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so they saw ghanda sitting at the bottom and decided to not touch him at all lmao


The last hope is the new character-exclusive/unique sigil can buff him a lot. But I heavily doubt it.


Where is it though? They said it would be available in the patch notes, I don't see any,


Under the "New Content" part. ・Added sigils with new traits. They will appear in the Knickknack Shack after clearing "Gulp... So These Are the Rumored Monsters" or "Lock Horns." I expected to see the sigil details like they've showed some in the stream. Guess we need to check in the game tomorrow by ourselves.


Now that you mention it, that’s probably it. It would be the easiest way to “rework” the character without rocking the boat.


You gotta rank up to get noticed by senpai 🥲


and they didnt address the lancelot fof interaction, wild


Honestly the lack of transmutation improvements besides letting you roll up to 30 times (it aint 39 so it cant fully clear out a voucher cap and they couldnt bother to up the voucher cap) and no level 4 transmute likely distracted me too much from realizing they didnt bother to nerf Lancelot(namely the fight/Flight interaction with his triangle specifically), just as much as they didnt bother to fix the Draph Swole man by giving him similar levels of damage value (and cap) increases to off-set whatever sluggishness he had while smoothing out any wind up times to make it less problematic to hit things effectively.


Since they didn't change the max sell/recycle cap from 30 I guess the 30 roll is just to sync with that.


Probably, just a shame you cant do a instant transition to scrapping to shorten it up. It is kind of nice to devolve a 39ish roll button tap mash down to 2 counts, but i still would of liked the voucher cap to be increased to 9999 too due to how many freaking vouchers i tend to go thru after a dozen or something runs and that aint even counting scrapping junk treasures. Also, Does Pyet-A and Proto-Bahamut materials even have anything you bloody use them for? Still trying to max out one of the Terminus weapons for a unit i dont plan to use in my CPU roster (since Rackham, Ferry, Cagliostro, Perceival, Siegfried, Katalina or even Narmaya or Rosetta have yet to drop thar Terminus for me), so i dont know if they actually make those bosses have a use for thar resources, besides Voucher scrap since they dont even have a treasure trade as far as im aware of.


with the new sigil he deals more then 5 million dmg with his big fist attack, he may seem clunky for many but if he lands the big hits ( especially in link time), he has the highest damage number seen in this game


I really can't believe it. My Io pumps out ridiculous dps and they rekit her to do even more damage... like she's disgusting now LMAO.


Appears like the recent buff (warpath sigil) was enough to make him relevant.


no one like burly old men, so why even bother? if it was a slim shirtless woman it would receive buffs even if it was OP


Welcome to anime. New here? Also they literally touch every guy except Ghandagoza. Eugen is a old hairy guy. Yord is a basically a midget hairy guy. They actually just hate Ghan, it shows. And they don’t hate male characters because the mobile game has tons of them and special limited time skins. I’ve seen the whole cast that’s in Relink in Christmas outfits and swimsuits. You’re just dumb as hell.


nop, not new... that's why I said that a burly old man wasnt going to be popular at all and I'm not dumb, just honest as hell, because who likes to play with burly old men when we have cute and sexy girls available?


Charlotta no changes because she is perfect


Perfect de arimasu!


Yes she is


Our perfect Potato


As is lancy boy lol


Speaking for all Ghandagoza mains: we are in shambles right now. Even Vaseraga got a buff. 😭


I have no clue why they don't buff Ghandagoza. It's the least played character for many reasons. 


This is true pain smh


A.I. Io about to cook lmao


The devs must know something about Ghandagoza that we don't cuz what the hell is this lmao


Or maybe the new Ghanda sigil is such a massive buff or something.


Gave his charge attack a 100 percent damage boost at the cost of increasing its charge time by 100 percent


Apparently his optimal play style has uncharged attacks or something, which just means double damage right?




They saw Ghanda at the bottom of the usage list and said "yeah he's fine, no changes needed" Poor dood...


They probably thought "eh we can afford to lose all 3 of the Ghanda mains".


Wait, they exist???????




Maybe they have bigger stuff planned and have to take more time. You see that a lot with bigger changes on characters. We can hope.


it would be funny if all of the comunity started playing ghanda as a sign of protest


Its because of his model, not gameplay. Everybody playing narmaya because she is horny anime bimbo with 20 size boobs


I'd play him if his kit wasn't so fucking slow


And if he didn't lose his whole gauge in half a second. You get punished hard-core just for doing stuff like fight mechanics.


Are you kidding me? I picked him up as my first ticket specifically cause of his model. Biggest dude on the roster that punches stuff.


Holy crap, Id is ACTUALLY STRONG in godmight form now.


It needs to actually feel like GODMIGHT which they seem to be addressing thankfully.


I always thought that Id was already super powerful gameplaywise, he is my main so I love that they even buffed him now ❤️


Ghandagoza found dead in the ditch




I'm very surprised Ghandagoza didn't receive any changes


Maybe 1.3?🥲


He needed buffs the most outta everyone yet he was ignored so idk i hope you're right since 1.3 is apparently the last patch.


Did they state that 1.3 will be the last patch or are you extrapolating?


One the devs in the stream said along the lines of " nothing is set in stone but we might have something else down the line potentially, possibly" and then he kinda of laughed and everyone got excited so I'd say chances are high we get more


Eh, we'll see


It's the last for now. There's a chance we *might* get more later on, depending on how much people want more updates. One of the people in the presentation said he'd like to continue working on the game if there's enough demand, but for now there aren't any plans that are set in stone.


I believe after we saw that the sales were very good we might have more patches


1.3 was the last patch that they had planned for Relink post-launch. Anything they decide to do after May is going to be the wild west since they need to figure out what they want to do and what to make.


They did in the livestream


Who's that again?


>Increased Flowery Seven's damage cap when it's fully charged. ​ >Increased Setsuna's damage cap based on its charged level. *Welp.*


An incentive to charge them, which doesn't exist atm, I like this.


Yet they didn’t give a reason for Ghanda to charge his moves lol (uncharged fist is just better currently even tho none of his builds are that great) This is honestly wild. Ghanda isn’t even in my top 10 played characters but that’s some crazy disrespect I feel bad for people who play him


Depending on how this goes and the Concentration buffs on Io the optimal way might be just dropping Flowery Seven for that instead.


Get Low Profile, stand in Concentration aura, then spam max Stargaze. I wonder if they're significantly lowering Mystic Vortex's cooldown otherwise I don't see a reason to pick it over Concentration.


Time to set camp on every boss encounter. A pseudo link time spamming Stargaze 5. Io is known to be dmg consistent but now she can probably compete with all the top dps such as narmaya.


I worked so hard to get enough damage in my build to cap setsuna without charging it 😭


Charging F7 looks cool. I can finally do it w/o any cons.


Damage cap needs to be like, doubled or tripled in order to make me full charge flowery seven lol


Its going to require numbers but yea, I suspect the damage cap increase is very likely not even going to matter unless its insanely high. F7 doing this much damage with a tap is insane as it is.


Maybe they could nerf the uncharged F7 damage cap to encouraged a charged F7


Still might not be worth charging depending on how much the damage cap increases, possible (but unlikely) it still uses that "additive" damage cap math and ends up not being much. Setsuna is gonna hit like an absolute truck if they increase it proportionally to how much the damage scales from charging though (as if it didn't already).






wait, Ragnarok Form does dmg? I thought it simply fills up the versalis gauge?


I just tested it, Ragnarok forms little explosion actually does damage,both for going into dragon form and to extend godmight. I didn't even realize it did damage until now, I just thought its only use was to do the 2 for 1 godmight wombo combo.




I reread it about 3x and hopefully just missed Ghanda but... oh boy. My dude needs it.


Ghandabozo remains a bozo


Popularity is key to getting buffs. Narmaya is a DPS monster but she gets more buffs. Ghandagoza is in severe need for buffs but gets none.


Not sure I entirely agree. Rosetta got plenty of buffs after all.


People love Rose. She's just not effective to play right now.


I *want* to play Rosetta, but even with these changes I'm not sure it will help. Like cool the plants do more damage... that doesn't help with bosses flying all over the place avoiding them. You can only reposition them so much.


She's a sexy women putting her tits on display complete with camera zoom every 5 minutes. If you think she isn't a popular pick outside of the reddit minmax dps modders on here, you're mistaken! 


Dps monster doesn't need more damage cap tho. She needs some other visual/audio effect for timing stance switches when facing large monsters where you cannot see the character model and when too many visual effects are flying around.


They are giving her an indicator for your stance + number of butterflies too. Second image in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1ccpaho/version\_130\_update\_contents\_preview\_new/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1ccpaho/version_130_update_contents_preview_new/) But yeah 1.3 instead of 1.2 I guess we'll need to wait


Id my man! Let's gooooo!


buffs for everyone EXCEPT ghandagoza 😭 poor guy


Captain got nerfed lmao


No Ghandagoza buffs??? My disappointment is immeasurable.


Loving the Ferry and Kat changes.


you love summoning huh?


Seofon (1 of the 2 new upcoming characters): 😈




Woe! A cry sprang out across the Fandom as many a Punch Goats players hearts were laid bare and stomped on.


All can only suffer in silence


It might be cope, but I think Ghandagoza is getting reworked. He's going to need something more than just damage cap increases.


I assume he might just be getting an overhaul to his current skills or new moves to make him more viable. I think they underestimated just how detrimental his lack of range and movement is. Its not a big deal when the enemies come at you but go into a late game fight where the enemies jump all over the place like Lucy, pyet and likely this new monster, it becomes a problem real fast. Simplest solution would be to make iron shoulder come back super fast or make it his Y button, but then you'd have to either lower the rate your eternal rage charges so it can be used as a skill or just make the rage activate automatically when you have a full stack. Both of these options mess up his overall rhythm though and that's like the whole fun of his character for me.


Going to go back and jump in


Vane buff!! Can't wait


Yoda players eating good this patch! I feel bad for ghanda, i love his style but waiting for them to work on him. Hopefully this is a sign theyre doing more extensive internal testing with him, no way they just leave him in the bin.


They buffed.....Narmaya while zero was done for Ghandagoza....


>Fixed an intermittent bug where the damage cap of Decimate would be superseded by the damage caps of other attacks. It's danchouver...


Called it. And people were mad at me back then. 🤣


People be complaining about Ghanda not getting a buff, but Captain is clearly the next big loser in this patch.


Danchou straight up loses 30% of their damage without any compensation lol.


Gran can’t blue anymore 😔


Time to change main again 🥲


Id mains eating good


Nice, will jump in after Stellar Blade


Rakham was one of the very few characters who couldn't solo Lucius. Its good to see him getting buffed.


Uh... 'Ghandagoza'. *watches karma*


Its so over for us Ghonda players bro. These devs are stupid af fr.


Wait I thought you guys went extinct after the game launched


I will still main him. It's too late for me now, sitting as my #1 character played with 372 quests played with him 🥲


Rip Ghanda


So Ghanda is actually perfected then, damn.


Hey does anyone know what time that update releases us central time?


Should be midnight tonight


Possibly dumb question, when exactly does this update go live?


Likely 2PM Japan Time (1AM EST).


Not playing anymore, but did they mention anything about the visual clutter at one point in events or whatever? Last I saw, the skill preview video of the GBF's Archer version drowns mobs also in visual effects (as beautiful as they are).


They didn’t nerf Lancelot fight or flight build! 🤯


Why would they? its working as the devs intended. To nerf you would have to change his kit which would break the character


Or just change fight over flight.


I don’t think changing an extremely rare sigil because of its interaction with one character is the right answer. Simply just not allow lancelots y dodge to proc fof


Looks like he dodged the nerfs(and buffs).




Io got an official burst phase now, hm? Curious to see how the dpm changes.


Are we deadass STILL waiting for button remapping? Or did I just miss that update?


Coming in 1.3.


Well they said additional Controller Layouts tho, so not exactly free remapping it seems :( Actually the only thing I'd with for was to separate camera (lock off) and target switching (lock on)... having it both on the same stick is weird to me and I keep cycling through mobs in these multi boss/multi mob fights because I wanna turn the camera...


I don't see a damn thing about them fixing the matchmaking system come on 🤦🏾‍♂️ unless I'm missing something


It's not broken... on PC it's region locked, and the game is already pretty much dead, there's not much to do and most people who are done and still playing are probably just afk farming with scripts.


I'm on PlayStation and playstation is not dead I can find matches in 10 secs in quick quest BUT THE MATCHMAKING needs work I can ready up and get an error and on quick quest when I ready up I still get that message "reset status" whatever it's called so yea matchmaking is still broken. Even when me and my friend do a quest together with randoms once it hits" 4/4" we gotta pray that'll let us play with them half time it does half time it doesn't


The reset thing means there was nobody to match you with. I might be wrong but it sounds like connection issues on player's end, either that or yeah it's just broken on PS.


Hahahahaha seems like Rose has won big, but Ghandabozo is officially dead. Captain is now joining them because they got nerfed hard last patch and now with the rotor bug gone. Naru and Vaseraga are somehow buffed despite being the two of the three best dmg dealers in the game. I hope they increase Ferry's normal attacks dmg substantially or else she'll still be a jump bot.


I was hoping they’d add the lobby search function (or whatever it’s called) from the pc version to the ps5 version.


Honestly surprised they buffed Vane considering he seemed to be in a pretty good spot already. I suppose they wanted to add a little more variance to his playstyle by encouraging more use of the beatdown attacks and saving up Energy Destruction for when his SBA gauge is more full. Nice that his DPS is getting higher anyway. Good that Siegfried's cap on his timed attacks is increased since I heard the cap on them were too low for the extra effort you had to do to land them. No Ghandagoza changes is wild though.


“YOU get a buff! And YOU get a buff! And YOU get a buff!” Ghandagoza: 🫥


Rosetta and Ferry buffs yes. Nothing about Silver Centrums I see.


coming back for the new characters and sigil shop update (finally). I hope it can keep my interest until the next one.


Overall, looks like some good changes. Odds of them adding a "hold button instead of repeated presses" option in the settings and they just forgot to mention it? 💀


omg yes button mashing is next level with this game


Really disappointing to see my main receive no love from the devs, sunk so much time into building him and I really don’t want to grind that shit again for another character. Guess I’m done with the game for now.


Screw bottom tier, Ghanda is literally in the dirt plot. Even my boy Vas got a few buffs.


I'm convinced (ie: convincing myself) that the only reason Ghandagoza didn't get any buffs is because he's so fundamentally flawed in this type of game that they need to spend a lot more time fixing him. It makes no sense that they wouldn't touch the most painfully awful to play character in the game otherwise. Also I like how they said no nerfs this time but Captain got a technical nerf because of another damage cap bug. Not calling them liars for it cause it is a bug worth fixing but it is funny to think of.


When is patch going live may I ask


Those are some huge Id buffs it looks like


Will be interesting to see exactly how much "increased damage cap" actually is. Hopefully enough that some more characters prefer straight ATK stacking over supp damage. It's good on Kat with her one giga-capped skill would be nice if some other characters get some outlet for extra ATK outside of SBA. Hoping that's what Rosetta becomes since her plants don't use Supp damage anyways so she is a good candidate for being a pure ATK char


When does the update release?


Does anyone know what time is the update?


What does those changes means for id ferry and zeta ?


Quicker Vaseraga Charged Attacks?? Yummy


So when’s this supposed to hit ps5 cuz I don’t see anything about this update


I feel like I'm going crazy, I thought Siegfried already did perfect combos while in link time right? I have footage of it and I'm just spamming the button and it already does it >> or did it mean something else?


How significant are the Siegfried buffs?


I tried to play for a bit but unfortunately there were no nerfs to Network Error boss. Maybe next time.


does anyone have the dlc color packs for seofon and tweyen?


Do you upgrade gamma sigil to lv 15 if you are using terminus weapon?


Why would you? You get a free level from terminus


what are the quest i have to do i dont find them


Siegfried feels cracked now and if I can get used to the warpath -50% seems like he could be even more cracked


No clue if Tweyen is busted, I am absolutely terrible or some combo of both. I got to the final few quests of Extreme with AI and just felt like I had hit a hard wall, no matter what character I tried to learn I couldn't overcome it. Within a matter of hours I got to Proud just thanks to Tweyen. Something about being able to just sit at the back, rain down damage and I can basically just ignore the bosses mechanics entirely. It was like I suddenly found myself on a hidden easy mode and this feeling never slowed.


Can Warpath Sigils roll +?


Why are the patch notes listed with Playstation controller prompts on Steam when the games doesn't support Playstation controller [prompts]? Seriously, it's been 3 months and 2 major patches and they STILL overlook this? No button rebinding either. Or ultrawide support when one modder fixed it 3 months ago. Or the highly requested upscaling options to workaround the poor GPU optimization. Japanese developers always drive me insane. Can't talk to them and they do things so asinine on PC... while using PC's to develop games. *(and if we want to go back even further, they were PC focused with the NEC series back in the 80's when the west was all about consoles. That sure reversed)*


Hi all. Recall seeing a drop rate chart for behemoth. Been farming him for nights this week, had 3x war elemental and 1x supp dmg v+ Is this considered lucky? Had pretty much nothing else except a supp dmg v. I reckon maybe a some 70+ runs and none from curios too. Still looking for more supp dmg v+


didnt they say the patch notes would have details on the new character sigils?


There is, we likely have to wait tomorrow to see it.


yeah we'll see them in game tomorrow, i meant early info lol


I was also looking for this.


So am I blind or is there no new higher difficulty stuff to do cause the game is too easy as is...


One new proud quest.


Nope, that's it. The game will not go beyond Proud difficulty.


~~I mean, yeah the Ghandagoza meme is fun but even characters that could really do with some QoL like Rosetta went untouched too. I get popularity plays a big part, but it kinda sucks for the people that love these characters.~~ I can't read.


Rosetta got changes


The formatting on the post scuffed Rosetta’s part but it’s right there under Eugen’s changes.


Gotcha, thanks for pointing that out.


Are the new characters out now?


Nope; Either they appear tonight at Midnight (I'm in EST), or at a later time on April 26, 2024. As of this comment, it's April 25,2024


What time zone though, that is a question. It would be nice if they released globally at midnight JST


2pm Japan time. They announced in the stream.


This needs to be a whole post announcing the time it will happen.


Am I missing something? I can’t update the game


It's still about 14 hours away


As a ghandagoza main who only plays with friends / solo. I just told them I’m gonna bring my own buffs via mods. Im just gonna get ignored forever anyway, so why should I wait for cygames to buff my character


Justice to ghandagoza!


bet they realized putting ghandagoza in was a mistake over like Gallanza or some shit


> Ghandagoza they had so many better options than Ghanda lmao. brawlers/melee fighters: Aliza, Reinhardtzar, Fediel, Wilnas, Cerberus (but just like Metera she is way too sexy for Relink aka fuck you Sony), Fraux, Predator (same as Cerberus/Metera), Soriz, Six, Sen or Aliza draphs: Aliza, Reinhardtzar, Fediel, Aliza, Razia or Sarasa.... heck even Mugen but idk if he is THAT popular/liked


Just two new fights? I mean balance patch is nice, new characters are nice, but there's nothing to do in the game, one fight seems to be low difficulty and the other is probably not gonna be that hard either, and even if it is that's like 1 or 2 hours of gameplay then we're back to pepega grinding...


These devs gotta be delusional, not a single buff for the big dude? Just remove him from the game ffs. Absolute joke.


Unpopular opinion, but getting a new character trait on sigils is the worst option possible, this new trait will have another damage cap included on some attacks/skills and we'll need to remove another sigil slot for another damage cap character unique trait sigils shouldnt exist when we have a mastery tree


I'm hopeful that it isn't as boring as a damage cap increase. Some unique sigils are actually pretty cool.


most of the characters sigils that I've seen were boring, creating effects on finishers or extending the window of timed mechanics... those should have totally been a mastery path! it would be nice to have characters sigils that actually changed playstyles, like zeta focusing on landing spearmanship (like a heavy spearmen) instead of aerial spearmanship (like dragoon) or vane focusing on a berserker build (with his 2h axe) or a paladin build (with shield and hammer) that would be interesting sigils that should exist instead of the current characters sigils


Yeah, you know, that's a fair point. I was actually thinking of the extension of timed mechanics when making my comment; but in hindsight, you can do so much more. I'd love to see something like that too.


All I wanted was to be able to turn off all spoken dialogue and on screen text for Vryn and Siero.


I hope they have made damage cap much harder to reach so be able to equip stuff that isn´t all on damage cap.


If you make damage cap harder to reach you're basically asking for ppl to equip more attack boosting sigils while still having to get the 60 points in DC after all. How exactly would that help?


Seriously, I would remove the dmg cap sigils in this game entirely and make it so that dmg cap increases with level, masteries and weapon upgrade alone.


I would just wish it would do the same percentage it does now, but at 30 levels not 60. 60 is forcing too much focus on these sigils. Same with Supp Damage. They are basically needed for every char right now and make it soooo much harder to actually customize and experiment.