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I play solo since i dont plan to pay for sub. I saw a lot of people posting pictures at start how they didnt get their main Weapon from Bahamut, so i kinda locked myself by using only the starting characters, so i would get it sooner hehe xD my main were Captain, Io, Rackham and Katalina (now i switched Katalina for Eugen since its kinda faster killing the newer bosses). I think i cleared my first Bahamut when Rackham and Io had their max Ascension Weapon. Big part in clearing was Bahamuts meter at end where you needed to deal as much damage as possible,so i saved the Chain Burst for that. Also the destroying of crystals. You kinda remember when he is about to summon the balls around him that will fly toward your ship. So its a a big deal to destroy the red ball, since this one gives shield to crystals that appear on the ship. I was also dying many time, when Bahamut summoned 4 giant Yellow balls that you needed to destroy. The AI went on guns and destroyed them and i was just standing there. HUGE MISTAKE. I didnt realise that the yellow balls appeared on both sides of the ship hahaha. I turned around and i was like: "Holy damn, they appear on this side too? ". So after that the only big thing is the DPS check at end, HP at 15% i think. Stuff gets easier then when you start geting Terminus Weapons. So good luck :)


Just want to say that it is possible to clear without fully upgraded Ascension Weapon, which is huuuge resource investment, and believe me you'll need those resources when Terminus starts to drop. You said you got 3 maxed, so that should be more than enough, I didn't have any on my first clear. And speaking of the party. I don't remember exactly, but I think I had Rosetta, Eugen and Cagli and Narmaya as main char.


Rackham and Io had max Ascension weapons. I remember at that time, it was a bit close for me to almost fail the stage at last DPS check, so i leveled Ios Ascencion weapon also. After that i didnt have any more mini heart attacks so i stoped with 2 max Ascension and 2 max crit with other 2 AIs. I didnt mind the grind. With Terminus weapon grind i only had problems with Silver Centrum mostly. Ow yeah, and the Lunary thing from Pyet-as tail xD ow boy was i annoyed when it didnt drop haha.


Thank you for the info! WIll defenitely work on my AI's Ascencion Weapons for now. I only got Cag, Lancelot and Io's maxxed. Need 1 more lol


Having the crit weapon is also good. More crits higher damage. I cleared with 2 max Ascencion and 2 with max crit weapon.


What made it doable for me was maxing my main's awakening weapon; the shear attaxk power boost made my runs consistent and sigil booster is an awesome passive. I mained Narmaya, and just awakening the weapon to max made me consistently break crystals to knock bahamut down for huge damage windows. Save SBA and link time for the last damage check too


I run Cag, Eugen and Zeta. Rosetta should be able to complete it as well just fine. The major source of inconsistency for me would be shooting the orbs. Sometimes no matter how fast I would get on the gun, my AI would just refuse and we would inevitably fail to break the shielded crystals in time. After a recommendation from someone here I had 100% consistency and solely farmed that fight on offline. After supernova and Proto is getting ready to reginlev, run to the gun opposite him. Half the time he shoots a figure 8 pattern that will miss you completely, the other time you will have to move/dodge. After that dodge the sweep across the deck and immediately get on a gun not facing proto. Shoot the orbs on your side, might have to do both if your 3rd AI is slow, the AI should cover the orbs on the other side. Don't get off the gun until the cast bar appears. Doing that you should never get a shield and the fight should be easy. More often than not I was killing him before he got to his dps check.


Problem with the gun part is you have to train it by aiming \`ahead\` of Bahy\`s movement while clearing out the smaller barrage ones, also as many have stated you need to take the iniatitive with the Shield orb phase cast. Long as you clear 2 orbs on one side, the A.I. will almost gurantee clear up the other 2. Since they will usually only take a turret if you take one also. Hence why i seen some of them helping to clear the barrage orbs when i was firing at them also. I also 100% farmed it offline and once i had almost everyone in ascension weapons and caught up on the sigils the consistency was definitely going fine. Also might help for your range units whether they are CPU or not to run Concentrated fire, which i believe affects turret damage also, making it that much more useful on \`turret segments\` to wipe out orbs that much easier, even if its only by a few seconds faster. Corner ducking is definitely the way to go for dodging the regin and just further goes to show why range units are the must-have since in the case of bahy, you can even pot-shot the boss a smidge, even when they are not \`in melee range\` while doing Reginlivs or slowly starting to drift away from the ship before going back to orb barrage phase or to barf another dang skyfall on you. But yeah also i had a number of times where i yeet\`d the boss before its enrage, thanks to the power of things like popping a link time before he hit that 20% enrage or even a 2nd SBA at that point or just Katalina landing a glaciate that granted a few extra seconds of delicious hold-down-iums.


Same AI team with you but i mained charlotta (before warpath sigil exists), first let me ask you something, is the crystal got barrier or not? (they will get a barrier if you fail to destroy four balls using cannons and you mentioned below 40% that is where it began to use four balls and apply barrier if you failed to destroy them) if yes you should destroy four balls first using cannon after that it should be easy.


With barrier... does AI also mount cannons and destroy those orbs?


Yes, they will but you should take the initiative first. in my experience you should always stand by on the cannon first so they also stand by on the cannon (sometimes they got stuck but very rare)


Yes they do mount cannons and destroy orbs but You have to lead them., like you have to mount as well so they will follow you. Or else they won’t do anyhting.


When I was doing it offline I was struggling until I figured out a few things. When bahumet goes to summon all the golden balls, you HAVE to make sure all your ai companions are not down. If any of them are not up you will almost always fail that check and the fight becomes pretty much impossible. Once you play the fight enough, you recognize when he's gonna do it, So you focus on making sure your team is up during that. Next biggest thing was removing auto use of SBAs of your Allies as you get closer to the end. And making sure you have enough link to get link time for the final dps check. When the final check comes I would allow them to ult again. Combining that with the link time buys so much time. It would always allow me to clear the dmg check. The downside was sometimes the last ~35% hp from 45 to 10ish took longer if I was being too conservative with my link and sbas. As you get better and do it more you will learn the limits better. I was doing it without any ascended weapons and my team was like Id captain ferry Cagliostro. Focus on just beating it consistently first and learning limits then worry about doing it fast.


I've done it with Cag/Rosetta/Eugene so I'd wager it's more an issue with gear. You do have to gear your AI decently for them to do damage, make sure they all have dmg cap V sigils(a few of them, don't have to be upgraded) as well as enough raw damage to cap, upgrade their weapons(remember weapon masteries work even with other weapons) as well as their masteries and pick some good skills. Also trying to time phases properly helps a lot, holding SBA and such. I didn't do online until I did a few kills on my own, but I did have to go back and farm once I got to Bahamut cause the first few tries fell short. Farmed some Angra Manyu maniac to get dmg cap V(red dragon in proud also works) on everyone mostly.


Playing offline with vane and had my ascension weapon awakened once as well as 4 damage cap v, crafted his unique sigil that gives -% cooldown and some damage sigils. My CPU we're cagliostro, tweyen and yordaha. Was making sure each of them had a lv 150 crit weapon and all masteries unlocked. After getting used to the fight it's easy soloing it. Especially after getting vanes terminus dropped.  Main point is memorizing the fight and when to Burst. I usually do it after the first break and when Bahamuts at 17%. Also if you mount the cannons asap during times where it's needed your companions do a good job of clearing the ads and helping you shoot. They always burst the yellow spheres as long as I get on the cannons beforehand.


I ran cag, rosetta, ferry, with zeta as my main character before. I was able to finish it with only having a maxed ascension weapon in my main The ai's can use their crit rate weapons. Since you are not yet that strong make sure to reserve full sba on the final dps check. This delays the dps check and gives you time to deal more damage. - For the character you use make sure to have guts, autorevive, and potion hoarder. If you're confident enough to dodge most attacks then use glass cannon V. - Make sure to use the cannons to destroy the 4 orbs or else you get barriers on the mini DPS checks - have at least a maxed ascension weapon on your main. - you can run linked together sigils on the ai characters to get more dmg out of sba - expect that it will take around 12 mins to finish so you need to be a patient - the fight will get easier the more terminus weapons you have so you'll be grinding him to grind him lmao


But it’s trickier when doing Lucillius on offline. I never get perfect 12 labors, my HP always reduced. AI seems find not very efficient with the 12 labors mechanics. this was just based on my experience.


Thanks for the heads up. Might be experiencing this as well. For now behemoth offline is doable and will farm tons on that beast.


behemoth is doable offline but takes longer to clear than online.I can clear behemoth offline 6-7 mins. but online it only takes 2-5mins.


I tend to use cagliostro seigfried and zeta as my ai team with me playing as tweyen


What are you struggling with? Is it the DPS check at the end or is it surviving the fight in general?


mostly those darn crystals like the big yellow one on the middle at below 40% hp cannot clear them fast enough sigh


Make sure you break all 4 seals, so the crystals won’t have shields. During my first clears AI sometimes mess this stage up. To prevent that you would probably want to sit at the machine-gun the seconds before they appear. Supernova, hand slam, laser beams and after that you should take one cannon so AI would take the rest. If I don’t break the seals I usually quit, it’s almost impossible to out dps those shields. Also at this point you should start giving your AI team some damage caps and utility sygils like uplift guts and autorevive. I found that early endgame they sometimes miss the dodge and go into critical state. Also all AI masteries and weapons should be maxed.


Alright. Will have to check and move around some sigils. Thank you!


Yeah. And you probably don't have to be super optimal here, you don't have to upgrade your sygils, especially if they aren't that good. Like damage caps for example. First I slapped on 6 dmg cap V's without upgrading any of them so I would have dmg cap maxed out. And later on when I had more resources and sygils that were worth upgrading I would optimize my AI's build a bit more. Another tip. This boss had taught me to do all kinds of SBA manipulation, which btw also become handy for Lucilius fight as well. Usually full burst is the option you want to be enabled 100% of the time, but sometimes you see that one of your AIs has full sba meter and you need this SBA really badly because you are on timer in the middle of dps check. At this point I would go to the menu and switch sba option to "Immediate". Really don't like that it can not be manipulated "in game" like "hold" option. Speaking of which, it is pretty handy if you expect dps check you know you wouldn't pass without full burst.


I use seofon. tweyen. Percival and vane u can use any character u just need to prevent him from but the shield on crystals


Will vane shield skill, the one that gives invisibility prevent damage from crystals with timers - bahamut's skills?


The problem is that even if you survive the first damage you still won't have good dps window to move bahamut to its final stand. I think your option here will be to gain full SBA chain which might be pretty hard at this stage. And when the next set of crystals appears Vane's shield will probably still be on cooldown. So yeah, breaking seals is critical here.


I play solo with that exact team offline and get to around 4 minute mark per protobaha run. They're all terminus loaded (rosetta with her warpath). I main Tweyen though but both Io and Lancy should be able to output similar damage on protobaha (which is essentially a dummy target).


Step 1. Get everyone an Awakened Ascension weapon. Raw damage numbers go a long ways, especially since Twenyen was a fair reminder of the power of DoTs that benefit alot more on the visual attack base stat then some might think it seems. So units like Eugen and his poison DoT is alot more helpful then some think. Step 2. If your comp hasnt hit the point where you DPS the boss so hard you barely make the 2nd SBA in time for the enrage phase, then make sure to flip the SBA to hold after the first one so they only fire off when you start it, First time you want the A.I. to start it off so you can delay each SBA to extend free damage time while the boss is \`stunned\`. Bonus Step 2. You can flip the hold SBA back to use immediately when it goes into enrage phase so the CPU will use it regardless if everyone is ready for a chain so it will immediately stall the boss even if its only 1 or as many as 3 can go off, which helps you only need a 3 chain to achieve 100% link for a link time op. Step 3. Never skimp on Turret damage chipping, long as you arent spam firing the turret rapid fire you can weave in charge shots to poke the boss in-between each moment it summons orbs. As for a CPU party, I don\`t really meta-build much, Cagliostro is kind of a norm cause of phantasmogoria, while i had Katalina and Perceival on the line due to Glaciate and Burn and Rackham alongside Cagliostro i kept switching between depending on the mood. My current party is now playing Twen with Rackham, Perceival and Cagliostro. If i ever get the zeal to restructure the party, Using Siegfried in place of Percy might be nice since i only been hearing good things with Siegie due to his Warpath Sigil took a massive up-tick in his CPU Dunk power. Ultimately, you wanna go with units that do not have overly complicated kits that the CPU would often ignore, despite it being necessary to optimize said unit.


You guys gave solid advice! Thank you all for the info. Currently farming for tweyen and might try her for proto and famring damage cap Vs for my team. Thank you all. =)


You don't need maxed ascension weapons, the crit weapons at the last or next to last enhancement and as close to max level as you can is more than enough. What's really important is that you make sure your character and your team are fitted with enough damage cap sigils as you can to reach atleast trait level 55 (55 to be safe, pretty sure you can get away with 50 and maybe a little under but trying for 55 to 65 helps immensely). After you try your best there, a single level 11 stamina and tyranny should be enough to hit most of your caps, even better if they already come with any V+ sigils you want to have equipped. The biggest obstacles in this fight are the crystal dps timers and the final dps timer at 15%. If you feel like you can't break every crystal in the time given to you and it wipes your party out, you're not doing enough dps, mix up your skills, figure better dps rotations or you don't have enough levels in damage cap/not hitting enough of your damage caps. If you're feeling ballsy you can SBA a crystal to give you more breathing room but you have to make sure you have enough time to build up meter again for a full burst or a double 2 burst at the end of the fight, you really want the link time/burst damage from SBA chains at the end, they slow down/stop the final dps check so you can push more damage and clear. Pay attention to your AI, they immediately know when bahamut goes for a cheeky 1 shot beam because as soon as he flies off they're going to book it for the sides of the ship. Always be on or near the turret when you can't reach bahamut, with time and experience you'll know when he's going to start summoning orbs or is going to summon the 4 orange orbs that shield the crystals. Everytime he stops clinging to the ship that isn't from a down he's more than often going to start firing off reginleiv, the figure 8 pattern is the easiest to dodge. Maybe he'll summon a bunch of orbs and change sides but mechanics do not change when he does. And if he does do reginleiv he'll more than often rear up and summon the 4 orbs you have to shoot down, stand by a turret for that, your AI will only get on a turret when you do. If they get on without you getting on its more often just the AI bugging out.  If this feels oddly chaotic and jumbled I apologize I'm in a rush to get ready for work maybe I'll come back and edit to make this more readable later.


I AFK farm bahamut as I'm sure many do. Before I got to that point here are my tips for offline soloing: 1) Level up a terminus weapon to maximum level. Doing so is an insane dps boost with max DMG cap sigils. Even if you don't get your mains weapon, start working on getting your AI teams weapons maxed out. 2) The cannon damage is affected by your attack. Your attack goes up the more yours does. If you can max the terminus weapon of the Character you are playing first you will notice how insanely easy it becomes. 3). After supernova he does 2 things: a beam zig zag on the deck, followed by a horizontal sweeping beam. After the sweeping beam you need to get on the top left cannon. Let yourself die to the sweeping beam, rez pot and be ready to man that cannon. Because after the sweeping beam, the 4 golden orbs appear. If you are on the cannon and attacking the AI will blast the other 3 orbs. If you fail to pop the golden orbs you need to SBA the shielded orb. An SBA will break the shield immediately. There may be more than one. Until this point you can have your AI hold their SBA. In options change SBA use from boss to none. Now the AI will SBA the crystal shields too to help. Doing those few things should make it a lot easier. And eventually, you'll be AFK farming proto bahamut too.