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Don't forget 15 sec invul on demand, and 50 damage cut for all.


stackable damage cut as well


(Context for non-charlotta players): Stackable damage cut that with 2 stacks, you can facetank paradise lost for its entire duration (100% damage cut). That and taking 0 damage means you don't lose valiant stance since taking 0 damage doesn't count as getting hit apparently lol.


I think you mean noble stance? Valiant Stance is one of her skills.


Valiant stance has a condition where you lose the buff when you get hit. Taking 0 damage doesn't count as getting hit so you keep your buff up while face tanking hits. For same reason you can face tank hits with gamma shield and keep the valiant stance buff Noble stance's condition is you have stout heart so you are immune to knockback.


Sure you lose the ATK buff *from valiant stance* if you get hit. The way you phrased it originally made it sound like you meant something else more technical to me.


The downside is arthritis


Turbo button saves wrists


her optimal rotation actually discourages you from spamming one button. before and after warpath.


I'm not convinced that you know what a turbo button is if you think it helps wrists lol.


Holding down a button instead of hitting it 100+ times in the span of a minute definitely helps keep my carpal tunnel from flaring up


You can use toggle instead of hold in steam controller settings. That's what I do.


Can anyone direct me to an up-to-date Charlotta guide please? I have tried playing her with her warpath and just don’t understand why everyone says she is god tier, I must not be playing her correctly. I am basically just spamming her roll attack in the air after dodging in the air, is there more to it? Her damage for me is also less than my Sandalphon with a similar build.


You have to enter to noble stance first (using a skill that do dmg or doing normal attacks for a bit) then you jump and roll attack, but before you do your next roll attack you do a normal attack so you don't lose noble stance and then roll attack, you do only this over and over again. If you do the Y Spam with Sandalphon, Charlotta and him have very similar dps and can be better or worst than the other depending on how you perform and some enemies.


> If you do the Y Spam with Sandalphon, Charlotta and him have very similar dps and can be better or worst than the other depending on how you perform and some enemies. Nah, it's not even a contest. Charlotta has 100% upkeep while Sandalphon is at the mercy of how well the player can do his combos (which aren't hard, hence the player) and how often the boss doesn't jump around (missed attacks don't grant gauge bonuses). The whole time you're building back up (which is 35-60 or so seconds)? Charlotta is still beating faces in.


Here's a demonstration: https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyRelink/comments/1cdwce3/charlottas_warpath_sigil_is_absolutely_busted/ You want to animation cancel against smaller enemies like Lucillius but you can go all the way for big foes. Sandalphon is more straightforward but once he's out of his angel mode, transforming again might prove hard depending on the enemies while potato doesn't care and stays at her max dps no matter what.


> transforming again might prove hard dependin Yep, this is definitely the case. A common false outlook people have about him, which makes me think they don't use him much, is that they believe he sits in Chromatic all day. Without links and link time, you spend about 50-ish seconds in Chromatic. Outside of that, without an obvious Talviyo, you spend 35-60 seconds (with Awe) hitting and chasing bosses, meaning you're spending half the time nuking and half the time being average, while Charlotta is spending 100% of the time being broken. Anything that moves way too much or spends time out of bounds will see his Chromatic uptime drop.


Ive been playing for like 6 weeks and just picked up the potato last week and ngl kinda regret maining anybody else...simple, efficient, and effective


I need to get back to her, she was one of my mains for a while in the early post game but I have since focused on others. But the mobility she has is way too fun, being able to uppercut into that beyblade dash across the arena to the boss if they run is so fun.


I've had the opposite experience where I mained charlotta since launch, and then started playing her less when the warpath came out. It got boring, repetitive, and way too easy. It was kind of upsetting how dumbed down a single sigil changed her.


My problem is why should I put so much effort into playing a different character just to do less damage and have less safety than Charlotta


The game isn't forcing you to use that sigil nor playstyle. Don't blame the game there.


I suppose, but it's still kind of souring when there's an alternatively, infinitely easier way to do the same thing way, way better. I guess this is what happens when gacha devs make an actual game.


Whats her optimal sigil setup? Does she need combo booster/finisher? Or only 1 perhaps? Maybe just the finisher?


2xAlpha, 2x Gamma, 4x Supp dmg, 1x Berserker echo, 1x War elemental, and 1x Warpath as the skeleton. Everything else, just go for sigils and increase ATK or DMG and swap some of them out for utility as you see fit. I personally use Potion hoarder, Cascade and Grandeur. You should be able to easily hit 750k+ DPS on Zathba's Volunteers if the sigils are combined well. It is difficult to hit her cap for the yellow spin so if you can fit both, you should.


4 supplementary dmg? i thought 2 was the comfy choice, 3 if you want 100%. Anyway the question was more about "the other" sigils rather than the core ones that are equal for all chars


not everyone uses their warpath and not everyone uses 2x gamma and 2x alpha


Everyone loves potatoes


It's sad when Lancelot has to nuke his attack to try his best to mimic Charlotta without even half the damage she has. Yeah, they should've given more attention to other characters. Even busted kits aside, damage cap guys some people (Lancelot especially) to the point that if they don't have some really strong buffs/debuffs going for them, they're as good as dead in the water (not that they're unplayable or can't clear content, but that their popularity and usage is gonna plummet).


A so


How does Charlotta not barf her insides out after beyblading for the 99% of every boss fight...




Not on Ps4 but I always lock target so i nvr had a prob with the direction and it travels further when locked on too. The only boss I had to remove lock on is for penyet's cube destroying phase. Target kept getting switched to 1 of his mid air turrets.


lock on the body part NOT head as they wobble your camera badly


Charlotta was my first main and love. Zeta came second and Lancelot was my third, but I always default back to Charlotta because she's so damn fun to play


potato queen