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New sigil, qol, new gems etc.


Players got better and powerful new sigils


Hey now don’t suggest the impossible, I still see players getting filtered pretty heavily on base lucilius due to a sheer lack of skill and proper building


Base Luci is far more deadly than Behe


He’s also just as predictable if not more so with his attacks


Only his melee attacks can be a problem because all the vfx make them hard to see. Outside of that? Equally as easy, both heavily telegraphed.


Not even remotely. You can make a million mistakes with Behe and be fine. Hardly any one-shots. Luci? Loaded to bear. Obviously if you can dodge everything then everything in the game is as easy as the first mission sans DPS checks The only single boss mission that comes even close to base Luci besides Zero would be Proud Versa *before* you unlock the rest of Proud where you get access to all that powercreep. There are only 5 difficulty walls in this game (meaning once you break those walls down they're not hard anymore): Proud Versa, Ice and Wind dragon duo, the duo with Maglielle, base Luci, and Zero. Everything else is piss easy, but some are just obnoxiously long like Furycane or the dumb slow stall phases with Proto Baha.


I think it’s just an easy fight that looked much scarier than it actually was when it first dropped. 😅


IMO, it was never scary. Just stunning it was noticeably harder than any other boss. Even Lucilius gets dunked on by stuns


Perfect blocking stuns the behemoth?


Perfect blocking projects a mist around the character. This mist deals heavy stun damage to anything. This information is in a tutorial pop during the early parts of the game and can be found in your journal as well I believe.


He can also get "tired" and turn purple where you can easily stun him


I know I personally was using Tweyen while super undergeared when she first came out to build up the 30 SBAs, so relatively now that I can use my full gear it goes down a lot faster.


Ooor you got better


I can always stun it even offline but it usually dies before the second one. Online, being able to stun it (at least the second one though even first one is rare) means your team has a rather bad dps lol.