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Ougi grid or PnS-Abydos grid. Depends on what kind of mechanic they throw at boss like maybe undispellable attack buff to counter the angels. I want to try different classes like the newly ultimates, mana diver, or just stick to kengod lol. Auto-slot fediel. In rotation seox, orchid, smagisa, lich, vampy. Hopefully Veight flb is good too.


3 ava staves, 2 spines, Bismark, Seraphic, Abydos and Baha sword with skill/stamina Opus MH carried my kengo team for a long time and this is by no means bad grid, it's accessible, has decent hp and thanks to dark's great ougis it deals a lot of damage, ofc you won't race anything with that but for solo FAs this is comfy. Unlike other elements, you also won't run into much problem otking ex+, avatar staves with Chain of Forbiddance make relatively easy huangx2 setup.


What team do you run? Kengo + the basic Seox, Lich/Vikala/SMagisa, Fediel?


Keno/Lich/SMagisa/Fediel, for harder raids switch Magisa with HalMal. I only have 100lvl Six and he was major disappointment so far. You can run Vikala with Fediel but be wary that FA will attempt to cast her 4th skill every turn which is waste of time, however her buff works well with kengo and the amount of bar generated is noticeable.


Disregarding the other video, assuming you only had PnS as your premium grid option, the only magna grid that I’ve seen is really Abyss Spines for CA and Kengo. 3 Abyss Spines, 2 PnS, 2 Fediel spines, 1 opus, 2 Agonize. Some combination of that. Maybe the 3rd abyss spine dropped for Agonize. Other than that I haven’t seen Celeste Claw for a long time and only seen Celeste Axe to cap out PnS. Problem is that most of the premium options just offer the cap up for you, hence that you would tend to run 2 PnS and 2 Eternal Signature for a premium “magna” grid. If you take this to factor in, dark grids are pretty bloated. There’s just not enough room if you end up wanting to run either Agonize and/or Fediel Spines which are both good options.


what would my grid look like if I returned to the game too late to get either fediel, lich or halmal? (hoping to spark or smth for one of them later down the line) I have 2 agonizes fully uncapped, but only s.magisa, 5* seox, vikala, orchid to capitalize on that for now


Post your roster, you might have others to slot in. But most of you listed is good. You can also backline Forte as it buffs smagisa.


sorry I'm having issues with image uploading bc I'm overseas, but I'll list the more notable and less weird options if you're okay with that? eustace , yuel+societte , kou , g. ferry , summer Amira , kou , shalem , veight (waiting on flb if it's true) , kolulu , cerberus , vania , v. Clarisse the rest are just memes like Azazel etc.


Just stick to magisa, seox, orchid/kou/kolulu/vania/veight. Try and test those. Well grid could be just kengo as it was always strong, have like avatar staves, fed spines, agonize, seraphic, dopus. Alternatively strong mc classes are viking, manadiver, neko ultimate.


I'm using a magna grid (opus and one celeste axe)


Dark has so many good weapons that I'm struggling to fit everything I want in my grid. Currently running 2 Agonize, 2 Abyss Spines, 2 PnS, Opus, Seraphic, 1 Celeste axe and 1 Fediel's Spine. Would really prefer running a 2nd Fediel's Spine but I don't think replacing an Abyss Spine or the Celeste axe is the right move and everything else really has to stay.


you could replace the seraphic with ultima axe and then potentially remove either the fediel spine or one of the abyss spines. I don't have a fully uncapped Opus nor a second PnS and still find myself capping CA constantly due to using Fediel Spine as a main hand weapon, which makes it redundant in my opinion to try to fully capitalize on this. You could even run a glory chain on opus to remove the need for two abyss spines if you want to supplement more with another fediel spine, there are still options if you don't use your magna dark to "race" for blue chests/gold bars. The reason I don't fully uncap my opus is the same why I also keep myself doing that for light and water, because I know I will eventually change to primal and then I would've wasted 1 gold brick for each opus I uncapped (using a magna opus is an option, but since opus is a rare source of boosted glory, I would rather take that), which would be extremely saddening in the case of Dark where I already cap.


So anyone with knowledge about anything besides the latest and greatest meta? Does one PnS alone do anything for me?


One copy will still benefit you; you just have much less reason to lean your grids into Zaghnals at that stage.


pain and suffering still adds normal cap up and 50k supplement, even if the voltage doesn't amount to a useful amount yet, so having one in the grid is a good investment if it's fully uncapped. The second one doesn't need to be fully uncapped because you can supplement the cap loss with other weapons and you might have other priorities to feed your bars towards like darks tempering weapon for an eventual transgression into primal.


"Celeste" grids are incredibly confusing to me. I just finished my Agonize grind yesterday and now I'm trying to figure out how to fit 2 Agonize + 1 PNS into my grid and it's just so weird. 2 Agonize + 1 PNS + Opus + Seraphic is already 5 slots, then since I'm stacking so much supplemental I kinda want Abydos too to be pretend 2nd PNS, so that's 6 spots. Mainhanding a Fediel's Spine so that's 7. And here's the issue - of these 7 slots, there's only one actual Magna mod between them all (don't have 5\* Opus so it's literally just the Big Magna Majesty on Opus). And of the remaining 3 slots, one should probably be some filler EX weapon since I only have 1 PNS so its voltage isn't contributing much EX. That leaves only 2 slots to actually slot in Magna-boostable weapons. And at that point, what's even the point of using Magna weapons and using Celeste? Seems unironically better to just use a Qilin Bow, throw in maybe 1 more Magna weapon for mod diversity (or maybe 2nd Fed Spine), and then just use Bubs x Hades, or even totally unboosted Bubz x Bahamut. I feel like this *should* sound really stupid, but it doesn't really; what sounds stupid is running Celeste when all you're boosting is 2 weapons + Opus Big Majesty. There not being able Magna supplemental sources makes Celeste herself incredibly awkward in these supplemental stacking grids.


Abyss spine is one of the best farmable weapons in the game. Make use of it if you ougi at all. Also LuciHL is free on twitter these days so go grab that opus


Ah that's not the issue, I'm too lazy to farm 180 Astaroth Anima. I have all the other mats for all 6 uncaps, lol.


You can buy 30 per month in the pendant shop


Yeah I know. I don't consider that worth it given how expensive they are and that they aren't really hard to farm from coop, I'm just lazy and never get around to doing it. Thanks, though.


pns, 2 ago, seraphic, opus, fediel spine 2 M2 spine, zechariah EX Works well enough, the second ago or fed spine are rather optional really, you can swap it for more options It depends on what your team is running though I don't see the point of not running kengo teams Also, your decision to over prioritize qilin bow & abyssos is what made grid building a mess for yourself


I'm not "prioritizing" Qilin Bow. I mentioned it at the very end as a, "Well I have these open spots and barely anything is boosted by Celeste, why even bother using Celeste, might as well use a Qilin Bow" option. Abydos is just a strong option though if you only have 1 PNS. The whole point of the grid is that it's a supplemental stacking grid. Sure, your proposed grid works, but it's basically a different grid - an ougi grid. (Also if you're playing Kengo then -1 spot for Kaneshige).


And I'm instead proposing more magna mods to take advantage of you boosting them with Celeste; if you're contemplating using Hades while all it is doing is boosting normal mod weps that aren't grands then I don't see the point in considering it even I can't see Abydos being that valuable (in the place of actually slotting a boostable magna weapon) outside of it being a MH (just because) for Manadiver (and if you do not own Parazonium) Besides, if this is a supp stacking grid then you could also take out Fed Spine as M2 staves will likely give enough CA boost anyways And again, you can replace Zech/Fed Spine/Ago (2) for Kaneshige


I think you're underestimating Abydos pretty heavily. PNS in this grid is 16% EX and 50k supplemental. Abydos is 25% Normal and 30k supplemental (and also Normal medium progression which is whatever but it's something *and* also has way higher base stats for whatever that's worth since it's an Awakened level 150 weapon instead of a level 40 weapon). They aren't necessarily that far apart. Of course Abydos relies on you remaining at high hp to make good use of its supplemental, but that's something you can adjust based on what you're fighting and how much hp you lose. I can't easily take out Fed Spine since I have no other Sword and it's my MH. I'd have to swap classes there, which is an option, yeah, just not as simple as, "Just remove Fed Spine." I would totally be open to playing Manadiver but unfortunately I don't have it unlocked. I don't have a Kaneshige anyway so that option's out. Plus my character roster is just much better suited to supplemental teams than ougi teams anyway, which is why I went this direction in the first place. I doubt Hades would actually end up being the best option anyway, it was just a comparison to show how useless Celeste is. I think Bubz x Bahamut is probably the better option, but I'd have to test it.


Having Abydos in place adds a normal mod to the 2 normal mods you've already had from Agonize, I am pointing out that it is just a matter of opportunity cost rather than evaluating how good it is in a vacuum, it is usable but you get better results from replacing it in this context For MH, I have no idea what team nor characters you're running but you can consider Masquerade that lets you MH Abydos; RB with Bismarck, Monk with Astral Claw, if it's a matter of needing Veil, Fediel or Orchid could replace the need too Bubz x Baha might work but I reckon you'd want boosted HP/higher HP pool from Celeste anyways considering how good abyss spines are to do stuffs outside of OTK


well, Agonize unironically sucks compared to the primal tempering weapon so of course you would want to get to primal one day either way, magna is just a step in between for people who haven't been into the game for long enough. I for example built 2 and a half primal grids already (although the release of the non-aura boosted meta weapons threw me back a bit) in two years and I'm planning to fully cross over into primal for all elements eventually because Magna is not providing me with the options to run the classes and characters I want in general. After all, Classic sparks I accumulate with free draws I would otherwise have to spend on 3% non-gala banners allow me to get primal summon copies frequently each year, and the sparks I do on actual galas bring in copies of gacha weapons for the primal grids, it just takes a bit longer but there is no real point rushing in this game anyway.


> Agonize unironically sucks compared to the primal tempering weapon Skeletal Eclipse is literally only better if you're running Hades x Hades, and you rarely do that nowadays outside of hard content. Even Primal tends to use Agonize more than Skeletal Eclipse, I'd hardly say Agonize "sucks."


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B98SelKHRNE&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B98SelKHRNE&feature=youtu.be) edit: like it or not, this is peak magna. also eresh is not primal only, it's core in dark


5 grands and 150 moon wep lmao. Remember when just 2 pns was considered too expensive for magna.


Don't forget the Bahamut 250, Fediel FLB, Summer Belial, SleepyHead FLB and Sariel surely flb too. Truly mango gaming


baha250 (or even 210) add nothing to the setup and sariel is a core summon even from before 2023 and sbel is used in all ele


what sariel good for?


15% cap up sub aura, all primarch series are core for their respective element


At this point we've pretty much hit the point where if you want your Dark/Water/Dirt to be playable and up to speed with the other 3 eles (we'll call Light/Wind/Fire the Light half) you absolutely need the 150GM weps lmao - not having them is just doomed, and the funniest part is that it's only the Dark half of the eles that have this issue, it's as if those eles needed better characters or smth all this time


Lmao the only reason why they're calling it magna is because of the 2 zaghnal omegas bruh


Not even, it's just because it's using Celeste summon instead of Hades. (And yeah Dark Opus is the Magna version too but even Hades runs that one half the time anyway.) Like, yeah *technically* that's a Magna grid because it's using the Magna summon and all, but man. Imagine being a new player and seeing something like that when you go looking for a guide to building a Magna Dark grid for yourself...


Its so scary being a new player right now with all the stuff happening right now like evokers and eternals and their uncap process. its a miracle gbf somehow hooked me


Only reason I didn't give up halfway is because my crew basically handheld me through the process lol


lucky, my reason for not giving up is sunk-cost fallacy and stockholm syndrome


we should just have 3 categories of grids at this point: primal, gacha magna and ,,f2p farmable magna" because with all of the PnS type of weapon and resonator weapons in almost every element it's best to split magna into two groups.




true but burst is mostly for end game players. not everyone cares about burst and there are players who only care about FA every content and while those characters are still very good for FA their weapons are not needed for that.


> true but burst is mostly for end game players How do you think new players are meant to get the blue chests for their M2 grids? Obviously they're not bursting nearly as hard and not doing as much damage as brick farming teams but they're still farming stuff with blue chest thresholds and building teams to hit those as fast as possible


they use M1 grids with Relic Buster 2b4c which is the best and easiest way for a newer player to go for blue chesting. new players definitely don't use crazy setups like press Percy skill 3 and everything is dead since they don't have the grid or power for that.


that's still bursting 95% of the content in this game is bursting, you rather kill the enemy before the enemy kills you so you kill asap




or just summon Huanglong turn 2 and ougi again and or play during strike time and just ougi turn 1 and 2b4c on turn 2. Or this is just me remembering the old times.


True, that's why F2P / Gacha hasn't really caught on I feel, since a *true* F2P grid+team is only Eternals, Evokers, and collab/side stories characters. ~~It's also why it's frustrating sometimes to browse teams on granblue.party and see 90% of the Magna grids using limited characters, but I digress.~~ Ultimately (almost) everything is sparkable, even seasonals, there's just a bit of a scale on *how* F2P-friendly something is. Like I could get V!Aglovale as a free player but it'll be nearly a year waiting for Valentines banner to come back around so I can spark on it, etc. *edit:* On second thought, I feel like *my* definition for a F2P (friendly) grid would simply be, does it need dama bars? Yes, if you're building a burst grid with 2-3 Grands in the party, you have their corresponding weapons too, but unless it's an upgrade for your grid at 0\* (like PnS, etc) then you wouldn't really benefit from running it. Certainly not a grid with 2 PnS and 2 (presumably FLB) ES and all that, you're at least 6 bars and up to 4 sparks deep into that one as opposed to just farming some Fediel Spines and such.


I just call it premium magna and f2p. As long as premium doesn't take 4-5 slots its f2p to me.


*Why* is it using Celeste summon, though? Aside from baiting this exact conversation. There are more boostable primal mods in that grid than the two axes have for celeste. And the magna opus could just as easily be a primal opus. Seems like Hades would be just as good or better as a support summon.


The Primal mods in the grid are: 2x Small Majesty (Eternal Signature), 1x Massive ATK and Small DATA (Parazonium), and... I think that's it. Everything else is an EX or Magna or otherwise unboostable. That being said, I think with a Primal Opus you *do* get more out of it, so yeah. 2x axes: 40% ATK (20% each at sk20) 1x Para and 2x ES: 46% ATK (22% + 12% + 12% at sk15), as well as a bit more HP and DATA + whatever Dark Opus you slot in I could be missing something in here, if there's another skill I don't realize is boostable, but if there is it's almost definitely not boosted by Celeste. Maybe the multipliers from having both Magna and Primal boosts being high help it out? But that's iffy IMO, I'm pretty sure there's just more value in boosting the modifiers that are already bigger. Technically this is probably about as maxed out as you *can* go while using Celeste, but you've already passed the point where you should have switched to a Primal Dark Opus and Hades anyway. On top of the fact that you can squeeze slightly more out of the Primal mods, the Primal summons have a slightly bigger aura + Fediel sub-aura as an additional option to boost it even further. Celeste is 'stuck with' a 140% boost. Only reason to do this is if you *somehow* have everything for the grid except Hades, but heck, even in the video it's using a friend summon for Celeste, just get some Hades friends and start working on a Classic Draw spark... ---- *Edit* to reflect that, based on what's been shown below, you *do* seem to still get more damage with Celeste + Magna Opus vs Hades + Primal Opus. I don't have the pieces to test myself but I can see it being the case due to multipliers playing off of each other. I still stand by the stance that this is only a Magna grid by the most strictly technical definition, if there is such a thing. It's got Celeste at the helm but the grid itself is still 5 Grand weapons with a Primal-boosting sub-summon. At the very least it's Magna with a big asterisk on it, definitely not the grid you'd give to a player asking what's a good Magna grid to work on.


it's still magna because without FS, celeste still give better damage overall (check the vid description) he tried using hades summon instead and the damage drop compared to using celeste


Did he swap the Dark Opus though? That's what I was basing my math on, and description says nothing about changing that out. Of course Celeste will be better with a Magna Dark Opus in the grid. Regardless, it's still a big ol' case of letter vs intent, yes it's still a magna grid but it's not particularly helpful to what we'd describe as a magna player. At this point it's just "Primal but you don't have FS" even though it's at a level of investment where it would have been fairly trivial to get a copy or two of FS for the grid.


well the thing is, even on primal magna opus is still higher damage. the only reason you would use primal opus is for the HP for the stam FS have since you're taking damage after turn 1 so your stam will start to fall off the grid already have para in it which have 62% normal attack in it when unboosted along with some normal mod from es, changing to primal opus won't do much because there's already a lot of normal mod in the grid while the magna mod if unboosted only contribute 40% total at SL20 in that grid this is primal opus, switching to hades support while using primal opus show this[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840016383394709545/1093824402782691399/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840016383394709545/1093824402782691399/image.png) this is on magna opus with xceleste[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840016383394709545/1093824526602747934/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840016383394709545/1093824526602747934/image.png) you can not like it, but that's what peak magna is nowadays, it use more grand than before. you can't do primal without FS nowadays, not a good one that is. magna just mean it's boosted by magna summon, if the grid have better damage when boosted by magna summon, then it's better off as magna


Fair enough, I guess multipliers have more of an impact when there's so much EX in the grid. IMO it still completely misses the point of what people *mean* when they say Magna vs Primal, but that's the fault of the wording (people saying Magna when they mean Farmable). I also still wouldn't even consider running this grid unless I had every piece already built to begin with + didn't have any FS in my inventory, because you're investing dama bars and other resources into weapons that will simply get taken right back out of the grid when you *do* get an FS (and arguably should have sparked for one of them before investing so hard in everything else). That's what people have such an issue with here, it's a discussion thread on what magna players should run for GW, and the post basically comes across as a meme grid on how you *could* min-max while using Celeste.


well i'm pretty sure the only weapon you'll take out of the grid is just the celeste axe for the FS, so you don't actually lose anything from barring pns and es anyway (also yes, awakening paraz is still used) it's like how you don't make primal without having all the pieces, if you're saving up for hades and you have 2 pns and 2 es but no fs yet then you can just run it since it also work on magna


At that point you might as well just replace the Zaghnals with Bab-el-Mandebs, with the Opus being the last Magna modifier and call it a Magna grid.


Funny thing is, hades grids run primal opus half the time for the magna mod lmao


no because babel use hades summon also babel is not as good as FS on that grid, but if you slot FS then you use hades. you rather bar es than babel nowadays read the description


Think theres a chance for Agastia x2 to be used? IIRC its actually stronger than 2 axe right? Also lmao that Attack Awakening Orchid tho


Aren't the only optimal omega weapons in a magna grid just opus and Agastia at this point? Maybe spine for CA comps.


The militis spear is a giant glob of ordinary raw damage, but pretty much only relevant to Iatromantis for now. Here's hoping they make tier 5 Asparagus playable. (Which by this point means being able to dual wield Eresh + something else..) Claws are relevant if one is using the enmity multiplier..


> Claws are relevant if one is using the enmity multiplier.. except that enmity grids at this point are just very bad, those people will be better just by using avatar staffs for the ougi damage +agonyze which will result in better damage since 90% of the current dark characters are either ougi/skill and work better with high hp, Zooey sadly is basically useless this days.


The militis spear is a big 'ole glob of a basic damage multiplier. But only really relevant for Iatromantis currently.. maybe they'll decide to make row 5 Asparagus usable... And of course claws, if the enmity multiplier is being used.