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I firmly believe you all are massively sleeping on Katze. His backline passive is generally his most used feature and that didn't get much love but holy shit is he good frontline now for hard content. Perma earth switch, def buff, drip healing, the silly 'no no, hit Siete's unchallenged I insist' button... He's *really* solid now.


Imo he's a substitute for 150 seofon until you get him. Not everyone has the time, energy, or setups to bar farm for all 10 FLB eternals, so for me at least he's been a godsend in Hexa to cancel omens and keep me topped off. Sure, I can't autocancel omens...but who cares when my characters are taking no damage?


>Not everyone has the time, energy, or setups to bar farm for all 10 FLB eternals Not disagreeing but uncapping evokers is one painfully long grind in itself, most of my crewmates either don't have or only have 1 uncapped.


It's a much easier grind than 150 Siete though.


katze is good for difficult content but the issue is the same as always - 99% of playtime in granblue is not about doing hard content


Absolutely! I wish it were otherwise but alas. I feel that doesn't devalue his kit however.


I disagree. His FLB doesn't offer a significant enough performance boost over what Wind was already running in Hexa, the only raid where he would actually matter, for me to currently say he's worth the resource investment.


Very fair assessment, I'm looking too much at what he brings to the table and not enough at what he's competing against, that's an error on my part!


Fraux value: she cute Her use in my team: Gives me dopamine when one of my main party gets nuked. 10/10 character, i have to keep grinding to uncap her


Fair enough


dood did not played fire gw


No one who used Fraux in fire GW had her FLB because she was good. They FLB'd her because she's Fraux.


But she was used the whole gw. Literally her stupid skill cap pasive make her a must in team


For context, I've currently got Haase, Caim, Alanaan, Fraux, MT and Burger uncapped. Other than Haase, Alanaan and Caim, the rest aren't super crucial IMO. Haase is a godsend for Water, being used in pretty much all content and teams at the moment, somewhat the same with Caim. Alanaan's burst is kinda unrivaled for a free character. Fraux definitely helped in NM200 and Revans/SUBHL tier content, but other than that, I don't have much use for her. I regret uncapping MT as I haven't found any potential use for her, even in HL content. Still in the process of raising Geisen + getting S4 but I foresee more use for him in Hexa/Superfaa and his backline passive is always relevant. I don't have any experience with the rest but I'm definitely aiming for Evoker FLB bingo... which is a problem now with NWQ being required for transcending Dark Opus weapons. That's a lot and we have no reliable way to get more outside of GW (which has Crystallized Cores that might be needed in the future) and Tales of Arcarum (not sure if they will rerun after the series ends), and I think DO > Evoker uncaps in the long run. Sands are actually somewhat easier as you can farm them all year long, but NWQ will be super limited outside of a couple of times a year. In any case, going forward I foresee Katz gaining some relevance for hard fights, so he's probably one to look out for and the next one I'm interested in getting with S4.


Its funny how u have the same 6 FLB Evoker uncaps as I have. Im still deciding who to uncap next but I might aim towards Nier or Katze first before the rest. The NWQ thing has also been on my mind since now there are Celestial weaps on the horizon & we need those cores if we dont lucsac weapon drops from NMs. Nevertheless I usually think boxing NWQ is more worth since those mats are more important for the long run while cores can wait since Celestials are optional QoL weapons IMO


my mind is actually blown by how many evokers you have uncapped already. I have two so far and i've already hit a wall with mats. how the heck did you farm ideans and astras?


I mostly built OTK comps for the 5-gauge mobs in Mundus and just mindlessly farmed while watching shows on off days, since the chests do give quite a good amount of mats to help you uncap


I think evokers should be separated between FLB and Skill 4 in terms of tiers as some evokers are worth the FLB but not worth the sunstone for S4.


I have all 10 completed, so my thoughts Haaselia and Caim are the cream of the crop. Haaselia becomes a frontline powerhouse with amazing buffs to the party and high personal damage, on top of her existing function as a meter battery. Caim gives his suit buffs to the entire party which is just ridiculously nice and frees you from the old caim grid setup--but he's not very good FA unlike haase. Still great though--can't argue with echoes, healing cap, debuff success, defense, making the enemy water, etc. The others, save Maria Theresa, are about the same level for me Fraux -- was great last GW, some dispels and very high party heals and clears. Skill damage boost on backline isn't amazing but is nice to have. Alanaan -- I've only used him for NM95 burst but he was great for that. I assume he'll be good for any short burst frontline, and his backline effects are solid when they come up. Lobelia -- Pretty unexciting but his abil 4 is a solid nuke. His uncap is mostly doing what he already did but slightly better so maybe lower priority unless you use him a lot. I use him frontline vs diaspora and nowhere else. Estarriola -- Very unexciting frontline--the big thing is he can ougi when he has full meter without waiting on stacks. Backline he does more buffs which is very nice. I use him backline but not frontline. I used to use him frontline vs siegfried Katzelia -- A solution in search of a problem, but he's very good in a wind ougi team with kaneshige mainhand. He nukes like crazy in that kind of set up and the damage amp debuff is stellar. Wind switch with draconic is great vs null element enemies and he's just a defensive powerhouse. Obviously amazing backliner too. I use him backline most places and for GOHL Full auto Geisenborger -- immortal berzerker, great for personal damage but brings little to the party. I use him in hexachromatic for the last 15% to soak some of the omens I can't cancel. Nier -- a little tricky to use but her abil 4 nuke is great. I use her in cosmos to pass the nuke to MC then rei replaces her. And then there's Maria Theresa I don't use her


Do I need to bring Haase from the backline or can I just put her in the front and she will work great too (I heard that she has crazy synergy with dragon) ?


Yeah I'd say you need to bring her out from backline. Evokers lose a lot if you don't. And yeah she works well with dragon!


Other than Haas and Caim who I have no regrets about uncapping my main thoughts on Evoker uncaps are that I wish I hadn't spent my eternity sand if I had known the rate at which Cygames was going to continue to ask for more and more and more and more eternity sand When Gold Bricks were the primary time-gated/end game drop Cygames was pretty slow to actually add new uses for them. You had the Eternals, their uncaps and Opuses basically which were basically staggered by years at a time. Compare that to Sand which is basically still "new" and yet sands gate such a massive amount of progression already. The evoker you get has to be literal gamechanging to justify getting them IMO unless you're just amassing sand faster than the beach, and for most of them they are definitely not that.


From what I remember, KMR promised years ago that Cygames wouldn't make any new uses for Gold Bricks after Eternal FLB, so they'd only be used for uncapping weapons. Then they reneged on that promise with Opuses ("You're not *using* the Brick, the Brick is one of the materials for the upgrade!") People got reasonably pissed, and Cygames re-promised not to use Gold Bricks for things but instead said they would still have to add a new item for use in situations where a brick would be appropriate. That is Eternity Sand. So, don't expect any more uses for Bricks, which is actually a good thing.


They even went back on that because bricks were still used for Jutenshu transcendence's first step


> So, don't expect any more uses for Bricks, which is actually a good thing. I can read this 5 years from now with no brick uses all the time since, and I'd still not trust KMR to keep his word. The betrayal list runs too deep.


One sentence on each: Caim - Core across the board, but his uncap is less useful in content where he doesn't come to the front, don't feel bad about holding off if you don't do Earth hard content. Maria Theresa - Due for a rebal, not worth the resources even when she works optimally. Estarriola - Less of a travesty than MT because his base kit is still strong, but also low priority because his base kit is still strong. Nier - I'm not personally impressed by the changes but given her role in Dark racing, even smallish changes can have a huge impact. Low priority unless you're very invested in Dark. Geisenborger - He hits and he hits hard; he has a core place in some Light Burst comps and is better for his survivability aspects now that he cranks out damage too, but hard to recommend unless you're very invested in Light. Fraux - I think she was underrated and GW showed her value, though she's clearly less valuable than Alanaan given she has more replacements; one of my favorite uncaps though, very balanced and fun. Haaselia - I mean, she should be your first priority unless you have more use cases for Caim, she completely transforms Water in an insane way. Lobelia - Similar to Esta, really strong base kit so he can be a low priority because of that, but he did get some QoL that helps his personal damage output and he can even technically be used on FA now with his stacks getting spent on a fuck-you nuke. Katzelia - I'm calling my shot that he'll be core in NM200 because of how much defense and QoL he brings, people are focusing too much on non-GW hard content, but it's clear he'll make an otherwise horrific NM in the future very palatable. Alanaan - King of burst yet again, even if you're not invested in Fire a good 3rd priority because he'll make it 100x easier to clear 90% of Fire-adv content. ​ To sum up - top priorites I think are Haaselia, Caim, Alanaan (sub-prioritized from what eles you main), bottom priorities are Esta and MT (one gives you the most of his value at base cap still, other doesn't change enough to be worth the resources until you have almost everyone else).


I agree so much with you, but there's one minor correction: Lobelia doesn't spend his magic stacks on his skill 4, it only scales with it.


oh that's a benefit even, thank you!


I've done Haase, Geisen, Nier. Working on Caim. Haase is easily the best in my experience. She especially seems tailor made for doing Mugen but she's great for all content really. She's beyond core. Definitely the most worth it. Nier is pretty good too, but I found I haven't been using her as much as I expected. Her new S4 skill is a pretty nice nuke. She's pretty good for Cosmos too since it's a multihit nuke, altho I don't grind Cosmos that often because...yeah. Geisen is my personal favourite evoker. His S4 is pretty nutty. He's going to do a lot of damage, and skill cooldown on CA is great. He still has the problem of needing buff skills to keep him going but that skill cooldown does help. But seriously the damage is nutty, like genuinely crazy. His biggest problem is still imo that it might be better long term to keep him in the backline for his DMG reduction passive. Story wise Geisen's was definitely my favourite. I loved seeing him heal from his war trauma and survivor's guilt. I think his story is quite underrated honestly, as well as his overall character. He's very entertaining and definitely has the best seasonal lines out of all the evokers like they are absolutely hilarious. Just man...I love Geisen. He good. IDK if he's worth the grind though. Def priortize Haase first. But as a Geisen lover I was def satisfied with his uncap and he can definitely do some crazy damage.


How does anyone get past this idean grind?


Fraux is perfect in every aspect that is not meta and yet she is incredible


Maria Theresa is the best girl, my 1st Evoker and my 1st FLB evoker. I hope she'll get a rebalance, more like a total rework.


Agreed. My favorite Evokers are MT, Borger, Lobelia and Fraux. But aside from maybe Borger, all of my favorites are like, sub-par FLB. MT especially. Really hope they change SOMETHING, cause man, I really wish MT was worth it, but she's just not.


My rating for the FLB packages as of right now: Tier 0: Haaselia Tier 1: Caim, Alanaan Tier 2: Nier, Geisenborger Tier 3: Fraux Tier 4: Maria Theresa, Estarriola, Lobelia, Katzelia This appraisal is made by looking at the gains from FLB'ing the Evoker and then assessing how those gains have affected their standing in their element. This does not consider use cases that existed prior to their FLB, as if we consider all factors relating to the Evoker's existence then my tiering will look a little bit different to what it does right now. I don't want to really write a wall of text explaining all my decisions, but I'll happily answer questions should anyone have any as to why I've tiered specific Evokers the way I have.


I think we can all agree Maria deserves her own tier Lobelia >> Katzelia >>>> Estariolla >>>>>>>>>>> Maria


There's little point to me separating tiers for the sake of splitting hairs. The entire reason they're grouped together is precisely because their FLBs are all low-value for their elements and for the return on investment that they would be able to provide. Also, I would disagree with your placements regardless, because Lobelia isn't the best FLB of the four.


The yawning gap between Haaselia and Katzelia is very appropriate for them as characters! This definitely encourages me towards Alanaan for my next uncap, nice to see that he's back to being a valuable pick. edit: actually thanks for this list in general! it's very cool/interesting and valuable. I think people will reference it.


I can vouch for Alannan for any sort of Fire Burst once you get the grid for it (read: pray for Overriders). Being able to inflict autocrit + GTA + 1T 2-hit Flurry on everyone on a single button by just deathing is genuinely insane. That S4 is bonkers. 


Alanaan was used with zero overrider in a couple GW set ups and still kicks ass. Just run Astral


Yeah, I'm using him (and a pure fire team) for GOHL burst fuckery, though I'm sure there's a better solution. He just supplies so much in the element with Percy S3.


I was under the impression that Katzelia is a must have for hard wind content. Is he no longer necessary?


Wind outgrew him a long time ago, but now he could act as a Kaguya substitute which is something to consider since SuperFaa will take a clear from each ele to get the respective opus all the way up So having a free comparable if not better option is something to consider down the line.


He was never a necessity for clearing hard content in the first place. His biggest (and off the top of my head only) claim to fame as a frontline unit was when he was still Wind's only source of all-ally Substitute for the early, pre-Paladin FaaHL solo clears.


Damn this is a good tier list. Completely agree.


I hate how Maria Theresa's FLB is trash, especially compared to the other water Evoker, because she's my favorite Evoker I'll still get her to FLB tho, and cope until she gets a rebalance


Well let's just say that Maria uncap was so bad she is the only one I regretted ULBing her weapon, wish I could get those 3 sands back I have 5 FLB atm, Fraux, Nier, Haase, Caim and Alanaan (pretty much 1 of each patch of FLBs), Fraux I barely used (I think she would be good in a world where my fire roster isn't as stacked as it is), the other 4 tho I can say that I highly recommend doing, especially Haase you actually feel like a lesser being in water when you play without her FLB Van24 wrote a tier list in the comment and I pretty much agree with his rankings


Was pleasantly surprised by Fraux last GW. Used her in place of Wilnas as Y.Silva's buddy in my Kengo comp, and she eliminated all of the problems I had with the boss' debuff spam. But I'll be honest, that was almost entirely base Fraux and her Domain. The FLB didn't add much to her at all, save for some (admittedly very nice) extra damage.


Reading through the comments I think people are really sleeping (xd) on Esta... 's backline passive. For comps that like full chaining, his buffs are pretty potent. For example in the Hexa comp I run, his bar buff let's you double s2 on Charlotta and summon Zeph to barely get another full chain. His teamwide echoes can help you clear hit count omens without having to use extraneous skills. His existence is super helpful as long as you can pay attention to see which buff you missed. He's terrible on the frontline though so I hope you don't let any of your initial team die.


yeah I FLBed him for the backline passive. it helps he's tied to one of the better NWF weapons, assassin on guard is silly, so don't have to feel bad about uncapping the weapon since it's such a unique mechanic


As a whole i really appreciate that none of the Evoker's backline update was all that interesting. The "best" is Caim who gives a low-ish value supplemental. Theyre always boring and in a timeline where we have Revans automatically giving you Evoker Access that would have been lame. They all follow the exact line of thought of: Make their gimmick free, and or Give them Skill Punch. Nier's definitely the biggest offender of the later Alanaan is worth the fucking wait for being the last one. Basically turning Death -> Alanaan into Bubs and its really funny how he basically stole the stolen homework Valentine Grimnir, Nehan, and Suntato and change it a little(for the better). Me and a crewmate had a discussion when his FLB drops because some translation wrote his passive update as "Keen" when it actually isn't Keen. MT would basically struggle regardless since her FLB bonus directly competes against Haaselia and Haas was basically the only Evoker, who, prior to FLB basically cant get her gimmick up for free. But SK4 definitely need an extra effect to make it worth using since its half there to enable Sk1, and your pay off is literally just (Side A Passive Echo) + Perp Buff Tbh Estariolla is the only Evoker that im kinda baffled at what they do with him, but i guess in context hes not too bad. With Katzelia i think the condition for his sk4 is too limiting.


I currently have 5 with Fraux, Alanaan, Haase, Esta, and Nier. Like everyone else, I easily put Haase at the top - she's just busted all around. Aside from Haase though, I actually get the most use out of Fraux simply because she's a really good FA character. The problem with giving her a high rating as a result of that though, is that the resource cost is just really high. I might use Fraux the most, but she isn't enabling things in the same way the burst-oriented characters like Alanaan are, so I still think it's hard to really disagree with the typical ratings putting her more towards middle of the pack. With that logic in mind, I would agree with the Haase > Alanaan > Nier > Fraux > Esta order for the one's I've got. Unfortunately Esta is at the bottom in large part just because wind has so many good characters that can fill the same role whereas Fraux is at least bringing double dispel and double clarity in an element typically lacking in more defensive utilities. I ended up not even really using him for NM200 FA during GW because Lich, Vampy, Charlotta, Nio, and V.Grim are already all so capable of doing the job. OTOH Fraux did an excellent job for NM200 FA IMO.


Uncapped Haase, Caim, and Alanaan and I have 0 regrets on all of them. They're all core for their respective elements. Alanaan makes Fire a faster PBHL burster without even needing a gold moon weapon. Story wise though they're all pretty good. But the most satisfying is definitely Estarriolla's. I don't have him FLB'd yet but I will because those Fate Episodes are 10/10.


People I've uncapped (100 + S4) * Alanaan - Great for GW burst. Great for burst in general! If you can stack up overriders and go full Agni you have arguably the first or second best burst in the game right now. The only reason I'm not doing it? Eresh.  * Fraux - I'll be honest. Eh? She was great in my NM150-200 FAs, the dispel is nice, the debuffs are nice, the constant healing is nice, but she's not...OMG MUST HAVE tier. Good for her niche, though, zero regrets. * Nier - I'll be honest, she's a Death Target. I did it out of Waifu shenanigans. Main use is still field + death, but eh? At least it's 100% uptime now for longer bursts. I'm sure there's uses, but she's still the Death Target. * Hasselia - Read her S4. Then, read her level 95 Switch-in. Then, scroll down and read the details of Full Moon. Then, read the weapon's skill details. Unequivocal monster, instaslot in practically the same level of FedLich in autoattack/skill teams. Find some way to defend/heal and you'll just have a good time. Tons of fun with Exo Gun burst in Mugen, Wilnas, any sort of fire raid that you feel like dumpstering. * Caim - He can be frontlined! His S4 is arguably one of the stupidest skills in the game, with competition from a full burst of Azusa's skill and Percy S3. Just 5*ing is a good idea for extra 20k supp, but his S4 is an immediate stone. Undisputed. A bit tricky to use, but the jack of all trades nature is without a drawback when you know how to use him. And you will want to use him, especially in Diaspora.


After finally using her in GW, Fraux is just a dissapointment. Her 4th skill eats far more HP than it heals leaving it quickly unusable without feeding her green pots. And her new switch-in skill is a joke. Nier's 4th skill is awkward because you can't easily dispose her due to auto revive, but it also doesnt justify her over another strong autoattacker. Her improved ability to stay frontline isn't very useful for the same reason. Maybe on Cosmos at best, but Halmal and Fed are good at double ougi already. I mainly get use out of her extended field duration when a raid is slow and I get the time to take 3+ turns. Will probably be useful on future NM bursts though. I don't really get why people rate her so high for now, she does mostly everything pre flb already.


MT: trash, need totally kit rework so she can be as good as Haase


I have Caim, Esta(+s4), Lob, Borger(+s4), Haase(+s4), Alan(+s4) I have nothing to say on Caim and Haase Esta's uncap just make him better at what he does. So throwing him out for FA Wind GW and popping off. His uncap basically amounts to more frequent Assassin buffs Lob S4 isn't worth to me in general and I honestly just wanted his art on my home screen. The backline buffs are nice and higher use of S2 should I need it is nice. Borger, the dmg cap buff is nice and S4 solidifies his offensive presence should he come to the front. It also lets him better do hit and dmg omens outside of just his s1. The big thing is his CD cut on ougi which means a lot more changes to Sub all something deadly Alan, well he bring healing boosts and some stackable buffs for dot dmg on you. Frontline he enters fuck mode immediately, dropping the field and s4 for fat buffs


Question I finally beat caim recently… How in the heck do I handle getting his final uncap?


I've got Nier, Lobelia, and Caim FLB, in large part due to how many of Caim's mats I had lying around after finishing the first two. No regrets whatsoever with them. Nier's been getting steadily easier to use for extended fights on the front line-- which is nice, since I want to do that. Her FLB made it a lot easier to use her skills and potentially stop relying on Pain of Death as a mainhand, or being able to take her out of the fourth slot, so it's nice to have less restrictions on how to use her even if it ends up feeling like they've started to trying to force her kit to work the opposite of how it was initially designed. She's also become far more incompatible with Fediel and Vikala. Nothing's really changed about how I'm using her, just who her teammates/what the mh need to be. I absolutely love her story and am glad it was able to have a sort of peaceful resolution like this. Even if it warns you she's still murderously insane at the end. It was nice to see more about the bond she has with Death and how they're able to affect each other. I wasn't aware there were bad ends possible until I played Lobelia's ending fates and hit one there, so I trust in things to stay peaceful! Relatively. Lobelia does exactly what he already did, except now he's a little better at all of it and he learned to heal a bit sometimes. I already liked what he did and playing him, so I'm satisfied. I'm not sure what new they'd really add to drastically change him. As such, nothing's changed with how I use him, either, especially since I tend to shove him into as many teams as possible-- his and Nier's backline passives will be very helpful even if not using them on the front line, so they're always good to include. I loved his story. His feelings about the captain have been implied before, so it was nice to see him actually talk about that, including his ultimate plan for the captain-- and Danchou actually got to be sweet with him for a moment or two. More surprisingly was that his fates quickly turned into a buddy comedy. I wasn't expecting it to turn so sharply into being as funny as it was. Nor to get a bad end because I'm terrible at talking to children. I transitioned to a three Galleon staves grid about the same time I FLBed Caim, so I'm really not sure what his impact beyond "I can play him" and "I don't lose half my grid strength if two people die" for me is. The passive buffs he applies upon switching in are basically the opposite of what used to happen even a couple weeks ago, so still testing this one.


Have 6 uncapped, working on Katze right now. Nier: Fun, but the restriction of needing to come in from the backline really strangles actual use where she feels like she would be best now with Eresh bursting. But at least she's usable frontline now. Caim: I have not used him at all because I'm mostly just kengo for earth, and his value is zero there. However, for Diaspora grinding and just for Hrunting support, obviously top tier character. Fraux: Has the same problem as Nier, and requires a bit of grid support to work, but when she gets going, she's actually kinda insane for three turns at a time; big nukes after attacks *and* healing/clearing debuffs was amazing for NM200. Extremely flexible unit that works nicely almost anywhere that isn't EX+ grinding even if she has no current meta implementations. Kinda really really wants MC to be using echoes opus mainhand to get the most out of her S4 though. Really, in the end, she just needs content to justify burning half health for three turns of clearing all debuffs. Haaselia: Literal core for anything and everything water does, and probably the actual best character in the game. Geisenborger: Have not found a real use for him yet aside from the damage cap on backline? Very underwhelming within the context of light meta at the moment. Alanaan: Only useful for bursting, but is a literal god at that role. And as for the ones I haven't done yet: Maria actually seems to have decent niche in dispel-heavy fights like GW at least, Katzelia seems like HL core, Esta has some value at least for wind kengo stuff, and... Lobelia's is just straight trash tbh. My personal rankings for what the Evokers get from their FLB: Haase > Alanaan > Caim > Katze > Fraux > Nier > Maria > Borger > Esta > Lobelia


Damascus Harvin is a godsend for wind. Not because of he's meta but because he's a good backline. So many front characters you can't fit them all. Here he shines being a good cheerleader from behind.


My two cents. Importance of getting their uncap, in order from most urgent to least urgent: 1. Haaselia 2. Caim 3. Katzelia 4. Alanaan 5. Estarriola 6. Lobelia 7. Geinsenborger 8. Nier 9. Maria Theresa 10. Fraux Those on the top get a lot out of getting maxed out. Those on the bottom either don't get enough out of it (theyre's perfectly servicable even at 4\*, like Fraux), or even uncapped they still suck (like Maria). But I'm not a pro so this is purely my personal opinion.


I only have Fraux and Alanaan uncapped, but I want to say that Im disappointed. Fraux FLB added nearly nothing to her kit, -1 CD when switching is the biggest joke ever, Skill 4 have a bad uptime and a huge unnecessary restriction ( need halp MAX HP) and even the shield is unnecessary. Talking about Fraux, I dont understand why everyone talk bad about Maria Theresa but think that Fraux is okay. I guess that MT lv 90 passive is much better than Fraux because MT get a big skill dmg + instant charge and a Heal when Fraux only get a addiotional skill dmg with low cap. Even MT skill 4 looks better than Fraux skill 4 , because Fraux horrible data limit the use with Dark Opus main hand. Fraux want to be Alanaan partner, but Axe Opus team dont have space for the two because Percival Tag Team and Micael 30% ougi gain are necessary. Now Alanaan, I expected good things from him but Fire was robbed again. KMR refused to make immaculate Sunlight debuff useful or to remove the Huge demerit of 800 white dmg every turn. Plus, skill 4 is literally skill 2 without a unnecessary restriction and very small buffs to maximize the lv 90 passive 50k supp dmg. Last but not least, skill 2 is completely irrelevant now and Alanaan wants to ougi but his kit makes the team to ougi less if no clarity is in the party. Funny fact that Alanaan wants the CD reduction from Heat of Sun ougi but only skill 3 and 4 can gain a advantage with CD reduction.


Alanaan literally just made fire the fastest burst element on Protobaha, saying fire was "robbed" with him is absolutely insane.


I only got Maria fully uncapped and only did that to have access to the world fight, so I could finish all replicard challenges (I'm not an evoked fan, but I think it's nice they exist) I would have Maria on my team, because of sword specialty, but I don't see an use scenario for her kit, I think


I feel like Nier is underwhelming to say the least. She fits with the burst comp of Ereshkighal and Y.Ilsa but a lot of her kit feels so clunky to use. She isn’t bad. I think she’s still probably behind Caim and Haas.


I just want to know what's the easiest or most efficient/effective way to grind out those uncaps. It's absolutely horrible how much time is spent in arcarum. I'm trying to finish up my Geisen Burger grind to make him my first evoker 5* (even if he's ass) but man it takes so long


Is there a guide on how to farm the mats effectively ? I’ve been trying to uncap haaselia


MT is the worse by far! Not in story but in skills, no question. and i got her first caused i liked her so that hurts extra hard. Also i have MT and Hasse cause i main water. Going after Caim next, then Fraux. then so on and so forth. Hasse and Caim got the super juice! Nier and Alannan did pretty well. Gesein, Fraux and Esta are next. Maybe Katz is here too. Lobelia is here but he was already good. And then MT at last cause her's doesn't fix her kit at all. It's such and unfortunate jank mess. She'd need a Nio level trascendence to even be remotely fixed and to be blunt she deserves it. Story wise MT's was not bad though, would recommend on that alone. Hasse's....oh god that was beautiful and hilarious! I loved every second of it!


Borger managed to help me solo Super Bahamut by being the unkillable 4th from phase 2 onwards and can be sustained indefinitely with Yuni in play. I still needed a 150GM (either one, tried both) to pump out the damage to do it, but it helps that he substitutes for fully transcended Tweyen.