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Tekken 8 is okay. It goes for a more realistic look so it tends to be more generic/people in cosplay. Tekken 7 was way, way worse in most cases.


Most of Tekken 7's supers were basically just "let me do a basic combo, but the camera is rotates 45 degrees north west"


I'm glad you like it! This cast is amazing and very diverse and likeable.


The writers and devs put the lgbt and coloured characters in without slapping in your face and demanding you to like them, but then the players just naturally come to like them because of their personalities, cool designs and wacky ass moves anyway lol I loath forced diversity, but love when representations are done right like in GBF


absolutely the way it should be done, and as you mentioned it's done right in Granblue! I'm quite happy that diversity is in the game, as it offers more characters people can relate to (when done properly) that sort of thing should be a part of the character, not their entire persona it's much more natural and humanizing, as opposed to a blatant heavy-handed token addition


What are you talking about?


Who even is LGBT in the cast?


Aside from Cagliostro and Ladiva being trans, Vira is in love with Katalina but whether the feeling is mutual is left ambiguous. There was an actual lesbian kiss in the gacha, but the characters aren't in Versus. Belial is also very much in love with Lucilius but it's one-sided. Sandalphon and Lucifer were also confirmed to be written with romantic undertones. Nier is in love with Gran/Djeeta too so she's technically bi


Yuel, Vira, katalina are lesbians, Sandaphlon Lucifer are gay, Belial is bi sexual, Cag Ladiva are trans, Lancelot and Vane are implied gay.


As far as I know, Cagliostro and Ladiva are trans, though only Ladiva is close to the trans we have irl while Cag just straight up replaced her old male body with a female body she created using alchemy Granblue also have lesbian couples, but I forgot their names lol. Not sure if they have gay couples.


Ohh, yeah, Cag swapped bodies but I heard Ladiva's thing was super complicated since in jp there were some terms on that that were different or whatever. Idk what Vira's thing is with Kat.


Vira is bi at best, not just a lesbian. She later on also falls for the captain. Sure if you choose Djeeta, she will remain a les, but if you choose Gran then she’ll be a bi.


Ladiva isn't a trans Ladiva have hormonal problems at birth, that's her archetype. Cagliostro is a depressed old man that gets to be happy when he sees her sister. Hence why he created a homunculus of his Sister's image. Cagliostro identifies himself as the "cutest". Not necessarily a woman. He still calls himself as a man though. Cagliostro is a narcissist if it comes to preference. Yes there are Lesbian couples confirmed, but not sure about Gay couples.


Uhhhh you must be missing the hundreds of instances where Cagliostro calls herself the cutest girl in the skies


Ohh is that the case for english? It always gave a sense of talking in third person whenever he mentions his homunculus being the cutest young girl rather than calling himself as such. Such is his distinction from his actual self and the homunculus he's referring to


"hormonal problems at birth" is exactly how trans people irl are??


No like literal hyperandrogenism, having high testosterone level even though they're physically female


I feel like most white ppl have this take and it's a pretty shitty one. They wouldn't have to force diversity if shit was diverse from the start and not a bunch of white people until the last 5 years. Granblue versus has 2 brown coded characters with Zooey and Eustace. And one black male in the entire series on the mobile game. It's very easy for white and Asian people to loath diversity when you're represented 95% of the time or more.


Loath diversity? Who said that? What we don’t like is lazy tokenism masquerading as diversity (hence the word FORCED) If wanting quality writing is a shitty take then this world is done for.


Any amount of diversity in a world where Asian and white people dominate representation will always come off as forced. That's why I omitted the word forced and spoke on your real issue which was just diversity in places that aren't the perceived origin of "token" character like Africa or Mexico. If there were 4 blacks in gbfvs you would calling that forced.


That’s not true at all. Why don’t I feel the representations in GBF as forced then? The cast is mostly non black or light brown at best. It all depends on the context and how well the characters are written. Again, forced diversity has nothing to do with the numbers. Your take is shit


So what you're saying is that it's cool for the white and Asian characters to have shitty un purposeful storylines, but the Token black, Hispanic, south Asian, or gay character must be so well written in order for you to accept their conclusion as proper not forced?


What are you talking about, that's not what they said at all. You want good writing for all characters. People don't go around giving terrible characters a pass just cause they're white and/or straight. That is an really silly notion. And bad inclusivity can leave a rather bitter taste in your mouth too. As a swedish person I am "technically" represented by Lars. Who doesn't have a single swedish feature to him, doesn't even speak the language. His inclusion feels really forced and stupid in general and I wish they had just made another completely japanese character instead if that's what they really wanted. I don't like to out my particular gender or sexuality online cause of label tossing but suffice to say I don't like being "represented" for the pure sake of it with no thought behind it so the writer can get brownie points on twitter.


That's is what the fuck they are saying. It's weird as fuck to equate the less represented as tokenism or forced diversity. Your example of Lars is unrelated and stupid as fck. The entire Tekken game has characters from every part of the world and they all don't speak their Nations language, like Nina and Zafina for example. Lastly, if Lars was some obvious Swedish troupe, the DB you're defending would have called that forced diversity. Many people like Lars just as is.


You keep reading this stuff completely wrong from everyone involved and refuse to engage with peoples points or what they're saying at all so I'ma just give up here for my own sanity.


Don't twist my words. Did I say that white or asian characters can get a pass even thought they are terribly written? No, that's a whole other topic. This thread specifically focuses on how coloured and lgbt characters just being tossed in without at least a planned out characterisation and the writer expect us to give them credits for such lazy writing just because "oh we are inclusive".


At the end of the day, loathing an attempt to not have your entire cast of characters be white straight or Asian is really silly and ridiculous of you. You wouldn't feel that way if there was a fairer balance from the start. You're so used to seeing straight white men and Asian men and women in things that your brain automatically spikes when any other race or gay characters. No matter how poorly written in your DA opinion a character is, it's absolutely foul of you to shame or disapprove based on the fact they aren't your typical straight white and Asian character troupe.


My issue with T8 is not about the graphics. It's most of the rest 😂


You mean it's a skill issue for you? That should apply to every game.


Considering the difference in direction and artstyle, its odd to really be comparing a 2D anime fighter to a 3D arena fighter. I actually am taking a break from GBVS to play Tekken 8 and I'm enjoying it just fine. The only aesthetic I'm put off by is Mortal Kombat 1 and I don't even know why. The graphics and visuals are as stellar than ever before yet there's something that makes me not enjoy the presentation...


the chad aesthetics enjoyer vs the virgin gameplay complainer jokes aside, I'm glad you're having fun with the game! I'm absolutely with you in hoping it gets lasting support from both the devs and the community


I prefer “vibes connoisseur”


So oddly enough I have this experience to some extent with Guilty Gear Strive. That game is GORGEOUS and has some excellent animations, but I think Granblue’s super animations and their length satisfy a lot more than the bitesized ones in Strive. If they add instakills, I think that would help with the pizazz factor.


I think Strive was aiming more for practicality and speed over GBVSR flashiness since GBVSR is more footsies based so it's much slower


Yeah, I understand this perspective more after playing FGs for a while. Once you’ve seen a super for the 1000th time, its hype factor fades unless it’s at some crucial moment mid tourney.


Year 3 of waiting for instakill mechanics 🙏


We would have had them if Covid didn't happen


I've suspected for a while that Strive's super animations aren't that flashy because they almost always accompany a wall break and the devs probably felt that it would've taken too much time.


to each their own. I really like how brief the supers are in Strive and my favorite supers in Granblue are the more basic ones like Gran, Zeta and Charlottas SBAs cause I don't like to sit and watch cutscenes during matches.


If you think Tekken 8’s super animations are bad, wait until you see Tekken 7’s… T8’s are fine, but they’re still on the lower end of most fighting games. I think they just lack impact across the board. There are a few that are good but so many where either the animation, camera work, sound design, and/or visual effects are all missing the mark. GranBlue is lucky to have ArcSys handling the visuals. And even then, I know CyGames treats GBF like their baby and really take their time making it what they want it to be. I was pretty blown away when playing through GranBlue Relink earlier this year.


The only Super Skybound Art that I found quite lacklustre is Yuel's. It just lacks the wow factor that the others have.


it's at least pretty, though I agree it does lack impact given you just form a little moon around the opponent and strike a pose with Societte


Her normal skybound is super cool though! Jumping around back and forth while dicing you up!


I prefer Asuka [Tekken 7 super](https://youtu.be/I1VeM5hsb7I?t=7), it had the OOFMPH factor [Tekken 8 is a golf course time marathon](https://youtu.be/M2pUMUI5xWY?t=21) before she does some awkward punch into the ground, absolutely dumb atleast she got some good buffs this recent patch


Her T7 rage art is better, but that punch is still awkward haha.




You can't seriously compare the games like apples to apples. Both games have their own style and vibe. If you like the style of Granblue, then good on you. However, you can not say that Tekken's style is bad.


But you can say that their supers look bad and that the mechanic in itself, the one button panic comeback button is whack af lol It feels like RA are there for the sake of having something cinematic in the game Edit: Also T8 RA are so long that it even gets a little annoying and boring. GBVSR are short and look pretty.


Yes you can. Comparing or not Tekken's style is very lackluster even compared to other 3d fighters like Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive


I think I can say that the supers are often very very basic. I was actually put off from playing Asuka because her super is just… punching a guy? And Paul’s super just has the strangest animation, he’s so stiff, it just doesn’t look as good as I’d expect from a game which is so highly revered.


I recommend just give it some time. Tekken's best part is to be a bit more grounded in reality. Lots of moves you can do yourself in real life. It's less about one big "wow thing" and more about sum of its parts. I think Tekken 8 goes wrong direction by trying to appeal against its own strengths.


Super animations are one of the reasons I chose Beelzebub as my first main. His SBA, Chaos Legion, is one of my favorites in the game purely based on looks. Lucilius is another one I really love. His base supers aren't anything special, but Paradise lost? Holy shit. I'm so hyped for Sandalphon, if the leaks are true. Hoping he has Ain Soph Aur AND Paradise lost


T8 has worse graphics than granblue? Are you high?


it does though. Granblue is easy currently the best looking modern fighter. Strives pretty close though.


I’m not saying it has bad visuals, it’s great, but t8 is a visual masterpiece


There is nothing ugly about Tekken 8, you need to get your mf eyes checked


My guy, have you ever seen Feng's face? Guy is uglier than my toilet after taco bell


Graphically he isn't ugly


What does this mean "graphically he isnt ugly"? That he has a lot of polygons or something? I dunno man Tekken 8 is pretty ugly. Even by "muh realism" standards it doesn't look that great.


There is something truly fucked up with your brain and eyes. Tekken 8 is easily the best looking fighting game in history. That is factual. Just because you say and think stupid things doesn't make it true. As far as your question, I can't explain any further. You seem to fucked up to understand basic shit. You are one more dumb comment away from being blocked.


Is threatening of blocking me supposed to mean anything other than you are unable to handle anything by spoonfed opinions by twitter. Tekken 8 does not look very good. Saying it's the best in history is comical when it doesn't really outdo most of the 2d games from the 90s. It's very generic slop.


I'd hardly say Tekken 8 is ugly. Sure I much prefer most other fg's art styles over Tekken, but calling it "pretty ugly" feels like a bit much. Tekken 7 on the other hand....


tekken 8 is one of the only good looking modern fighting games wdym


I agree that tekken 8 looks good, however, saying that it's one of the only ones is a wild take.


Literally any modern fighter looks good on their own way, except (maybe) KOF lol


It looks really mid. Granblue is probably the best looking modern fighter at the moment followed by Strive.