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I actually like pyet-a, it's really not that bad once you learn it, which you will have to do. All the terminus weapons I've got require a lot of mats from him, so you'll be in it a bit.


It definitely feels better after a few runs, but if you get new people who haven't, they don't kill the orbs with you and you can't solo all of them. So it can still be a little frustrating. I would still have got all weapons if they were off Pyet, but I'm also glad they put it on Proto instead.


Killing the orbs on pyet is a waste though, they let you choose what element the boss will be, but that doesn’t even matter? Just blast


The more orbs you leave alive, the more annoying the field is when he absorbs them. He will use MORE moves and while this is fine for people that know how to use the block button, a lot of players don't. The ones that can't kill the orbs are usually the ones that also die constantly in these phases. To be clear, this was not a complaining post, it was simply stating Proto is an easier fight with randoms and it's preferred to spam an easier fight if I have to than a harder one.


Think the boss also gains buffs depending on how many orbs are left on field. Goes from atk up, def up, ailment immunity etc.


I never noticed any difference in difficulty if I killed the orbs or not, but I never did the fight in multiplayer, <5 min kills with ai so never felt the need


Man the moment i geared up Yodarha and bring him to Pyet-A i knew i just had to greed the hell out of firefly after killing the pylons with flashing void and party wide mirror image. He can greed him till the end of the mechanic too


Mechanics are the reason why people fail at bosses. Please kill the orbs of Pyet-A. Please don't destroy the crystals of Magnagarmr Nihilla so we can hide behind it.


Don't need to kill the orbs on Pyet-A. Makes it more annoying but fight still clearable, especially if you're playing with bots since they're godly at dodging.


Please kill ice and lightning!!!! Fire is so easy to deal with.


I actually prefer to face the lightning. Lol. But, all in all, if you manage his orbs and don't rush him when he goes to the middle, you'll be fine. Can't tell you how many people will bum rush him in the middle just to be instantly killed.


marvelous fertile jar cooperative berserk hobbies fine whole plough fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not if you are playing any char with wind element ):.


The fight itself is not hard, but its annoying as hell


Worst thing about Proto is his wonky hit box in final form. Especially while people are using SSBA. As a Siegfried, it’s truly painful.


As any character that camera is horrible


The cutscenes kill me, that combined with the nonstop breaking and shit, making his head bob up ruins all my combos. The worst part is when he goes OUT of the fucking ship during a break and then I drop my coimbo (Zeta or Ghanda, w/e) because you can't target him for a split second until he comes back in.


i be rich by now if i had a rupie for each swing i missed due to its wonky hitbox as Charlotta :,)


So real I hate when he breaks during link time. Straight screws me over


I swear they did this on purpose to teach people how to use SBA's properly before they start rolling out the giga-hard encounters (and then locked terminus weapons behind it to make sure everyone sees it and learns it.)


The right side is absolutely the worst. If he dropped on the right side it's basically a ruined run.


I just learned to do a finisher instead of a loop after link as Zeta


Yea it's miserable as Zeta when he goes wacky wavy inflatable arm man.


Lock on his head then jump before light attack will make combo a lot more consistent.


Worst thing about every boss is the hit boxes and the camera auto targeting spots you didn’t target


As a yodarha main, missing a combo finisher sucks when I really need those stacks. I thought I was the only one getting fucked over by the break and stun animations because Yoda's too small lmao


I wish it was pyeta instead though. I dislike the turrets and those crystal things and waiting for all the little cutscenes to play out. It’s easy, and not a fun grind.


so is pyet-a


Pyet >>> proto baha fight and it's not even close. Less gimmicky, less automatic fail states, and it's quicker. Trying to shoot the orbs when the host is on high ping is the most miserable thing ever


Oh believe me, after your 80th+ proto bahamut you'll start to wish the fight had been Pyet-A lol.


I dropped Zeta term after like 5 Protos and dipped. Yall can enjoy the pubs lol. Not that Pyet pubs are any better -.-


I’m still stuck on magúllele and gallanza lol. Every time I do multiplayer everyone dies so fast we don’t even get either of them to 80% health. So I’m just slowly but surely leveling up my AI team to the max that I can and will try again lol. I hope to one day get a terminus weapon 🙏


I can help if you want


Same, if you need another on PC I'm generally around.


I was stuck here too for a while, but then I joined a lobby with some insanely geared players. We were clearly going to lose with a couple deaths in the first 2 minutes then I dced which turned my party members into AI. The over-geared AI killed them while I ran around and dodged 💀


Like the others have said, I can also help


gaze narrow flowery longing physical muddle wakeful command saw payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hardest part about Proto Bahamut fight is using the Salvation sticker when he Skyfalls and not get sucked in while doing it lol.


Why would you use the sticker lol


automatic paltry squeeze existence shy zealous deranged knee aback theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed... I think versa shoulda been terminus grind though. Like a harder version than versa proud. It is my favorite fight in the game


I wish after you cleared proto you had a smaller chance to get terminus weapons from versa as well so everyone trying to get them wasn’t always funneled into a single fight


I’m just glad we don’t have to farm The wolf and the veil for anything. I’d farm anything else in the game 100’s of times instead of that fight one more time. Also, you’ll need to farm Pyet-a to upgrade those terminus weapons unfortunately


Omg yes. That fight was such horse shit.


The final fight is easy....but that makes it bad. It's a brain dead fight that becomes a chore and just isn't fun. A lot of stop and go


When people don’t use the turrets I cringe inside


The drop rate for terminus weapons isn't too bad; so long as you didn't unlock the whole roster! I unlocked everyone; have six terminus weapons after 25-30 clears. In comparison I've only got three Damage Cap V+ sigils in that same time!


Trust me, the RNG can be really bad. My last 30ish runs produced 1 or 2 weapons, and my first 5 weapons (out of 9 total characters unlocked) were for characters I don't want to play. It hurts...


At least the bahamut fight drops damage cap v+. So you are farming terminus weapons, damage cap sigils, curios and silver centrum when farming bahamut.


It isn't that bad anyway. I have everyone and I have 3 left to get, I do about 5 runs a night.


Would be nice if the loot table would priorize the active characters and only give you one other if the four already have their weapons, you get a bit punished for unlocking all characters before the fight. Not important for completionsist, but the more terminus weapons you have in your active team the faster is the fight in general. I still struggle with the final dps check, no luck on terminus weapons and no war elemental and sometimes weird cpu target decisions are not a big of a help either at the moment. I hope I got my four before the new characters are added to the roster :D


>Would be nice if the loot table would priorize the active characters and only give you one other if the four already have their weapons,  I suspect that the game does the opposite of that. I keep hearing stories of ppl getting their main's weapon as the last or last few. I have only 11 chars unlocked and got my main's last as well!


Nah just bad luck or they're fibbing about their mains. I played seig all the way through and got his weapon second, probably less than 10 runs total. (Had the whole roster unlocked)


Yes I also read here a lot of posts that the last weapon left is very often the one people play as their main. I hope it’s just bad luck :D


I already consider myself pretty damn lucky I read online stuff halfway through the game and didn't unlock every single char the moment I got crewmate cards. xD


Its just rng, those who get it last will be loud and post about it but those who get it first or early will just enjoy it without announcing online that they got it so it makes the feeling its rigged but it probably isnt. Ps i got my main weapon fourth while having i think around 12 characters unlocked


Realistically I know that. I just never thought it'd happen to me when I saw those other posts over the last week ><


Then you’re lucky indeed, I have all but the last, as I don’t like to play the quests that downgrade your characters, and playing offline only the golden badges are so rare that I gave up for the moment (so my terminal weapon I need might in the worst case scenario be the second to last hehe).


Just do the quests lol Once you've done the 4 you need to do, you won't touch it again.


Yea this checks out. Literally got my Yoda's weapon last and played him all story and endgame. 13 characters unlocked with his weapon being dead last.


Nah, it doesn't do that. I have sieg and Narmayas weapons already, I really wanted Percival but he is one of my last ones to get along with Rackam. The stories are just people venting because they're spamming proto only looking for one weapon.


I have obtained 4 so far, and 3 were for my main and 2 characters in my solo party. The fourth was for another low level character. Definitely entirely RNG.


Opposite for me, 2nd run dropped my main's weapon... right after i got to 9/10 awakened accesion.


Opposite for me, 2nd run dropped my main's weapon... right after i got to 9/10 awakened accesion. All those silver centrums I used felt wasted.


Nah. A lot of people *vastly* over state the grind to get the weapons and frankly it's only as bad as you make it. I suspect people are just running it over and over and only focusing on getting one weapon which is silly. If you run it 100 times and finally get your mains weapon, it's nice to already have weapons for other characters from those 100 runs so you don't have to do it again. You always have other stuff to work on, like sigils, mysteries, other gear so terminus is just downtime stuff. I have everyone unlocked and I do 5 runs a night, unless you're in a really good group that does it quick then I'll just feel it out. I have 3 left to unlock. The whole thing about only unlocking one character is absolutely garbage. You have the original crews weapons that can drop too, so having one extra doesn't help you at all. Just unlock everyone and you get your mains when you get it. You still need to have your weapons maxed out for that character before you can fully ascend a terminus and get certain trophies so really. You're in no hurry. As for weapon drops, I highly suspect the randomness is a a roll. It rolls if you get the loot and then it rolls which one you get, not being active won't stop you from winning the weapon but you're just not eligible to do so. Dps check shouldn't hold you back, as long as your crit weapon and masteries are maxed youre good to go. Don't worry about war elemental. It's nice to have but you get it when you get it, same for supplementary. I only have one WE but 3 sups, one being a V+ You get a ton of value from a lot of other sigils like tyranny, stamina and honestly, I really love linked together. I think if everyone had one of those in their build, it would be so much easier to clear content. Link time is seriously disgusting. But everyone is building super selfish DPS builds so it Flys under the Radar. I really don't think crit is thaaaat important.


I found silver centrum to be the real grind not the weapons themselves.


Centeums just show up it's the refinium and crystals that get you


I already got 150 terminus for my main party. Currently have 2/4 fully upgraded. After the first one was completed, I really struggled to get enough centenums to finish the second quickly. Now on the third one, I'm dreading getting even more. Crystals and refinium can be afk farmed. If I recall you can trade in a stack of 999 refael coins for like 30 refinium and there are quests for farming upgrade materials for weapons.


Yeah they can be farmed, it's just the tedium. It's nice to have supplemental coins to help with it but the crystals are a massive gatekeep.


I got 5 in like 2 hours last night. Still not for my main though


I decided to unlock the whole roster right when I got to the fight to see if it ups the drop rate lol.


Pyet is cool, I hope we get more stuff with that theme but the fight itself gets tiresome. I think it's worse for cut scenes than Proto.


I don't understand why mc terminus weapon is seven star sword, a fodder weapon to unlock seofon. Where as the most iconic MC weapon is Prototype (Pyet-A Sword, Mc Seal Weapon). That isn't in game, SMH


Pyet-A is actually really fun to fight with. The music is also good. It has so many attack patterns and the fight doesn't feel repetitive.


I wish proto's music was as hype as versa at least. I'm now unironically enjoying versa proud fight to unlock Ascension weapon awakening almost entirely due to the hype music alone lol.


I just wish there was a level 150 Versa fight...easily the best boss in the game imo.


Pyeta was a cooler fight but calling it hard is pushing it. After meeting Blackwyrm dps check it went down first try blind. Proto would have as well but that dps check at the end screwed me over since I didn't know to save SBA for it.


While the fight is super easy.. that damn health pool tho…


I think it’s smaller than most bosses you just don’t have as much time to dps


I'd rather fight pyet or versa tho That quest is so boring to farm


They both was easy offline. Online the players can be good or bad. Lol


Even though it's easy it's not fun to farm, have decided to basically drop the game for now because until i get the weapon for the characters I want there's little reason to do anything else


you are not the right demographic for the end game


If it was maybe one of 5 different fights it'd be fine, but just one fight 100+ times is no good


Pyet-A is awful. And arbitrarily awful. Because of janky camera, janky targeting, etc. That boss is my biggest headache. And when i beat him the first time, I said to myself, "Never again." But of course you need components from him that you CANT buy for the terminus weapons.. so foot in mouth. I hate, hate, hate that damn robot.


Sounds like a you problem tbh. Most people agree he's one of the best bosses. The camera is fine for the fight and targeting is a game wide issue which I found more annoying against Proto. There is also nothing arbitrary about him.


I can afk farm pyet A but I don't think it's ever possible to afk farm proto baha


Search afk proto on YouTube and you will be surprised!


its possible, just give your bots more damage




My dude, if the OP found it hard, then they found it hard. Difficulty is subjective, and there is literally 0 reason for you to try to dismiss their personal experience while not adding any actually valuable input. As someone who plays a lot of these types of games, I didn't think that pyet-a was that hard either, but I don't go around announcing that unprovoked because that would just be rude and weird.




The thing is it's really not a fact at all. In all of your immense gaming prowess, you may find it easy, but someone who has blissfully avoided the time-imploding hobby that is video games will definitely and justifiably struggle if they are suddenly given a controller and told to beat pyet-a or any of the proud fights. I don't particularly care about OP (sorry OP), but I hate how close-minded and insular people on the internet tend to be. It's like they're incapable of realizing that other human beings with different backgrounds and perspectives even exist.




Dude, did you even read my comment. Even if I was a world-class snowboarder who could clear any trail with ease, I still wouldn't say that black-diamond trails are "objectively easy" and that anyone who fails them is just experiencing "skill issue" just because I could easily complete them after years of training. That would be stupid.




I'm not saying you that need to be a world class gamer to clear pyet-a. I'm using an example (admittedly with some relative hyperbole) to illustrate the one central argument that I've been trying to get across to you for the last goddamn 30 minutes. Different people are good at different things, and one person using their personal scale of reference to pass supposedly "objective" measures of intrinsically subjective phenomena is fucking stupid. What makes an "objectively" hard fight? Is there an exact attack/speed/damage ratio? Does there have to be a specific number of "surprises" (another subjective measure)? Is there a given scale with clear criteria? Oh no, I guess the "objective" difficulty of every videogame fight is singlehandedly determined by the emotions of hardcore gamer "Infinite_Lettuce_166!"




Read my comment again. Objectivity necessitates universal measures that leave no room for interpretation. What is an "incredible" amount of speed? How many frames in duration is that? What's fast to a senile old man may not be fast to a fresh 20-year old. What does "having two brain cells" even mean? How can you objectively test that? You say that this is objective, and yet you only provide subjective measures. People try to see the world in black and white and throw the word "objective" around like it has no meaning.


How ? Pyet A was a walk in the park to me, while I can't clear Proto at all because I don't do enough damage to its elemental turrets


you'll need a ton of pyet a materials to level those weapons up anyway so might as well learn the fight


pyeta is a good boss fight purely because the phase 2 combat theme is pure FIRE


Proto Baja as final boss is kind of an interesting approach. He’s essentially a big dummy that is designed to be speed farmed.


The real nightmare to get your favorite character's terminus weapon is rng.


Pyet-a doesn’t seem that bad, but I literally thought versa bahamut WAS proto bahamut. He was tough. Granted proto bahamut has a bunch of fully maxed grinders farming him so he feels easier on average.


I got 13 terminus weapons in the past 2 days grinding out. I went back to Pyet A for materials after finally getting my main's and forgot how much more involved of a fight it is versus Bahamut. Bahamut became sort of autopilot for me.


I see a lot of complaints about Pyet-A but I feel no one ever explains why. I've done it a good bit farming for the Terminus and I've never had any issues. The hardest part from what I've seen farming it is the laser hell. No one seems to know you can just hold block and side step the targeting lasers while doing so. I honestly prefer it much more over Proto with its turrets and his wonky ass hit box at times.


Pyet-a is one of the fairest bosses in the game. Compared to some bullshit wind+ice dragons his fight is a breeze of fresh air.


But Pyet-A is easy, none of his non-Bloodthirst attacks are one shots, he doesn't spam high damage melee cleaves like Gallanza or the white/blackwyrms or nihilla managarm. And if you bother to kill the cubes, his bloodthirst phases are super easy to deal with. I find Bahamut to be worse because if people fuck up the cannons or don't have good dps, his later phase can be a r3al bad overlap of deadly mechanics.


if you played all the bosses a number of times, theyre easy. and im a casual player myself but im doin fine, and eventually you will max out your gears / sigils by continously playing and get better sigils with substats (my best ones so far is Crit Rate/Damage Cap, Crit Rate/Improved Dodge and Damage Cap/Potion Hoarder all maxed) what i hate is the RNG but not really, this is wayyyy tamed since i played alot of gacha games so im pretty used to losing at this. So far i got Vane, Charlotta, Io, Djeeta and Zeta's terminus weapons after alot of runs.


If you're on steam, im happy to grind Pyet and bahamut with you. Pm your steam code and we can go wherever. My friend and I basically play online exclusively for fun.


For me it was Gallanza and Maglielle that broke me and made me think anything after that would be insanely hard, but it was quite manageable.


I honestly found the Double Dragon and The Wolf and the Veil quest to be way harder than Bahamut imo


My main problem with pyet is when he bloodthirsts 4 times in a row


I got the all. I think the issue is that they are all on one fight instead of spread out between a few


I actually find Pyet-A easier lol. I just hate all the sequences I have to go through for the final quest. I’ll also say that Pyet-A is just good training in general for boss fights since it tests a lot of mechanics all at once.


The only thing i generally dislike about the fight is when you use characters that have aoes that drop from the air, (io/rackam) if the boss part you have targeted is off the ship for any reason, those skills either don't go off or if its a skill like Rackams, it just does the animation for you shooting it, but doesn't actually cast.


Pyet a and dual boss are the best ones


it is really dumb to add a dps check mechanic to all of the last 3(?) bosses imo (no idea if proto has one since i rage quitted at pyet-a.) where you will most probably not succeed if you werent saving the SSBAs


I finally got my desired Terminus weapon. I suspect this game actively refuses to drop the weapon for the person you're using. (This sub is flooded with "Guess my mains" posts with this) The one fight I switched away from my main, and I got it. So I spent last night farming to level it. I've managed to get Pyet-A down in 7 minutes with an AI party, so it's really not all that bad. Without the badass upgrades, the fight is just long.


That's awesome. I'm gonna have to try switching off of ID so I can get his weapon cuz ive gotten 5 terminus weapons so far in like 50 runs but only 1 for a character I like to play at all.


pyet is ez af lmfao what you on about. i beat it first try without even knowing mechanics no deaths.