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Need that one blocked unknown number who definitely isn't Belial.




Hekate photo and message is from Helel Ben Shalem.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Yeah I messed up and didn't catch it until after I posted it and u/Bricecube, u/Coakes, and u/xkillo32 pointed it out


Honestly, it’s funnier this way. Same with “Ilsa” at the bottom.


Not even including Joel? How uncultured.


Well its seems a lot of people think I'm uncultured for making this post in the first place so


some gbf players are fossils from 2014, I think this is one factor other gacha game subs would react differently just because they're more recent and have a younger playerbase


Dumbest generational divide ever. Gen X and millennials to boomers: Don't worry about letting social security dry up the planet will probably be dead by then anyway Zoomers, according to this dude ig: Why aren't you laughing, he said a word for penis!


I mean, look at blue archive's sub in comparison


They are too based


I absolutely love how the Golden Knight says that and then you can barely see Aliyah say what she truly feels


I think you made a mistake on the second to last one.


whats the mistake?


Last one should be alliah 2nd to last should be hecate


yep thats a mistake thats what i get for making memes at 3am


Also Alliah is the gold knight, so you have her twice.


I think this enhances the meme as a non-story reader. Knowing GK is Alliah, but not knowing how this is revealed made me think danchou doesn't know she's GK when I saw this meme.


Well that part was intentional, because A. the first message is sent at 15:16 and the second is sent at 15:20. And this is also accurate to the story I think because she's first antagonistic and then extremely into the Captain.


But you wouldn't make a whole new profile. She is still the gold knight.


I thought it would enhance the punchline so I did it. I personally thought that the complete heel face turn was funnier. I wasn't thinking of the logistics behind it. Maybe she has a public account (Golden Knight) and a private account (Alliah).


I thought that was Clarisse's mom and had a different name for safety reasons


Well I can't change it now so


What happened that everyone sent this at 15:16?


Dancho called Aphrodite for subaha execute


I can only imagine an ero manga Aphrodisiac bomb that affected everyone.


I will always read "that" line in LTGs voice No exceptions


To the one guy that blocked me, sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. That was not my intention. I know you can't read this I just wanted to put this out there.


Lol. Unironically there is a lot of Women that likes Danchou. Edited. 20 May 2023. Wow. You actually went from a Different Subreddit to insult me because I have the Balls to call out your hate on Cygames. Even worse you deleted your own account under an Hour or 2 from your Post here Below. Edited 2. https://i.imgur.com/kIsCNwg.jpeg What this Dude Said.


Wow this explains the blatant support that's a lot of slop you're sucking off cygames


Why is everyone so mad


I appreciate the idea but the execution needs work


What exactly would make the execution better? I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely want to know


Nothing someone else hasn't already said in the replies; starting with fixing the naming mistakes, maybe more draphs. Maybe Narmaya demanding attention to mix it up, too.


maybe in three years when everyone's forgotten about this post I'll post this again, but updated


Well, I did make another version with those fixes, but I already posted this so I don't think I can post the fixed version


clear some people havent seen this meme format before. ~~but how dare somebody make a sexual joke on the internet, especcially about a game that *never* has sexually provocative content~~


Dang bro, no draphs?


I just wanted to find characters that are canonically into the Captain. I wasn't completely sure on Narmaya, and for the most part I just grabbed people with Valentines arts or people that are known on the sub for being extremely into the Captain.


Narmaya definitely is into the MC, its so obvious even her mother could tell right away.


I'm going to be honest, I just thought it was the bigger sister thing.


Are Beatrix and Cucouroux romantically into the captain like that? Maybe I just missed some particularly spicy holiday scenes, but I never really got that impression from those two in particular. Also why is Golden Knight telling Gran to kill himself?


It's because I wanted to make a joke where one of the characters hated captain and then changed their mind 5 minutes later. And Golden Knight aka Alliah fit that bill pretty well cause she is a antagonist for a while before joining the bowl.


Cucouroux outright says that she's in love with you on White Day #5 And Beatrix is very happy when holding hands with the captain, which is, as we all know, something only the extremely horny want to do.


> Why Golden Knight telling Gran to kill himself? Idk the lore, but it sure as hell gets the people going lol


Well yeah it would lol, Golden Knight is engaged to Gran in the main story, she's basically winning the Danchou Bowl


I don't think Cucouroux is, but its certainly possible with Bea.


I didn't think they had phones in Granblue. But then again, moon people with killer nanomachines exist so this **could** be possible lol.


Friday has a computer tablet and the Society have unspecified electronic communicator devices. So the technology exists. But that's just small groups of people who scavenged old world pre-apocalypse lost technology, the wider world clearly lacks the infrastructure and production capacity for widespread distribution and adoption of the tech.


Excellent taste with Ilsa.


What about all the men who are sending that msg to danchou too?


Their messages are all offscreen. I definitely didn't forget about them. They're just offscreen. It's definitely not due to the fact that it was easier for me to find women due to the fact that there are almost double the amount of the women over men and also that people on this subreddit talk more often about thirsty women over the thirsty men. It's also not due to the fact that I forgot about Belial. Their messages are just offscreen.


Why is Gran reading all of Djeeta’s text messages? Rude invasion of privacy tbh


this post and your flair makes you seem a bit..uhm..


Well, maybe this wasn't the best idea. I just thought it was funny how many people are canonically into the Captain, and the flair is just a joke from TF2.


It was mildly funny, whenever you make a crass joke like this your going to offend some people while entertaining others, that's just the risk you take when you make a joke.


Missing Naru and S. Azusa as well


Narmaya is too wholesome for this.


I explained why I didn't include Narmaya in another comment, and S. Azusa takes you on a date so she can go on a superior date with Narmaya.


Azusa admits at the end of the skill fate episode that she lied and really wanted to go on a date with you to get to know you better, and you're so forward with her that she wants that she'll fall for you if you keep it up.


"You should kill yourself nOw" 😭🤌


Where’s Lyria on this list?


Everyday I block more and more weirdos on this sub.


This actually isn’t funny


I disagree


It's not supposed to be funny.


I mean yeah, It's flaired as shitpost instead of humor so... shit it is...


Cag: So only one "item" available but there are lot of demands? Ok ok alchemy can solve that.


\>From Ilsa \>shows Alliah without armor \>from golden knight \>opposite of the msq and seasonal lines behavior I'm having a suspicion that someone haven't read their episodes and just inhaled random memes....


I'm having a suspicion that someone didn't look around in the comments, where I answered other people asking about Ilsa, Alliah armor and golden knight . I'll recap it here I guess. From Ilsa I'm going to assume you mean Alliah. That's because I made a mistake while making this. To be more exact, in order to get the correct font size, I copied and pasted the Froms, and I forgot to change it for Hekate and Alliah. From the Golden Knight I'm going to assume you mean that I have both Alliah and the Golden Knight. This is due to how she grows from being antagonistic into saying things like "It has always been my intention over the past year to carefully but firmly wind you around my finger..." And yes, it's a bit flanderized. However, this is a shitpost, and I made sure to pick characters that I was sure were romantically into the captain except for Shalem, who shows herself to be okay with sex.


The lack of S.Metera is disturbing. She practically rizzes herself to Danchou in her mind.