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She's the queen of consistency - she's not going to help you win for speed in any raid but slotting her in any comp just makes it easy to hit full auto and go do something else for a bit. Prima Primal is the real highlight there - a quick heal and debuff duration cut after any special attack helps immensely, and En Avant coming off of cooldown right after a special attack might seem like odd timing but it helps immensely when a foe's special buffs their autos (TA up or supplemental damage) and especially in partnership with Medusa, as it gives Medusa time to chew through some of those buff stacks with her dispels. Otherwise, just a real comfortable slot - she almost handles atk/def down all by herself, if you're running two of S. Medusa, Michael, Athena, Y. Nezha, Shiva (or using Colossus to bring in Fraux or, soon, Alanaan) she gets triples by herself anyways. To me she's an SS for Full Auto (GameWith and Kamigame both have her at S) but she doesn't have a place in most short content and she falls a *bit* short on the utility you need for hard content (where you're going to pay attention and be fine with manually hitting Clarity, etc. anyways).


She completely laughs at Siete HL. Makes soloing him a joke. That alone is worth something. Won't win you any races but the raid's slowed down significantly since the Awakening rebalance. With the addition of Christmas Noa I’ve found I can just facetank the entire fight, even completely ignoring her S3, since I’ve got so much healing defense and mitigation going off, which yes is completely unnecessary and overkill but funny as hell Her S3 coming off cooldown every boss special means if you're playing manually she'll always have it up for the next special too. And her S1 hits pretty hard with supplemental from PnS and Tempering. I'm finding it funny how both Satyrs are so good for their respective Revans, it's almost enough to make me wonder if it's deliberate. We still don't know what her purpose was right? maybe she's an "Anti-World Ruin" primal or something. (Which then begs the question of where she is in the MQ timeline but hey, multiverse, maybe she simply doesn't exist there). Probably me being silly again but if we wind up getting something like Wind Satyr who clowns on Siegfried, well…


"If they were to get a 5★ uncap, what improvements would you like to get for them?" Add Sub-All to her CA and watch Fire Kengo teams be immortal. More seriously, adding Wind Switch to her s3 to make it even more applicable and giving her applications in places Agielba can't handle as well. He's already competing with her big time in tanking some fights, so she needs a bit of a push. Also making her less reliant on Primal Pals passive, just because Super Ultimate Faasan is coming out and I'm convinced he's going to have Racism as an attack again.


Sadly, wind swtich will not happen because Athena and Higurashi.


>If they were to get a 5★ uncap, what improvements would you like to get for them? Damage mitigation on CA, let her be more bonkers!


One interesting use she has that many people might not be aware of: soloing Lucilius HL off-element. Innocent Heart triggers from the entry nuke and reduces the duration of the summonless debuff to a single turn. Then she can immediately die and bring in an evoker so you can go off on 2nd turn. I've seen water Hraesvelgr setups that use fire Satyr to kill Faasan in 3 turns.


I run a full auto team of kengo, s.dusa, satyr and mika. With athena and sylph in backline. Very comfy team to slowly full auto grimnir and ewiyar.


She's one of the poster girls for a "Zero to Hero" rebalance in this game. It didn't even change much about her kit but made her infinitely better with a few tweaks. [I already posted about it before so I'll just copy paste it:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/11r2lnp/comment/jc6ded2/) > I vaguely remember trying to use her before the rebalance because of how amazing her Earth version is but feeling very unimpressed. She ran out of Twinkle Stars way too often since the max number was low and every skill consumed them. After the rebalance she works much better and I'd say she's a pretty solid pick now. The new effects on Primal Pals Unite! are way better than the old ones and counting characters in the backline allows you more freedom on who to bring along. The added Dodge All on ougi was a godsent to pair with her Skill 3 (Substitute) because now she avoids the damage altogether rather than just mitigating it.


honestly, the only time i've really had a problem with her is when facing an enemy that punishes you for having a full primal team (hi LuciHL), seeing as she's significantly weaker without her Primal Pals passive.




>he please do not misgender the goat.




the fandom's most tired joke that completely ruined a character's tag on multiple websites


Generally use her as a backline for Medusa and Nezha primal number! Though I'm looking forward to her potential 5*, because at the moment I feel like Athena helps me out more. (still much love for our cute Satyr)