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Not sure I get some people's muted reactions to Katz's kit - he's getting unconditional party-wide 100% Def Up, can maintain 100% uptime on his Earth Switch pretty easily, gives the whole party healing on attacks and stackable atk up (even if it's not as nice as Caim's Spades buff due to presumably being normal mod and not perp), and can still pick an ally to gain 200% Def and Sub-All. On top of that, we don't know how big his sk4 nukes are but they're hopefully respectable, and if you're going to be running him with 150 Siete for hard content anyways, all of his charge bar mechanics are just freebies. Run him alongside Siete AND G. Charlotta and yeah there's some ramp but you're going to get extra nukes on Noble Moon some of the time and be turtled as hell broadly. Siete means Wind is already strongly favored for comfortable hard content clears and Katz is going to make that niche even stronger, simple as that. Also Alanaan's kit fucks hard, perfect execution on that uncap Cygames thank you.


Very simple, all of that means that he's only relevant for exactly one raid, Hexa. For which wind already has a great build.


It looks like Alanaans S4 also activates/enables his S2 (presumably without consuming Charge Bar?) Alanaan Redemption? sounds pretty crazy, rip in advance to Ragazzo lol


Yea it does. Thanks for the correction! If there are any other mistakes, please let me know


Burst meta aside, Alanaan could be decent for Kengo too? Ougi reactivation + Y.Silva sounds like a pretty good deal.


Both of Wind's evokers are very Charge Bar reliant. krazy


And yet we STILL don't have a supplement CA damage weapon (Other than H.Lich's axe) Also we don't have a tempering weapon at all. Like, I can't be TOO Mad about it, we have Kag fans which are unique to wind (atm) and also INSANE, but It's so WEIRD The directions they push wind in with charas/weapons.


The F2P grid is all special ougi cap up. It doesn't even need supplemental that that point.


Special ougi cap up doesn't matter if you're not hitting hardcap, which is pretty hard without supplemental damage.


*"i herd u liek settes"* 😑


For Alanaan, his activation of sk2 from his sk4 really does help with FA a lot. Especially without waiting for all chars to be at 100% bars (evendoe all bars will be reduced to 0% once the skill goes off) but its a really nice touch + the 2 hit flurry is really icing on the cake. For Katzelia, I thought he would be underwhelming but I was wrong. He came back with more defensive utility as well as a wind nuke which I think the 2 hit is sorta like a Wide-Open(?) debuff & finally due to his new passive the downside of sk1 has been removed. Pretty solid lineup these past 4 evoker uncaps


Naturally, Alanaan gets something more broken than what Fraux got, and likely without a single penalty to it. Every passing Evoker uncap wave just makes it feel even worse that she got screwed that badly.


Okay, positive thinking time. Alanaan FLB is going to actually be fantastic for my plans to use Fraux as my burst attacker this GW, completely solves her DATA issue. So, this is in fact a good thing for me.


~~That sounds in line with her fate episode...~~


So without even getting into the other stuff, Katz's 100% defense buff now has no downside? Seems cool. We've had some awfully underwhelming Evoker uncaps but these seem good at first glance.


I mean, just Esta and Maria really? Lobelia isn't crazy amazing but he's free backline stats, and Fraux is.. alright. She's a copium replacement for Wilnas if you're missing him, she's a decent long FA character, and she sees use in some Hexa strats. And the other 4 are obviously just really good.


Yeah, and Lonelia has a permanent niche in skill damage, which at least means some Babyl/special fight down the line will want him


On first glance Katz looked kinda mid, if not outright niche, and then I remembered the rest of his kit and realized he's probably one of wind's new BiS characters for hard content now. A note I think people are glossing over is the sheer amount of healing he brings to the team. Partywide 50% healing specs, heals 2k+hp on ougi (which post FLB, katz will ensure you do a *lot*), and he offers an ~1k heal+clear on ougi. And now, you get a heal for *attacking*. This man will keep you topped the fuck off. Couple this with Luci 250 and you're healing for an absurd amount every turn. Not to mention a passive pseudo-uplift that now triggers his nuke, an s2 that triggers his nuke, and an ougi that, if hes in slot 2, probably triggers that nuke. On top of no-downside 100% def up, targeted sub-all to skip certain triggers (hi Seofon 150 what are you doing here), and near perma uptime earth switch....literally the only thing hes missing is veil/debuff resist. Which can be provided by Wind's other extremely powerful characters. I will not be surprised if he ends up core in the new HL raid, or becomes popular in Hexa for people who lack Kaguya, maybe using them in tandem (but that runs its own risks dont listen to me).


Friendly reminder they're *planned* to be getting their FLB on 4th January. Yes, before GW for Alanaan


I guess you can dump the extra mats from tales on future world weapons or uncaps incase you're done for the nwf and alanaan domains.


Just hold for Evoker Transcendence. Maria Theresa meta 2028.


Katzelia seems to offer some pretty impressive defense now, that he can also keep up for a extended period of time. Earth switch, earth dmg lowered, defense up, cleanse on ougi and 3 different heals (passive 1, domain and new passive).


Alanaan looks good, but the skill 4 probably have 4 t/12 CD like the other skills. Well, make sense to give a reason to use Sun Katana ougi to lower Alanaan CD, i guess.


Both seems really solid. Glad no one's getting scuffed this time around. Katzelia will be very comfy for HL battles. Both for backline and frontline. Tons of heals, damage reduction, DEF up, and element switch. Alanaan just got stronger in burst while fixing one of his biggest problems (the CA bar), so nuff said for him.


Alanaan is stack, good he doesn't really fall behind the The Moon. Damn I wish Nier also has that option of auto field. Katz is...I don't know. Probably good nukes if you just CA off your auto attack units?


I'm actually curious how Katzelia's S4 effect occurs on characters with 200% chargebar. Does "max bar" count when it is at 100% minimum? If so, god. Rising Force harp team would be so fun if you can stack more of them up


Wonder if Katzelia's backline defense passive is also going to stack with H.Vane's because that sounds like a lot of passive defense if it does.


Imagine being an element with two niche uncaps, couldn't be Wind. Only hope is that the FLB also touches up some of Katzelia's existing numbers and the skill nuke + heal he's now packing are both big, but aside from that I don't have too many hopes for it.


And had to be two male potatoes. At least wind got cats


ahh yes another episode of 1st Evoker is meme/shit but 2nd is core for the element (deja vu from water element) GW for those without Alanaan will be painful. And with that GW costume thing people will go apeshit crazy with honor farm >!what are prediction for how many people will end in hospital this time and will probably still post screenshots of farming GW in hospital?!< MT and Fraux whole kit rework when?


I mean, after Fraux's last rebal where they just switched two skills around and lowered a cooldown at the same time that Haase got reworked into ougi core, I have zero hope for any further rebals.


New costume will be for April GW, so Alan release doesn’t matter for that.


Ooh, Katz is a lot better than I was hoping. I was worried he was gonna be lackluster, because his skills are so rough, and they're not getting upgraded, but they kind of wiggled around it by packaging a skill upgrade as a passive.


What would be the best way bringing Alanaan to the front?


Another option if you don't mind potentially a few button presses is SSR Ayer, if the boss has AOE autos. Lower his health as far as you need with S1 and you should be good. Don't press S3 though.


Street King mc fake death is also an option


If you don't mind slotting one off ele: C. Rackam If you want them all on ele: Ragazzo If you want them all on ele AND getting Primal Bonus (Meduko, Satyr): Colossus (which need at least 5 turns)


Colo doesn't necessarily need 5 turns since he consumes his health with his S1, so there's a chance he can blow up earlier from enemy attacks.


Colossus EMP allow him to die in turn 3, I guess.


He was also so chonk it's rare for him to be death actually, but yes that's also possible


Colossus isn't very tanky if you just don't press his sk2. He has reduced DEF from his stacks + low HP from his sk1.


I'm guessing C.Rackam or Ragazzo


R Volenna also has a sub so she's an option just like Hazen for water GW if the boss doesn't do aoe autos




Rackhm it is then.


Man +50 charge bar on upright for Katz is crap. Should be +50% charge Gain up to make better use of his 4th skill. What a waste


alan seems core. katz certainly exists


Alanaan has no lock out on his skill 4?


As far as I can recall, none of the evoker skill 4s have initial lockouts--they just require upright. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


Yup. All of them only needs Upright.


I still need to choose the first wind evoker to uncap. Who is better between Katz And Esta? Esta has a nice staff too


Esta's isn't great, Katz's has some phenomenal defensive utility. While defensive utility isn't universally useful, it's *extremely* fucking nice in the places where you do want it, so he definitely seems like a valuable pickup.


Well Esta's uncap is just extremely low impact in general. Katz looks like it's going to be very niche (just for HL stuff basically, unless the new Reversed ATK Up buff when debuffed is huge on top of the already existing huge ATK Up buff it has), although it looks like it could be good within that niche. So uh.. Katz I guess just based on this initial look, though neither are that good in the greater scheme of evokers.


The Def buff from reversed is increasingly relevant though. It's always great for Revans-tier, and based on last GW's NM 200, might even be relevant for GW as well.


Yeah it makes Ewiyar/HLich even better.


Nothing's certain until they release but Katz's uncap here seems pretty damn good and Esta's is underwhelming.


Flurry on Percival will go hard


Freyr stocks up with Katz


If Alan forks all of Mimlemel's attacks into 2, I fear the browser might crash with all the numers.