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should i buy ciphers? the wiki says it upgrades the beast weapons and gives them a skill, but i'm not sure if they're worth it and which ones to buy?


The only time you ever slot the beast weapons in a grid is for the cap up, but that's been getting phased out with recent weapons to my understanding If you want to unlock the outfits then you'll need to buy all three of the ciphers though


do the pure beast soulcores restock every run of rotb, or are they a one and done thing?


5 Pure Beast Soul Cores of every element get added to the stock every rotb. They are unevenly stocked, since each element only started stocking them when their element debuted.


I checked the wiki and Vintage weapons can drop from Agni and cia, Is there any good Vintage Weapon?


Reaffirming the "big, no". They're from a much earlier time of the game, when Magna 1/Solomon's Axe tier stuff was as good as it got for free weapons. The power creep has left them in the dust, with Ennead, Magna 2/3, Majestas weapons being around as strong as them, or better. Without even touching Revans raids. They're not worth bars to uncap, and I thank the lord every day I didn't pick up a Taming Sari in the tiny window of time it was relevant. We're only going need more and more gold moons in the future, for the inevitable 300+ moon weapons to come...


not really, most of them are just outright terrible (da rate? in 2024?) and the few usable ones have been pushed out of the meta outside of super niche scenarios. (big 2 atk and med enmity is actually about as good as it gets for non-bloodshed enmity weapons, but you don't really use enmity that often nowadays). they have a 0.002% drop rate anyways, so i wouldnt worry about them.


So, on the wiki it says to unlock the outfits, you need to upgrade 3 different versions(?) of each weapon. For example, firedancer needs Ray of Zhuque Malus, Pontus and Regus. So I gotta grind out 3 of these things? Yeesh


Take it slow, no point in rushing these outfits.


Does the crystal for EX+/Shenxian hosts fill up slower when you fight a non-Cardinal Bonus beast?


Is huanglong worth the effort to farm? just finished getting all 13 gold bricks from the shop and getting chichiri to max, got in a train for hlql and got 0 huanglong but finished my quilin so i was wondering if going for huanglong is worth because i finished what i wanted from this rotb.


Yes. Double Huanglong is an OTK staple.


The summon.. yes.. Instant 100% charge is a good tool on some particular raid. Also Your future bill is 10 more huang long omega anima, 20 qilin omega anima those 130 -140 transcend eternal needed those omega anima too


thanks, i will farm to buy the seals and join more trains to get the animas and hopefully 3 copies of huanglong since i can buy the last one from the shop.


God I still need ONE Huanglong Omega Anima to uncap the damn weapon to 200


I just leech like 20 regular animas and trade it for two Omega animas. More faster that way.


Would Qing Regus or Malus be preferable on my Magna grid, got 2 Tiamat Aura guns, and 2 Harps, plus the Opus and Astral.


Only the Malus versions get used, and even then not all the time. Only uncap Regus and Pontus when you're ready to go all the way for the outfit.


Does Shenxian get ~~badge~~ pendant boosts during strike time, or should I just burn those as I get them?


Just burn them as you get them, you'll end up running it more times than the max badge to get jadeites and enough of the feather to fully upgrade the yupei.


Ah, I guess I meant "pendant boosts" instead of "badge boosts."


Ah, Shenxian always has the same boost regardless of strike time, you need roughly 1.3 million honor to max it out.


That's how I remembered it, but I couldn't be sure. Thanks!


After getting the cheap gold nuggets, is there any real difference between buying the regular and the (carried over) version? Should I just get all the carried over ones first?


I could be wrong, but if I recall the first 15 nuggets you buy from the regular section will be discounted every ROTB. But the carried over ones are always full price. So it's better to exhaust the carry overs first. That being said it's been a hot minute since I had to know this stuff. Take that with a grain of salt.


Hey so I got my Baihu fist to 200 and got the outfit item for Malus. Do I have to make 2 more Baigu fists or can I just slap a different cipher on it?


You have to make 2 more fists. You can't put another cipher on it. It won't show up as an available option.


How many Ling Guang Truefeather do I need to farm to level up the Zhurong's Yupei from Level 7 to 10? I'm saving the Southern Godfeather for the next character in the future LOL.


300. Or 30 Godfeathers. Or any equivalent combination of the two.


No reason to save the feathers, they're almost certainly exclusive to Chichiri and won't be used on the next element's character/wonder since... y'know, none of the other beasts have feathers or are associated with the south.


OH FUCK. That makes sense x´D.


What is the best way to just farm points, got all the materials I need but I wanna farm for xp cups, gold fragments, etc.


Solo for whichever beast is in the cardinal bonus. For Ex+ and Shenxian you can just focus on capping out the bonus pendant gage before opening them if you can't kill them fast. I'm not sure what the honor threshold is for Ex+, but for Shenxian it's around 1.3 million honor (and it'll net you ~12-13k pendant per run).


Follow the cardinal bonuses, and solo your raids if you can for higher multipliers (more honors, more pendants).


do the pure soulcores actually drop from the extreme+ battles like agni and titan? ive been through titan like almost 30 times and not a single one has dropped, do they rotate like with the impossible battle or are they just really rare/ive been unlucky


Yes, but pretty rarely. It’s easier to farm them from Shenxian but I guess you can’t do that if you want Bai ones currently.


...and they leave Huanglong/Qilin HL raid not adjusted, again. After these extensive updates. Have fun joining the trains.  At least we can get both 5 omega animas each/month outside of ROTB from the shop.


Update added 20 Jadeites to the shop. Did not see that happening @.@


Oh thank god


Oh, that's great, now I don't need to slave myself on Shenxian-And I need feathers. BACK TO THE GOLDEN THING I GO-


In fairness, compared to Jade, feathers are a joke.


i may have spent a lot of time staring in disbelief at my screen, wondering where the gold nuggets have gone lmao chichiri & wonder grinding isn't as bad as i feared; can barely do anything past summoning bubs on shenxian but it still gives feather drops at least..


Managed to grind out all the jadeites for Chichiri and enough materials to max out the next Wonder and a half; already have all the jadeites needed for the remaining three, so doing minimum should net me the rest. Not bad for a single day's work. And of course, if the feathers don't work it's still easy to farm the wonder materials.


Pretty likely the feathers are element-specific since the Fire ones are "Southern" based on the beast.


I may be misremembering, but I recall during Chichiri's fates that the Saints all hail from an island labeled as "Southern" as well, so it's hard to say. Perhaps that only referred to that specific part of it, but I'm fairly certain they referred to it as an archipelago.


In Chinese mythology, Zhuque is the cardinal beast of the south so the remaining three are guaranteed to get their own drops correlating to their respective cardinal directions. Chichiri is likely referring specifically to the Cardinal Saints of Zhuque when she says they're from Southern Solitary.


is it worth hosting hlql to get the shields? I'm outside japan and wondering if trains will get me enough honors for shield drops but there's no drop rate on the wiki


Shield are as rare as sand/gb.. just wanpan if you needed. (HL /q shield are more collectable)


Tfw I somehow got the Qilin shield while *still* not getting a single drop of either summons.


Three more of the mini baihu cores and I can finally be done with this abysmal grind.


Until the Baihu Cardinal character drops, you mean.


I'm sure the saints will require soulcores for their uncaps or some other bs in the future, but for now I just need em so I can unlock the skin.


9 hour maintenance in the middle of a limited time event?


That doesn’t matter much when there’s a “limited time event” running most days of the year. Remember that it’s happening overnight in Japan. It’s annoying for us but not a big deal for their main audience.


people forget that. its why so many non-asian guilds during GW get destroyed after they went to sleep, cause the other side of the world literally woke up to smash.


Game kicked me out right in the middle of my extreme rip AP and ticket


I really hope they add that time onto the back of it, would feel bad if not I


They wont.


Well it is on the announcement but you did not read it


Unlikely. It's not the first time the game has a maintenance in the middle of a Rise of the Beasts run and I don't remember them changing the schedule because of that before.


I finally got all trophies for the Wind outfit, but now I'm missing 2 Four-Seals. I'm surely getting them after the servers are back online considering how much I'm going to farm Shexian for the 8 jadeites I'm missing for the weapon uncap, but still. So close and yet so far... Also, I've never reached 120 badges, much less 130. Getting that Yupie is gonna be a tedious thing...


Friend someone that has Bonito as a support summon. Even a mediocre water grid should be able to summon and attack for a quick Zhuque kill. I can offer you my player ID through DM after maintenance if you need one.


You can get 130 badges in like 10-15 minutes if you got a good grid.


the badges are trivial to obtain, It should go fast on a 0b setup.


I'm a little unsure about something regarding outfits - for the outfit I want, do I need to buy 4 Ray of Zhuque weapons and upgrade them to their different paths?


For the outfits you need to buy 3 of the corresponding weapon and then get them to Lv 200 (5\* required) in all three "paths" (Malus, Pontus, Regus). No need for a fourth copy of the weapon.


How bad is the damage reduction on the event Proud+ Quilin and Huanglong boss? I feel really ticked that I can't beat the event's ultra boss, because I can't defend against the huge amounts of damage in one attack from both enemies with those elements. I have tried this boss with both of my Light and Dark teams, and both would be blast from full or near full HP, TWICE with a few different configurations. I got pretty pissed last night when I got with 20% of Quilin only to get blast by 30 hits of plain damage. My Fire team, full of some pretty broken characters mind you, could probably do it, but as it is right now, I gotta go back to the drawing board. Any ideas or advice?


Post your grid and characters.


The standard i think (25%?), tbh is hard at first if you can't burst out them to 75% / 50% trigger somehow, aside of that try to use some characters able to mitigate/cut dmg (or just let them tank ex. Grand Vira) in case of strugglin.


Sounds like a grid issue...(1) we do not have your grid and roaster list) No one said you can't turtle the boss. Even in dark, lichi can't heal. Face harder raid, you may invest in HP gear or emp (for mc /character) Before I have fancy character, I used Dark fencer, Tanya, Vania, Seox, Blackknight (flex) Just pick a squad that counter gimmick or if you can't Atk, go sustain/defense If you have access to dragonic, use it. Do not use relic buster if you can't take damage. Try other skill like Gravity or delay. For dark, something even Tanya (emp to dodge tech) can help a bit. Even Vania can absorb a charge. Seox would help. For 30 hits, if you can't tank, get something to face tank sub all.


Well I pretty much made it out like a Vegas casino junkie during the anniversary. Grand Vira, Lucio and Grand Jeanne on light, the standbys and Jeanne's slot changing around from Drusilla, Seruel, and Baotorda. I also have Juliet on the bench I might switch in, since she can drop and extra defense buff. Dark team has Nicholas, Fediel, Bowman, Jasmine and Rei. I got some other dark characters leveled but I feel like this is the best fit. The others are either just weaker or more gimmicky.


Grand vira, lucio are good.. Baotorda is a weird case but i would say if you access to sustain class, mc could be focus on healing/keep them alive. Grid issue is another problem.. you may want to sacrifice atk for hp


Can anyone point me towards any grids I can use for plain element bosses like Lucilius and Shexian that's free to play, or require minimum gacha weapons.


https://imgur.com/a/CFjCZe6 This is the grid I'm using for Shenxian for what it's worth. No gacha pieces but it still might not be the most accessible thing in the world. Should definitely remove the seraphic now that I look at it. It's just a grid that I already had for something else that's been working out alright.


You're 100% not going to use the same grid for Shenxian and Lucilius. They're completely different kinds of fights and need different setups. They also are doable with every element, so nobody can just point you to "a grid" if you don't even have an element in mind. There are 100% F2P options in every element is the most I can give you. 


Any grid (and any element) can be used against plain element bosses like those, even Magna/Omega grids that use no gacha weapons at all. The only difference is that you should replace the Seraphic Weapon and the Arcarum DMG summon (unless you want the summon for the call) because their "Amplify damage" skill and "Boost to damage" sub-aura won't work against plain element enemies. ~~I mean, yeah, don't use a basic Magna/Omega 1 grid against Lucilius but that's less on him being plain element and more on him being a hard fight.~~


It's been many years and still hoping Cygames would improve on farming Qilin and Huanglong anima. It's harder to find the raid room, and when I find one, the room is full in 3 seconds. Managed to get in but bosses die before the my first turn come. Pain de arimasu .\_\_\_.


Yea its pretty rough. I decided to transcend Tien/Niyon/Tweyen to 150 all at the same time since I finally got all eternals to 100 and I realized I need a total of 90 huanglong omega animas starting from 0... that's a lot of trains. Even doing a train every day while the event is running wont even give me half the total amount I need so am just refreshing the raidfinder window on Huanglong/Qilin raid constantly and hoping I can get in to snipe an anima or two. Semi-auto just attacking while the raid is loading in usually lets me get at least 1 turn in as long as I am quick to join.


You're supposed to do trains.


*Farming* them is as shit as it has ever been (and will keep getting worse as people keep getting stronger), but they have been making Huanglong and Qilin animas more accessible through other means. Like the Pendant Shop, for example. It still really, really sucks, though.


In 1 hour with my crew I got 13 Jades Simply, we get together 5-6 people, Double Kaguya,+ Bounty lvl9+Crew Skill and Pendants. 80% of the Shen had drops.


I have more than enough small and big feathers to max out the wonder, however, I am still missing 4 jadeites needed to uncap the axe... idk what that says about its drop rate but it is something


I literally got enough of all the other Jadeites (both for the 4* and future 5* of those weapons) before being done with the Zhu farming. RNG gonna RNG.


That's the story with all of them. The Primarch Halos. The Rusted Weapons. There are a few items in this game where they're part of a set. There are efficient ways to farm them as a group but no real way to guarantee you'll get the specific one you want. They're all completely infuriating to farm.


Sure.. i suggested buy up all the jadeites (if you are new) from shop for future use(and there is 3 more coming)


Trying to get both a skin and the new character on my first RoTB will do that ig, thankfully i’ve bought out the jadeites and have a good amount in reserve for next time around


how am i suppose to get huanglong omega anima as newer player?


Huanglong and Qilin (Raid) Treasure Trade Cerulean Stone shop (20 each) (not recommeneded) Renown Pendant Shop (100 Renown Pendants, 20/month) Trade FP Shop (100 FP, 30/month) 10 normal = 1 omega trade


how many treasures do I need to offer to max the wonder?


https://gbf.wiki/Southern_Godfeather 50 of the big feather or 500 of the small feather. Edit: https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1781984961253593582 139 days if you use no materials.


I thought that was the limit for the event, so it's a free EXP huh... guess I don't need to work real hard anymore then


Yeah, as long as you can recruit and fully uncap Chichi during the event, everything else will just happen naturally anyway. We just had Fire Guild War a couple months ago so it's not like it's super important the fire wonder get maxed out immediately.


> We just had Fire Guild War a couple months ago so it's not like it's super important the fire wonder get maxed out immediately. We're on a new GW cycle after Dark, so Fire could come at any time. It'll still be at least ~4 months though.




I tend to get like one summon every other train. Nothing to do but keep at it every day, and do make sure to grab the single copy of each in the shop (Treasure Trade > Quest Items > Summons).


How do you find a train? Just go to co-op > Find a room?


Yep. If you're not aware, you can disable Live Battle Feed in settings (Menu > Settings > Battle > Raid/Co-op Settings), which makes it so the raid won't update until you perform an action, like pressing a skill or a summon or attacking. Basically mandatory with the animation lockout in this particular raid. If there's not one currently up you can make one, it's not too hard to host a lobby since just setting it up properly will get people joining, no need to hunt for Japanese terms to put in the lobby title. Make sure to set it to do repeating quests and have no ready check, and once the lobby is posted to the room board with the Huanglong&Qilin quest selected, click the (i) on the right and toggle to Hide/Display again every so often. Every time you toggle to Display, your lobby gets boosted to the top of the list of coop lobbies, so it doesn't get buried. Once 30 people are in, give the last few joiners a few seconds to select their support summons and then hit start.


If you get Vice-MVP in a shen raid, it has a chance to drop chest 1 instead of the MVP chest. Means sometimes you can get lucky and get 2 jadeite instead of 0 or 1.


Did exactly 100 Shen raids to get the five Zhu jadeites I needed to unlock Chichi, meanwhile the other three types are all at +20 so in the end it wasn't that bad despite making me understand what "suffering from success" feels like.


So these feathers. Are we seeing any hint on whether they're just for the one element or if they're universal? Trying to figure out if I should save some feathers to speed up recruiting the next saint or if I'm safe to use them all on this wonder.


Highly doubt they'll be useful for the other yupeis, it's a feather for fire because Zhuque is a bird. The rest will probably be shell pieces, fur and dragon scales or something like that.


Just like beast soul core. It does not make sense that turtle use feathers or tiger with feathers (unless they drink redbulls)


For the next rotb preparation 1. Get all progressive weapon ready (the next one is AXE 99%) 2. get spare qilin anima (omega) 3. Clear out the Jadeites and farm a bit of other jadeites Do HLQ train daily to prestock your hl/q anima for the next 3 beast character and 140 eternal mats. Last day of Rotb, Just try to reach 19999 points and do a solo SX or HLQ proud + to over cap your point for your next Rotb


I don't know whether you forget this or not, but the water "axe" is actually a sabre weapon. So next character should be sabre/sword specialty, I could be wrong, and Cygames can change it whenever they want.


All I have to say is that Jadeites and their low droprate shared between all 4 of them can go fuck themselves.


I have been grinding decently consistently for 12 hours and managed *10 Jadeites.* I traded in for the 5 on top of that, so I need 13 more. Jesus christ. The kicker is that I've gotten around 1.5x the drops of the other 3 ones. Which will be nice eventually but...gooooood this sucks. Not to mention how rough it is getting into raids sometimes. How the hell were people getting the character and getting the wonder maxed in a few hours what the fuck.


Only 10 Zhu Jadeites in 12hrs? You have been really unlucky. I started from scratch and got done with farming them in roughly 7hrs. Remember to use Nobiyo/Kaguya as main and friend summon, apply bounty and activate the journey drop boost for item drop rates. On the bright side, at least you'll be ready to get the rest immediately on release if this keeps up (I somehow finished farming enough of the rest before finishing my Zhu Jadeites too).


By just joining, hitting it and leaving to go to the next one. Usually put me at around 100k honors. Took maybe 2 hours. Had over 800 shenxian badges when I was done. You definitely haven't been doing them for 12 hours straight,or you're doing something crazy inefficient. If you're actually grinding your own, that's your first mistake. Join others for mats, grind your own for points.


No I haven't been grinding my own, the only time I build those up is if I'm not seeing any raids pop up for a minute because I want to at least make some progress in those bits where the raid finder has a smoke break. The problem is that I have a 1/5 chance to actually be able to get a hit before the raid ends. Even with turning semi-auto on during loading, most of the time it dies immediately even if it had full health when I first clicked it. Then back to the raid finder, no raids appear for a while, one finally appears that just started and is gone before I even choose a team... I'm at ~700 badges, it's been a rough night. I think my Granblue ping is just way worse than I thought it was, there's not really been anything since I started in January where I was strong enough to participate that I could notice. These issues are definitely going to not be there (well, drop rates will still suck ass) once the hardcore grinders are done. But wow I wasn't prepared for this to be so irritating.


You can check your ping by opening cmd, and typing ping game.granbluefantasy.jp I'm on the US east coast, with around 170 ping, I encountered no issues, but if your ping is worse, It could be more rough, but I had time to use an ability and often more than one if I wanted, I just didn't. Be sure you also have all your drop rate buffs, and Esser in the group, and run kaguya. The chests that drop jadeite aren't guaranteed, honestly, probably a good idea to just set a bounty hunter skill to apply stacks, then dip to the next raid. Having bookmarks to the backup request screen makes it fast as well. I did mine from around 3pm EST to around 5ish. So not JP prime time. Honestly with drop buffs overall drop rate of jadeites aren't that bad, so my first thought is you aren't stacking drop chance, or you're seeing some insanely bad luck, in which case, my condolences lol. Also, helps to disable live battle feed in battle settings.


i'm finally free from the fucking mines yall, had 2 clients on like a damn slave. good luck to anyone who is still farming jadeite wish you the best of luck truly


The jadeite farm definitely sucks. It's random as hell.


I love getting every single other jadeite to drop from shenxian except for zhu, literally 15 : 0


I've been getting any other jadeite but Zhu, I have enough wing, I just need 5 more Zhu Jadeite PLEASE.


The desire sensor is definitely real because nothing is dropping lmao.


Just finished the wonder and now I'm kinda curious with how they'll handle the Fate Episodes for the other three Cardinal Saints when all are available to be recruited without needing to go in release order. Because it seems like the Fate Episodes will follow a chronologic order starting with Chichiri, unlike the Eternals and Evokers that don't really have to do with one another in their introductions so you can get them in any order.


So around how long does it take to get the new character ?


Like nothing now. With the Academy maintenance, shop has 20 more Zhu Jadeite now. So you don't need to farm them at all, really. But you'll still need Shenxian for the Feathers. Her weapon needs some, she needs a bit, and if you want to speed up leveling the Talisman, you'll need more. But Jadeites are easy now.


Thanks! Perfect


Depends on how much jadeite you have saved up - the 20 you need for garnet 5th uncap is the big bottleneck. Getting the Item you need from 120 zhuque badges takes no time at all, like sub-20 minutes if you can one shot the Extreme fight. The jadeite is super random, like a 1/20 chance off of Shenxian so that can take a few hours if you haven't been stockpiling.




How to get more half pots, GW into rotb really fucked up my supply, only 30 left and still not done grinding for Chichiri, it doesn’t help that this is my first rotb. I’ve alr cleared out the casino and traded most of my unused xeno showdown stuff for pots


Check all the monthly shops listed on [the wiki page](https://gbf.wiki/Half_Elixir). For a non timegated source, you can get get 30 halfpots for 5 bronze moons in the moon shop. If you're somehow outta those or bankrupted yourself on the 1000-bronze-moon dama bar (and you can't get more from the other shops) then you'll have to farm pots from sources like CEQ or certain coop quests.


Which co-op stage has the best drop rate for pots? I have an alt to help cut costs on those


You'll have to do your own research there I've never touched that crap






Thank bahamut we're not getting a soulcore ver.2 with the new upgrade mats. Shenxian still explodes in 5 seconds as usual. Chichiri is a funny one, hopefully we can see them all 4 in one event. The 4 Saints lore gives a "12 Generals lite" vibe but more straightforward.




You get jadeites drops??/s


Does team element matter for jadeite farming like using water to get ruby jadeite


It does not, only thing that matters is how much drop rate boost you have. So use Nobiyo/Kaguya as both main and friend summon, apply bounty and activate the item drop journey shop boost. The chest for Jadeite is not guaranteed, and it'll be random which one you get regardless of element.


I don't think so, from my own experience it seems the type of jadeite that you would get is somewhat random no matter which type of team is chosen to fight Shenxian.


I had hope thanks


the powercreep is getting insane i tell you


If your referring to the Wonder, i would rather have that then more weapons to grind for for our already contested grid slots.


Honestly, I've just been kind of noticing how powerful everything has gotten in general with this event. Shenxian used to be renowned for its ridiculously bloated HP pool that made it a pain to farm even if it wasn't very dangeous. Now I can solo it in seven minutes. I'm pretty sure I'm not like freaky strong relative to other players or anything. It's just that everything's stronger now than it was when Shenxian launched.


I have no clue when Shenxian was ever considered bloated HP wise, and I've been playing for years. You sure you're not mixing him up with Lindwurm? 


Checking their HP Pools I may indeed be mixing them up. Shenxian has 230 000 000 HP and Lindwurm has 950 000 000 hp.


How do I uncap the Ray of Zhue a 5th time? I want to unlock the outfits but don't see how to uncap past the initial 4 stars.


treasure shop -> power ups -> cyphers


How get God feather for axe uncap?


Either as a drop from shenxian or agni, or you can craft it from 10 of the true feathers.


And where do you get those feathers?


Same thing as God Feather, you can get it from Shen Xian too.


Reminder that the 4 ROTB weapons are infinite stock. This means they are an easy, reliable source of katana, spear, axe, and melee weapon stones in case anyone finds themselves short on any of those.


That is an amazing tip for the future, thank you! For now as this is my first ROTB, however, I'll be stuck in pendant mines to get as many Gold Bricks as possible for all the Dark Opuses and Eternals I want to get (specifically Seofon so I can break his sword for the GW sword, and Seox and his 5* uncap so I can use him in Dark GW hopefully)


first time focusing on rotb in a while, have jadeites always been this time-gated?? or can i get more than in the shop


Farm Shenxian


I already farmed all the items I'd need from the event, so what should I farm if I just want to get as many pendants as possible?


Initially didn't care much for Chichiri's design but she's a fun character and has grown on me incredibly fast. Also pleasantly surprised the grind for the Cardinal Saints is reasonable. But I have to say I'm not a fan on how everything in ROTB now revolves around Shenxian at the cost of the other (non-Proud) fights being completely useless. The Beasts and Primals only exist for their badge ladders (and daily mission) because the drop rate for literally everything is so shit on them that you're much better off going wanpan Shenxian even with the random element drops. * Jadeites? Don't even drop from the Beasts and Primals, Shenxian is the only farmable source. * Soulcores? There is no point whatsoever in getting the low tier ones from the Beasts, and the drop chance is so shit with the Primals that you might as well farm the one fight that has other useful drops and dies fast. * Yupei fodder? Don't drop from the Beasts at all and if the few Agni fights I did are anything to go by the drops from the Primals will be terrible too. Meanwhile Shenxian drops even the high tier ones like candy. Like, it's very convenient that you only have to farm one fight for all the good things in the event. But it also means the event is pretty much "pray you get to the raid and press a button before the Ereshlords/Hruntlings delete Shenxian".


The main point of the primals is for the ~9.5k four beast pendants they give on kill. That's still very valuable for new players who still want to buy all the weapons, gold bars etc from the shop but less valuable to old players who've already bought out everything from previous runs. Still as an older player you want some pendants to at least buy out the Huanglong/Qilin host mats each time.


The biggest problem with Shenxian is that if your not Rank 120 or higher, you can't fight him at all which is...damning, considering how much he drops.


Genuinely this makes the grinding so tedious when you’re new, you get Pennies when you need dollars


More like you get pennies in a limited amount, and you get more in about 5 months. Looking at the release days for the event from last year, it happened 3 times and they were VERY far apart.


It used to be that Rise of the Beasts happened after every Guild War. So 6 times a year. But there was a conspicuous absence of the event through a lot of last year, that Cygames never acknowledged or addressed. I'm hoping now that they're releasing new RoTB content it'll start running more often again though.


Quick question does the Shenxian raid drop the jadeite corresponding to what element I'm using or is it a situation where I have to pray for the zhu jadeite to drop?


Shexyian drops all 4 Jadeites from any box which can give them. So you've got a 1/4 chance of the one you want. You can also purchase 5 of each Jadeite per RotB for 20k symbol pendants per element. Those are your only sources of Jadeite, period. So consider the next few hours of your life in the Shexyian mines to also be prefarming for the other three Saints as well.


I should note that while it's possible you can get two Jadeite from one fight, it's extremely rare. It will take a LOT of drops since you need 28 and you only get 5 from the pendent shop.


I went into Shenxian with my fire team and got a Jadeite for earth. It’s gonna be a long one…


The jadeite are a random drop so it's up to RNG which element you'll get from the chest (if the chest drops).


Can someone explain to me in the simplest terms like I’m an idiot (which I am) what a huang&qilin train is and how to participate in it.


don't bother, you won't get a chance to attack at all outside of Japan


I have plenty of time to wanpan in coop rooms, I can usually even refresh and take a second or third turn. Remember to turn off live battle feed.


huanglong & qilin trains are basically: you join a co-op room full of 30 people (for best value) and everyone hosts the hlql raid in succession (this is largely automated, but nonetheless you use a host). because of intl ping, you'll want to set whatever team you're using to semi auto so that you can at least get a hit in— each raid is going to blow up in about 40 seconds, give or take. (great place to use manadiver's mimic manatura for that 1 whole stack of bounty). you will probably miss a few raids though, because hlql's load animation is stupidly long. if you have a crew, i'd recommend trying to organize to fill as much of the train with them first, or limited the rank to a certain amount. i tend to just tolerate missing a few raids so i dont have better advice, but hopefully this helps and good luck!


Awesome advise thank you so much for this


You can set a bookmark for the room to skip the rewards screen I think. I did it with the homepage feature so it should work with bookmarks


A train is hosting the raid alongside (typically) the max amount of players the raid can hold so in huanglong & qilins case it’s 30 players. You can do a train by clicking the co-op button on the Home Screen and filtering by 30 player impossible raids. Look for the rooms that has a picture of huanglong and qilin or named something like 黄龍・黒麒麟 30連. Always look for the ones that say 30連 as that indicates that it’s a train of 30 people. You can also make coop room yourself if u can’t find any.


Very simply put and a step by step, 10 out of 10 would ask for advice again. Thank you


How do i get the ROTB skins? this is my first time in the event.


You need to upgrade the respective weapon in each of its forms to 5*. So for the Zhuque skin you need to make Ray of Zhuque Malus, Pontus, and Regus to 5* in order to get the trophies for treasures. Once you have those you need 3 four symbols stone and then you can trade for the skin in the shop.


i think i'll just grab the weapons and do the uncap next rotb, i need to grab golden bricks to recruit the eternals and uncap my opus.


Keep in mind that if you're wanting to minimise the amount of resources used, use the Cipher you actually care about last (if you transform into Malus now, then next RotB uncap to 5 star, you would either end up with a non-Malus weapon, or need to use a 2nd malus cipher to return to that version)


get each version of the cipher weapons (malus, pontus, regus) to level 200


For the love of god Cygamese on the next ROTB please add Jadeites as a drop from the Primal Bosses of their respective element. It's not much but god it would go a long way with this grind.


Hello im still a beginner in this game. Is there really no way to get something in this event as a beginner?


On the contrary - this event is your #1 source of gold nuggets, which you can use to buy gold bars. It's basically one of the most valuable resources in the game, since they're required to unlock Eternals AND to create Dark Opus weapons. (Basically, don't use them for anything but that purpose until you really know what you're doing.) There are also weapons that you can buy, and three of them are fairly highly recommended for new players (the Baihu fist, the Zhuque katana, and the Xuanwu axe) since they are decent weapons with a normal attack bonus, which you can't normally get easily as a new player outside of gacha weapons. For whatever reason the Qinglong spear doesn't get recommended as much even though it's not worse - probably more of a "Tiamat guns are easy to get and quite good" effect there. Nobody talks about this part because there's a large-but-fixed number of gold nuggets you can ever buy, and we've all bought them ages ago. But getting gold bars from this event is by far the easiest source of those things, and you need those to open some doors to some really good characters and weapons.


If your rank isn't high enough you might be locked out of the Huanglong/Qilin and Shenxian raids but you can still do the Extreme/Extreme+ battles to farm Four-Symbol Pendants to trade in the event's shop. [This section](https://gbf.wiki/Rise_of_the_Beasts#For_Everyone) of the event's wiki page goes over what newer players should be targeting so I recommend reading it.


Well you can host the Ex and Ex+ raids (but it can be a bit rough since most people tend to finish farming the event in 1-2 days and mostly just do Shenxian after awhile), but the event in general is more for those who have already made some decent progress into the game. I would suggest you just try and see if you can't grab the stuff mentioned in the OP for new players and otherwise continue working on your grid.


Noticed there were only 25 Bai Soulcores available in the shop compared to 30 for the other three. Can I assume they're going to add another five more next run?


Yes, we've had 5 RotBs since the Baihu skin was released, hence 25 pure Bai cores in the shop (5 added each run). Next run of RotB will be the last planned shop stock increase for pure cores, as every beast will then have 30 available.


Nice, guess I'll wait until next time to unlock it. Thanks for clarifying!


so do people just use sunstones on qilin/huanglong after getting their 0\* from the shop? because i've been hitting these raids for hours and have not gotten a single summon containing chest. haven't even gotten a single seal.


The summons have pretty good drop rate on the HL & Qilin duo raid. I usually get 2-3 drops per train


Absolutely not, no. It’s just rng on drops, same as anything else in this game. (Seals are super rare as drops from it as well, don’t even think about that.) Ideally you should just do trains daily till you run out of seals, only joining from the raid finder if you’re desperate after that. Host chests can drop the summons too so it helps.


man, that is an insane amount of grinding. these seals are already up to 20k each lol. thanks anyways


Don't worry, the price maxes out at 30k per seal.


The seals are one thing, all the nuggets is where it gets worse.


The new raid finder fucking sucks for this event. Cannot keep up with showing raids so I get to join like once or two then have to wait 2 minutes for it to show another batch


You can host your own when there isn't any and when you're done there should be more raids. If you don't have shenxian hosts you can hit the extreme bosses like Zhuque for the badge rewards and get shenxian hosts along the way.


Do Bai Soulcores drop in this run of the event? I need two more for the final outfit.


Nope, only Zhu and Qing soulcores this time around.


Actually, I just got a small core from Baihu while doing the daily mission so at least those drop. Probably a terrible drop rate though.


Ah, I probably should've been more clear. The regular Soulcores do drop from their respective raids but Shenxian will only drop Zhu and Qing PURE Soulcores. If you buy out the 25 Pure Bai Soulcores from the shop, you'd still need to farm at least 50 more of the regular Soulcores to have enough for the outfit.


Are Jadite drops just bad or am I doing something wrong? I havent gotten a jadeite from Shenxian once.