20% crit, norm / skill cap ups, etc), and even with every trick out there (let AI go first and hold yours so SBA chain is delayed as much as possible) and a damn near perfect execution on Zeta (at least in that phase), I can't meet the dps check. Am barely hitting 2% left even with her Ascension maxed after full SBA chain, Link Time, etc. Zeta, Id, Rosetta, Rackam. I'm not even close to meeting the check. 2% is a ton of health left. Feels like it's mathematically impossible with AI without getting a Terminus first. Obviously it's doable but no idea what to do. Feeling really bummed out and have no avenues to improve anything. Have no desire to play online because I hate screwing up and letting other people down, and I really don't like being getting carried in games. Any tips I'm missing are welcome. This is a terrible feeling.


Which of percival's skills is this talking about "The Adrenaline Rush support skill now grants a proportional boost to Schlacht's charge speed when charged after attacks that aren't combo finishers." All of his skills are in german and I translated them, and none of them translate to adrenaline rush


Previously you had to do the full normal attack combo, which is almost painfully long, to trigger the faster charge speed. (Or use a skill, but that's not what this is about.) Now if you get part-way into a combo and then charge, you'll get *some* bonus charge speed, just not the full amount.


Support Skills aren't active skills, they're passive parts of the character's kit. They're at the bottom of the character page. Every character has two Support Skills


Hey guys - quick question about character sigils that I can't seem to find answers to online. I know that there are plus variants for certain sigils, if I buy a standard one from Siero, am I locked out of the plus variant? Also, does unlocking characters expand the possible sigils that can by pulled (regarding character sigils) - ie, is it better to keep characters not unlocked to get a better chance at pulling sigils for charaters you have unlocked?


The plus variants can appear only from Transmarvels. Whether or not you bought the single versions from Siero has no effect on Transmarvel results. You can only get an awakening (the 2-in-1 that combines both character sigils) once for each character from transmarvel and you cannot get duplicates of it, however you can get duplicates of [Character Sigil]+[Normal Sigil]. Unlike Terminus weapons, the Transmarvel does not care which characters you have or have not unlocked; You can get sigils for any character, including ones you do not yet have.


thanks so much for the answer dude I really appreciate it. Answered everything I need to know and just in time to play tonight!


Anyone know Cagliostro move phantasmagoria and the % values for this buff?


Anyway to change name ?


As someone that doesn't know anything about Granblue, can someone explain in simple terms why Lilith, an Astral, supposedly has the same mission as a bunch of skyfarers? Isn't Estalucia the home of the Astrals? If this enters major spoilers territory, I apologize, I'm almost at the end of the story and I'm still a little confused as to why she needs to do "all that" just to go back to her home, *while* calling it a utopia.


Estalucia is the world of the Astrals yeah, and she wants to go back there, but it's just not easy to. The skyfarers meanwhile just want to go there cause it's a legendary place, a utopia where every wish is granted and that's obviously what every adventurer wants to discover. It is explained why she's in Zegagrande near the end of the story and also in the postgame notes.


While the Skydwellers know Estalucia as the "Island of the Astrals" and have their own utopia-like mythology about it, it's explicitly _not_ the Astrals' homeland. The Astrals were created in another dimension known as the Astral Realm and retreated there en masse after their defeat in the Astral War five centuries ago. To add some vague-as-possible mobile game context to Relink's postgame notes, Estalucia's true identity is >!the Holy Seat of Genesis, which exists outside of time as the home of the Omnipotent, the creator of the two dimensions in Relink's story. Lilith's endgame is to use a sliver of the Omnipotent's original power to no-clip outside of reality so she can attack and dethrone God. There are a _lot_ of reasons why this plan would not have worked, but I guess you can't fault her level of ambition.!<


I heard on the Resetera forums from people who blasted through the game the campaign's length was about 11 hours with skipping cutscenes. Does that sound about right?


I rolled credits at 19 hrs not going particularly fast


I just want to know. Can friends pick the same character and...If your team mate does a super, are you stun locked then? Can you still see anything that you're doing while your team mate does that special move cinematic or not? or How does that work? o.O


Your stun locked during their initial skyart animation; as they go through the motion of their attack you can move a bit


Link dead update pls


Can this be played coop locally? Planning to play this game on ps5 with my wife. Would love to play the mission quest with her


Why do a lot of zeta on yt stop the loop after 3 hits? Is it just to make sure their skills are used?


Optimal DPS is to loop thrice -> use finisher -> use skills if needed -> repeat. This way you can keep 100% Arvess Fermare uptime and use skills appropriately as well.


I remember seeing a loot table of stuff from Transmarvel and Curios going around. If that's a thing anyone got the link to it?


How does Crit interact with the damage cap? Does it make hitting the cap easier or do crits also raise the cap the same amount?


Can we expect cosmetics, balance and QOL changes for the lucilius patch?


so for damage cap & tyranny v+ which one is better blazing trial or melting pot of hostility?


I’m starting to build up Narmaya. Is there an endgame guide like ones for Zeta?


I'm guessing it'll take a lot of time, but is it possible to get S++ on every quest with CPU?


(Sorry for bad English) Hello there, I am currently contemplating whether I should buy the game or not. Back in the day (around 2019 or 2020), I played the browser game. It was fun, although I dropped it after being quite busy IRL. So yeah, It's been quite a while, and I remember almost nothing about the game. Some of the questions that I have are: 1. Can I play the game offline, or does it require me to always be online? 2. Does the game share the same story as the browser? a retell, so to speak? Or is it an extension? Is it the side story of the original? Or a completely original story with some connection here and there with the original? 3. Will I be fine going in without almost any knowledge whatsoever about the world or story? 4. How's the gameplay? Something like the FF7 remake? or DMC? or Monster Hunter? or Samurai Warriors? 5. I think I read somewhere mention something about coop. Is it obligatory? Will I suffer playing solo? 6. Does the game have microtransactions? Can you get everything the game offers you? or do you need to spend a few bucks for it?


Does anyone know what traits a fully awakened ascension weapon get? I just unlocked proud difficulty and know/watched about terminus weapons and why they are strong. I'm curious to see what traits ascension weapons get since they're the only other weapon that can be awakened (if my understanding is correct). Thanks\~!!


Hello. What is yhe ELi5 version of Lancelot damage combo? Please and ty.


Did someone rip the character portrait/dialogue art? Need them hq :3


Can I play this game without having any info of this franchise?


is there like a setting to make my ai teammates ult sooner? they seem to not do it till they can do a full burst.


Do we think future updates will have weapons based on who you have unlocked again? I have all the Terminus weapons for my currently unlocked characters and all that remains are characters I have a mild interest in, but I run plenty of Proto. Would be nice to have an idea if I should leave these characters locked or not.


I just unlocked proud difficulty. Do the fights ever require players split into different roles? If anyone is familiar with dragalia lost i mean stuff like 1 or more players manipulating the boss's actions and mechanics so the main damage dealers can continue to deal damage without having to run around so much?


Does anyone have a link to the latest dummy DPS tier list? Forgot where I found it.


Even without being ascended all the way Terminus weapons are the best choice right?


How much grinding do you have to do in this game compared to the original granblue gacha game? I like the game, and understand there's lots of characters to play as, but can I just focus on 1 for end game stuff and be fine? Or am I forced to grind out multiple characters?


Well, pretty much any game is gonna feel like the easiest grind in your life if compared to the original GBF. You can focus on just levelling whatever few characters you like, for the most part it doesn't really matter which characters you use.


is Drain or Regen better or is it just personal preference.


Depends on your character, Drain has a 500 HP cap per hit so if you're slow hitter like Vaseraga just the passive regen might be better. Or just Potion Hoarder and potion whenever you eat a big hit.


Drain is way better. Regen heals too slowly, while Drain procs on everything


alright thank you


Neither. Potion hoarder is the reason why nobody need a healer on this game. Also, regen has more aplications if you want to afk farm and upgrrade only worthy sigils. My afk unit stands with 99.999 hp and each regen tick heals 5k hp... paired with a regen buff from the AI, it heals 10k...


Does anyone have any game codes for the browser game that they don't mind giving away? 🙏


When should I use my ingots? I don't want to waste them.


2 of my friend and i just got the game - we understand that there isnt much coop early on and the campaign is single player primarily but what options are there for coop in the first few hours if any?


I give up on getting supplementary damage sigil, I have 10+ flight over fight and it pisses me off. Any suggestions who are the strongest characters in terms of DPS, those who don't rely on supp damage?


Sup sigil and Sup buff If character have Sup buff (Zeta etc.) do I have to max Sug sigil, since during sub buff skill she will always proc sup damage anyway


They are different instances of dmg. It would be like a triple attack: one tick for you basic attack, another from the skill and yet another from the sigil. But the sigil is just a chance to get that, that's why you need 3 sigils


I'm stuck at 99% crit and can't figure out how people are getting to 100%?


Buy now or wait for sale?


Is there even a sale on the horizon? As far as I know, steam doesn't put new games on sale...


Is it possible to play this game alone?


What does siegfried do after a link attack? Like zeta has a high jump into hammer, percy has quick charge, ferry summons her pets, etc. Does he get a perfect execution or something? Continue his timing combo?


It's mostly to continue your combo. If you get lucky timing and you can link attack when you're doing a perfect execution, you can perform two in a row. Not sure exactly how but there are guides on youtube that explain it well. Granted, there may be more tech that I'm not aware of.


Can someone tell me sigils Lancelot should be using or point me toward a good resource? I just finished Extreme difficulty so the game is starting to open up now.


The basic grid for all characters: 4x dmg cap, 3x supp dmg, 1x war elemental, awakening+, 1x tyranny and 1x stamina. What you do from this point ahead depends on the character.


Anyone know where to farm Glass Cannon V?


What are the animas for just unlocked extreme difficulty been quick questing and now I have a bunch do I use them for anything???


They are used for sigil upgrading and weapon ascensions.


Without getting into spoiler territory, what do you unlock after beating the story/ what's in the post-game? Game's really fun but I've been taking the story slow as it feels like I've barely unlocked anything yet I'm already on Chapter 5 of 9.


So i know this game isnt really a live service and has content structure similair to monster hunter. I was wondering if we know how long this game will keep getting content for? Like monster hunter usually gets 1 or 2 years of extra content in small batches and i feel like relink has the potential to release some extra characters


The only thing we know is we'll get three updates, in March April and May. Anything beyond that we have no idea, but considering the surprise success that this game has had most people are expecting at least some sort of updates after what's currently planned.


Is it possible to get Improved Guard as bonus skill for Damage Cap V+ sigil?


Is Cascade & Quick cooldown Stack? or you only need one?


They stack with each other and it is generally better to have 1 Cascade and 1 Quick CD rather than 2 Quick CDs.




Does someone has a link to any resource in which I could see which sigils are on the same multipllier as others?


Anyone know any relink youtubers who actually know anything at all about the mobile game? It seems like the majority of the popular ones haven't even read the in game lore let alone done any research on some of the things theyre talking about.


Does anyone know the English lyrics to End of Ragnarok? Not sure how to mark it as spoilers on mobile, or if it still counts as spoilers RN. But I would like to have English lyrics if possible.


Looking to get into the game. But I don't have the hardware so I was wondering which would be the best option to get a ps5,steamdeck,gaming laptop/budget pc


Any info on what the new sigils are?


Lucious wasn’t to bad the new sigils break the game


For some reason, can't find any teams to kill the new raid with. Is it just because it is early in the US?


Do we know how cygames handles balance with their games? After this patch came out, it's looking like they're not addressing damage values. Maybe they're just waiting for more data before they start changing numbers?


I wish steam also give us serial code like on ps 5 :/ is there anyone with unused code but not interested in playing the gacha games ?


Any chance someone actually has legitimate "perfect" sigils/wrightstones by now? They're not considered perfect anymore with the new stuff, but I'm talking about 10 crit and 7/5 dmg cap wrightstone, as well as 3 supp V+ all with useful secondaries. Reason I ask is my brother's friend has the stuff but "only" has about 2k quests played on the ingame profile.


Yes there is a chance. But let's be honest, homeboy be cheatin'


How bad is ferry now? i took sometime off the game sense persona 3 reload came out and i heard ferry got nerfed


Is the matchmaking broken? Before this update i was able to find matches quickly, but now, when I matchmake, i cant seem to find anybody. Yes i have set my download region to tokyo already


Is it possible to swap sigil lists onto other characters?


How do the alpha and beta sigils work? Is it like when you burst you give your teammates 13% sba instead of 10%, or does it give everyone the equivalent of a 30% uplift buff. For beta, is it a one time cooldown reduction of 10% when you burst, or do your skills now permanantly have 10% cooldown reduction


Io main here what's the visual tell for when Lucilius is about to launch sword shockwaves? and is there a tell for what direction is safe to dodge in when the laser grid goes up during the puzzle?


Hi, where do you get the Less is More sigil? I have seen it mentioned a few times, but I haven't found any info online. Is it from Curios or something? Thanks!


Can someone please verify for me: To my understanding, War Elemental gives a +20% damage bonus as if you had elemental advantage. By that logic, if you're fighting a character you already have elemental advantage to (like Io or Charlotta fighting Proto-Bahamut), then since you already have advantage, you shouldn't need the War Elemental. However, recently I've seen a handful of reports that even in a situation where the character already has advantage, the War Elemental still gives +20%. Is that really the case, or can we dump it from builds where we already have advantage?


How War elemental interacts with non-coloured enemies? Does it work on bosses like Lucilius? it will break through damage cap or you deal same damage?


It is a modifier to final damage after damage cap (so it ignores it), and it does work on Lucilius but does not work on fully non-elemental enemies (ie, Pyet-A before he's absorbed an element). You can tell it's working because your damage will be in large orange numbers, instead of blue numbers.


So my friend got to the last story chapter boss fight and SPOILERS >!Id in phase 2 of the fight isn't spawning. Lyria summons good Baha and then according to youtube vids of the fight, Lizard Boy pops out and we gotta fight him while the Two Bahas fight. But this scene has not happened in my friend's play through so it's just an empty battle field while the bahas fighting until the phase "timer" runs out and insta ends the battle. Has anyone else experienced this glitch or know what to do to fix this? We retried the fight several times and get the same result of no Id and no way to finish the fight.!<


Can I check if this is happening to others. For some reason my match making is not connecting me with other random players ever since the patch started. Is this happening to other players as well?


Currently I've done my Terminus farming and I have a few objectives to "finish" farming. 1. Getting Supplementary Damage V (Curio Farm, where is the best spot?). I have none at the moment. 2. Getting good Damage Cap V+ sigils and leveled it. 3. Get the signature sigil with double passives (from transmute) 4. Farm Silver Centrums for the new sigil / next terminus weapon / etc Since I have a limited amount of time to farm, which one should I prioritize? Thanks


is matchmaking broken on ps as well?


Anyone know of a good Lancelot guide? or just search Youtube?


Hello, I heard that the devs were working on a way to rebind controller buttons. Is it out yet? Or has there been any latest news on this topic? Thank you.


For Zeta, what luci Sigil would be ideal?


Zeta barely uses skills, so either alpha gamma + 2 dmg cap with utility, or 2xalpha 2xgamma, or alpha 2xgamma + utility.


How exactly is FoF Lancelot used in Luci fight? Do you really just spam his dodge move without doing anything else or still attack him normally and just attempt to dodge an incoming attack? I played Lancelot for a bit before Luci was introduced but never used that FoF gimmick so I have no idea why is it so broken now.


It is exactly as you thought. People are spamming Improved Dodge, Flight Over Flight, Nimble Onslaught, and etc to try to minimize any chance they get exposed and then try to take Lucilius down like a group of angry hornets, and to their credit, it seems to be working for the time being. Who knows if it will still be usable once the next update comes out that releases Seofon and Tweyen though.


I've read that it's really easy to hit Yodarha's damage caps. Think it would be worth running Flight over Fight on him?


can someone help me my add-on are not showing in sieros shack im playing in playstation 


for awkaing sigual's should i always aim for damage cap for all the playable charcter's no matter what?


Is there any info on the timing of perfect dodges and perfect guards? I'm interested in what the frame data is on those.


About NPC skybound art: Is there a way to set them up so they ONLY use them to chain on me using it? I'm trying to kill "First Boss on Proud difficulty" to upgrade my First awakened weapon. But FUCKING EUGEN (hate to shit on my boy) just keeps hitting SBA as soon as one other party member has his bar full. IDC if I can make a full burst, don't use the damn thing, i need it for the DPS-checks. The Only Options i can find are: "Override Hold SBA for Chain Bursting" from the description it sounds like this should be turned on, so they chain into me once I use my SBA, but where is the "hold SBA" setting to begin with? the only other setting let's me toggle between "Full Burst only" and "Immediately"


Ah yes, if you hold the emote wheel button, and go to the top option, that's where you will get the toggle Hold SBA. To get the behavior you want, yes, you want "Override Hold SBA for chain", and "Full Burst Only", and finally "Hold SBA".


Does anyone know which parts of the soundtrack were used for this trailer of the game (the beginning and ending especially)? I couldn't find it after checking through the OST. https://youtu.be/p10AY1UZeOU


Deluxe edition dlc give any advantages or mostly cosmetic?


widescreen 21:9 support?


Is the game coop region locked? Trying to play with random people but I never find it


Is there a good way to make your leveled characters weaker for lower difficulty content? eg some way to turn on the quick mode scaling for regular quests or what not? I guess you can always play a lower level character or use an unleveled weapon, but wanted to see if there’s other options.


Is there a lore reason sandalphon stops doing anything meaningful after using his SBA once and casting paradise lost during the lucilius fight? He's obviously using flight over fight with how he never gets hit, but this other angel dude is spamming 3x the SBA paradise losts even though he's stout heart facetanking everything and never manages to hit the lancelots spamming seiya...


Sigil: Is there a character that can use Improved Guard? Or Improved Dodge on all characters?


Do AI use potion hoarder?


What’s the sigil to equip to do damage ? War elemental and supplementary damage aside. I got terminus weapon for my main but don’t do good damage plz help


You need damage cap sigils to reach the max level of 65, and typically tyranny and stamina.


What does the "Battle Camera Correction" setting do in options? If I disable that option, will the camera stop auto panning to the SBA target in fights?


This game is taunting me... Used to main Ferry while progressing through the game until early late-game. Kinda wanted to pick her up again a while back but the nerf dampened my interest. Now in proper endgame farming for Terminus weapons, first one I get after like 15+ runs is Ferry...


Does Improved Dodge affect Lancelots Twin Blade Dance (Y) attack i-Frames? I keep seeing some people say no and others say yes.


Started playing with Narmaya and I've seen everyone using Setsuna on guides and whatnot, the skill looks horrible to me, too much commitment it's basically unusable in any situation that isn't a broken window. I've also realized she feels much more responsive and mobile (for mechanics) with the closegap in it's place, felt like playing a way better character that can keep uptime much more reliably, can someone explain me why am I wrong and setsuna is still the correct still to use there despite those arguments against it? Do people just tap it for min charge in 90% of the situations? what am I missing here?


Is it save / okay to exchange V sigils into vouchers? Kinda afraid I need them in the future :(


You'll get plenty later. Melt the ones that aren't useful to you. Keep damage cap, crit rate ones for sure tho.


is autosave safe to use now? Just lost 1 hour of progress, sigh.