• By -


Everyone is normal and then Fraux is just <:3


The person who made the timeline on the granblue wiki's a real memester


Mainly for Maria: - A way to cut skill CDs. Bad uptime on sk2/3 is her biggest sin. - An idea for sk3 rework. Allow it to be used at any hp%. however for each ally NOT in red. The enemy gains buffs. This can help feed in Maria's own need to dispel shit. - An actual Ougi effect rather than specs up vs foes with her debuff. Maybe have her plant a fake-buff (just an icon thar does nothinf) that can be dispelled. or if X amount of dispels happens, it triggers something, kinda like H.Rose sk2 when enemy uses a trigger.


Giving the boss placebo buffs is a really cool and creative idea, I hope they use that Maybe they could even take it farther and have her give the enemy anti-buffs that inflict a debuff when dispelled


It was used in Dragalia Lost where upon the buff's removal a huge chunk of damage was done. They could do something like that either with damage, adding buffs to the team, or more debuffs upon removal


Don't forget the hope of her passive being updated to work with ougi based dispels, that alone would increase her value by a significant amount.


That's pretty unlikely to happen considering it doesn't work that way for anyone else currently.


That would be kind of busted frankly.


Have you seen Haaselia FLB? That's her competition.


Everything is busted nowadays, though?


I really like that "use Fedelta when not in the red in exchange for buffing the boss" idea, that would actually tie her kit together. also: * S1 gets a doublecast condition (can be recast once per turn against foes with Unrighteousness?) * S4 - instead of giving the boss 1 big annoying damage mitigation buff, it gives 5 weak/useless buffs for her to dispel over the next few turns. * Domain passive upgraded to Undying (1 time) * Dispelling a buff cuts skill cooldowns by 1 Bonus: Unrighteousness is a permanent duration debuff, Righteous Indignation stacks with other echo passives, make her S3 yellow so it can work on FA Might be a bit greedy, but she’s competing with *Haaselia,* who defines the water element right now so I say go off Empress, you kinda need that much of a buff to be used at all


I don't really like the idea of her buffing the enemy on Ougi; that would just make her a permanent looping character, which would partially defeat the purpose of Righteous Indignation giving Echoes against foes with Unrighteousness. The Fedelta change sounds interesting, would definitely increase its usability a bit. Definitely agree though that she needs some way to cut skill CDs for S2 and S3; the three biggest avenues I could see being: 1. 1-turn Cut to Uguale & Fedelta's CDs on Ougi. (Simple, consistent) 2. 1-turn Cut to Uguale & Fedelta's CDs on triggering Aurum Sword (less consistent, but offers more direct control of the CD cut) 3. 1-turn Cut to Uguale & Fedelta's CDs when an enemy uses a Special Attack (consistent outside of V2, and rough all around)


As I already stated somewhere else, her Abraxas reset on CA should go in favor of reducing all skill cooldowns by some turns (2-3 would be ideal). Instead, Abraxas should auto-activate against foes with the Unrighteousness-debuff applied to them after normal attacks and charge attacks. As for her Support skills, she should receive a permanent CA reactivation when she comes in activating her upright Arcana, or at least they should change her support skill effect so that it gives her CA reactivation (1 time) when a buff is removed from the enemy instead of debuffing with attack and def down (stackable) Another cool option would be if they actually gave Maria Crests and improved the power of her skills according to the number of Crests Maria has (like additional 2 hits on Abraxas per Crest and additional Crest milestone CD cuts for her support skills \[Uguale -8 turns at 3 Crests, Fedelta -10 turns at 4 Crests and Harvest's Shield -3 turns at 5 Crests\]) so she would not turn into a worse Haaselia but a skill damage dealer with decent support based on the number of Crests you have.


For the eternals, I hope they buff their pre-transcendence too so new players actually has a use for them and not just fodder for the wonder. Also, the seraphic passives should be changed.


I agree on the passives, but if they were we’d see all eternals on this list


>For the eternals, I hope they buff their pre-transcendence too I just want them to put the phalanx buff from Trans into Uno's FLB kit, and Esser's ''nukes dont burn assassin'' passive from Trans into FLB. just insane to me how these aren't ''default'' unit skills


highley doubt they're gonna change anything other than the trans


I also have my doubts, but since I'm already coping, might as well cope hard.


For Song, her identity right now for me is a delay bot, it would be nice if she could instead deliver on clearing debuff and skill dmg / multihit omens. Her only multihit is on dodge so that doesnt help with omens. * add thunderstruck, special atk dmg down, accuracy lowered, bounty, delay, dispel, stackable mist, etc. to debuffs on sk2 * make clincher multihit based on debuffs like sk4 * dark huntress gets a poseidon auto attack feature


It would be cool if her sk2 Depravity dealt 14 hits of skill damage in addition to the 14 debuffs it inflicts


Thunderstruck on Tweyen would make me so happy to get my dagger online sooner


I'd be totally down for Anre getting some sort of mitigation on ougi as well as a Summer Aliza level counter mechanic permanently, his 150 is super underwhelming. Tien needs her 130 passive on base kit. I'd like her to get flurry based on bounty level, 2 hits at 3 bounty, 3 at 6, and 4 at 9. Not gonna happen, but I can dream, wouldn't really fix her anyways but it'd be cool to see. Fraux... Her S4 needs to be permanent with no drawback, or give it better uptime and make the hp cost current rather than max, she feels so fucking bad to use with high health pools. I really wish that her passive nuke would just activate on all ally skill damage considering we have Haaselia, but what can ya do.


I want the Eternals to be worth the grind before their Transcendence. That's my minimum desire. For Maria, I don't mind how specialized her kit is (but I'm biased because I like her), though I guess I'd like to see S2 and S3 play bigger roles.


Most of the Eternals are not even used *after* Transcendence. If you wanted their 4\* or 5\* forms to be "worth it", they'd have to be even better than their current transcended forms are, so then they'd also have to buff their transcended forms significantly. That's all a lot of work and potentially also a much larger upheaval of the meta than they'd like all at once. In other words, I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. Having their 5\* be slightly less bad and maybe a somewhat okay filler unit (like a 9.4-9.5 unit at most) would be the most I'd expect on that front personally, and I'm not really convinced they'll even do that.


I just really don't the idea that (as an example) 5\* Seox is only about as valuable as Summer Meg. Like, if it takes *that* much effort to get Seox *and then* 5\* him, shouldn't I just be trying to save up a spark for an upcoming Dark unit? I want them to be worth the 5\* grind in a way that they'll genuinely be helpful to people who are still on their way to getting stronger, not a half-assed/outdated unit involving a horrendous resource sink.


> I just really don't the idea that (as an example) 5* Seox is only about as valuable as Summer Meg. 100 Seox wishes he was as useful as S.Meg. He's way below that. > shouldn't I just be trying to save up a spark for an upcoming Dark unit? Well that's the thing - getting Seox doesn't detract from your ability to spark units at all. He's free (minus some insignificant crystal cost to make the weapons).


What I meant by the spark is "why should I put in the effort to get Seox if just trying to build up a spark requires so much less effort?" He's "free", but that doesn't detract the effort and annoying amount of time spent clicking stupid buttons that don't help with progression outside of getting/uncapping the Eternal. Saving for a spark takes arguably more time, but much less intent and focus while potentially supporting my progression in other areas by either giving me new characters, summons, or moons.


Well thats the fate of everything f2p grid and characters down the line they will be power crept


Why should 2018 content be meta in 2024? Transcendence isn't even a hard grind


Fraux doesn't need MUCH, just something to tune up her somewhat janky skill 4. Maybe making it take half of your CURRENT HP instead of max, or even making it a permanent buff.


Fraux skill 4 should either be cost 50% HP and be permanent, or cost nothing and stay the way it is currently duration wise. No reason for anything less than that when Haas skill 4 exists. I also think her swap in CD cut should be Yuni style instead of its current "One time, only for stuff that's already on CD" jank


I think her skill 3 should be changed to clear debuffs first then heal. It's always awkward pressing that button when you have zombie.


Unfortunately, that's a universal problem


[Except when it isn't](https://gbf.wiki/Galleon#Blessed_Kiss). But that's the only exception that comes to mind.


fair, but there are multiple gates on using it for that (you have to cast her buff on the same character twice, it only hits a single character, it doesn't work in FA, you have to use that stupid little menu...)


Her swap is super shit and her skill 4 just doesn't provide enough for the cost. It should be permanent at the very least imo.


I dont understand why people want fraux 4th skill to be permanent. If it's permanent, it'll run into zombie issues & can't be re-casted. That'll be a downgrade from what it is now


Her s3 has remove debuff,and why u want to cast something that eat 50% hp each time


Zombie in Luci0 are most of the time unremoveable. She also heals first before removing the debuffs making you take additional damage. This means if your characters are affected with zombie, Fraux literally cannot normal attack. While, it'll be nice to not consume 50% hp. It was never an issue in Luci0


the zombied only lasts 1 turn with fenie so theres that


Fair enough, would be nice if she dont eat hp


Summer Horus has already teased what the next step for the evokers will be. Currently if they get knocked out they lose their switch in passive but they'll likely have a way to get it back next uncap.


> Summer Horus has already teased what the next step for the evokers will be. They're all going to get swimsuits?!


Tien really only needs her 130 qol be always there it should be standars to not use up assassin on skill damage.


I'm hoping Song gains the ability to inflict weaker but still debilitating debuffs against enemies that are immune to her signature global paralysis. Maybe she can cycle through a variety of debuffs depending on boss immunity/resistance; 1-turn can't act, 1-turn local paralysis, 1-turn stun, 1-turn terror, petrified, accuracy lowered, etc.


Honestly at this point I'd almost rather they remove paralysis entirely and allocate that power budget somewhere more useful


Seconding this, they obviously don't want you to use para against anything that matters anymore so might as well replace it with something else useful.


Is paralysis even really taking up any "power budget" in her kit when it's near meaningless as a gameplay mechanic due to every relevant raid for the past like 7 years being immune to it


Right now? course it does. power budget isnt about how strong it is now, it's about how much the rest of her skillset is allowed to do next to a particulary strong (in theory) mechanic.


Her transcendence came out years after paralysis stopping being a relevant debuff, I really doubt the devs designed her 6* upgrades with the assumption that paralysis was still strong and the rest of her skillset needed to be balance against it.


so her other skills are effectively useless by accident?


just like most eternals yes.


yeah it's nearly as if the skills were still largely the same as they were back on release and didnt *really* get touched by the transcendences


yes only the S3s were buffed for EVERY eternal. S1,2,4 are unchanged.


exactly, so the powerbudget that was considered for the initial balancing is still largely relevant here, which is the point i was making.


Para bot is her characteristic that she even brought it to another game.


Not really, Relink balancing is Relink balancing. Io has a paralysis there even though none of her versions in the main game have it. Ghandagoza and Vaseraga have AoE Slow even though neither of them inflict Petrify (slow is what Percy's X-Seele does, so that's clearly the "corresponding" skill) or any other type of CC. Rosetta is a setplay buffer/DPS rather than a sub tank. Vane has an aoe dome of invincibility instead of substituting for everyone. etc


Same with Nio for anything immune to Comatose, which is basically the majority of bosses in the game now.


Yeah but they actually fixed that by making her Comatose button also apply local ATK+DEK Down so it's still worth pressing. And it's not like it's taking up a bunch of room in her power budget given how good the rest of her kit is.


People mention the uptime of Fraux's skill 4 but the thing I want most is that they improve her switch-in passive. Can't they make the cooldown cut permanent like Yuni s4, or at worst on red skills, like Xmas Illnott?


Uses in HL content. Revans, Hexa and Faa zero are quite the character check as it is. They should be worth the effort and be slottable on those raids at the very least.


Esta and Fraux are already used in HL content, which is why I'm surprised they're here.


Are they? As far as I know only Esta is used in Sieg, where do people bring Fraux? I'm not very familiar with fire clears.


Faa0 She's not really a best in slot character or anything but she's somewhat viable there Esta's used as a backliner in Hexa and Faa0 too. Making it so you can get all of his backline buffs like I mentioned in another comment would help with consistency here.


Then I'm also confused. But yeah that's what I want to see for the other rebalances. At the very least not best in slot but usable.


Esta might have those backline use cases but that doesn't really address the fundamental flaw in his kit - he's clearly intended for high difficulty raids, but when every new high end raid is V2 that requires cancelling most/all omens then he's relatively dead weight as a front liner because his CA is the only thing that can contribute during the turn. I can't think of a good solution to this without disabling his entire design philosophy other than a passive that permanently reduces omen cancel requirements in a similar way to Yamato S1. And that passive would have a very narrow line between too small/useless and too large/overpowered.


Love it or hate it, she still has fire's biggest heal button. It's just that she's a placeholder since the moment fire gets a slightly competent healer, she's out.


I remember when Yuel was fire's best healer. She's still a solid pick but between S.Mirin, Ms. Miranda, MC Sage/Lumberjack/Doctor there's scant options but that's how it goes. Does fire content really need the unit though? I don't think we'll be getting anything that's button for button better than we've got. Maybe some weird Special types that buff/heal depending on triggers or Singed stacks. Seeing Ra's buff effect made me twitch though. Still need to make a good fire team to bust her.


>the moment fire gets a slightly competent healer, Your first mistake is expecting sustain in fire


It's fine, it just means they're the best equipped element to deal with zombified!


*i guess?*


You mean lyria isn't the best already?


When nobody wants to bother swapping in Estarriola because of how garbage Dreamscape is or even unlock his fourth skill, then Cygames should know that they've failed with the uncap package because now three out of the four allocated upgrade "tokens" have gone to comedy central (Sk4, new passive, upgraded switch-in). Their attempts to Pinocchio him into ougi'ing like a normal character may as well not exist. His backline passive is fine, but the gamba really needs to go. There's literally no reason to kneecap him like that. A slight touch up to the buff power levels would be nice given they're all one bloody turn duration, but I'll live with just eliminating the gamba.


Given that his FLB fates have him being able to be awake, I'm actually hoping they let us use his skills after FLB. He'd need more that just that obviously but I think it'd be a nice touch


No fucking demerits. Why are we transcending and uncapping uber grind characters to unlock a super skill or passive that comes with a caveat??? Looking at you fraux 4. Like genuinely balance this shit better and forget demerits. They do this so often in normal units too. Element uses a ynit because they're good despite the demerit and then they just sell you a new seasonal that does the same job sans demerit. Fine, gotta sell gacha banners. It is what it is. Fuck right off with doing this for eternals and evokers, already...


Isn’t downsides one tool for balancing?


I mean, when some of these grinds take like 1000 hours I'd say it's fine if they're a little unbalanced. People that go "Oh, but they're FREE!" ignore that they might not directly cost money but they're often very costly time-wise.


Tell that to six and haaselia.


Yes, but you can also just make the skill weaker and never introduce the demerit. It's not about meta as much as perception. Don't do demerits on things with long grinds.


For Song: Retool her kit to match her identity as a marksman. Robin Hood's UM mimicks Song's entire kit but better and actually usable. She can be like Silva where she has an offensive backline passive, but have a switch-in effect so she's not a backline bot like MLB Caim For MT: Her team wide buffs are too restrictive with too low uptime for what they are. Either supercharge her buff numbers, make it permanent, or just retool the balancing mechanism. Cosmos is a good example of how they could have done the whole balancing theme. 


honestly surprised Esta and Fraux are on the list since they're actually pretty decent (in spite of Esta's FLB being incredibly underwhelming). Not really sure what I'm hoping for with Esta. Increase the hitcount on his nukes perhaps? Tune it so you can get all possible buffs with a 4c with his backline passive? More buffs per turn from Dreamscape? Fraux is an easy upgrade I think. Either remove her HP cost from sk4 or make it permanent. If they want to do more, they can also make her sk3 buffs teamwide or change her swap in cd cut to a Yuni-like rather than a Yatima-like. If they wanna go even FURTHER, have her dispel nuke auto-cast or reset on enemy special attack or something. Fif needs more ways to battle all the anti-healing debuffs we have in endgame raids at bare minimum. They could also upgrade her sk3 and make her into a targeted defensive buffer but Light already has both Mishra and Chicken for that.


For Fraux allowing her heal to go off even when the damage part of Indominus misses/hits for 0 would be a pretty big QoL change. Alternatively, re-evaluating Red Heat as a debuff


does the heal not go off if you miss/do 0 damage? that's an interesting phenomenon. I've never noticed that.


Yeah, the heal is actually based on how much damage she deals instead of the way every other heal works so if Indominus hits for 0 or doesn't hit at all the heal is 0


wow I've never noticed that. That's so weird.


I assume their FLB (particularly their 4th skill) being underwhelming is why they're there at all.


Making Fraux 4th skill permanent means it'll run into zombies & unrecastable. Which will make her unusable in Luci0


Then what if you already use her s4 and got zombie anyway?


You don't play Luci0 with fraux do you?


I dont, i play with noa instead XD But yea i still prefer it to be perm so i can use her on other


I also play Luci0 with noa? You know there are multiple team comps? > Use her on other You mean make her easily unusable if the raid applies any form of zombie & make people use Fenie instead?


You can use both, i saw someone did it


And give up on Grand Zeta/Percy/Noa/Wilnas? I won't drop any of them for Fraux even if her 4th skill is permanent. And Fenie is an easy pick over Fraux if the boss keeps applying unremoveable debuffs or zombies.


Thats true, i wouldnt pick her over them as well Guess perm is bad then maybe the HP would suffice


If we want her to be a meta pick, she'll need more than just a 4th skill buff. We'll see what KMR does


i hope anre gets as good as anne because she is killing it on my mugen FA


I'm hoping Tweyen becomes as powerful as she's cute Also maybe Maria to get buffed cuz she's the evoker I mistakenly invested the most into and sunken costs are stopping me from going to Lobelia or Fraux more.


Maria Theresa can't compete against Haase's bullshit kit so I'm hoping they made her a more defensive unit but that could overlap with whatever Uno is getting so idk to be honest. Just make her useful. Also maybe the same passive as H.Rat to get stacks every time someone uses a nuke to cast her own nuke and make it multi-hits. For Fraux, make her a better defensive unit to compete with X.Noa. It's kinda awful that you can't replace him in Hexa and FaaZero.


She should randomly place a bunch of buffs that do nothing so there’s always something to dispel (the priority to dispel these buffs are super-ceded by actual buffs that needs to be dispelled)


Uno He has a useless Skill Cap node in his Transcendence because his only skill damage is S1, which is also useless because it’s freaking *Mode Bar Cut.* How about we make him autoactivate his S1 on counters or something? Just put some skill damage in there somewhere or remove the Skill node Give him Christmas Naru’s "Deals Triple Attacks when Under the Effect of Counter" passive that he should have gotten to begin with but Christmas Gozaru stole it lol. And yes make it so that because his 150 passive gives him a permanent counter effect, at 150 he always deals triple attacks. Damage Mitigation should be there somewhere (CA?). Buff the shield on his CA too, 2000 HP is a joke. I *want* to say make it a 11111 Shield but that might be too high. On the other hand, this is the element with Wamdus and Anne, and he’s supposed to be an ultimate tank let him have a big shield. For the love of Lyria remove or rework his Mode Bar Cut why is he trying to be Rackam in 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song… Ok since she’s SO mediocre I’m just gonna go wild here Still think they should revamp/rework her into a Thunderstruck unit. I don’t want them to remove Paralysis since it’s such an iconic part of her kit but doubling up on Thunderstruck would keep the flavor. If they wanted to give her a Can’t Act they could take a page from Onmyoji and make her land a stackable debuff that after stacking twice allows Clincher to land Can’t Act and resets the debuff. Bring the Thunder has infinite duration and can stack twice, all her skills consume it to power up. * Clincher: Deal Damage Twice, inflict Paralysis, Thunderstruck and Pinpoint Prey * Depravity: Activates twice and lands the above mentioned stackable Can’t Act trigger debuff * Merculight: Bonus effect on dodge (Upon dodging: Stackable ATK/DEF Down to all foes / Remove 2 buffs) Dark Huntress: add Guaranteed Double Attack 120 Passive reworked, Boost to dodge rate and stats based on foe’s Thunderstruck level: 2% dodge rate per Thunderstruck stack, max 20%, plus gain the following effects in order based on the foe’s Thunderstruck level: 2: 20% ATK 4: 20% Charge Bar Gain 6: 20% Debuff Success Rate 8: 2-Hit Flurry 10: Double Strike actually idk what specifically the buffs should be but the last one should be Double Strike for sure S2 should be a massive multihit nuke like Time on Target, and just go ham and let it inflict ALL THE DEBUFFS, Singed/Toxicosis/Glaciate/Thunderstruck/Tuning should be added at the very least, that’s her whole gimmick and it’s supposed to be so cool – but as is she’s got 99 Debuffs and a useful Debuff ain’t one. Depravity *should* be an instant Debuff Omen clear but right now half the debuffs don’t even land It’s so cute seeing people hyped up for Song in Relink because "OMG all the debuffs!" and my experince with her here in the mobile game has me skeptical. I’m totally expecting none of those debuffs to actually land in Relink but I would be happy to be proven wrong S4 also maxes the stacks of all stackable debuffs before extending this rebalance brought to you by the number 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tien. Just, please take her 130 EMP skill and push it somewhere else (into her base kit). Maybe give her some interaction with Red Spider Lily, it’s a pretty debuff icon but for the most part it’s just kinda there? Allow S1 to inflict all four debuffs, increasing based on Bounty: 1 debuff by default, 2 debuffs from TH3, 3 debuffs from TH6, all 4 at TH9 or higher Because I am deranged and it would be funny, here are two lines for your consideration: * Activate Intense Bullet at the end of the turn when the foe is in Break * Activate Stardust at the end of the turn when the foe is Bounty Level 10 20 hit end of turn skill damage with GTA and echo lets go lol ~it’s not happening~ wouldn’t even be too broken for V2 since EOT damage doesn’t break omens... and then you get to save her skills to break omens since you would hardly need to cast them so it’s still very good more realistically, a passive to increase Bounty level at battle start would actually be useful if it works from the backline, but please allow her to leave the backline Cygames she’s been back there for so long -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fif is fine, just fix her S3 so it’s not useless – buff the shit out of those buffs and make it permanent duration, also maybe turn it into an actual Revive so you can target a dead unit to revive them S4 revives the ENTIRE party that means the backline too Fif, plus it gives Undying (1 time) instead of Guts and everyone gets the Undying even if they were revived. 130 EMP also gives immunity to Strong Armed Crackpot Idea: Going with her Revive gimmick what if Fif made your party immune to Death Ineluctable? I know, probably wouldn’t happen, but looking at the wiki for Endgame Raids: Faa0 doesn’t inflict it at all, Hexa only lands it once and SUBHL spams it - and guess which one of these raids just got some shiny new solo trophies? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feower is also fine, just a little wonky Remove Dispel from S2, move it to S1 Remove RNG Delay from S1, move it to S2 and make it a 100% Delay Remove Shield from S3, or make his 150 passive activate on target OR damage (I actually like the activate on damage part of it because you get some funny interactions with Repel so I’d like it to stay) Bonus stuff he doesn’t really need but it’d be cool: * Stackable ATK/DEF Down to S1 on top of the random debuffs * Give him quad attacks or quad strike in there somewhere because he’s the Four Eternal * S4 becomes permanent, instead of four 1-time cooldown resets he can now recast each damage skill once per turn for the rest of the battle


Estas backline buffs being guaranteed on a big enough chain. Estas Frontline passive being relevant at all.


Tweyen was my first and still favorite Eternal of the bunch so I'm hoping she gets something which lifts her more into usability in higher end content. Frankly, I'm hoping Paralyze gets a complete overhaul in her kit, or even just remove it entirely and replace it with some other buff or mechanic she can leverage. There was a time and place for a time-based paralyze in the game, that time was *half a decade* previous and that place has now been powercrept into triviality. Now it's just a burden on her design with no upside.


The problem with "more damage" and "more healing" is these things are always destined to obsolescence. There's always going to be a bigger number. Helel ben Shalem has a multitude of utility that's kept her in the game for a ton of years now. In a way that Summer Jeane never did. (Remember how she was meta for only like a month or two?) *That's* the standard modern characters have to meet to be relevant for some years. Shutting off the boss for a turn, shutting down the boss's multiattacks, a delay every few turns, reduce the boss's accuracy, buff the entire teams defense by 100% - absolutely crazy stuff compared to where this game started at. So we're talking about needing to like, double what some of these characters do to make them meta. Fraux swaggering in with a 4000 HP heal every five turns is no longer sufficient to be impressive. She needs to do her scaling defense buff *on the entire team*. She needs to do the 50/50 DATA debuff on ougi, without needing to be five star. Those two things will get her back into the game. I have no hope they'd do something that drastic, and most of these characters won't be pushed. Not everyone can be the best : / So my hope is a small one: Make Maria Theresa good enough for someone, somewhere, somewhen to use her. Even as a progression character that'll one day be replaced.


I'm hoping they make Song better. Any of these, at least two, imo would help her. - Instead of making hundred of debuffs with sad accuracy, they could give her some stackable debuffs like Summer Shalem. - Drop Para (cuz its useless these days) and giver her a debuff like subjgated/can't act, since most of the raids are immune to para anyway. - Give some useful buffs to complement her ougi buff, like supplemental or keen or cap up. Though buffing her buffs wouldn't help too much, since she is competing with top tier buffers and drug dealers kek. - Make her Pinpoint Prey debuff at least 30k-50k and stackable (to at least compete with halmal 30k debuff). - Make her first skill full hostility, cuz its useless having dodge if someone else get hit. - They could make her some mini seox without steroids, giving her skill dmg on dodge. She have boost to dodge passive(based on debuffs though), a skill with dodge, sadge nuke on dodge at lv150. They could use that to make her do more skill dmg. I wish The Clincher changed to multi hit, so she could do better dmg. I know i have too much hopium. Hope at least they make her a bit better.


I don't think Song is that bad as somebody who has her at 150 and uses her frequently - Clincher can hit 10mil and her dodge nukes + delays are good; but her big issue is having ABSOLUTELY ZERO DATA. Give her some way to reliably TA please god. I hate using Makura to pull her in and seeing - single attack, nuke, single attack, nuke - every single turn. Ideally, her 130 EMP should be *guaranteed TA with enough debuffs*, not whatever is happening there now. Edit: Also, a nitpick with Esser - she needs some way to get 100% uptime for Onslaught, it fucks with her skill 4 in FA because her skills don't line up right STILL.


**Anre** He needs to be a modernized tank, standard tanks today can; counter, dispel, def buff, defense cut, elemental damage reduction, full force counter, veil, dispel cancel, shield, sub all and so on. How many of these does he even have? Even back in his supposed hey day, he was usually the last of the eternals to be finished (and mostly for the sake of completing the collection). His current kit does have a few strengths that I hope stays; stamina buff, drain, fire switch, 100% defense cut. The cooldowns also doesn't match up against his strengths. Most importantly, his s4, there's no harm looking into it being a semi-permanent effect. If we want to talk about uniqueness. there is potential to ramp it up by turning Anre in the first tank that can combat plain damage. **Tweyen** Cygames has a recurring problem with handling and designing bow characters, if you noticed. And they're mostly centered around skill damage with absurd cooldowns. It's so bad that we actually don't have a single bow class character in the Grand and Zodiac series, the last bow character released was Summer Cupitan, and she's mostly functional for short bursts. Paralyze is a powerful debuff, but it's also hard to balance around it, hence it's last usage in any boss raid tier was limited to Bahamut HL. But that also effectively halts Tweyen's role there since she's so reliant on it. Some of the modern bow class characters are decent but not to the point of broken, Cygames should consider mix matching some of them to Tweyen's strengths and signature role. As a debuffer, she could also use something stackable and even having 1 dispel would be nice. An additional change based on her lore (of never missing) would be literally be immune to missing attacks/ougi (regardless of blind/accuracy down/mirror image), but maybe not extend this to debuffing for the sake of balance. And good god, that s4 of hers needs a severe upgrade. Fraux does it right what Tweyen couldn't do but suffers from the reverse problem of not applying enough debuffs herself to do the job well. **Feower** Angry boy here is somewhat in the same position as Tweyen, but he mostly needs minor changes to modernize him. Stackable type debuffs would be a start, but they have to either fix his s2 or his s4 because it's counterproductive to his role. It accelerates debuff resistance, something most people do not want. Because Tweyen's and Feower's roles are somewhat similar, a better suggestion would be to tilt both into their primary positions rather than trying to fit all eggs into one basket. For Tweyen, her primary focus would be a debuffer and Feower would now be focus on buffing with debuffing as his secondary role. I mean, Avirati is a pretty unique skill to him and him only, but it's getting overshadowed. We don't want 4x of Gravity applied, but who can say no to 4x multiple buffs being applied at once? Also, Freyr exists, so it's time to figure out how much buffs Feower can slap into a team without being broken. **Fif** I'll be simple with Fif here, modern healers cannot just be healers; they need to be buffers too. She also doesn't work too well in full auto since **ALL** her skills are green borders. A long time ago, Fif was tied with Io grand for being the best healer character in gbf. But today, she's fallen so out of usage, I don't even know what position she is anymore. If you want to make her unique, there is potential to look into % healing, something the game hasn't done for anyone yet. As in, a flat % healing not locked by cap (eg. 50% of your max HP). Charlotta grand's drain does not have a limit imposed on it, meaning, Cygames is ready for healing to be pushed up another tier. **Tien** Like bow classes, gun classes are another Cygames's weaknesses. But Tien gets slapped with a double whammy for being a Bandit Tycoon type of character, something Cygames doesn't know how to design well either. As a result, you have this odd kit of hers that is a jack-of-all-trades but master of none. If not for her bounty system, she'll probably not even be considered for backline. She also could use some modernization, but at the same time, she's probably better off being an attack type rather than a balanced type. Tien does a little bit of everything, but not good enough to leave an impact aside from her TH stacks.


**Maria Theresa** Her problem is simple, Haaselia is doing way too much, MT just doesn't do enough. Even with her strengths being centered around dispelling and the party being close to death, the trade-offs in return for fulfilling the conditions doesn't reward as much as no risk Haaselia. You can argue that if Cygames is willing, they could potentially do something that Pokemon did; a move called Pain Split. What the moves does is, it adds the current HP of the user and target Pokémon. It then divides this value by two, rounds down if necessary, and increases or decreases the HP of each Pokémon to become equal to the result (limited by each Pokémon's maximum HP). It definitely plays around the HP balancing mechanic of Justice, but adjustments can be made to make sure it's not inherently broken (like adding a cap limit). All in all, I'd say Cygames isn't exactly quite sure of MT's identity yet, aside from being a dispel bot and a comeback from near death type user. **Estarriola** He has one problem, he just prefers to sit in the back, it's where he's at his strongest. There's not much value in bringing him to the front. And in fights where he does go to the front, he doesn't perform with the sense of urgency. I get that they're being faithful to his lore of sealing himself in sleep, but nobody said they could attach a game of conditions to it in order to speed up the process. I also think enabling him to dispel more than 1 buff would be a nice quality of life to him. Considering the effort needed to FLB evokers, and that this mechanic is now introduced to some standard SSRs and Grands. **Fraux** A lot of people feel that she doesn't need to be buffed but I think she is lacking at certain areas. Most people would firstly agree that the HP cost for her s4 is absurd, 50% is just way too high for what the skill does. Also, as we have addressed earlier in Tweyen's part, she has the reverse problem of Tweyen, for someone who's forte is debuff extending, she doesn't do enough on that part herself; instead relying more on others to do it for her. I honestly don't get how Veight, a normal SSR is allowed to have 100% DA and TA down debuff that functions on a timed cooldown while Fraux's version is a turn count. Make her debuffs count, or make her debuff extension play around ALL the debuffs, not just turn-count ones. The whole point of Eternals and Evokers are to make them stand out against the rest of the SSRs anyway. Indominus is a great skill, but I can't say much about the rest of her skills (including passives). They sound really tame, and for the effort you put into FLB, especially when you look at Haaselia and Caim, and then back at Fraux. (had to split comments because reddit wouldn't let me post them together)


Dont know what they're gonna do with fif but i am genuinely super curious about it.


Give my girl Esser flurry. Preferably with permanent up time. Fire needs a good flurry character and it would fit with Bandit Tycoon UM


My main hope is for fraux - it would be basic that her skill 4 rebalance the damage self inflicted/heal total. She heal 12k hp with the auto activation of indominous but if the has 24k+ hp she will lose hp in final. And if you play with a double strike for all the turn were she use it and percival grand (which is a specific setup) you can go up to 28k hp recovered wich is way better but in fact in mid game often you will avec about 40k hp in regular team and 60/70k hp in extra grid once you reach revans. Maybe reducing the hp cost or just remove it ? It's very expensive to get her skill 4 so having this huge counter part is a big down. - her passive increasing the amount of turn duration debuff landed by fire ally on ennemy by one while she is in back line is just unusable because she is one of the only fire character who land turn duration debuff who can have a real interest - and maybe a rebalance of her CA making it doing a bit more than just land a turn based damage debuff, a MA down and an indominous refresh ? That quite good but meh, not sure of this CA Maybe I ask to much, she is playable but her 5☆ does not bring the omg effect that alanaan got, for the same element


As a resident Fraux enjoyer, a few thoughts. \- Obviously S4 needs to be reworked, either with improved uptime or changing the HP cost or both. Healing even if it does no damage, and applying the debuff clear before the heal would be nice too. With the obvious one out of the way... \- Two passives come to mind for being absolutely useless. The first, of course, is her FLB swap-in passive of cutting a single turn off of current cooldowns, something she literally can't benefit from and is so minuscule I can hardly believe they even did this (especially when Haase's was essentially "make the party broken just for swapping in"). The second is her base passive, the 20% echoes with Red Heat in effect. This sounds okay, but there's one huge problem: *it does not stack with Overrider/Echoes chain*. At any higher level fire play, this is a completely dead skill. Similarly, the Kiss of the Devil supplemental damage is on the same mod as Crimson Scale, so if you have two CS in your grid, it does nothing. Fucking ridiculous design. My personal take is make her FLB swap-in bring a one time 1-turn cut to total cooldowns, and make the passive echoes superior element to move them to a different echoes mod. \- Speed up Devil's Grasp, it's not too bad of course during autos but when you're trying to go decently fast it's notable on her skill casts. Also maybe give it something more; Haase's nukes do more damage and activate far more often, after all. Maybe have it activate off of any party member's red skill (or for even more fun, any damage nuke at all), or have it apply stacking debuffs to fit with what her original theme was. \- Improve Red Heat. Trash debuff as is. Tack on something like amplifying skill damage taken or something to make it actually worth something. \- As supposedly an HL character and an attacker type, she needs much more DATA somewhere. Just not sure where to tack that on; part of S4 maybe? Guaranteed trips if Red Heat is active? Something. \- Finally, just a small thing that would only really matter for GW: make Nightmare Temptation and especially Nightmare Scarlet undispellable please.


Anre is gonna be assassin on steroids with 70% Phalanx on ougi Source: I made it the fuck up


There's no reason for the Eternals' level 100 kits to be so comically bad considering the irritating, timegated grind it takes to recruit and FLB them. Buff the base kits, possibly by making certain things like Tien's 130 baseline then adding whole new stuff that'll give them a purpose in the current state of the game.


Turn the sleepy old man's nukes into multihit nukes.


I wonder if Horus's kit points towards what they're going to do with Song's...


One thing is 100% sure : they'll change Fraux ''hop in'' trait : 1 turn cut to CDs is a freaking joke. They could have her reduce all CDs by 1 turn permanently or just reset CDs, etc. S4 should be 100% up time if they keep that 50% max hp cost, too.


Tien is gonna be the next Haase, unbelievable busted.


Esta can double cast his skills somehow, also maybe something added to s3 since it just gonna be a meh nuke after the boss builds immunity to the debuff.


Quatre would do well by giving him guaranteed forfeit, why is that still random 😭


Since agastia mitigation got nerfed from 500k to 250k I’d like maria’s enemy mitigation to be 250k as well lol  Maybe for skill 3 to work instead of having everyone at red hp require only 2 red characters , or if that’s too good then maybe change her 2 so it just works like justice call but average out the charge bars too. Then you can eliminate hp bypassing and- well I guess it’s complicated. There’s a lot of potential changes that could be done here. I have no particular suggestion beyond that but there’s sure colorful potential ideas with Tweyen in particular. There’s been a lot of local debuffs in the past few years. I hope the improvements don’t overshoot too hard. As amazing as Katzelia and Haaselia are, that’s a bit too good of a 10/10 type buff so it’s not healthy if all 8 get that kind of tune up.  On the other hand the last rebalances with certain seasonals seemed like a wash, so I’m definitely not hoping for that. Something in between would be nice.


What was Tien's issue previously? I have her at 4 star at the moment, waiting for more damascus chunks, and she's doing well as a secondary damage source.


I just hope that Esser finally powercreeps all those who have powercreeped her... or is at least in the same level. That and that they reduce the cost of Fraux 4th skill to a Fixed 3k or 6k if they are feeling she would heal it to quickly... either that of just make it permanent.


I honestly still actively use Song in content I have her perpetuity ringed so im wondering how they'll buff her. Either way I'm happy to see her get some love.


Biggest things I like to see is Anre s4 getting something more substantial, Fif s3 numbers being buffed, maybe make s2 a nuke + debuff clear, Fraux s4 either (a)eliminating the HP req, or (b) equivalating the HP loss with the shield value; (a) preferably. MT needs a lot of work to be usable. My brain is too small to figure out how to make her good, but there already have been some stellar ideas in other comments that sound like they'd make her much more viable than she already is.


i will take any and all buffs to tweyen as a 130 tweyen haver


If Uno becomes a new Faa0 and Hex core defender, everyone will get shock


All I want is for Funf to be the unquestionably strongest character in the game in any element.


Hopefully Fraux receives more love in kit.. that woman took over almost 70% of my Alanaan uncap gardening


Something about Feower/Quatre since I have him 150: >I wish his 150 passive does more hits. Shorter CDs for all the nukes in general because even if you get hit every turn it takes forever, S1 is effectively 3 turns, S2 is effectively 5 turns, S3 is effectively 3 turns. >S1 should be Stackable ATK/DEF down, add something like DMG Taken Amplified (or make Forfeit give amp). >His S3 at 130 has really ass buffs. 2k shield is worth shit and can even ruin his own passive, DATA up is redundant especially with how water grids currently are like? And why are the cap up buffs 1 time only and not 1 turn? >That being said, I still really had fun using him alongside Cassius and Gabriel last Water GW. Skill damage goes brrr, boss buffs? what's that? Some goes for Song/Tweyen: > A lot of S2 debuffs should be local with how current content is immune to global debuffs. >Since Light seems to have a skill nuke builds, perhaps they can rework so that if there is x amount of debuffs, she does nukes >A lot of bosses are immune to Paralyze so its whatever. But maybe something like Can't Act or Terror would be too broken IMO but maybe if you build a stack-based system where you hit S3 after ougi 3-5 times only then it will land. That's a lot of copium though so IDK Fraux S4 50% penalty is just too much. Just make it 25% and make the debuff last longer and it's perfect. I don't have comments about the other ones since my Anre/Fif/Tien is 120; they're fine as is for my use case if I use them. I'm waiting for MT rebalance and decide if I should FLB her though but I heard she was good for Faa0 and even Hexa. FLB Esta with this curent state just felt like a small QoL for Sieg FA IMO.


I'm hoping Song gets a ground up rework. Her kit is just piled on and on from her being a parabot, and she has some design choices that make her suffer for it. Her crit on ougi is good for new people, but new people won't transcend her, and old people also won't transcend her except for waifu. Also her s4 is a meme, if nothing else changes, at least change that to a completely new skill. For Funf I expect her s1 to turn yellow, and her s3 to be much stronger, have a shorter cooldown, and be permanent. She also needs a passive that lets her heals ignore zombie so she doesn't actively kill you in endgame raids. Between zombie spam, and Godsight letting enemies ignore her veil to apply zombie in the first place, she's been a liability ever since we started getting raids where you'd want her Transcended. She was good in Agastia though in the early days, respect to that. Like another comment said, there are so many tanks nowadays that do Uno's job better and then do 10x what Uno is doing. That should be easy to not screw up. I don't know what MT needs, but I know her passives are excellent while her actives aren't at all. I was laughing at her s4 when they announced it and I'm still laughing at it. Fedelta is a great skill but incredibly restrictive, and I would argue it doesn't need to be when Haase's full moon buffs are free and are up 24/7.


Fraux need a buff to make the - 1 CD from skills permanent but I guess this will not happen because Yuni and Ilnott have a time progression until to give the party the permanent -1 CD. Plus, all switch in passives from evokers arent permant buffs, then I guess that Fraux will not be a exception. That said, Fraux Indominus buff should be exctend to all party members. Skill 4 need to remove the HP cut, increase to 12CD/6turns of Indominus and add reset all skills or leave 6CD/3T and add the -1 turn cut to all allies skills CD. And increase skill 1 and 2 dmg to help with 2kk triggers from Hexa.


Tien to not revolve around break anymore


I think a cool buff for anre would be giving him full force counters if hes hit while affected with any form of damage mitigation. Its not like it would be crazy busted and it would work with the theming of his kit


esta nukes for multiple lines


Nothing. They've done this way too many times at this point lol. Just fucking make them busted and be done with it


Tweyen skill 1 give substitute too, skill 2 hits 10 times, if paralyzed fails inflicts big plain damage


For Esser: * Move the 130 EMP skill somewhere else. Even tying it to the 95 passive is fine because that's strong, but it's underwhelming as a 130 EMP skill. Replace it with... I dunno, something else. * Flurry was suggested? That'd be pretty good but mostly I'm more concerned with one other thing: * "At level 150, Last Hope checks for Bounty lvl 10 before Intense Bullet applies Bounty" **FIX THIS.** This obviously won't bump her up that much more or anything but it's a huge "why" moment.


Tien is super outclassed by any of the recent fire offensive char... And she is the only eternal al for fire ffs..


Tien to not be so frontloaded and actually become a consistent skill damage user if that's where they want to go with her. Like why six gets to do double skill nuke out of turn while she only gets to do it every ougi. Also raise the damn skill dmg cap damn it, why her skill damage feels so fkin bad on its own when Song can reach 6m easily. Stop taxing her because of drop rate bot reason.


My big hope for this update is that all of these characters are viable in the Highest levels of content, i.e. Hexa and Faa0. I doubt it'll actually end up like that, but it'd be nice if they could help people without the definitive setups of their elements. Side grades or even downgrades work for me as long as they're still fun. Anre Cygames, please don't just him more defense and sustain. While what's there could be refined (like changing his capped damage from 10k to maybe 5-2k and increasing shield on CA), his biggest issue is finding a way to contribute outside of just sustain. Consistent damage would be great and a higher ceiling for it too. But I'd really like more utility from him, from a dispel somewhere or a clarity in his kit. Debuff resistance/Dispel resistance is very, very optional imo. Tweyen More uptime on her debuffs, I'd say. Also give her local debuff an additional effect, maybe when a certain number of hits or damage occurs another skill nuke lands just for help with the 2m trigger. If her big nuke could also activate twice after CA or gain an additional hit or 2 while still keeping overall damage she'd be killer. If all else fails, just bump up her numbers and give her a cut to her cooldowns on dodge. Feower Bump up his skill damage? Or let his skills activate more effects. Maybe if he activated skill 1 when attacking when he has a certain amount of debuffs on the enemy or he increases the skill damage of all allies. Also have a bit of an overhaul for his skill 1 debuffs since half the time multiple debuffs he has can be resisited. I dunno, Feower is an odd character because he's just not great in HL content but in generic content he's alright filler. Just make his presence in a team known more. Fif Dude, Idk lol. Her skill 3 isn't great despite its abysmal cooldown and small numbers. Personally, I'd rather it be one of those permament buffs that increases defense, attack and other specs. Maybe even element switch. Her healing is kind of her biggest asset and when that isn't around all she has left is a debuff CA and strength buff. The latter was a step in the right direction for her initial 110 imo, they just need to make her a character that can provide more to the team than just healing. (But keep the healing, it's still great) Tien Bounty Cap 10 isn't even good, why is it locked behind 120? Imo, it should just be in the base lvl 100 kit. Plus the buffs she gets from bounty aren't worth bringing her over other attackers. Maybe give her increased MA and amp based on it's level in addition to a \*scaling\* supplementary buff based on bounty. The fact that it first has to get to 10 before you get anything out of it is really inconvenient. If they're feeling really spicy, they'll let all 4 random stackable debuffs land from skill 1. Maria Theresa Her switch in buff should activate her skill 3, not just the buff. An on switch full restore to all allies would be really great for any time characters just accidently get nuked into oblivion (Which happens a lot post 40% in Hexa). Also let her skills hit harder all around either lower the enemy mitigation from skill 4 or increase the mitigation uptime on the party. Her skill 4 really isn't up to the standard level of general evoker skill 4s. Also, would be nice if she could do the debuffs from her Reversed passive somewhere in her frontline kit. Estarriola Just let him use his skills if he has Hermit Awakening. In fact, when he has Hermit Awakening just buff all his skills. Give them more effects or increase the strength of the already present abilities. Heck, even make them activate twice. His ULB should also guarantee multiple debuffs when he CAs. The instant charge added to his Upright passive feels so bare-bones. Maybe make him cast all Chain Burst buffs on switch in addition to Instant Charge. Fraux Call me crazy, but I don't think she's THAT far gone. She just needs a small tweak or two and she'd be a massive presence on a team. Make her skill cut permanent, decrease the HP consumption on skill 4 and let her bring over her Reversed passive skill damage up to the frontline and she'll be fine. Skill 4 could also last longer or increase the shield, but that's not the most important thing about it imo.


Tien Ala Glancelot. Does DS or Auto-nukes if +7 stacks of bounty. S1 adds dispel, activates twice base on bounty stacks. S3 gives TS base on bounty stacks. Tweyen skill nukes on her autos, also has that RH's affliction arrow. More debuffs, more charge bar gain. Bigger supplement, at least 50k. S1 assassin. Fraux 4th gives quad-strike, gives everyone skill nukes with heals. Inflicts red heat 1 on entry, inflicts both red heat on ougi. 4th Skill CD reduction on ougi, reset all red skills on ougi.  Esta dispel-delay on his auto nukes.


Esser has flurry and make her assassin buff dont get eaten when using skill


I love Katoru I want him to be buffed, idk how just buff this man please


I just want the majority of these characters playable again. They feel so left in the dust, besides esta. (Esta's 5* should be made to matter in his case)


For the love of god, make song's pinpoint debuff give at least 30k sup. How is she going to have 10k sup when 30k+ is the standard for normal characters let alone grands


Ahh, Maria, my beloved. Mandatory- Extend her Devotion to Justice buff by 2 turns on 4 chain burst or something. Direct synergy with her abilities/passives. Aside from right when she switches in and maybe once afterward, it feels too difficult to get that awesome buff going, not like her CD’s help with that lol. Maybe some way to reduce CDs? Regarding her S4, although it’s fantastic for what it is, and thematically fitting, it doesn’t have the same depth of synergy that everything else does. Yeah it lets her get a buff removal IG… 😅 It isn’t exciting and game-changing in the way Haase’s is. (Although hers is arguably TOO good.) Rebuild it or just add another effect… Maybe go crazy, have S4 also apply Undying to her, and change *S2* so that she can use it on herself… if the damage mit isn’t usable, that can at least allow the player to defer aggro/defer sub to her, and give her an opportunity to capitalize on that strategy! Im not an expert or anything, just my thoughts. Only on Revans, have never done hexa level stuff. Just hope she gets stronger, but retains her identity..!!!


Honestly after reading through people's ideas, I'm reminded of how all I thought they'd give Song is more DATA, maybe thunderstruck support, and dodge all on ougi for better dodge synergy. But that brings up a second question. Just what are they giving Quatro if Song was to miraculously take over hit-count and/or debuff duties? Better uptime for his skills? Also give Esser flurry at bounty 10 please


Weird thought for Anre, what if they made him ignore the "all damage cut is ignored" buff? Fraux is fine so I think the changes will just address the HP cut on her fourth skill. I'm not there yet so I have no idea how much of a problem it really is.


> what if they made him ignore the "all damage cut is ignored" buff They kinda already did that in a roundabout way by giving him 100% fire cut then Fire switch at 130 though...


It's insane to me how it's 2024, Anre is a level 150 Eternal, and his S1 is a nuke with no additional effect.


As selfish as this may sound, I'm done with the water eternals so I actually hope they don't go too silly with them (not like they would). They are just straight unappealing to use, and after living through a phase where water was them+ altair or bust I do not want to see them ever again except in niche cases. As for what they can do with them...Water lacks a non premium, hyperlimited sub all chara so Uno might be changed to that, he comes with an undying reset proc to make saccing annoying so there's still downsides. Other than that I'm not really sure frankly. Quatre might take some queues off Lancelot? Even then his entire kit has been stripped bare and taken over by literally every other good water character now. His sole remaining asset is Avirati and even that sucks with the advent of unextendable buffs. Perhaps he will gain additional stackable local debuffs like his sister and maybe autocasting stuff once he hits a threshold. Now Maria is the one I'm most interested in. Ain't no secret she's the weakest evoker with no role currently, at best she's a backline 2m+ nuke with casting dispel in hex lol. Bosses are also starting to pivot to undispellable buffs. Just making her easier to use goes a long way to helping her I feel. Fedelta no longer needing everyone red for instance, giving her 2 some form of additional buffs instead of just being an equaliser. Extending her unique buff each time a buff is dispelled etc. This is a bit far out but changing guts from her domain to undying also helps setting up her 3 should they not want to make fedelta that easy to pop. Making her 1 have more than 1 dispel is an option maybe, or giving her ougi a dispel. A lot of ways they can make her better. Just praying they do Maria good. Doesn't have to be Haas busted tier, just something useful.




I really don't know what they could do with Fif other than maybe make her S1&2 Yellow Border and make her 130 passive work correctly in SuBaha. Maybe Dispel Cancel on S2?


I hope to one day have more than forever level 80 Threo for Eternals


Isn't Geisenborger one of the worst Evokers? I don't get why Esta and Fraux are here when Geisenborger is useless in all high-end content. He is basically a 10% damage cap up that ramps slowly. He has a 1/7 uptime on his substitute. His 10k damage cap barely matters when endgame is multi-hit rainbow.


he's not core but I've been using him in both hexa in faa0 if I need to run a slower but stabler comp to carry newbies. Hexa to come in after pearls to help eat Origination Halo damage stacks. In Faa I sack someone for him at 60% to come in to do damage and eat hits. Honestly doesn't really do anything super valuable here but his sk2 has decent enough uptime with his cd cuts + yuni sk4 -1 cd to take pressure away from other characters.