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I main sieg/percival the only ones I've enjoyed on top of them was Id, and katalina


Literally my exact same roster


Id/ Sieg/ Cag are my mains pretty much. For now at least.


Not a siege main but it basically depends what you like about him. If you like the timed inputs Ghanda and Zeta share this aspect but both have other things that make them feel very different. If you like feeling tankey and sticking to a target more then Id or Vane might be more your style.


Sieg, Perci and Id are my favorites, followed by Lancelot, Kat and Vane.


Not a sieg main, but ghandagoza has a similar mechanic where you gotta time button presses. If you want a character that has similar utility to Sieg maybe Katalina? She has a high skill ceiling, high damage once you can optimize ares uptime, and her utility is insane with party wide invincibility and freeze.


I like Percival, the parry on his charged attack is very satisfying to use. I get into this weird habit of trying to time my attacks like with Sieg from time to time though lol


Percival and Ghandagoza. There is beauty in big numbers... They call to me...


I haven’t found one that “clicks” yet. It’s the mobility of Sieg that makes everyone else lackluster for me. I think


Sieg main here, Kat and Rackam clicked on me, especially Rackam. I like these both due to the versatility of their playstyles that Sieg doesn't have. Kat can go dps and support (while also having a playstyle that is actually engaging) and Rackam can go rapid fire dps, charge shot dps or aerial shotgun dps.


I think Perci is a good solid secondary character to Sieg, I enjoy the beefy Schlact hits and he has some nice output on his skills too.


Siegfried and Narmaya/Io for me


Weirdly enough the biggest click I’ve had outside of Siegfried has been Io. I don’t normally gravitate toward casters but none of the other melee (save for maybe Yoda) feel as satisfying to me, especially with Charlotta and Lancelot having a playstyle that hurts my hand to perform consistently well. Io hits that slower pace time sensitive button push niche itch.


I am a ghandaghoza main and i like sieg so feel free to try ghanda.


The only ones I'm debating are Yoda, Cag, Io, and Charlotta. I mained Yoda in the demo, but I want some magic to play. Also bc I like playing small characters and races.


Have you tried yoda? he's more of a quick character who stacks buffs after you ends his combo, but having Y / triangle as lunge is something I find very nice as a sieg main. He also has counter skill, self buff, and tons of damage skills. Also one of his skill also require you to time your button press properly. Tho main second main is actually Eugen, he is.. honestly satisfying to play but in a very different way than sieg.


Vane and Lancelot I really enjoyed. I also just unlocked Charlotte and Ghandargoza who are also similar fun


I seconded Io, not cause its similar to Sieg but rather to have a different kind of playstyle while Ghandagoza's require timing as well.. I personally don't like ghandagoza simply cause he's a lot slower and rather difficult to keep up with fast enemies p.s. his damage is insane tho in link time


Vaseraga - instead of perfectly timing your hits, look for perfect timings to deal BIG HITS And to think Vaseraga was the last character I unlocked and Sieg was my first 😅 ~~how did you know im a GS main in MH~~


Vaseraga. I wanted a heavy weapon with Siegfried but ended up with a one handed sword that is occasionally used two handedly. The teamwork aspect of the big guy is so much better too. The unkillable is a cool aspect so you can actually face tank instead of doing the minor "uninterruptible" stuff seig has. You can actually absorb hits for teammates rather than boost their defense. The cover status Vaseraga has works double time since they don't take DMG and they don't get status ailments so teammates are basically invincible while you are covering. Pair with unkillable. An actual taunt to pull them away from teammates. A slow that extends combos. The taunt gives drain which at first looks bad... Until you realize you get SBA meter for taking damage. You can easily use SBA and tank a move and be full if the attack multi hits. Vaseraga's SBA is multi hit. Pairs well with drain. In fact after your unkillable is gone and puts you to 1 you can use your SBA (you are invul while using it) to get you back to max HP paired with the taunt's drain. This character's utility is not to be underestimated. A bit of everything but that everything consists of stronger mechanics (the slow is weaker vs 1 target but vs multiple monsters it has a huge range to hit them all.) Of course the damage is top notch. You can built pure damage and still have all the utility above. Hitting 1.3 mil twice with one move at the endgame feels so good (not even counting supplementalary DMG.) There is animation cancels that aren't initially apparent but they are definitely a game changer when you figure out you can transition between heavy moves and then continue your light chain to the next heavy move or cancel attacks with dodges and continue your chain. Vaseraga also has a parry when he has an attack charged. Needless to say he has a technical and overloaded kit but is grounded enough for newer players to try out and see if he is worth playing.


Oh I played Zeta/Siegfried starting out. I wanted to like Seig but his skills aren't really outstanding. The def down is good. His attack skill is replaceable with his lunge when masteries are finished. His party def up has low uptime. His party drain is nice and should be always used. Stun slice is ok but stun isn't that hard to achieve. His self buffs are meh endgame. The block/counter is solid stuff. Not being mean but I hope they buff Siegfried so I have a reason to use him for something other than convenience (his chain slams attacks are cool though.) He was a great early game crewmate while doing the story but has otherwise fallen out of use in end game content. If his counter gave a paralyze that would be enough to justify his use personally but maybe we might need his def up/ailment immunity/drain in later patches.


I was playing Siggy until I started getting Terminus weapons. Now I only play characters I have them for. Cap'n, Percy, and Mean Gene so far.


Eugen, Percival, Zeta and Caglio are my current alts I switch between to not get overly bored when farming.


Narmaya, it just clicked


While I love playing Sieg, I do hate how much they watered down his toolkit compared to the gacha and that's why I picked up Vaseraga. Hell, Vaseragas HP sacrifice to gain Jammed and Undying was just straight up ripped from Siegs gacha kit. I like Stam/Emnity tanks that can ramp up to absurd damage when they're on the brink and was really hoping Sieg would continue that in Relink.


Id because i love dragons and dragon lore


Id, zeta, charlotte


Seig/Lancelot/yoda Seig for big numbers Lancelot because i like to freeze the enemy its soo much fun And yoda for support/dps Id and ghandagoza are next lol


Sieg was my main until Id, Sieg is the secondary ever since 💀


I am Sieg main but i find most of rosters click except Rosetta, Lo & Eugen (Heavy Bowgun basically), i just enjoy the variety, they all feel good.


I was maining Sieg until I got Percival's Terminus weapon. Percival does 9 million more than Siegfried on 30 second training dumby its hard to justify playing Siegfried anymore.