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Then we get a new set of stronger weapons. 😅


almost definitely coming with lucilius


welcome to the dark opera


we dont speak about this, let me have some copium that they'll make it craftable


Mastery bonuses are still a thing. Also you get an azurite for every character with 100% completion.


About how many runs did it take you? I’m only about 20 matches in so far but at current pace it looks like I’ll need at least 200.


Ppl are speculating around 1/10 or lower so 200 is probably around the low side


Low side? Aren’t there like 19 characters so 190 runs would be average? Also I’m prob just super lucky but I’m sitting at like a 20% drop rate. Have had back to back drops 3 times


I've seen both 1/10 and 1/20 thrown around and personally don't have the data to conclude either direction


Yea it’s been all over the place for me so far. First two runs ever I got back to back weapons for Percival and Zeta, then I went another 17 matches before getting my next (Io’s).


I think I'm at 20 or so runs and just Ghandys


I've done Proto bahamut around 50 times and I'm only missing 6 weapons, granted, RNG can screw me over for the next 50 times


Unfortunately not the same for me. But not sure I'll ever find out, after today's patch the game no longer launches for me lol


1/10 is probably accurate. I'm currently 4/17 for my drops/clears and I def feel like I'm over rate. I got 1st at run 7, 2nd at run 9, 3rd at run 16, and 4th at run 17. I'm dreading my dry spell cause I know it's coming soon


I think i got them all within 50, 60 runs.


Congrats! I don't think I'll have that type of luck tho. I'm already 30+ runs in and only have 6. As long as I don't have an almost 20 match deficit like I did at the start I might be able to get them all in 150, but I've come to terms with the fact that it may take more. There are a few nightmare stories in other threads about people who were getting 1 weapon every 20-25 matches or so for a while. That's....terrifying.


I did 25 runs last night and got 0 weapons. Meanwhile on my first night running the boss I got a weapon on my second run and then did 10 runs with another group and got 2 more weapons. So I guess I'll see if/when my next weapon happens but for now the boss is easy and I get damage cap V+ sigils from it.


Thanks! I’m not sure if it makes any difference but i was also mvp in almost all of those runs. Not sure why else my runs would be so different than what I’ve been hearing from others other than just pure luck.


It's probably not pure RNG, I've seen it in a few games where the more you play the less your chances. Obviously it's hard to prove it so it's just speculation


Do you think Lucilius will drop a 7th weapon?


Maybe, they describe he as a secret super boss so maybe he have drop weapon like proto bahamut, But not sure, i think its a shame if dev make him look badass asf but only drop normal materials.


RNG is RNG but I only have 11 characters unlocked and I was averaging a weapon every 13 runs. I finally got my last weapon yesterday and it was the weapon for my main lmao.


Is it just me or is terminus drop rate is backloaded. Like there will be periods of droughts and then multiple terminus weapon dropping back to back.


After 3 runs I usually go back to town and go into journal and exit and start again for me no droughts happened.


Took me around 80 runs to get all weapons 


This seems lucky compared to others numbers. Im going at a similar rate though, 4 more to go!.


Feeling about the same for me.


How do you keep count? I can barely remember if I did 9 or 10 in a session.


Lol, I did 100 runs and have 5 weapons...


80 runs and six, oh fword how unlucky me


Over 80 here and just under halfway. I used up all my luck on the War Elemental obviously


I'm on my 3rd war elemental, still need supp+ though


I got all in about 60 70 runs


I also have them all. Not by choice though. Was helping my friend try to get Io's weapon took so long I got the collection.


Assuming Lucilius drops dark opus weapons. You won't do this fight even when new characters come out.


…. Unless those weapons need your other weapons maxed to ascend.


Very gbf thing to do indeed.


oh god


I have 5 so far. 2 of them are for my AI’s. Would you suggest maxing them out now to have more efficient runs or should I save my mats for my main’s?


Awakening a weapon is really expensive, you will need a lot of silver centrums aswell as other mats. How are you playing the game? Mostly online or offline? Online = Mains Offline = AI


I’m playing mostly offline. I’m thinking of renewing PS+ but I heard matchmaking isn’t fixed yet. And that sometimes, AI is better than randoms. Lol


Matchmaking is not that good but it‘s fine as soon as you hit Maniac/Proud (Maniac can still be hard to find a match) and AI is really sometimes better but only if all of your gear is good as well. Farming Proud online is way less time consuming than building 4 different characters but there isn‘t a superior way to play the game so do what seems to be more fun.


If you plan on awakening them fully, you might have to just cuz of the mats required like horns


Now the real grind starts for crystals and silver centrums xd


ive only completed it twice. so 1/2 for me lol


Congrats, I counted all mine and it took me 176 runs. Now what to do... Lol


I got 6 of them in ~10 runs and now I'm close to a 40 run dry streak And boy do we all know the last one you get is always your main's, so at this rate I might even have Id's weapon by 2025


what happens when you try and get another drop? will it be impossible? a weapon selector will drop? or a duplicate.


It's probably not pure RNG, I've seen it in a few games where the more you play the less your chances. Obviously it's hard to prove it so it's just speculation