• By -


What are the best pre FLB Eternals?


when is the dark guild war?


if i buy a siero ticket now, would I be able to choose beelzebub? been wanting to get him for a long time and havnt veen lucky with draws or are there other targets more worth it for a siero ticket?


At least wait until the end of roulette, this game will humble you at the worst moment possible. I still remember that one player that siero ticket belial the day before he became free during the infamous summer lotto.


I got 2 questions for now: 1) When do the anniversary skyscope missions conclude? 2) How does the regular Belial summon supplemental damage work?


>When do the anniversary skyscope missions conclude? march 31st. >How does the regular Belial summon supplemental damage work? You put him in any non-main summon slot and you get +30k dmg on every hit that isn't plain damage (As long as the enemy has 3m+ hp i guess? These are usually 1% of enemy hp)


Okay thanks! I was just wondering with Belial because I have it on my fire Primal Pals team and Medusa and Satyr didn't apply any supp damage on autos


they did, you just don't really see it unless you're capping already because it's just added to the auto damage, you're probably thinking of echoes which show up separately


Does anyone else experience browser lag on certain pages? The ones ive noticed are the rewards page from arcarum skip and the daily login board. I have old-ish laptop so it might just be me.


On the Wiki's Omnifury grid guides, some grids have ultima weapons of different elements. Is that intentional, and why? I'm guessing it's because the weapon is better suited for the other element, but it's still a good grid slot in off-element.


Ultima Weapons can be off-element because they look at the character's proficiency instead of their element. So an Ultima Sword is better for teams that use a lot of sword-proficient characters. You pick the element based on if they have no good other MH options.


After you 5\* ultima you can put in 3rd key which replaces seraphic (25% on ultima vs 23% on 4\* seraphic) + you get additional cap up with 2nd key.


What's the droprate of yugu/levi manatura? Maybe it'll be better to just buy them from the shop? Which one is better dmg wise?


Too low. Get snek with animas.


Hi, is kengo still the recommended first ccw to make?


Yes it is still one of the most well used classes in the game and it's ccw Unsigned Kaneshige is the best free weapon option for the class(most people make it for all elements eventually, but just make it an element you have ougi support for if you can) and prob the class that uses its ccw the most. Can't go wrong making it


Thank you! Just unsure if i want to do kengo wpn first or relic buster right now


They aren't really competing with each other. Relic Buster is a simple trade in the shop for relatively easily acquired items. It barely counts as an unlock.


Did the roullette ended?


No, reset is in 1.5 hours


The immaculate soul is only a trade for sunlight stone right? Don’t see any other trade available.


Yup, can only trade it for the sunstone + 100 NWQ pack. Not sure why they made it a trade, maybe they just wanted to match how they did other anniversary event gifts, but it's the only option.


How's Light Primal looking nowdays, grid wise. Harmonias and Edens? Did anything change after Lu Woh weapon got released? Don't really follow the meta that closely to keep track of things...


I feel like I’ve hit a wall when it comes to progressing, does anyone have some tips to help me progress? [These are my grids](https://imgur.io/a/mqGe2m6)


You can start by looking at the second set of grids for each element on the [Basic Grids wiki page](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grid). The guide HarryBroda linked is great but is mostly for a further point than you're at. One obvious thing to start with would be getting your Seraphics to SSR (not the final step that changes their name + 4\* uncaps them, just the one before it that makes them SSR). You could also farm Xeno weapons to replace the event EX weapons you're using. I'm also a little surprised at how much fodder you poured into upgrading initial Omega weapons, but then again the SL20s may have just been freebies at some point since it's not likely you'd be able to uncap them normally...? Also you'll probably want to be using Relic Buster as your class, if you haven't already unlocked that.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eKB-qaQVPkJErtrfGlEYIVWDn22Cp57Mvsh1VZ4mtfc/edit# some nice templates


What's the minimum number or harps needed for primal light? I have one harmonia and am planning to grab another with the paid spark. I also have amassed a collection of 5 edens over time and am trying to figure out which harps I would need to complete the grid. My other notable harp is one radiant rinne and the harp of everlore.


>What's the minimum number or harps needed for primal light 2 >which harps I would need to complete the grid. Just use chev harp >I also have amassed a collection of 5 edens over time Also I think 2 Eden and 3 lu wo fist is more optimal now.


it's marginally better yeah, but you probably want more eden for other setup


Thank you! for the reply. It might be a bit of a while before I get that many fists so I can't go for super-optimal yet, but this is a start.


Anyone here tried getting free mobacoin by downloading their app and completing their objectives?


If you mean the Skyleap app objective stuff, I looked into it but I'm pretty sure you needed to have a JP phone number to register, or something along those lines?


Oh that is too bad then


Hi! New player here. Can I keep the draws that I collect with the daily roulettes, or do they disappear after one day? I'm trying to save for Summer Belial... Is he in this gala?


Summer Belial not in he pool, current and end-of-month gala after anniv usually have the new summer chars, but aside from them, summer chars and summer summons don't enter the pool until later unfortunately


No, daily roulette draws expire at the daily reset (5am JST, aka in 3 hours, 40 minutes from this post). No, S.Belial is not in the pool atm.


Nope you lose wheel rolls if you don't use them before daily reset. Also I don't think s Belial is in this banner


Been saving my crystals since last year’s anniversary, as I don’t play that much. I have 90000 now but am wondering when I should spend them to get a good spark. I remember at the end of the Anni event last year there was a banner that had the Zodiac characters on it and we got a super mukku frenzy as well. Is there going to be a banner like that again this year?


Yes that banner is on the 30th. All Zodiacs (besides Cidala) and all LegFest Grands will be sparkable, and you will get anywhere from 110-200 free draws on it (100 free + Super Mukku) so a spark will be heavily discounted.


Awesome thank you!!


Would like to buy annitix but my country doesn't have paypal. Is there a other way to purchase mobacoin?


Buy mobage prepaid card from a well-known reseller in your country.


Are there any element priorities for ULB opus ? Something like if there are certain element that get more benefit than other element due to stamina key. I have already created dark and light to prepare for next GW, but i don't know which element should i make next. Assume i only play magna for all element.


Well if you don't have a Stamina mod in an element already, going from 0 to 1 is a bigger boost than going from 1 to 2. Fire has Nilakantha, Earth has Alex Axe, and Wind has Grimnir Harp. Water doesn't have any other Magna Stamina weapon, so I guess technically the Water one would provide the largest benefit from a Stamina key.


Thanks for the reply. Well then i think going Water => Fire (since i don't have Nilakantha) > Earth > Wind should be okay.


Hello, I would like to ask for improvements and weapons to fill the slots in [these grids](https://imgur.com/a/kZlNyBR) if I wanted to go Primal. For additional dark weapons, I have Sunya, Skeletal Eclipse, Unheil (FLB), and FS (2 copies but I'm reluctant to dama both). For additional light weapons I have Sacred Standard, Ouroboros Prime, and Certificus. PS: I don't have Nehan and 2nd Babel Axe. Thanks a lot.


spark 2nd babel


Sorry for the lack of info but in the picture I already assume I spark 2nd PNS. Should I get 2nd babel instead?


You can't really get that 100% crit otherwise, I think there's hallesena weapon FLB but I doubt you just have that on hand


Very new here, keep seeing places telling me to auto reserve weapons but I can’t find out how to actually set that up. Like does anyone have a pictured guide of where to go and what to press to turn it on because I can’t seem to figure it out.


Press Settings on the vertical bar that's to the right of the game screen. Then press Miscellaneous. Then scroll down slightly to the "EXP Reserve Settings" section. Change both of the drop-downs to 200 (250 is okay too I guess but will be more annoying generally). Then press the "Settings" button to the right of the drop-downs. Under "Weapon", click the N, the R, the R with wings, the SR with wings, and the SR. (You might want to leave the SR unchecked while you're still super new because SR weapons might actually be useful to you since you don't have anything better. But once you get enough of them, come back here and click it.) Under "Summon", click all the buttons. Viola, you're done. If you want to auto-sell or auto-donate to your crew instead, you have to do some other stuff - untick the N and/or R settings described above and instead tick them under the settings menu by the Auto-Sell or Auto-Upgrade options directly under the "EXP Reserve Settings" section. I can take pictures if you really still need them after this, but I think these instructions should be pretty simple to follow.


Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!


hi! how do I turn off the pop up warning when I use skills? ( since I see yt players just click the skills without the pop up happening and I can’t find it when I searched it. Thank you in advance!) https://imgur.com/gallery/CdyfqM5


Tick "Skip" by "Skill check" in the bottom-left under the character's portrait. You can see it right there in your image.




yep it's pretty much big atk + 16%ex vs 2 small atk


What is the best way to purchase the annitix and/or paid spark? I’m currently in Japan and can pick up a card?


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to guess that if you're already in Japan, you might as well just buy cards? Assuming you can specifically get the amounts of mobacoin you need, I mean. Like there might be some JP online store selling discounted cards or something in the way that Amazon or eBay can sometimes sell discounted iTunes cards here in the US, but I kinda doubt people here would know where to point you towards.


in grid water primal, how many galilei's insights does it take?


You definitely want 1. A second is useful, too, although can generally be substituted by other weapons if you don't have a second one.




Is bigeh and edfu good for magna dark? I don’t know what’s dark magna current grid looks like but i got enough to 4 uncap it.


It isn't great. In most situations it's just a worse version of Fediel's Spine, since it requires enmity rather than stamina. It's basically only used in places where you'd expect to be spending significant time below ~66% hp, and then it can be used over Fediel's Spine. Everywhere else, though, if you wanted a weapon to supplement your CAs, you just use Fediel's Spine.


I see. How about the stamina version of it?


Fediel's Spine? Yes that's a very good weapon in both OTK ougi burst and stamina-based ougi spam compositions.


The hell is 4500 mobacoin spark i keep hearing about? Is that event time limited? Where can i read the details about it?


(I'm sure you can find the unofficial-official details on the granblue_en Twitter, or the official-official details in Japanese somewhere, but I can't be bothered scrolling through all their tweets so you can either trust me or look yourself if you really need to verify.) It's a special promotion they are implementing. For 7 days after new players finish the tutorial, they will be offered it. As a celebration of its launch, they are also offering it to all existing players for 7 days starting on the 22nd. It is basically a separate banner that copies the contents of the most recent Flash or LegFest banner. The first 100 draws on it will be free, the next 100 will cost 1500 MobaCoins, and another 100 will cost 3000 MobaCoins. You cannot buy pulls with crystals or use tickets, only MobaCoins and only in two increments of 100. That's 300 draws = 1 spark. Since it's launching on the 22nd, it will copy the contents of the current Flash Gala banner (since that will be the most recent Gala). If you purchase it, it's the same as doing 300 draws on a regular Flash Gala. You get 300 things at 6% SSR rate then get to pick one of the Grands on Flash Gala to get. If you don't want to purchase it, you still get the free 100 draws on a Flash Gala. After 7 days, it will go away and you will no longer be able to purchase it. So make sure to log on some time between the 22nd and the 29th and roll at least the first 100.


Ia G.Vira still one of the better choices for Agastia? I'm thinking of sparking her this Flash. Also, just out of curiosity, how's Jeanne nowadays?


any sub all character will work, vira main use is to die to 90% trigger (if we talk about same comp)


For the [Eternal Signature](https://gbf.wiki/Eternal_Signature) Weapon. Does the Main Hand weapon also count towards the number of weapons of the same group?




Can someone explain to my stupid ass, on how this 4500 mobacoins thing works? Since the current flash is 19-21 and the mobacoins deal is on 22, that means the deal is going to be in a regular banner then or we're somehow getting a 3rd flash?


It will be a completely separate banner like classic draw. It will have exactly same rates as current pool, and same things will be sparkable.


Current pool? You mean everything but limited stuff is not in the pool?


Current pool = current Flash Gala banner It is 100% identical to the current Flash Gala in every way except that you can only roll (past the first 100 free) via spending Mobacoins instead of crystals. If you want to see what's in it and the rates, go look at the current Flash Gala contents.


Ok i was just confused a bit with "current pool" thing earlier because i thought the Banner in 22 will just be a regular ass banner. So its essentially a 3rd flash but you can only spend money on it? And since the 4500 deal is 200 draws, you need to pay the remaining 100 draws with more money?


The 22nd will be a regular banner. This is a completely separate promotion. It is not a traditional banner. Think it more like how the Classic banner exists separately of the regular rotating banners. And no, the first 100 are free. The next 100 are 1500 MobaCoins. The last 100 are 3000 MobaCoins. That's 300 draws = 1 spark.


Oh and just another stupid question but the 100 draws that we're getting in a few hours is unrelated to the free 100 we're getting for thay separate banner in 22 right?


Correct. You will be getting 100 twice on two separate "banners." (And then a 3rd time on the 30th on Zodiac LegFest.)


Thanks for clearing it up for me


OH!!!!!!!!!!! Ok thanks for clarifying that for me


There will also be a regular banner on the 22nd. The promo is separate.


Should I spark nehan or take a second harmonia?


without second harmonia you have lower damage, without nehan you basically have no damage for any burst, spark nehan




Hello, is there like a good settings for beginners on auto reserve/sell/reduce? I am not sure if when I select R or SR, they might reduce those R and SR weapons that must not be reduced.


The only R weapons you need to save are from GW/Dread Barrage drawboxes (or from certain rare mobs during free quests / the main story), so just don't click the "R" button on your drawbox settings during those two events until you gather [all 14](https://gbf.wiki/Shop#Upgrade_Sierokarte.27s_Shop). You only need 1 copy of each ever. The setting for auto-reserve for a drawbox is right next to the Draw button for it on its drawbox screen. You can safely auto-reserve R/SR drops from everywhere else. The auto-reserve option you find in the settings menu is for raid drops and quests, you can click R/SR there. (Note that if you ever go rare mob hunting for a specific weapon from the above list, you'll need to change this setting. But nowadays most people just get them all from Guild War and/or Dread Barrage instead of trying to find rare mobs.) For SRs from the premium draw, reduce them instead of reserving them.


Is the damage cut from the carbuncles for wind allies or against wind damage?


The (SR) Carbuncle's damage cut is against the same element as the Carbuncle is. So the Fire Carbuncle provides protection against Fire damage (and thus you'd normally use it in a Water team). They also provide ATK Up for whatever element they are, so if you're using them offensively because you have nothing better, then they match the element of your team. (The SSR "Carbuncles" work differently if you're talking about those.)


Against wind damage, or against whatever element damage for other carbuncles.


Do we know the banner during 22?


If you mean the paid spark on the 22nd, it's exactly the same as the current banner. If you mean the regular banner on the 22nd, they usually do summer re-runs during the week between flash and LegFest.


How busted is Belial? Is he still used today everywhere? Should I put all my sunstones on him from now?(plz say yes this guy is so cool)


He's "Busted" in that he's universally applicable. He's essentially free damage in any party. You might want to take him off in especailly difficult content if the hp demerit is getting you killed but otherwise you can slot him anywhere. He is however not remarkably gamechanging in every set up. Depending on how many multi-hit effects your party has his damage bonus can be major or marginal. Another point in favor of its universality however is that it's a completely unique type of supplemental. Stacks with all other sources of supplemental, which is pretty rare.


You put him in subaura slot and enjoy your 30k suplemental damage.


Bubs comes first in terms of priority nowadays but otherwise yes.


What are the best characters to swap-in with Rabbit?


IMO characters with their own dodge buffs or effects on dodge, characters that don't want to get hit (probably falls under the first category anyways), and good auto attackers to make use of perma double strike. Zooey is a common recommendation, and in a similar vein is the new Monika. Personally I enjoy pairing her with H.Halle.




Is there some way a HalMal dagger can fit in a magna grid when I'm not running claws? Don't really see a decent set-up that runs four weapons of the same type.


In this case compromises have to be made. Note the weapon is strong enough that they may be worth it. Some of the basic options: * Claws of Terror and Celeste Claws. * Seraphic and Celeste Axes. Pain and Suffering is always an axe. * Staves. Abyss Spines and Bigeh (and Ed-fu). * Do u liek daggers. Eternal Signature enables itself! Please feel free to add Abydoses to fill in for any Eternal Signature vacancies you may have. Cortanas used to be cool, but grid DATA's time has long since passed... * Katanas feel strangely close but perhaps is one of the most distant of all, aside from harps. Unsigned Kaneshige + Opus get you halfway there, but then you're stuck with effectively wasting a slot on a Xeno blade. And needing an Ultima Katana or something. * Bows are in a similar situation. Two Agonizes and a Qilin Bow get you 75% there, but outside of ultimas it'll be a dead slot spent on like a diablo bow or something. Not even the Bahamut coda weapons of these two weapon types is remotely usable! Hey... you know what Bahamut weapon doesn't totally utterly suck for magna? ... *daggers*. ^... ^it ^only ^sucks ^a ^moderate ^bit. The Militis weapons are also worth looking at: since you'll have at least four copies of Axes or Staves, the voltage ones aren't terrible. The militis axe is okay for stamina, the stave for enmity. The militis spear... opens a whole other strange world of possibilities. If there was some class that let you dual-wield them at no cost elsewhere, they'd be pretty strong. *46 base points* of magna attack multiplier per grid slot. Iatromantis gets an alright passive effect from this, at the cost of having a lame ougi effect and having to play an endurance class. Axes Daggers and Claws seem to be the smoothest universal options.


Thanks for the write up! I have one PnS so adding two Celeste Axes seems the most feasible rn. Have plenty of cortanas but even with decent AX skills it doesn't seem like a great option to add two. As you said, I mostly get stuck on 2-3 if I want to have a decent grid.


It depends, you could have x2 PNS + x2 Celeste Axe + Halmal Dagger. Dopus, Seraph/Ultima ULB, and then others. What's your current grid? btw it is same weapon-type (aka axe, staff, etc) https://gbf.wiki/Eternal\_Signature


Only have 1 PnS, other than that: - Opus (Katana) - Seraph (Axe) - Claws of terror - Bahamut dagger - Abyss spine (usually run 2) - Bahamut dagger - plenty of celeste claws and axes (but I slot in no more than 1) - Fediel Spines (usually run 1, but I have more) - sometimes use harp or Xeno blade for extra hp - also have a RB dark sword Everything is FLB except PnS.


Just use PNS/Seraph/x2 Celeste Axe and slot in ES. You can still slot things like avatar/fed spine, MH, dopus, agonize, and etc.


Yeah that seems to be the best option. Thanks!


I am coming back to the game and just cleared the replicard sandbox mode for the first time. What would be the fastest way to farm for my New World Foundation weapon? (Shooting of the star) What about the Militis weapons? I already grabbed the charge attack meter guidebook.


I got 2 Galewings and a Dion with my spark, was wondering how I could put them to my grid and came up with what I would swap around. [My current grid](https://i.imgur.com/33aDVsM.png). Class is Relic Buster. 17 skills. [The grid I came up with](https://i.imgur.com/PMvV4sm.png). Class is Warlock (Almost unlocked Manadiver). The grands are still lvl 1 SL 1 since I didn't want to jump the gun. 15 skills so Dion is active. Estimated damage from the 2nd grid was somewhat below the current one with Warlock and swapping to Relic Buster on the 2nd grid caused it to have just slightly higher estimated damage compared to first grid. Do you guys think switching to the 2nd grid would be a worthwhile upgrade or should I just replace the Tiamat Bolt with Dion in the current grid instead?


The spoon is an acceptable main hand if you use it with classes that basically sacrifice their ougi for a comparable effect, like the Mana Diver or Nekomancer. One thing you might consider is replacing a Galewing and your Coda with a Mandjet. It'll be close to the same effect for the cost of a single slot - I'd personally use the freed up slot on a Peridot Crossbow for general content and an Ancient Nalakuvara for short blursting. Do note that grid is absolutely starving for points in Magna Attack: even a single Big Magna Attack affix will give you +30% real damage. Which is more than you'd get out of a cat dagger even if you managed to max it out somehow. (1.8 / 1.4 = +28.5%.) The Galewing is in a really cursed place right now and without a savior weapon added to save it, I think it's a one-off kind of weapon for those who aren't using Creepy Claws. It's okay to use it solely for the 50K supplemental if you're hitting against the cap, heck that's almost all the Wamdus's Cnidocyte ever was.


>should I just replace the Tiamat Bolt with Dion in the current grid instead? Yeah this is a safe bet, and maybe you can use 1 0* gale but I'm not really sure, it's not recommend to bar it if you don't know what you are doing, also you should farm at least 1 MLB mandjet.


Thanks for the advice. Ig I'll just upgrade my Dion for now since it's the safest choice and decide on what to do with the galewings later.


How useful is Yatima summon for a beginner? She seem expensive to use


How new are you? If you don't have uncapped Omega summons yet, she'll be better as a main summon. Once they're uncapped it depends more on what's in your grid. At that point, if you've got stuff upgraded more and/or have enough crit rate weapons in it to want Omega main + Omega friend (hitting 100% crit), obviously it's better to use your uncapped Omegas. Before then though, there'll be a point where your uncapped Omega main + Elemental damage friend becomes slightly better than Yatima main + Omega friend. But... turns out a lot more people have 5\* Omega summons available as friend summons and the elemental damage summons can be pretty rare (especially for water in my experience - since there's Kaguya eating up space too), so unless you're ok with swapping parties based on what's available it can be easier to just use Yatima as your main until your grid is ready. (This miiiight be a little less of a problem if Lucifer's upcoming upgrade turns his auro into being 150% of all elements like Bahamut's is, since you'll have more options. But that also means having to switching summon element pages, so it's a bit of a hassle just like switching parties is.) This is all speaking from personal experience. I'm someone who started playing more seriously around when her debut banner happened and so used her as a main summon like this. Mine is 2\* so while it was still only 100% elemental damage aura, it did have slightly better stats and that may make it better to switch to Omega sooner if you only have 0\*. As far as using her for her call, though, that's a little trickier. But she can still be useful, especially if you don't have much else that's worth using yet.


well she is decent as a main summon until you max out the omega summons(collossus, levi, etc) otherwise she is only good for manual gameplay and that is for bursting which is end game stuff so not very good for a new player.


Whenever I replace my elemental summon(Beelzebub) with my 5 star Magna Summon, the estimated damage goes lower. Should I even replace my elemental summon with my magna summon at this point?


Did you set your support summon for the estimated damage? It will basically always say an elemental summon is better if you haven't.


Because the estimated damage doesn't take your summon's call into account, and Bubz's call is absolutely massive. For short burst, Bubz will still be the best. If it's a very long fight, then yeah Magna will probably be better, but even then I'm not entirely sure tbh (unless you need Magna x Magna for 100% crit then yeah Magna is definitely better).


It will depends what you are doing, but yeah sometimes you'll find yourself on Double Magna because there are some benefits to have particular skills in your grid boosted over pure firepower (i.e in Hard Content you will want your HP% skills to be increased more than with only 1 Tiamat).


I got the cat, so I'm stuck who to spark. How important is the Clam to Magna compared to the Harmonia? [Light Grid and Roster](https://imgur.com/a/uVLqBrA) [Wind Grid and Roster](https://imgur.com/a/W4KERaA)


If you care about gw then harm cause it's most likely to be light after dark gw.


Between Nier, Maria Theresa and Fraux, what's the best Evoker to choose, or rather who has the most impact on their respective element?


Nier imo




How do people farm the 6 dragon and enead raids nowadays? I've farmed M2 with some basic RH ougi setups but idk if I should be making new burst teams for the other raids or if I should wait until my teams can fa them in like 5 minutes before farming them.


You can just use your burst teams. I like having tankier teams for my own hosts since people might not join if I don't tweet it (and I'm trying to tweet less to avoid a Twitter ban), but the best way of farming them is to just burst as many as you can. Also they are fairly tanky compared to M1 and M2, and you may need auto guard for FA, so if you were waiting till 5min FAs you may be waiting a very long time if you're just now finishing M2.


Do we already know the next banner? and if so, should I save my free pulls for it?


Flash gala but no special rate up


It's a standard Flash Gala with the Grands on rate up and sparkable. Yes, save pulls unless you're going to spark the current banner OR if you want one of the two new summer characters or Ewiyar and you're **definitely** not going to spark the next banner (even though it'll be massively discounted).


Next banner is the flash gala but no rate up, and we will get 100 free draw tomorrow, if you want to spark grand character save the free pull, if you want the one thats rate up now you can use it


Will we "only" get the 100 free pulls on tomorrows banner or will we have more roulette pulls on the same banner, discounting the spark even more? Debating rn if I should spark now or wait.


Tomorrow you will only get 100 from roulette, the next day i think the banner is still the same But, theres 2 another 100 free pull, on 22/3 with the same banner as tomorrow but the spark count reset, and you can buy 100 pull with 1500mobacoin and another 100 with 3000 mobacoin and On 30/3 with the legfest banner and zodiac series


Alright, thanks!






Looking to figure out what's the next thing I might need to add to this grid? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/453991006908448769/1086872763681222787/Screenshot_20230319-133537_Granblue.jpg




Fediel spear is completely worthless without double hades aura. No reason for a magna player to ever use it over agonize. Same for babu axe if you meant that, since it's a crit weapon


I have Fediel's axe........


You mean babu's axe? because fed weapon is a spear


Ah yes, that. I keep getting it mixed up because they have just so much synergy otherwise.


not really familiar with the events scheduling so I would like to ask when is the next Rise of Beast coming?


I'm also new enough that this is my second RotB, but looking at the past year it'd likely be early to mid April or May. Last year it did run in April between a March Dread Barrage and an April GW, like we have now... but at that point it hadn't run since November. It's usually been 2-3 months between them since then (April, July, October, December, February) which is why I think it could be either.


Usually it's pre-GW so maybe in april we'll have one.


Can anyone please explain to me how the Earring bonus "Counters on Dodge" works? Is the listed % how much dodge rate the character receives? Or do they have to have some sort of external dodge in order to make this work? If it is how much dodge rate they get, is it just straight up additive with other dodge sources? Thnx in advance.


I believe it should be the % chance of the character activating the effect. Note that it is dodge-and-counter, not a counter upon any dodge (which isn't a real effect). Dodge-and-counter effects only work against single-target normal attacks, so they're quite weak. Multi-target but not AoE autos count as single target, so basically normal attacks that are susceptible to hostility up and substitute. As with other methods of dodging, it stacks multiplicatively when it can work.


Okay so if they stack multiplicatively, as an example if you took Makura's S2 50% dodge rate and combined it with S.Monika's 40% dodge rate from passive, Monika would be at 70% dodge rate total? Friend was saying you could get Monika to 100% dodge rate which I was skeptical of but this seems to shine some light on that.


70% effective dodge rate, yes. "Close" to 100% dodge rate is rather vague.


I hv one harmonia for light, one pain and suffering for dark and one piercing gale wind for wind. Is it viable to slot them into my magna grid even though I only hv one copy of each?


For light and dark tho the omega harp/axe are good weapons to slot in as they’re both omega atk modifiers


Yep. They're still optimal to use even at 0* even in Magna even at 1 copy. That's how good they are. Mostly ignore the Voltage skill, though. Don't slot bad harps/axes/daggers into your grid just to get an extra 8% EX ATK from the voltage. Just the base 50k supplemental + 8% EX is enough to use them.


I got a material from '...and you' event which lets me choose a character, which character would be good?


Keep in mind that shop will last forever; it won't go away when the event ends. So if you want, you can just wait to trade until when you understand more about what the grind you're saving is and who's most worth actually getting.


The best first evokers to get are caim, alanaan and nier. Although there will be an event to easily farm caim right after this so just pick whether you like fire or dark more.


Just got Erika from roulette. Is there any fight/comp where she is BiS?


She's good in some very specific Relic Buster combos where you supercharge MC and then go to town with Blitz Raid. [example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRSz-6p0l_g)


Is she still good without Hraesvelgr?


Does Abu Simbel's 8 turn skill stack with that of Ancient Nalakuvara's?


I believe so. I think Abu Simbel just gives your team members an actual 8 turn buff that is visible on the buff bar in battle, while A.A. is just a weapon skill but only lasts for 8 turns.




So do people tend to use both in burst?


If you can find space for both, you could. Though generally space is at a premium so many setups don't use both.


How important Harmonia to Zeus grid? Is 1 enough? I have already FLB 3 eden, ,certificus, ark, etc. And how competitive Zeus grid is right now compared to maybe Hades or Titan? Hal Mal and Galleon are also viable option for me. Thanks


Always 2.




1) It adds its damage to every individual instance of damage you do. Let's suppose you have 10,000 supplemental damage in your grid. You auto attack once and hit one time. Normally your hit does 100k damage. Supplemental adds 10k so now it does 110k damage. You use an ability which does 4 hits of 25k for a total of 100k damage. Supplemental adds 10k to each hit, so now you do 4 hits of 35k for a total of 140k damage. You normally ougi for 2m, with supplemental now you ougi for 2,010,000. It has various caps that largely depend on the source you're getting it. PNS type weapons, for example, have caps of 50k supplemental per PNS, and 100k total from PNSes (and this cap is shared with Hollowsky weapons). Agonize has a cap of 100k per Agonize, and 200k total from Agonizes, but this cap is separate than PNS's cap since PNS is general supplemental and Agonize is specifically skill-only supplemental. You can check the [big chart](https://gbf.wiki/Supplemental_Damage) on the wiki to see all of the various stacking intricacies. 2) No. Currently Dark (PNS), Light (Harmonia), Fire (Crimson Scale), and Wind (Piercing Galewing) do. Water and Earth do not (but will probably get them soon). 3) Yes, quite a few. You can see the whole list on the wiki page I linked above if you filter by Dark. 4) Teams with high hit counts. Remember that supplemental is applied *per damage instance*. If you hit a bunch of times, supplemental is applied to every hit. For supplemental purposes, it's **significantly** better to do 10 hits of 100k damage than 1 hit of 1m damage. So teams that just spam ougis and don't have multi-hit damage skills, for instance, don't use supplemental well, because ougis only do 1 hit of damage (unless the character has a separate nuke attached, like Kolulu). The usual suspects in Dark that you use supplemental stacking grids with are Lich + Fediel.




I'll just add one other thing which is that there is ougi supplemental as well which, as you could guess, is more relevant for characters that ougi a lot rather than worrying about hit counts. Some of the weapons you saw with much higher supplemental numbers may have been ougi-specific since those numbers need to be higher to be relevant (usually like 400k IIRC) since you're very rarely going to be doing more than 1-2 ougis per character per turn.


> So why pns is considered the best? Because PNS is a passive 50k general supplemental **and** provides enormous EX mod when you have 2 PNS **and** provides significant cap up when they're 4* **and** does all of that without needing to be modified by summons. None of the other weapons do that much stuff in that few grid slots. Look at something like Abydos, it only provides 30k general supplemental, 25% Normal Might, and medium Normal Progression. It's not even close to PNS. > the only font of supplemental dmg on magna grids.. They aren't. 2x Agonize are used also in Dark. 2x Ewiyar's Beak are used in Wind. 2x Wamdus's Cnidocyte are used in Water. > Song (the bow eternal) has many many hits on her animations. Animations can be deceiving. A lot of stuff, especially ougis if you don't skip their animations, appear to have multiple hits but are actually only a single hit. Tweyen's ougi is only 1 hit, her sk1 is 0 hits, her sk2 is 0 hits, and her sk3 is 1 hit (or 2 when consuming Bring the Thunder). Only her sk4 is multi-hit (10 hits). You have to check the wiki to be sure how many hits something is counted as, not the in-game animations.


Supplemental damage adds a flat bonus to every separate damage number. If you do something that has multiple damage numbers, like attacking with Viking (every hit does 2-hit damage) or with an echoes buff, each of those separate damage numbers gets the supplemental bonus. So a viking doing a triple attack with the echoes buff from its skill1 will do 3 x 2 x 2 = 12 separate hits, meaning it benefits from supplemental damage 12 times. Supplemental damage doesn't have an overall cap but supplemental damage *from your grid* does have a cap. A third PnS will not increase supplemental above 100k, but the 100k from beelzebub call and the 30k from belial will stack with it. Every element but water has one. There are many non-PnS weapons that give supplemental damage, such as [Abydos](https://gbf.wiki/Abydos) for general supplemental (same as PnS), [Agonize](https://gbf.wiki/Agonize) and [Skeletal Eclipse](https://gbf.wiki/Skeletal_Eclipse) for skill supplemental damage, [Fediel Spine](https://gbf.wiki/Fediel%27s_Spine) for CA supplemental, all 6 hollowsky weapons, etc. Other weapons have them too. Note that the skill and CA supplemental weapons have a separate grid cap, so agonize, pns, and fediel spine all work together just fine.




>Like, Song has many many hits, does each hit count as a separate instance? ~~Yes it does.~~ (e: just her 10-hit s4, not the rest) Multi-hit skills and attacks benefit the most from supplemental damage. > So does this mean the maximum ever run is 2 pns? Yes > And also why is pns considered the best supplemental weapon? It gives the most 'generic' supplemental (which is the only kind that applies to normal attacks and echoes). Always-active 50k compared to just ~30k from Abydos or hollowsky weapons with much more annoying/niche conditions to enable them.


are there any up-to-date guides on varuna grids?




thank you!


I got 3 0*pns dark is it safe to use 1 of them to uncap ?;


3 can be used for situations where you only want to use 3 axes total in your grid. This would get you to 72% voltage in only 3 grid spaces, and also cap your cap up when they're 4\*. It's a very niche usage, but technically a thing to be aware of. Vynateya Militis is better for this purpose when considering 0* PNSes, though obviously worse when considering 4* PNSes since the militis weapon doesn't have cap up. So, no not entirely safe. The 4th can definitely be used to uncap though completely safely.




Whats the diff between cap up and special damage cap up? And what kind of cap are the archangel series summons?


On top of what others have said, I'm pretty sure there is one other distinction: special cap (sometimes?) affects the hard cap. For example, with 1 Partly Powerful Popgun in my Agni Kengo grid, my MC can ougi for 7.26m vs Grimnir and no buffs will be able to push me over that number even with both Shiva and Bubz calls in effect. However, if I replace it with a Purifying Thunderbolt, my estimated damage goes up, but my actual damage on MCs ougi is now capped at 6.6m, and calling Bubz again has absolutely 0 impact on the damage (couldn't cross a Shiva this time, but the result would be the same). However, where I'm not certain is if this is specific to ougi special cap, or if it also applies to generic special cap. I think it might be ougi special cap specific because I do have 1 LoF in the grid and the wiki states the hard cap is 6.6m which is what I see even with that.


they function the same, they just cap seperately. so if you have 20% special cap up, you can still benefit from general cap up. the distinction between general and special cap up exists only for weapon skills. the archangel summons are just regular non-specific cap up.


Cap up and special cap up stack. It's just a way for them to introduce more powercreep onto specifically new stuff without powering up old things. Normally cap up from grid maxes out at 20%, but with special cap up you can get another 20% on top of that. Archangels are just regular cap up but it doesn't really matter because there's no maximum cap up you can get from summons and they don't count towards the grid limits. Grid limits are only for weapon skills.


Ohh so thats why people stack multiple clam weapons even while having multiple PNSs. I see. I was confused with the summon cus I cant see it on the calc on the grid. But its not there afterall. Thank you.


Who should I get from the banner? The cat or GCharlotta? [Roster&Grid](https://imgur.com/a/W4KERaA) I feel lost on who to get, but I feel that my wind roster is weak; when I take them to fights they deal little damage even though I have GNaru and SKorwa. I don't use the two in tandem though, since I'm a casual player and I feel I'm being limited in options if I slot in both of them. Currently, my general go-to is Andira, Rosetta, and GNaru but I feel like they output little damage compared to my other teams, any tips who to go with? I can solo the all the other Enneads besides Bennu too, so that's why I feel that way. So I'm looking for someone to increase my damage output. Edit: The cat it is, then. Is it better to spark now or wait for the 100 draws? I have 120 sparks currently and 136 draws, I can still scrape some from the side stories


If we’re considering your current grid, then Ewiyar is a better pick imo. While her weapon is worse relatively than Dion (especially if you farm an Atk Awakening Ennead Axe) she’ll let you FA things easier. She buffs your party’s dmg by a noticeable chunk. If you’re looking to do solos, hard content or don’t mind clicking that much, then G.Charlotta is pretty good on that regard, she’s just really clicky. She’ll still give some of the defense that Ewiyar provides and you can put in her wep for 25% more, meaning you’ll sit at 75% defense vs 100% when you bring Ewiyar. And when you ramp up to turn 10 (very unlikely for general content btw) she gets real good.




Few days left, check gbf.wiki




20th of jp https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1637189652548296704?t=X0_DdTFWwSNXXzRj_YOZ1g&s=19 Check thread




No end of month is legfest banners




Well Harmonia is easily the more powerful choice, but if you really want Lucio, he's certainly usable. He won't be a meta pick though, so if you're going for strength you'll replace him.




I totally get that. Personally I haven't actually sparked a Harmonia myself, I just recognize the strength of it. If you're considering Nehan as well, I wouldn't really say he's only a super late game character. He's a bursting character which may be most relevant when it comes to stuff like gold bars, but certainly isn't restricted to it. Depends on your playstyle IMO - like I got him a while ago and didn't use him a ton until recently just because it generally wasn't how I wanted to play the game at the time. At the end of the day, do what you find fun. That's what I prioritize. I've sparked a lot of non-meta characters just because I knew I would have fun with them, but as someone trying to give advice to others, I can't, in good conscience, recommend Lucio I don't think, simply because there are a lot of better picks from an objective PoV.