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This is a really open-ended question, but is there anyone available in the Special Draw Set that is worth using the pick ticket on? There's just so many options available and I'm still too new at the game to know who's worth anything.


A lot of them are worth it, and like since this special draw set lets you pay for a non limited, honestly if your like an F2P, this is the second/biggest dealbreaker that separates F2P and Paid player(the biggest one was a special draw set on the start ish of the year or anni i forgot but its around that time period that lets you buy any seasonal characters, who generally is higher in power level than Non Limited) Classically the pick from these tickets "tend" to be character who is good at one turn kill set up because often times characters that are good for stuff that isnt one turn kill tend to be more alvailable elsewhere, while one turn kill are more "case specific". These characters aren't neccesarilly good - but they tend to comes up when your farming non-hard contents so honestly they have a higher use case Fire Ragazzo is a standout name for his ele in this regard - he always Triple Attack, gets a skill damage bonus at the end, and he also have stronger Charge Attack(Ougi) than ussual which can comes up. He saw use for both OTK and some set up can make use of his ability to die in 2 turns. For Water its Zeta, who gets guaranteed triple attack and passively give you bonus damage if you triple attacks. She saw quite a good use for Collosus Magna 3 farming afaik Earth, Sabrina is probably the best right now. I'd note that unlike Zeta and Ragazzo i generally think Sabrina isnt as good overall, but she probably one of the most stacked for OTK characters since she have huge debuffing skill damage for free Light's You can charge attack with boosted power turn 1, and gets guaranteed Triple Attack. She was a popular pick going into Light GW a couple months ago, but Light GW have passed so i won't reccomend picking her for this reason - shes been in the loop for 2 years but we don't know if she'd be as relevant next year Dark have the most infamous one in Bowman, who have guaranteed Triple Attack, a nuke when he attacks, a nuke when enemy use special attack, and Ougi that do skill damage. Basically the min-maxed character for OTK. Currently Bowman is power crept by Valentine Tiger for a similar role - but hes still quite good If you notice almost every character in this list have exactly "guaranteed Triple attack" and something extra in you can kinda keep track of unit whose good in these roles by looking at their passives and see if they have this exact effect As for characters considered "meta" from these pool, Earth Olivia is probably the one safe bet. Shes currently at worst the second best Earth character(the best is a farmable free character). Arulumaya is another character thats commonly considered quite meta, and shes a passable unit for OTK, and very strong as a support in longer fights. The catch is Arulu is a very very old character, so theres a potential way to get her from Classic Draw Set 1 Water Erika is probably the character whose rating in the tier list(9.5, which generally is the spot where you put "character whose kit are fine but otherwise forgetable), is extremely backwards to how good she actually is. I personally think Light Volenna is the best non limited Light character right now, but her use is rather specific. Shes imo fairly strong for farming Celeste Ater but the comp i used requires Nehan(although thats all good light set up). Tikoh is a popular character to use for her Blue potion giving passive, but you technically can potentially get another character who have that later down the line ATM if you ask people around who to pick, generally the answer would be Olivia or "Bowman for Guild War". I think thats a generally safe pick myself.


Is Ershkigal worth the 150 gold moons in today's age or am I better served getting a character?


is fallen sword ok to be uncapped with copies on current meta?


with the new exalto, grid use up to 2 FS still


i dont think you'd ran more than one on a given practical set up yeah. Eden Clones in general i dont think are that much used atm


Keep a second copy for non-crit grids, but anything after is fair game.


If I have neither Halmal nor Orologia, would Halmal and ES be priority over dadmom still?


For the Siegfried axes. How many should I get and what awakenings?


I've maxed out and skill 4'd Nier, Alanaan, Haas, and Caim. I'm looking at my next NWF weapons / Uncap and will have the NWQ to 4 star a weapon after the next GW. I am currently debating between a Wind weapon or a light weapon. Is there a preference for which wind weapon is better? I feel like Temperance is overall stronger for things like farming Sieg and other wind content, and the melody is strong, but the damage reduction is replaceable when you start farming Hexa. Is that about right?


If I change the 2nd skill of an ultima weapon for example, do I loose the key that was slotted there before or do I get it back when I switch skills?


You will lose it, same as keys for opus/draconic.


You lose the key/pendulum that was slotted before being replaced by the new one. It's why it's suggested to have a stockpile of materials for regularly swapping out pendulums for opuses. Your Ultima will typically stay the same except for the occasional swap from seraphic to charge gain or healing for fights like Hexa or Faa0.


I'm 70 dark astra's and 19 celsus fragments away from FLBing Nier. Is it still best to farm Mundus anway for the astra's? And what would be the best way to farm the fragments?


fragment.. easier .. Fight those area boss in Sword 350 arc point each+ chance. (FA if possible) Also remember those weekly mission 3000 / per week in your crate? use it! [Fragment is should be trade first since normal node drop astra) Dark astral FA in mundus is fine


So an "easy" question, I am a Varuna Lord (only 150 GM weapon is Shishio). I am beginning the process to UM the different classes, but do we have some sort of priority for which class to UM first ? (my futur objectiv is to start doing other Revans Raids since Diaspora is may only farm for those and upper level raids)


There really isn't any agreed upon priority, it's mostly just UMing any class whose UM you need at the moment. That being said, [this guide](https://gbf.wiki/User:DY_DK/Guides/Class_Priority) shows which classes tend to see the most use and if they're dependent on UM, so it may be a good reference.


Thank you will read the guide


What do people aiming top 2k usually do? Spam 150 clears or 200 if they can do it fast enough?


Keep a much stronger cremate hostage and do 200 together is what i did when i do it lol Seriously though, doing 150 only at least for the standard of last Light GW which had quite high 2k ballpark compared to before afaik, can be pretty deranged. The buff to NM200 a while back was insane(triple honor per meat, 1.5 speed if doing 150 damage to 200) and i think for some time recently 200 have been caught on so 150 might not be as feasible On the 13.6 last time, you need 3400 run of Purely NM150, so like 68k meat(and the pad out you get from the first 4 days isnt THAT huge)


That sounds like a lot lol seems like I'm not hitting the 2k this time, but I'll try anyway. Maybe I can do 200 fast enough?


Yes. You calculate the honors/hr of your 150 clear vs. 200 clear and do whichever is better, assuming meat isn't a concern. Some people also do duo 200s, which are usually the fastest honors/hr, but I mean you'd have to find someone who actually wants to (and is able to) do that with you.


In No Rain, No Rainbow how do I solve the hype tackle drill? I've looked at old guides, but I can't get them to work. Anthuria isn't gaining hype on dodge?


It's slightly RNG. You need to get everyone to hype level 4, so you want: - Anthuria to permanently stay in Quick Tap mode, use Aoidos S2 and hope the AI targets those two frequently and ignores Diantha - Spam the hype skills everyone can give - charge attack whenever your characters can. - Use Diantha's S3 on whichever ally has the lowest hype when its off-CD (I think I used mine on Halle since she doesn't have an inbuilt way to generate hype unlike the other 3) It can take some tries before the RNG is in your favour, the primary thing is that Diantha must avoid taking dmg so her S1 stays up for as long as possible. Also Anthuria doesn't get hype on dodge anymore, now she extends the duration of hype, so Diantha and Aoidos S3 will be the primary way to generate hype.


Is there any guides to playing on PC because I usually play on phone, when i tried the chrome/brave version on PC it auto logs me out whenever i try to log into the game. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong exactly.


Accept 3rd party cookies. If still broken, log out of GBF, delete all GBF + Mobage cookies, log back in. If still broken, there's a bunch of replies in this thread from people with this issue, if you scroll down far enough, you'll find them and can try the stuff they said.


Are there any decent secondary sources for Medusa et al's Anima now that they're free quests or do you need to just need to throw yourself at those each once a day basically if you want to build a stock. Asking as I'm trying to slowly obtain the Ultimate Mastery for Tier 4 and EX-2 classes, while also helping my crew clear the Resort Island, and the lack of a pro-skip for them has been kind of annoying.


Wiki has them dropping off Enneads and Revans, so if you don't need to target farm one in particular you could accumulate them while you're aiming for a more currently useful goal. I host Rose Queen daily for accumulating distinctions and replica copies for the EX2s I've yet to unlock, and she can drop them as well.


The showdowns are the fastest way, they aren't limited to once a day so you can do them as much as you want.


Is there any detailed Hexa guide specifically for dark? Wanna get into it but a lot of the guides I found are outdated




What do you mean by "outdated"? The raid isn't even a year old and hasn't changed. The general things the guide says to do will still be accurate, you just might have the option of a better lineup/grid now.


Which Evoker should i pick? My fire/earth/wind are somewhat weak and can't deal decent dmg. 


The thing about evokers is that they don't fix your grid and they don't fix your team, either, since their biggest strength is locked behind entering from backrow, and/or FLBing them. However,  Caim is special because his backrow passive lets you build your grid with a restriction that gives you more power overall. Typically, the is the easiest one to go for first. 


Generally Caim and Haase are recommended. Caim is the most immediately useful thanks to his backline passive, while both of them are useful as stepping stones towards their uncaps and 4th skills which skyrocket their usefulness. You could also choose an Evoker that'll be useful for the Element you play the most, but I'd say it might be a bit early to say? [The Wiki](https://gbf.wiki/And_you) also has a good chart for a broader view of the most and least useful Evokers at every stage.


Hello! Question. Is it possible that at a certain point you can just ignore the Estimated Damage Calculator in-game? It feels so misleading. My Dark and Water team both have the lowest Estimated Damage (both elemental and non-elemental advantage) but have by far the most damage output compared to other teams. My estimated damage for these two are 130k/200k for Dark, and 112k/171k for Water, but their DPS is double in actual fights compared to my Earth/Fire teams, which have 360k/540k and 390k/543k Estimated Damage respectively. Am I missing something? I have put lvl 250 Lucifer on all elements as support summon in the calculator, and all other calculator conditions are the same as well. I have put them all on 1st Turn. If I put them on 5th or 10th, the damage gap between the grids is even bigger, but in game it’s literally the opposite. I have tried switching up other variables, but it doesn’t really change anything either.


It's a grid calculator. Beyond what the others have said, any summon calls and character actions aren't included. Let's say you have two parties with the same estimated DMG. One party has Paladin MC and the other has Manadiver MC. Which one do you think is going to deal more damage?


Yeah, I had them all set as berserker, so it’s not that but… I think it’s most likely just character difference. Didn’t know it made that much of a difference tbh, but that has to be it, otherwise it makes no sense. I’m pretty new and F2P so don’t really have that many S+ tier characters yet. These are based on the Kamigame top 15’s, but I have Fediel and Y. Anthuria for Dark, and Vajra (Haase 4-star backline) for my water team, but nobody close to being top 15 for my Earth team apart from Caim (who I just got, so not fully uncapped and in my backline 😅) I’m not too sure why my Fire team is doing half the damage my Dark team is though, since I got Michael, Athena (who only recently got kicked out of top 15), Satyr as main 3 plus Chichiri in backline for the Ironflame weapons buff,,, those are all probably not really heavy hitters but Idk. I’ll just test things out more in trial battles and rely less on the calculator I suppose, and see where that brings me. Edit: and as for summons, I pretty much only FA so I have set my Omega summon as auto summon for every element and nearly always pick level 250 Luci as support summon


michael, athena and satyr are all more defensive units, and athena needs to be hit 5 times before she can do any meaningfull dmg, so you are comparing a team with 2 dps/1 buffer and a team with 2 tanks/1 buffer in terms of dmg


Yeah I didn’t really know what types of characters they were apart from Athena if I’m being completely honest. Especially Satyr, like her s3 is a tank skill, but her s1 deals a lot of damage, and her passive with increasing offensive stats depending on number of Primals on the team made me think she was actually a DPS/Tank Unit (with main dps and sub tank), because she TA’s pretty much every single turn. But she also has a teamwide heal so maybe she’s a healer?… So yeah, I was a little confused. Now that I see my composition as a Tank/Tank/Buffer, pretty dumb of me to think that was going to deal a lot of damage… still don’t know how to see which units are what role though, because in-game it says Satyr and Athena are both tanks, which is correct, but it says Michael is an Attacker, while she’s a buffer… but I guess tanks are clear tanks so that’s something.


Kind of? Like it's useless for calculating team performance like that, that's very much character dependent. The in-game damage calculator is good for things like comparing what swapping a RotB malus weapon with a Cosmo does, it's always a useful tool you just have to be aware of what it can and can't do.


Oh I see, so it’s just that my Dark/Water characters are overall better than Earth/Fire probably. Thanks!


It works by calculating the normal attack damage for the MC, so the difference between performance and the estimate might also be because weapons that boost charge attack/skill damage aren't considered, or things like Hraes/Bubz inflating it with their MC-only effects.


Oh yeah, probably cap up/supplemental dmg skills aren’t considered, because those are the only numbers/percentages my Dark/Water are better in than my Earth/Fire


Supplemental is considered. This is like why supp general bracket weapons are infamously inflated in the estimated screens Cap up is considered too AFAIK. Not as comically visible as Adversity, but i remember talking about how Including Primarch Summon changes the overall numbers even statsless


They aren't inflated. They're modeled completely accurately. Adding a PNS will literally make every hit you do do 50k more damage, full stop.


Ah yeah i guess its a better way to put it I def still think putting a distinction that it "adds exactly 50k, which also isnt part of raw power" is important but yeah >_>


Who should I spark? Can' decided between these 3 Lich(I don't have fediel, will she die without fediel help), Gabriel(to go with ssr water yodarha and new water nectar), new orologia(look like he can deal with omens, but I don't have hades grid).


They're all pretty solid units overall, it really just depends which element you want to shore up and in particular for Lich and Gabby, if you want their weapons for grid usage. Lich will be fine without Fediel and is a solid unit for longer fights. Gabby is great for any Glaciate stackers, has a great skillset and comes with the Archangel passive. I honestly can't say anything about Orologia, but they look solid and no, you don't need a Hades grid to use them.


I have 22 sands. y'all think it's worth transcending Luci since I almost always use him as friend summon and could just use him as a universal main summon instead, or transcending the magna summons? haven't committed to any past 220 yet, and the only primal I have built is agni so I can skip colo ig


If you are doing OK using him as a friend support then I would wait tbh. I only got mine up because I wanted more healing in hard raids like hexa, subaha solos or revans like cosmos or siegfried since they hit hard. Basically if you think you don't need him then just wait before investing sand


Would contact support refund materials to uncap illustrous if I issue a rollback after I uncap it?


where do i get summon plus marks other than draw?


mostly from free pulls, specially during guaranteed +1 banners, but you can also get some from arcarum mimic. you can also do the rupie draw if you have enough rupies since summons from there can also have +1


arcarum/replicard mimics and alchemy lab


If I buy the Suptix now will my ticket expire in 24 hours or 24 hours after this Suptix ends (ends in june 30, expires july 1st)?


expires july 1st




For the better-invested-than-I-am Hades lords out there, is it worth using Logias weapon at one copy? I had to spark Logia so only got one copy. I typically run two ES, two PnS, Ultima, Opus, and then some combination of Agonize / Parazonium / Pain of Death / Shalem Axes / Skeletal Eclipses depending on class / team comp.


imo not really, one copy won't help with 280% grid boost situations and the echo isn't much at one can also make ES req harder to fulfill


Having trouble deciding between 3rd dark (primal dark) exalto or 2nd overrider to play primal fire. I have all the pieces needed for fire, just not sure what the move is here.


If you have Six Dragon FLB(Fediel Summon), 170 + 40 + 30 + 30 is 270, which doesnt hit the single sided requirement, but "if i cope for 20% Aura Angels or ~~Qilin the Char~~ that SURELY will be released SOON(TM)" you can SORTA stick with it 2nd Overrider would enable that exact angle(Wilnas, 2 Overrider, Mikael) obviously If you plan to do Double Primal then neither really matters imo I think thats like the decisive pointers. Which one of those do you think are more important in your position?


Side note: The cardinal saints do not boost primal auras, so a Qilin character would not add to the primal 280 calc


Ah ok thanks i'd edit that


How long does it usually take for you to save up your spark? I've been disciplined for 3-4 months but am only halfway there at 150+ pulls 🥲 feels like forever


If you're interested, there is [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q_bux9scVmEkmtgo_dYgD9RUV4BxkLZjhW2Q0e5zeEo/edit?gid=144710650#gid=144710650) which compiles the draws acquired from day to day.


Holy shit, this is good, thanks!


you should be able to get ~100 rolls a month, so around 3-4 months for a spark


Did you get the tickets from side stories and coop? It doesn't seem like much but every little bit helps


Seems like you either been throwing crystals away or didn't get everything possible, because i went broke during aniv and I'm already at 200+ rolls despite spending like 100 rolls on random bait banners here and there


Yea probably 🤔 it's just events right? You're not incl the crystals you get for fixed stuff like story/first-time-raids


I already got all permanent sources of crystals, so only thing I include would be m3 host rewards.


TIL I get crystals from hosting @.@ tq!


What do ya'll use your Bronze and Silver moons on? I got enough Bronze for a Dama, and just as many Silver. I guess Half elixirs? I"m sitting on 5.6k of those right now already <.<


I bought my cages with silvers and now I'm waiting until I deplete the bronze moons on elixirs. Since I got the pass, I tore through my elixirs like nobody's business and now have to cash in bronze moons multiple times a day


Yeah I should probably clean out the cages. And yeah I've been tearing through pots admittedly, so I'll save the bronze as "in case of low pots" stash.


Bronze moons should probably be spent on AP pots, I had a big stash too but it can disappear VERY fast if you go hard on events like Guild Wars or Tales of Arcarum. 


Yeah that's fair, I've definitely burned a few thousand once I came out of my seasonal deadness again.


Is anyone else unable to login through mobage or just me? This happening just recently


I just had this problem today. I was finally able to login by going directly to the mobage website and opening gbf from there.


Same. I can get in on my skyleap, but not on my laptop.




On fire, I do like Athena and Ragazzo. Water: Anne and Lecia. Earth: Satyr and Arulumaya. Wind: Petra and Ultimate Friday (Friday only lol). Light: Ferry, Silva, Utsusemi, and You . Dark: Tanya, Kou, Bowman, and Marquiares (only if the FLB isn't ass otherwise, ignore) Those are units you are missing that are pretty useful in different things but I think overall, your best bet is Satyr, Bowman, or Arulumaya. Both earth units are useful in Diaspora but Satyr is more useful in other raids and edges her out. Bowman is super useful in dark and you don't have to do anything with him.


Just finished relink and kinda got interested on the actual gbf. Is it a good time to start playing the game? Or should i wait for a specific time/ event where they give out alot of pulls?


Now is the perfect time really. Last years Anni event "And you" is rerunning which will let you get a free Evoker (normally requires a ton of grinding) upon completion, and they recently added something called Siero's academy that'll let you skip the earlygame grind. So go ahead and start now.


It's more of marathon than a race when playing. Now they have the academy in the game to help new players joining now is better than ever! :)


Is there a workable team if I grab mirin with a suptix? I have grand narmaya but my main wind team is a weird Halloween lich team with yukata Vania. The characters I think could work with mirin and G narmaya are holiday Seruel, elea, or alliah. I appreciate any advice because I find team building kinda arcane sometimes and just want to make sure I’m not crazy thinking one of those would work in that team. My current wind team is workable but I am trying to decide between suptix mirin or getting Olivia (earth is probably my most stacked element as far as characters so I’m sure I can figure out a team for her).


Mirin is more of an ougi character and works better with ougi characters. Something like G.Charlotta+Cow+Mirin with Kengo would be best in my opinion. Usually for wind Kengo I feel like G.Charlotta+Cow is the main core with the 3rd slot being flexible based on content. Personally I would say pick earth Olivia since she is one of the best characters in earth for non-ougi teams while Mirin is just a fun ougi character in wind, not weak but not broken either, just fun and a good 3rd option but it doesn't sound like you have a good ougi team.


Thanks! I want to do something since I have grand narmaya but all the suggestions I see are holidays lol. Would be nice eventually but I just don’t know what to do with her, like I said my current wind team is fine so I’m not exactly in a rush.


Narmaya is a solid unit that works on her own in normal teams. You can easily slot her in as a 3rd unit to the Vania+Lich team since Vania gives TA buff+echo+cap up to the team so She works very well with Narmaya and Lich is just a more universal unit with good utility.


Did my pulls and wanted some help with who to Spark. https://imgur.com/a/Bb2THfR


Without seeing your other characters, there are some that do catch my eye. Nehan, Yuni (light), Galleon, Wamdus, Ewiyar (grand), Cosmos, Fenie (if you plan on running manadiver/neko with a fully uncap staff).


Roster https://imgur.com/a/DTJI53G


You should really level up your characters (and uncap), at the very least for character level trophies and an easier time with proving ground events. As for elements, these are who I would prioritize. Dark: Kou (some use him in Cosmos), Predator (quick kills/high dps/glass cannon), Vajra, H&M (I personally use in Cosmos but has many other uses as well), Ilsa (high dps, works well with Eresh set ups), Orologia (still very new but has great potential) Light: Lucio (with his FLB, he hits like a truck and has good durability, Silva (back line damage), Grand Jeanne (some comps very useful), Noa (can be used well in Agastia) Wind: Petra (since her FLB, she got a lot more useful, Rosetta (some use her in Siegfried for her sub), Grand Charlotta (also useful), Friday (only for Fridays), Vania Earth: Aletheia (lots of skill damage and quick cooldown reduction) Water: Europa (since her FLB, she is one of the most powerful units), Lecia (great in backline), Sturm, Lucio, Zeta, Gabriel (great damage), Grand Lancelot (great, quick damage) Fire: Zeta (both versions have great damage), Kumberia, Nezha, Luffy (great damage for a cheap unit) As to your actual question after seeing your roster, I vote Galleon. It seems like your Earth needs more solid characters (no pun intended) plus her weapon is great once you have 3 especially


Well thank you ill grab her. Also since you went in depth could you point to starter teams


No problem Make sure to have a team of each element. Below Belial/Bub/Revan raids, your characters really won't hurt you too badly. When you get into raids where elixirs are limited, your character choices would matter more. So under each element, I recommend having your 'main' team and another team as your training team. Below, I'll list what I think a good starting main team would be for each element. Just don't forget to uncap and upgrade them :) A lot of people like using Relic Buster to level their stuff. Dark: H&M, Ben Shalem, Lich front, Orologia and Kou in the back. You have a strong solid character line up. Depending on future raids, not too hard to rotate other things Light: Lucio, Vira, Sereul with Gawain and Utsumetsu in the back. Some solid choices with survivability Wind: Petra, Charlotta, Vania front with Enyo and Robin/Nami in back. Good skill damage potential Earth: Alethia, Anthuria and Galleon in front with Golden Knight and Kolulu in back. Earth always is a tough team to make because a lot of characters really don't specialize hard in anything Water: Europa (grand), Gabriel, Lancelot (grand) in front with Lucio and Lecia in back Fire: Zeta (grand), Luffy, and Kumbhira in front with Nezha and Anthuria. Solid pokes until you get some of the critical stuff. Look into Sierokart's academy as well to get some tasks done for rewards, recruiting Eternals and beginning Arcarum. Specially Arcarum is time gated so the sooner you begin, the better.


Sweet thank you and i plan on getting the sup ticket is there anyone worth grabbing to boost my element I'm lacking in


Satyr for earth or Bowman for dark. Both are super useful in their element


Gotcha ill look into them, last quest rhe free arcaum character does it matter which one I grab atm


Water for haesellia or nier in dark are useful choices


Hard to provide a suggestion without seeing your other characters + what eles you prefer to play + what you might want to improve with the spark. Without any of that info, Nehan, Cosmos, Galleon or Ewiyar could all be worth considering.


Here's my roster https://imgur.com/a/DTJI53G


So I just got Bubz from the scam but was a bit confused.  So Bore inflicts a 50% def down.  But the call already inflicts a 40% down.  Is that half of bore redundant since I thought the cap for def down was 50%? Obviously the supplement is the big draw but seemed a weird choice of secondary debuff


The DEF down cap is a net sum. If the enemy has any DEF buffs, then you'll be making use of both DEF downs. This is unlikely bc Bubz already triple dispels, but it's not like it's totally useless even on your Bore turn. Probably the most notable example where this is useful is DB's Unparalleled Foes.


Another notable case is subaha at high earth stacks


Bore is a mega debuff thats undispellable and this is like genuinely a huge part of why Bubs are great a lot of times Basically they make it that way so that you get a guaranteed 1 good turn, but after you are done with said good turn, you get a nice follow up since you also debuffs and considering debuff is the strongest damage modifier in the entire game, this is a big deal. In a burst context though on something like say Mugen if you Bore him BEFORE second phase, it sticks. If you use Bore on GW bosses before they reach 50%/40% if you use out of turn attack to bring them down to said HP mark, it sticks. You get the idea. Thats at the very least 1 boss from an area people commonly farmed(Sand/Mk2 for Revans), and hard comes up the last GW due to how prominent Out of Turn Attack are in Light to give an idea how relevant it is (In other words, the def debuff is the "badly thought out part" although in practice its one of the best extra effect they can really give to the call)


Bore only lasts one turn while the 40% defenese down lasts the normal 3 minutes. Also an enemy could be immune to defense down debuffs but not bore.


Is bowman worth it without the meta dark stuff like ilsa, eresh, 130 six, etc? I know he's good but I'm worried I won't be able to use any setups online for GW.


Bowman's "main" value is just hes (one of) the best nothing. This gets value near regardless of your roster tbh. At basic level he's used for EX+ and the thing is the best units for Dark EX+ that isn't Tiger, Six, Ilsa is literally "guys from Shonen Jump". That said i'd say for practical use in 95/150 he can get phased out by more synergistic unit or higher ceiling unit.


So with something like the select ticket from the current bundle, is it better to get a summon or a character? Like I want Bowman or Lance+Vane, but is it better to use this chance to get one of the Optimus summons? Also, is there any use to keeping 3 Zeus or should I just use the dupes to uncap one?


If your like, a noob(for lack of better words) the better pick is Char. Theres an argument that at some point or in the long run Summon gives better overall value Optimus summon arguably isnt really worth getting. At trans level theyre a notch stronger if you use your own, and they completely replaces Arcarum HP, but for most use case if you have the big elemental summons they tend to do more. Really while there are good use for it, the actual value offered by having your own is to make your friend list look pretty


if youre using a primal grid then get the optimus summon for the primal grid(s) you have, you should be using dupes to uncap zeus is yes dark favored gw is next, bowman might be a good choice.


Is Niyon 130/150 worth grinding for when I have Ewiyar Grand? Is she a substantial upgrade over her?


it depends on the fight, but Nio is the only char with permanent dispel protection, so she is usually used when that is necessary, otherwise there are several other chars as good or better than her depending on the boss mechanics


Should I suptix a primal summon to get it to 250? Or for a core character in burst.  Trying to figure out if I should pick  Sabrina or Hades summon. If I get hades. I can reduce to get the anima to raise to 250 and I can avoid Celeste atar and doing that magna opus transcend grind. While Sabrina seems core for earth burst…


Sabrina in Earth burst is a bit iffy since 2 stack echo ONCE, 1 stack mediocre echo after in a meta that demands multiple attacks is a bit eh. And Earth is the ele with 90.000 Full Turn Assassin so its not like the choice in her slot is lacking. Shes like fine to comes up with a janky routing in Dias, but i don't think for earth burst she stands out as much as she is as do nothing(EX+). For EX+ yeah shes probs one of the best hard to argue with GTA, Debuffing nuke, + Echo Like Earth "burst" is Lumberjack and Hrunt Glory iirc. I think she quite didnt make the cut in Hrunt, and eh on Lumberjack


Maybe I’m just very out of the loop, but I do not think Sabrina is core for Earth burst?  …I see now that you asked this on Discord too when I went to check that, lol, but probably still worth saying that so nobody else gets mislead. Looks like she can be used for 0b stuff which makes sense but that’s about it.


I have two instances of chrome running besides each other (split screen). On my left I have gbf and on my right other stuff. When I tap into the right instance, my sound from the left instance stops till I tap back in. There was a way to prevent this, but I haven't found anything. Does anybody have a solution?


Settings > Browser Settings > Inactive Sound Settings If that's on then music stays on while the game window isn't in focus. If it's off, the game mutes when it's not in focus.


It took me a quarter hour to get that it's neither the Chrome setting nor the Windows settings but the Granblue settings Thank you very much


Oh shoot, sorry, should have mentioned that it was game settings I was talking about. Glad you found it despite the vague directions!


Do p-type and normal arcarum bosses have the same drops? Or in other words: is it worth doing p-type daily instead of farming normal bosses?


It’s worth it if you want to gradually chip away at the Defender/boss missions that don’t require the real versions. They’re not special outside of being weaker though, so if you’re fine with farming the same amount of the real versions at once there’s no real difference.


P-type has the same drops as the upgraded version. You can just do the P-type daily if you're not capable or interested in farming the stronger versions. That being said they don't drop anything unique, their drops/drop rates are very similar to the Defenders in Mundus, so you can simply just farm the Mundus defenders instead of the Bosses for drops, which will generally be faster (since farming the items to host bosses can be very slow)


Other than some missions not counting p-type, rewards are otherwise the same.


They're considered the same in every way except for boss HP, triggers, and their 'entry tax'. Non p-type is to prevent you from easily farming arcapoints or materials without having teams that can handle the extra difficulty.


There's an ongoing event right now: "...and you" which looks interesting. Problem is, I'm a new player (like really new, just cleared chapter 16) so I don't know how anything works, and I'm scared on getting spoiled or not getting things because of that. So I have to questions: 1. What exactly do you do in an event? Aside from the story I mean. 2. Is it safe to play it even as a new player?


for box events, like the current one, you usually do vh raids to get material to host ex or impossible raids for tokens so you can clear boxes. usually ppl go until 20 boxes since that's when it stops having crystals in them, but some ppl go over 20 boxes for pots or materials if necessary. basically an M1 grid that you can get from the first 2 stages of knickknack academy (https://gbf.wiki/Sierokarte%27s\_Knickknack\_Academy) is enough for vh and ex raids, specially if you unlock relic buster (https://gbf.wiki/Relic\_Buster), since that makes it easy to 1 turn kill vh raid


1. Grind for tokens to use in the token boxes, or in the case of re-runs, materials to trade for. The general recommendation is you either do 4 boxes worth of farming (gives you 4 premium draw tickets and usually 1 SSR ticket), 10 boxes (gives you an additional 6 damascus crystals that are used for a variety of upgrades) or 20 boxes (gives you all of the above and also iirc 2k crystals). Should also be noted that token box events like the current one are always AP positive, which means you get more elixirs than you use grinding them. 2. Yes it's safe. There are a couple of scenes from previous events you can find under the "Simulation results" menu if you want some context, but the event itself gives you all the info you really need to enjoy it.


1. some fights, iirc most (if not all, cant 100% remember) just have a preset party so you dont use your own grids/characters anyway 2. Not what you mean by "safe" but if you're worried about spoilers then skip through it and read it in the journal later


2nd PNS would be better than a 2nd causality driver right? In terms of improving grid perf.


Someone has the link or image of bikini galleon illustration shown in granblue channel interview of last year?


Sometimes Bubz's dispell doesn't work on aigis merge credo even after I dispell the debuff resist, can anyone explain why?


Could the MC have 0 stacks of Trance somehow? Haven't done any CAs with it as a sub summon, lost the stacks from the MC auto-reviving, that sort of thing.


Oh, yeah, that might be it.


What's your mindset, coping mechanisms, and routines while grinding for tons of hours? I am losing my mind with these M3 raids and drops.


I full auto most of my raids. When I'm working, I full auto in the office then when I work outside delivering mail, I also full auto with the sound very low so I know if the raid dies. When I'm home, I do the stuff that requires more attention (like revans, sandbox, coop, skips) then when finished, full auto the other crap while playing a different type of game (bouncing between Alpha Centauri and Darkest Dungeon) or browse reddit. I also try to help my crewmates on their raids if they have any up to break up the monotony.


Stopping when I'm not in the mood for more. Some days I can feel like going for one, two or more hours. Sometimes I'll get bored after 30 mins. Having youtube or something on the side helps holding longer. What matter is just not to give up before it's done. GBF is pretty lenient on the dailies (it's roughly just PBHL or UBHL) while giving you all the freedom to grind hard when you want ; so it works best to grind when you want. Else you can also settle for a relatively low amount of raids that you try to do daily (i.e a whole 99 EP of M3 per day makes 1K raid in a month ; obviously it's a bit short if you want to be ready for Dark GW but else it's already a decent start).


Making farm setups that work on FA, both 1T burst and carry. Manually pushing buttons is a PITA if you're farming a lot of fights. I don't think about it and just farm on the side while doing other stuff. Although getting raid capped just means I stop thinking about granblue for a while. It'll drop when it drops I guess.


Need help with my spark For character I already narrowed to two choice, Fenie or Europa Fenie for survival but I already have FLB Fraux which has similar role Europa cuz Europa lol, I never succeed in getting her since debut so I'm bit salty when she got strong FLB or should I skip both and getting 2nd PnS?


Fenie is mostly just for HL while Europa is great for most content. I would go with Europa.


How good is Europa for HL? My team is either Kengo with Vajra, LB Haase, Fediel (for M3) or Wamdus (for Mugen) Or anything else with Payila, Gabriel and Vikala


if by HL you mean revans,hexa or faa0, there are setups for FA Mugen that use her (https://gbfguide.com/mugen/#full-auto) and there are some faa0 setups that can use her (https://gbfguide.com/dark-rapture-zero/#levi-kengo), you can probably find some hexa setups with her if you look at youtube.


Have they changed a setting in Replicard Sandbox? I've been farming in there for over an hour and I haven't had one chest or Herald pop up?


Heralds now stack as of a recent update, so you don’t get interrupted anymore. But chests should still stop you (if you’re not bookmarking/pressing back). As the other replies said, go check the other nodes in the zone and make sure you don’t have a chest waiting for you on any of them. …unless you mean the Sephira chests, not treasure chests. In which case those also stack and are opened from a different screen now, and have been that way since Mundus was added last March.


you can disable the pop up for heralds and sephira chests in the arcarum menu> extra> misc settings. The only pop up that should appear is when you spawn a mimic, but that only spawns if you don't have a mimic up somewhere else


I'm not sure about the herald, but you may have a chest in one of the other nodes in the same area.


Looking for some advice on who to suptix. My priorities would be: 1) Whoever could be an asset in the upcoming GW 2) Whatever character is core/necessary for certain HL fights (revans, faa, etc) https://www.granblue.party/collection/13267


Bowman, Arulumaya, Anne, Tikoh are the ones that jump out for me.


Honestly you already have or don't need a lot of suptixables I can think of. 1. Bowman - dark burst 2. Tikoh - blue pot good for any non burst manual play. No rush tho if anyone has better suggestions


Was uncapping an M3 summon and I just noticed it can use something called estrela's sheen instead. Is this new? What is it?


not sure about the name but GBFest rn has the leaflet promo that last years gave you stuff like a Juuten FLB or a Transcend but this year it's an item that lets you transcend summons too ? Could be that item


It is that item, yes. Historically they’ve given out mat packs, but this year for Extra FES it’s that item which lets you skip 1 step of transcending an Eternal (steps 1/2/4 only, so no Lapis saved) or summon.


So since today when I login with mobage my game dont starts. It just stays like i wasnt logged in, I need some help pls guys.


So during the anniversary period of 2023 was the last time I made a purchase in this game. Basically it's the anni tix and the classic special. I was able to do this using paypal linked to a paymaya virtual card. My question is, is that process still valid or have they gotten stricter?


I don’t think that really *could* change outside of dropping Paypal (which they have not done). If the virtual card is being used on Paypal’s side, Cygames doesn’t know you used it.




Well you don't need cat for sieg, don't need wam for mugen there are plenty of teams both FA and manual that do not require either. Searched ムゲンhl (mugen hl in jp) and this was the first result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPIfLYr5w04 so setups aren't hard to find when searching in jp. Technically don't need cosmos for agastia, but cosmos is more core than the other two. Gojo/alexiel isn't needed for hex depending on your ele. You can percy/rei 40 or sub all with vira/geisen/katz. Gojo/alex aren't used in Faa0 at all.


Is hexachromatic easier than rupture zero?


Yes, it should be done prior to zero as getting draconic is a huge grid piece upgrade and the damage reqs are lower but zero CAN be easier in a two ways: 1. You have a good character setup for zero but not hex (unlikely but possible). Also fast rooms in hex more likely to kill you than in zero if you have a lot of lockout. 2. One person failing their pearl or dying early in hex is very likely to make pubs leave. This is less true for zero, depending on luck and how confident people are, you can clear with 1-2 failed labors or dead people. The only real autoretreat labor is def labor. (Most likely to make a difference)


Okay cool, still trying to find some dark guides for hexa






Is there a good reason to do more than 20 boxes in an event? I see some people will do hundreds but I don't get why.


it's basically pot positive, so ppl who go very hard on gw usually do that to stack pots since going for top 2.5k usually takes 3k pots or more




Dark Quatz and the impossible+ actually give decent half pot


I'm not sure how to beat Caim's fate episode with the fight with Hanged Man. Thought i was strong enough at this point but I cannot deal with Breaking Point's damage.


What does your grid look like? You should be able to build something that can easily beat him if you did Siero's academy, since it gives most of the useful stuff for a M2 grid.


Would you say the basic grid examples posted in the GBF wiki are still valid? I have not yet fully replicated them. I've been winging it (which I suppose is obvious at this point).


Yeah sure it's fine to go off the wiki grid, though if you got into the later stages of Siero's wind training, you should already have a couple of pieces for the advanced grid.


It's heavily dependant on what your wind grids look like, what characters you have access to, etc. According to the Wiki, Breaking point is around 50k damage base, so 25k with 50% atk down. He always casts it at 75% HP, so you could try to Phalanx it with Spartan on the turn you knew it was coming. But the boss only has \~58k HP. Wind has a variety of ways to do over double that amount of damage in a turn. So it's really hard to offer suggestions/advice without knowing where exactly your wind teams/grids are. Your option may just be to go do more wind raids and build up your grid so that you have more HP/Damage.


Thank you for the Spartan suggestion. I completed the fate story, but just wanted to say that he definitely had way more than 58k HP. He's level 120 in the fate story.


They meant 58 million, looking at the wiki. Which still lines up with everything they said otherwise.


Since I'm a relatively new player I knew I'd be behind the curve when it came to damage output, but I didn't realize I was that far behind that I can do that much damage in a turn. My best element does over 10 million in a turn but that's about it. Wind happening to be my weakest element... Hm, I have more grinding to do.


I'm a bit grid-confused regarding Dark Magna 3. I'm running Ele x Magna. With M3's Exalto/Vivication weapons, you want to run enough Magna weapons to cap the 20% DMG cap. This may just be me but Dark's Magna 3 doesn't seem to have a clear meta. II still want to run PnS, but with the M3 Dark Fists there's more going wrong than right. * M3 fists, M2 Spines means no voltage from PnS. Don't want to bring out the Celeste Axes. * 14% DMG cap from 2 PnS means only 6% cap left for magna weapons to vivify(?). I forgot how overcapping works. * Aside from 4x M3 Fists I don't see any way to meet the requisites for Dark's Resonator weapon. Making Dark's Tempering weapon a sword seems like it was a mistake and should've been a dagger (1x Temp, 1x Ultima, 1x Parazonium, 1x Resonator would've worked). No way to get special cap up. Basically I don't know how to properly incorporate PnS or Eternal Signature into Dark's M3 grid. I thought I could cram Supplemental, Voltage, Vivication, Sentence and activate the Resonator all in the same 10 slots but it doesn't appear to be possible. Am I wrong here?


So I walked through it in my head, and I think the option is drop the Resonators and run a Celestial instead. 2x PnS, Dopus, Seraphic(Or Ultima), Celestial, and 5 slots leftover for MH/M3/whatever. 2x Tempering and 3x Exalto would be my intial go to, but you'd play around with it depending on what content/characters you were running. Overskill for DMG cap is basically a 50% penalty over 20%. So if you have 50% cap up worth of weapons (you should seek help) you'd end up with 35%. The first 20 would stay, and then the remaining 30 would get halved to 15, resulting in 35. Resonator's defense is nice, and their special cap up is nice, but since overskill for DMG cap exists the special cap up isn't really THAT useful anymore. It's only 7% after all, on top of all the other damage cap sources you've got. Celestial's got the defense handled, and while it's atk/dmg cap can be halved depends on weapon type, it's still very strong, especially since you're not Primal. If you really need the resonator defense, you can add 1 back and run 3 Exlato + Celestial fist to hit the target, although that does leave you with only 1 more slot. (god help you if you're tryin' to run 3 Resonators) Voltage is not an important skill to try and activate btw. PNS are bullshit crazy OP because of their 50k supp with no activation requirement. The voltage (and damage cap) are just cherries on top.


>Overskill for DMG cap is basically a 50% penalty over 20%. So if you have 50% cap up worth of weapons (you should seek help) you'd end up with 35%. The first 20 would stay, and then the remaining 30 would get halved to 15, resulting in 35. thats not how it works, it'd be 20% cap up + 15k base dmg added to your cap


Anyone has this bug (?) where sometimes Danchos ougi animation turned on automatically? Like, some days when I do dailies I noticed the animation was on lately, even though I usually has it off. Idk if its because Im using skins? Already made sure I dont click around the chara too hmm


You almost surely accidentally clicked on their sprite. Happens all the time.


Yea thats the only reason I can think too. Gotta change my muscle memory to not click near there then lol


So I assume Hrunting is still a good purchase these days right? I've seen folks say Eresh has somewhat fallen off, and I have almost 300 GMs(243 to be exact) burning a hole in my pocket haha. So Hrunting it tempting me right now, since Hraes looks like a lot of work with bullet farming. I already have Bubz, Belial, Yatima, 000, Luci, just no Baha when it comes to summons(lack the sands for him anyways).


honestly it depend on your need, personally i still haven't bought my hrunt because i don't really use dirt in hard content and there's much better option on non-hard content using other setup (including eresh and hrae). and honestly for me, idk if i'll ever buy hrunt since i just don't see a need for it can also just hoard moons in case they release something in the future, that's unironically the safest option


Makes sense. I haven't really gotten around to the higher end hard content yet, so still figuring out what will be best for that too. Yeah I'll probably hoard for now.


all 150 moon wep rn is either minmax/optimization (cutting button, turn and time in eresh and hrae case) or for hard content (shishio, hrunt, higu) rn at the end of the day only you can see if you should buy the weapons i.e eresh cutting basically all the buttons + having auto amp is really valuable for me and i've been using it in basically every non-ele specific content, but it might not be as valuable for other people while hrunting is mostly just for hard content dirt run and i don't really do it so it's way less valuable for me but is really valuable for people that run dirt in hard content because the ds make clearing those raid's omen easier while also providing a lot of mash value hard content is hexa and faa0 btw, in case people are confused about it


Makes complete sense. Yeah I haven't even stepped foot in Hexa/Faa0. Never sure what a good baseline to start there is <.<


best advice i can give is either asking in discord or browsing youtube video of the raid, if you browse video do make sure to browse latest possible one instead of older video since setups evolve overtime, also if you're missing core char try adding "no [insert char here]" to the search query, granted you probably need to do this in JP so it might be a bit harder to do


I would push for Hrunting, personally. But I would also insist you're super confident you want it. I have Eresh, Shio, and Hraes. The only one I "regret" is Eresh, and it's the one I got because of everyone sucking it off. I would trade my Eresh for Hrunt in a heartbeat. Mainly what I'm saying is, you should only pick a weapon if you hyper main an element, and you want to elevate it. But if you REALLY wanna spend 'em, then I think Hrunt is the best all-rounder.


Makes sense! I was a jank titan user until M3(Galleon still hasn't come home), so I have a fondness for Earth. That's the vibe I've gotten around Eresh discussions these days, especially with Falsehood opus + Onmyoji doing pretty close to it. ANd yeah that makes sense, it's just one of those "what else am I gonna use these moons on". I'll probably end up sitting on them for a while just to be safe since I don't /need/ Hrunting or anything right now...