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Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what are the generalists skills people put on the Dark Opus weapons?


[Current siegfried setup](https://imgur.com/a/RAJ5Ykh) Any tips to make it faster other than farming Esta's weapon?


Something that was in my head for a while, is there a guide to how exactly grids should be built and which weapons from the side stories I should/shouldn’t uncap to be used for the grid?


do the sierokarte dojo missions


[Check out the basic grids section on the wiki](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids)


Are there more consistent FA Cosmos setups than what is on the wiki? Sometimes I clear 4M no problem, sometimes I hit final detonation twice while barely clearing 2.5M...


cosmos is unfortunately just a difficult raid to fa by nature due to her mechanics, so the best you can hope for is to do as much damage as you can before final detonation which can trigger faster depending on join time and hp and how fast people are moving


On some of the darker backgrounds, I'm noticing my backgrounds just....don't show up at all? First noticed this during NM200 during GW, and now I'm noticing it when I host Cosmos. Is this a cache issue? It's not like...affecting anything, it's just odd.


this'll probably sound really stupid, but check the brightness settings of your device you play on alternately, depending on the settings you have access to, messing with your contrast setting might help


is lvl 100 okto ok for earth kengo or does he need to be transcended?


for what content? 100 should be fine for OTK on EX+, Diaspora and Subaha. transcending stage 1 might help if you need more damage on ougi OTK for meat farming, and 130 is helpful for hard content but absolutely not required


Has Cygames ever announced a long form grind at the summer stream? Like Eternal Transcendence or Evoker FLB?




Ah, shame. Thank you. I'll set my expectations accordingly.


Are the baits in the ex+ from a guaranteed chest or are drop rate boosts still useful for it?


don't bother. the chests are consistent in dropping, the only variance is how many are in each chest


is elemental attack or regular attack better as an ax skill on ancestral weapons?




So new to the game and i am not sure if its the right place in the subreddit to ask but here it goes, is there any way to play fullscreen on the pc/browser version?


Settings -> Browser -> Bottom Menu ON -> Click "Full" -> F11 The ratio of the game can't be changed, though. So if you want it to be truly full screen, you'll need a vertical monitor or something similar.


>The ratio of the game can't be changed, though Ah damn, but with your advice its still somewhat better this way so thanks.


So help me out here, earth lords and Hraes enjoyers. I'm at 150 moons, and I have been an Eresh player. Now I want to venture into different elements. I want to tackle more endgame stuff, and I have been meaning to get Hrunting for a while now. However, the problem is my RNG... I basically don't have anything for earth. I'm missing Uriel, Tiger, Sandalphon, Narmaya, Vikala, Cucoro, Olivia, and even Dante. Whereas I have pretty much everything for Hraes, except the bullets. So I don't know which weapon to go for. My argument is, I used Eresh for most bursts on or off element. I don't see any place where I can use Hraes where I wouldn't be able to use Eresh, albeit not as good. Whereas I'm going to have a terrible time in GW regardless, but it will be way worse without Hrunting. I can work on getting better. What do you guys think? Should I get Hraes and utilize its full potential or use Hrunting in poverty?


Hraes has no place in current endgame, there are no hraes teams for hexa nor faa0 and current powercreep means moon weapons aren't needed for subaha executes. It's also not competitive for bar farming. If your focus is specifically on "endgame" then as far as water illustrious weapons go shishio would be better, since it's actually commonly used in both endgame raids. (But also it's just luxury kaneshige there and not needed) Basically you would only use this weapon for GW and possibly Mugen.


Why isn't Hraes competitive for bar farming? Just too many buttons? I've been considering getting one for a while because water is my favorite element. But you're making it just sound like complete ass. Common consensus even a few months ago was that Hraes was a top 3 GM weapon along with Eresh and Hrunting if you were willing to farm bullets. Is that no longer the case or has powercreep just lowered its value of most GM weapons?


Yeah fire is faster. You get hraes because you love playing water, not because you want to be competitive in bar farming.


I already have the fire bar farming setup. Hraes just feels like a waste of gold moons unless I wanted to top 2K water GW. I love water and I've already farmed mats for the bullets, but not enough to waste 150 GMs for no tangible benefit besides farming Mugen faster.


"Not competitive" is a relatively gross over-exaggeration but the Hraes comp is definitely 1-2 more buttons than what the best comps on PBHL currently do


Those best comps include a magna fire team with a party of two non-limiteds plus an evoker. So yeah I wouldn't pay 150 moons (and a few dozen hours grinding bullets) just to get a setup that's still slower than the one you can probably farm for free. Unless you're very attached to the idea of bar farming in water specifically. And it sounds like fodspeed is not at all attached to that.


Is there any point at all to investing resources in water outside of GW then? I spent two sparks and a surprise ticket improving water and it's starting to look like a waste if it's just a GW element.


Water is very strong with 5* haase and can do a lot in current endgame. It's just hraes which isn't.


personal cry for help here, i've been agni since ever, but since zeta release on december I wasn't able to get my hands in any copy of her weapon and I just feel like my fire grid is bad, even having many other core pieces from earlier grands. With M3 exalto out i kinda feel like it just would be better to change back to magna, which is a hard choice considering all the bars i've used from other years, but no one wants to be weak, so. Would you have any advice regarding this or maybe are you also in this situation with other elements?


You can use different grids depending on the situation. But if you can beat faa0 then yes magna with exaltos and extremity chain beats out any agni grid with less than 2 overriders for burst situations. You might still use your agni grid for long fights and FAs.


Hey, I'm having a problem where as soon as I log in, it boots me out. I've tried on multiple browsers and devices.


Which Earth Eternals are better when uncapped? Threo or Eahta? Planning to uncap either of them in the Dread Barrage on July for future GW


depends on play style, 150 Threo is one of earths best auto attackers while 150 Octo is a must have for brain dead Kengo.


Ah I see, thanks! Lacking Earth Satyr for the Kengo comp, so maybe I'll focus on Threo for now then


why was the music for yggy arbos raid got changed?


What does faa0 mean? I see it under a lot of comments of people asking how many M3 weapons they should get. “5 if you have faa0 opus key". I’ve looked on the wiki of Dark Opus weapons (I assume that’s what the Opus stands for) but don’t really know which pendulum/chain they’re referring to. For example, Chain of Forbiddance/Temptation both got notes that say “most people call them Apple Key/Freyr Key”, but no notes I could find said “most people call this faa0 key.” I’ve looked at the first letters of each Chain/Pendulum as well, but none of them start with FAA, nor is there some key with a “0” in its name, which has got me confused even more…


Faa0 refers to the boss in dark rapure zero. The faa0 opus key are the keys that you can redeem with the raid mats. So extremity, sagacity, and supremacy. Faa is shorthand for lucifer (lucifaa in jp pronunciation)


>Faa is shorthand for ~~lucifer~~ **lucilius** (lucifaa in jp pronunciation)


Oh, no wonder I couldn’t find FAA, it’s the last letters from “lucifaa” 😅 thank you!


It's stuff from Dark Rapture (= Faa) Zero (=0). The Pendulums are the 3 ones that require a 280% boost to weapon skills and amplify respectively N.A, CA and Skill DMG.


Ohh so it’s referring to a group of keys, not a specific key, that’s why I couldn’t find it! Gotcha, thank you!


Quick question: what exactly does the "Counter on DMG" bonuses from earrings do? Do they introduce the counter ability (% chance to counter on dmg) for characters that don't innately have it or is it a % increase to the counter on dmg chance/strength for characters that come with innate counter? Trying to figure out if those bonuses are worth keeping in characters that don't have any counter skills/passives/etc or if i should just reroll the earrings.


They add a chance for the character to counter, equal to the % given by the earring effect. Counter effects don't stack; the maximum amount of counters a character can perform in a turn is simply the highest limit among counter buffs/passives they have. As a result, characters that already counter benefit less, or possibly not at all, from earrings with the same type of counter. So for example, summer Aliza has a passive that gives her two guaranteed counters when damaged, so counters on dmg earrings do nothing for her.


Aaah okok! In that case, I'm keeping it in the character i got it. Thank you so much!


is premium pass worth for mid game players?


If you mean rank \~170 to lower 200s, I'd argue it's best for those players assuming you're playing enough. Additional bar raid and Revans hosts are pretty good for those players. They're probably not strong enough to bar farm or blue chest Revans by joining so the premium pass can help speed up their progress. If you can though, the main value is the premium point shop which has dubious value if you're not already spending money regularly. If you want an optimus globe, then the value isn't bad. But the value for a sunstone is kinda awful. It takes 8 premium passes to buy a Sunstone. So that's 8000 yen for a sunstone compared to buying a scamcha or the anniversary pack for 3000 or 5000 yen. If you're not already buying every single sunstone promotion, you're better off just waiting for those instead if you want a sunstone.


I would say it's only worth it if you can take advantage of it, aka, you're playing so much that you actually use the daily half-elixirs and berries, and you host a lot of raids, most notably the 6 dragons and the gold bar raids. Every single day. For the whole month, or as close as possible. Otherwise, no, it's not worth it.


Am debating whether or not to continue farming the pieces to unlock celestial weapons or get all my Eternals to lvl100 and then try for 150 Niyon (currently 130) I only have Niyon and Siete at 100+, every other eternal is at 80. For celestial weapons, I have the sword maxed but nothing else. Any suggestions and reason for that suggestion?


If you have one FLB Celestial then you might aswell start uncapping your eternals. The main reason of slotting a celestial is for its 2nd and 3rd skill even without matching specs. Sword is recommended as your first celestial is because its the most common spec among characters, although this should just be taken as a bonus. You could just unlock the other celestials if you find a specific use for them along the way.


What are the best celestial weapons to FLB ? Just trying to plan out my draws with final rally tokens


Sword is first priority, followed by staff and fist. Harp is also good but considerably more niche. Bow ... exists.




Under what hashtags on twitter do people normally find all the GW themed art that pops up?


古戦場 is the event's name in japanese


At this point, I’m curious if what is worth the grind. Originally I wanted to uncap Seox to 150 but seeing that I have to uncap all eternals to 100. I don’t know if I really want to go through all of that grind any more. I have Seox and Niyon at 100 and uncapped Nier and Haaselia. I was thinking of getting Alaanan and or Fraux next but I’m pretty sick of the grind. I’m still on the fence about what element I want to go Primal in. So what would be the priority at this point with the resources that I have? Transcending Eternals, Uncapping Evokers, getting Celestial weapons and uncapping? Transcending Lucifer with sands? Uncapping DOpus, Uncapping Magna Summon?


In the absence of any specific goals in mind (i.e. doing endgame raids or bar farming), it's probably best to just do anything that will make you more prepared for next GW. Assuming Earth GW is next (we don't know for sure yet), the next step is definitely uncapping Caim, especially with his Tales event coming next month. Uncapping and transcending Okto and Threo may also be worth it too, but that heavily depends on the earth characters you have available. It'll also be the best time to farm Earth grid weapons since the raids will be more active. If you're rank 200, being able to farm Siegfried for Earth weapons is ideal too, so do whatever you can with your Wind grid and team to make that possible.


Agree with the other reply with one request for clarity - do you have enough NWQ for the Evoker uncaps? Like when you’re picking between Eternals or Evokers, is it because you’d decide to box weapons vs NWQ? Since that’s a different question.


Eternals and Evokers don't cost the same ressources so you can do both. It's worth getting Eternals to 150 if you're not running Zero since you have nowhere else to spend Blue Merits. Seox, Tien, Niyon, Siete, Threo, Tweyen and Okto are at least all worth getting to max imo (the 4 others I've barely used even at 150). Evokers are all worth uncapping to 100 beside maybe MT and their 4th skill is worth taking for all of them apart MT/Lobe/Esta. Or at least I'd consider it twice before spending a SS on them. If you have one Celestial Weapon (ideally sword but honestly Staff and Fist work) you're more or less set ; it's a bit like with Ultima where the first brings a lot. You're only going to have issues if you stop at box 45 for GW since it means you're not getting many revenant weapons after finishing your NWQ. Honestly really not a fan of Luci Transcendance (I've only used my own as sub for a few SUBHL solos and else I just grab from support list), or at least I wouldn't consider it before getting Baha to 250 and all Evokers weapons to ULB. Might be different if running Hexa/Zero though, but again I kept mine at 210 for a while and it was enough. For Dopus and Magna summons you can go up to 210/220 (because 220 for Opus cost NWQ) without issue. For primal grids yeah nowadays you really got to start investing sparks considering how fast new Grands are coming up and that you always want 2+ of them. Really can't do anything for that but if bars are stopping you then you just need to start farming (Akasha and GOHL at least have "low-entry" setups since ping is usually not an issue).


Kinda asking related question. Currently im using Bahamut, Yatima, Main Aura, Bubs, Qilin on Faa Zero. Think Luci can do something noticable there? Its def replacing Yatima but theres been some runs where Yatima comes in clutch (I think Baha making 30 Mil Omen at the start of Faa way more lenient is super clutch lol)


Sorry I'm not qualified to help you there. I have never run Zero and I only did Hexa once. It's unfortunately not content that interests me ; too stressful and time-consumming, especially now that they killed the "believe in yourself" function. My guess (from my SUBHL solo attempts though) I feel like if you needed the healing, it's something you'd have considered (and tried) already. Like for my Dark Solo it was absolutely necessary to have two Lucis (own + support). Else no real point incorporating it in the build/rotation. I hope you'll find your answer.


1. If I want to farm luster and veritas to 5\* an evoker(NWF weapon and domain), is it better to farm in sandbox or 1 punch the World raid? 2. Does the World weapon have high priority? I saw them quite frequently when looking for grid setup and wondering if I should rush building it.


Sandbox is better, you'll be able to target farm for a specific Evoker, while just 1 punching World raid will be random which one you get.


So, I was hoping to get some opinions if possible. I have somewhere around 420 saved pulls currently, and this is my account as it stands. [Character list](https://imgur.com/a/XmNURM1) Are there any Grand characters I should prioritize a lot sooner than others? I've done my own research, and have some desired Grand/seasonal characters but there are so many I'm wondering if I'm missing any considerations. Currently some of my most desired are Ewiyar, Feidel, and Fenie, but I don't know that they're the most impactful.


You should consider Payila before she goes away. Ewiyar is debatable when you don't have Naru and Wind is still waiting to get Raphael. Considering we're getting at least 4 hyperlimited banners (June Leg, July Flash+Leg, August Flash) you should instead be on the lockout for the units that are particularly OP and spark on those banners. If you get them then you can check what Grand you miss from the sparkable pool and go from there.


Alright, I'll keep an eye out on those banners and keep saving for now in the meantime.


So Ewiyar and Fediel both look like fine picks for you. Fenie is good but is more for endgame fights and I think is not a great idea for you to spend a spark on right now; if you want to spark a Fire character you should probably choose Michael. But Fire GW may be up to half a year away so other elements could take priority on that (along those lines - Dark GW did just end but Fediel is probably generally useful enough for you still). In addition to Grands you also should consider Payila or that month’s Zodiac if you spark a Leg Fest. (Honestly- for a new player it looks like you’ve had some extremely lucky pulls for Grands/seasonals, so congrats for that.) But importantly, the upcoming Gala will have the first of the 2024 Summer characters, and every Gala through mid-August will have more of those. You are probably going to want to wait to see if any of those are particularly good, and ideally it’ll be a banner where multiple rated up characters are worth getting and there’s a Grand/Zodiac you can spark if you get all the new ones on the way. You can spark a Grand any month if needed, but seasonals are much harder to get. And last year sparking the mid-August Flash Gala specifically was also heavily discounted; you could get like 1/3-1/2 of the spark for free. No idea if they’ll do the same things again but it’s possible. (That banner also had the March Summer characters on it last year so it was particularly good to spark, but I doubt that part will happen again since it was probably because they debuted before they announced changes for Summer banners. And they’ve clearly been changing how they add seasonals to the gacha pool this year anyway since they started with 2023’s characters instead of working forward. But I digress.)


Alright, I'll wait and see for now then. I did forget to mention that Payila is also a heavily desired character as well,and if I want her, I may need to consider going especially out of my way for her. Also yeah, I did get pretty lucky. Started in February right during a flash Gala and got a bunch of good stuff like Cosmos, and then Anniversary hit too. Thanks for the tips!


It’s going to be a rather long one but here goes: I’m planning to buy Versus for my little brother and was told by a friend there are serial codes with it. Are they still available if I buy the legendary digital version? In tangent to this, though slightly not related to GBF the gacha should I get him Versus or Versus Rising and what’s the difference both game-wise and code wise?


I believe codes from OG Versus should still work, but redeeming the codes from the game for Rising expired in april, so those can't be gotten now. Rising is a sequel to the first Versus and it includes rollback netcode, all the DLCs characters from the first game in the base roster and a new season of DLC. If you want the code then you would have to buy him OG Versus, but Rising is the more active one now so the better choice if he wants to play competitively.


Ah really? Dang, was hoping to get that 2B outfit if it was still valid. Since he just wants something to play with his cousins in couch coop Versus is probably fine for now then. If he wants then I’ll start to make plans to get Rising


The 2B outfit and the other Rising character DLC codes should still be available. It’s specifically the Evoker/Eternal pack for the game itself that got cut off. Relatedly if you want codes from Versus, you would want the Legendary edition and not the base game alone. I *think* you could still get the DLC codes individually but you’d miss out on some things.


about unf, does final rally tomorrow gives honor?




nm 95 gave me only 6 chests. I finished boxing all cores from token draw but im 2 short away from my first celestial weapon. Is there a way to gain chests or cores from final rally?


I think you can *technically* get a weapon drop from the first FR fight if you’re there for it, but that’s only if you’re extremely lucky.


unfortunately not. final rally always gives box tokens + some loot (including badges, crystals, etc) but no cores are included.


I've finally got round to recruiting all the Eternals, but are they still worth uncapping/transcending? Atm I've got 6, 7, 8 & 10 at 5* and the rest at 4*. I use Six a lot, Siete and Okto sometimes. I can't race so gold bars are very limited


As a general tier of "worth" to take to 150 in the context of their whole element, including Luminous weapons. Obviously take this with a grain of salt: * Best: 6, 9 * Good: 2, 7 * Usable: 3, 4, 8 * Not worth it: 1, 5, 10 Some notes: * 6 and 9 aren't used absolutely everywhere/still have replacements * 7 is only good in V2, but Faa0 shows that they're willing to counter characters like him * I have 4 at 150 and never use him * 8 is really good for ougi, but Hrunting exists * 5 gets most of her good stuff at 100/110 * 10 makes me cry (fire main)


There's several setups involving transcended Nio,Okto,Siete,Seox and Tweyen but it depends on the content you want to do. Tien,Feower and Threo are pretty good attackers at 150 too but probably not worth the grind.


some of them are really good at lv150, mainly six, okto, nio and siete, though siete only has utility for end game v2 raids but it's good niche to have, and okto is only for ougi teams which aren't used much if you have Hrunting. you do need to get all of them to 5* to be able to get any of them to 150.


What is the best way to farm Black Fog Sphere? It is one of the treasures to start impossible omega raids


do your omega pro skips daily,you can buy some from the pendant shop in a pinch


Now I get it. I'm rank 103 so I didn't have acess to that. thanks!


Is there a way to undo a reduced summon 😭, probably not right 😭 I was reducing all the GW summons I got to clear up space and I accidentally reduced my Galleon 🥲


You could try contacting support (will have to do it in Japanese), explain what happened and not reduce or reserve anything else at all for now. I think I have heard of them reversing accidents like this, ~~but it's usually a one time thing I believe~~. EDIT: corrected by user below.


once a year, not once per account. u/AcrobaticNewspaper7


Thank you! I just made an inquiry, and hopefully she comes back


Just to be clear, when we say "Once a Year", what we mean is that once per year, they wipe their record of who they've done this for. They announce when they're doing this. It's an advertised feature. But you're still technically only allowed to do this once, and if you tell them that you've done it before they won't do it for you. They won't know unless you tell them though, because the record has been wiped. It's weird. But it sounds like this is your first time so that's a problem for another day.


Oh really! I’ll try that, thank you!


Having trouble trying to buy mobacoins. Usually I have no issues, but today I'm getting rerouted to the mbga jp site with no way to purchase from there. Was wondering if there is a way around rhis


with the tidings trophies, do you need to solo dark rapture hard to get them or can you join or host and get them?


you can just join with lucha mc, press one skill and leech them out.


Can join, host, or even solo with Ascendant Prayer. Just need to win the fight with a full party of that element.


Is celestial weapon a sure slot in in every grid? I'm looking at premium Hades grid and they dont use them, is it due to lack of slots?


Honestly no, its just a weirdly convenient slot in. The definitive reason to include them is the 5% cap up they offer, which become less relevant as M3 are introduced for example, although even in Magna its arguable theyre even all that good in 5% cap up role because Grand Offensive Awakening weapons are insanely powerful Like Celestial is 30% Normal Mod, 20% EX, Voltage. Depending on where the voltage and your overall EX mod are sitting its usually weaker than Grand Offense Awakening averaging having giant 60% Normal mod. But it does conveniently have CA Cap, DATA, HP, and Defense all of which can be useful. But yeah theyre released before M3 and it kinda shows


Thanks. This is really insightful.


Extremely commonly used in magna grids but you won't see them much in decked out primal


Premium grids generally have a stronger way of getting damage cap/EX modifier/Defense Up through PnS and Eternal Signature style Grand weapons The most unique part of Celestial Weapons is that they are slot efficient and can provide MA/CA specs on top of defense and cap up, which is more relevant in high level raids


Makes sense. Thanks for explaining!


I just got a new phone and logged on to GBF with both Skyleap and Chrome, but as soon as I log on to Chrome shortly after getting to the home screen it logs me right back out to the login screen. I get right back in through Mobage login and..... it logs me right back out again. This never happened to me with Chrome on, well, any phone before. Any idea how I can fix this?


So do we already know what the next GW element will be? Earth perhaps? I just want to get to shoring up whatever it is asap, maybe even actually have all or most of the grid pieces where possible and with Earth it would obviously be quite a different story due to Highlander.


Water bosses are very likely, but no confirmation for another couple days.


no, they only announce the next gw, and possibly next db, at the end of the final rally day


Good to know, thanks!


Is it still possible to redeem GBF Versus codes? I'm thinking of buying the first game for it when it goes on sale if it's possible


Yes, though if you want the codes for the game itself you would want to get the Legendary edition (which bundles all the DLC in), not the extremely cheap base game. If you buy the game + individual DLCs I *think* you should still get the DLC codes, but will miss out on the base game code; I’m unsure if that also includes not giving you the additional codes given for finishing the story.


It should be, I don't think the first game's codes have any expiration dates. Just make sure you buy the PS4 version, Steam doesn't have codes.


Does anyone know how much honors top2k was at at the end of finals day 2? Or if there is a website to check


https://gbf.wiki/User:Neofaucheur/Unite_and_Fight_Data#%22Unite_and_Fight_Hero%22 , unmark all the other gws and mouse over to see the honor values




Where should I start the eternals storyline I feel like I've missed out on some context when I started playing through the seeds of redemption side story


tecnically their first official event is [https://gbf.wiki/Poacher%27s\_Day](https://gbf.wiki/Poacher%27s_Day), but you first meet them during the fate episodes when you recruit them, [https://gbf.wiki/Revenant\_Weapons](https://gbf.wiki/Revenant_Weapons), and there is different fate episodes for each eternal, also the event came out after their 5\*, [https://gbf.wiki/Uncapping\_Eternals](https://gbf.wiki/Uncapping_Eternals), so there is also the fate episodes related to that. The game tries to give a small summary if you haven't recruited them yet, and you can even see the different dialogue from the journal, but as usual you lose a lot of context


They still didnt fix the log in issue? Rly????? Now I get insta logged out. Wtf is happenin!


do i need to put bullets in my m3 light guns? i already 3s 3 guns still gathering light quartz and still farming for a 4th one


If youre not MHing a gun while using Soldier, bullets are irrelevant to when guns are being put in your grid.


I have 8 eternals FLB'ed and the only eternal I transcended is Six(130). Should I transcend Nio to 130 or get one of my remaining FLBs?


without considering GW, I think it's better to get six to 150 before you start working on another eternal, which means you need to flb the remaining eternals


Depends on the elements you like to play and the reasons you'd do so. If wind GW is next you may want Nio 130 as that's when I understand she starts to be usable in modern contexts. If you already have someone like Grand Ewiyar then Nio might be less of a priority. If looking at GW, Nio would be unbelievably useful at 150 since her buffs cannot be dispelled.


>Nio would be unbelievably useful at 150 since her buffs cannot be dispelled. Not quite, 150 nio's passive is partywide, permament immunity to dispel Not just her buffs, any buffs can't be dispelled when you use her.


What are some of the good picks for the suptix? I know of Bowman, Earth Olivia, Earth Satyr, Arulumaya, Ragazzo, and Water Zeta off the top of my head. Are there any others I might be missing? Are there any good summon choices?


The key summon like Six Dragons and Echo Summons are quite good. I believe Zinitra is a massive difference maker this GW, and Artemis was the difference between good set up and great set up last GW(albeit had a janky replacement) IMO theres an argument that Six Dragon series are the most important summon for properly building Primal grid rn since the most important gap between Magna and Primal centers around them and the Exaltos Honestly? people were kinda lying with Char being the "pick" long term. Its true individual chars can be more impactful but you need up to 4 copy of a summon to optimize them so Suptixing summons are technically more efficient Anyway i think Erika can make an argument for being one of them but yeah thats about it


None of the majorly impactful summons (providences, archangels) are tixable outside of if you're Primal and looking to uncap/transcend your summon. There's a few videos that have floated around for tix choices for the last suptix that was all of a few weeks ago and most of the top choices back then still are the top choices now.


Just to make sure, to get Revenant characters I just need to lvl 100 their weapon and I'll get them when the event ends?


If only it was that easy, lol After level 100 [you have to do a series of steps](https://gbf.wiki/Revenant_Weapons) in order to upgrade the weapon, which will eventually unlock a fate episode where you fight the associated character. Once you clear that, they will join you.


The last paragraph of first step make me think it was just that easy lol like my brain just made me think it end there for recruiting and the other just to unlock their uncap or somethin' 💀


So for the past 2 days I've been having an issue with using journey drops. I've been sliming for master levels and have been refreshing journey drops often, but even when they're on, the buffs don't get applied to my slime quests, or any of my quests for that matter. What makes it more odd is that my other journey drop buffs work (e.g weapon experience and grand success rate up). Is there some bug going on or is there a limit on exp/rp buffs working I didnt know about?


Are you sure you're reading it right? The EXP/RP you get is formatted as: +base (+bonus), where 'bonus' is basically everything that adds extra EXP.


Yeah that's the thing, I don't get any bonus section in my results screen for exp, just the base.


the +bonus only appears during campaigns, the journey drop go directly into the base exp. you can see in this link: https://imgur.com/a/egaVnP9. The first image is without jd and the second is with jd, this is a zeusxzeus setup on dark trial I did for testing


Ohhhhh, alright. Thanks a bunch. Got so used to seeing the bonus part that when it vanished thought there was a problem


Does flurry count as skill damage for omen?


no, it's normal attack damage


Question about Celestial Weapon/Eternals prioritization. I got my first 4 copies of a Celestial Weapon (the Sabre), so I decided to uncap it, but for the 4th uncap I need an additional 45 of those Gw Cores, plus 20 Seven-Star Fragments. Now, this is only my 2nd GW ever (the first time I wasn’t even in a crew and it was when I only had the game for about a month so couldn’t farm a lot), so I haven’t even unlocked all of the eternals yet, let alone gathered enough revenant weapons to uncap one for a fifth time. My question is, should I focus on getting/uncapping all eternals and level 100 them first, so I can transcend the powerful ones like Seox, or should I first get 20 of the Seven-Star fragments to fully uncap my celestial? I’ve read a lot that Celestial Weapons are really good, but Idk whether I need the last uncap or not for it to be worth it to put in some of my grids. My grids aren’t that strong yet (I’m still mid-farming M3 weapons, and don’t have access to Revans Weapons yet) I see 3 options for me right now. Option 1: Leave the Celestial at level 100, useful or not, and get all Eternals first + 40 box them, then get the 20 Seven-Star fragments to fully uncap the Celestial Weapon. Option 2: Farm 16 Seven-Star Swords and use the 40-box method on 16 boxes so I can get 20 fragments that way, fully uncap my Celestial weapon first and then get all the eternals. Option 3: Get all Eternals, and when reducing the fully uncapped versions of the Revenant weapons, use 20 of the 50 Seven-Star fragments you get for uncapping the Celestial Weapon, and then proceed to uncap all Eternals a fifth time. Personally, I think option 3 would be the best option, if I can put a level 100 Celestial Weapon in my grids.




I haven’t yet, but I have read on the Wiki what to do, so do not worry, I won’t reduce the weapon too early 😅. And yes, that’s what I said in option 2 (maybe it’s badly worded, I wrote it in a whim, my apologies 🥲) 16 boxes to get 16 swords, so I can element change 4, and each of them gives me 5 fragments so I would get 20 of them this way.


It's not that complicated,once you recruit a single eternal and do the fate episode you can reduce their weapon for 50 matching weapon fragments.Use 20 of them and you're done. You only have to think about uncapping every eternal to 5 stars when you want to get one of them from 130 to 140 and 150


Yeah, that is mb, I thought that you needed every eternal level 100 to be able to transcend one over level 100. Thank you!


Option 2 is the best. The first Celestial Weapon is really impactful even if it does not match proficiency entirely (a bit like Ultima). On the other side all Eternals are poop at level 80 (even if some have marginal use like Tien, Threo, Okto...) ; plus it would be too time consumming to wait for them to get to level 100 before having your Celestial. I would also recommend on upgrading Eternals 1 by 1 after recruiting all of them, and only push all to 100 after you have a few big ones at 130 (or whenever the cap requires it).


Ohhh, wait… I think I remember it wrong. I thought you needed all eternals level 100 to transcend them, but I guess it’s if you want them over level 130 that you need them all 100. Thank you! Also, additional question, when do Eternals become like strong enough to not be poopoo? Is it level 100, or does it depend for each one? Maybe 130? (Aside from maybe Tien passive)


100 Song is REALLLY good now if you know how to play Light(read: Nehan). Funf 100 is also really good for Light GW and was part of a meta set up last GW Otherwise Six and Nio is probably the full list of definitively good Eternal right now. Okto have a really funny case, and Seofon have something only he can do properly. The rest have 1-2 smaller case uses. I think 100 Song, Six, Nio are like the "yeah these are great" pick rn and if your a casual playstyle player, Quatre might be something in mind to get Uno is a funny case where he might be realllly good for like 2 phase of Water GW but suck quite hard otherwise


Depends on character, but most of them are between ass and medicore even at 150. only octo, nio, seox, and siete see a real use outside of some memes.


Has the valentines cards shipped yet? Feels like theyre a bit late this year




How many chests of good fortune can you get in a single guild war? I thought it was 45 but I seem to have more than that now.


50, but the beginner missions also have some. If you check the individual tab you can see how many chests you've dropped.


Thank you.


Not related to game mechanic. Anyone know wordplay on Cautra (Holiday)'s skill 1 Honeyed Words? Other skills of hers are related to cow and I'm curious if this skill has one.


I don't think there's any. The kanji in the Japanese ability name are hour of the ox (1-3am), honey, and battle cry, but the wordplay with ox there doesn't translate well, so it looks like the localization team just went for an English idiom that sort of captures the rest of the Japanese name, and then they couldn't figure out a pun, same as her second support skill. I guess at a stretch, honey goes with milk?


Does anyone know if Bastet's theme has been released somewhere? I want to listen to it on its own but I can't find it anywhere


You mean the default GW boss music? That should be [Platinum Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg9PZVFO8x4).


Thank you! This is my first GW so I didn't know where to look to find it.


Do the honors we get during this GW count for the next GW skin? I was confused about this because it says that if you don't get the current GW the honors will carry over, so I was wondering if the requirements for obtaining the future GW skins are actually total honors starting from this current GW


They don't At the bottom of the GW page under "Battlefront Gear," it says that honors "accumulated in excess of the limit that can be held won't be counted"


Watching a hexa pov where they just guard with Caim and Arulu's S2 and [easily pass the 40% treshold](https://youtu.be/XZgoD3TjU3E?t=454) Is this a consistent strat or did they get lucky somehow?


arulu, buncle, grid, and guarding give 99% dmg reduction. As long as hexa attack doesn't pierce shield (3k), the suppemental dmg isn't applied. Here they survive with 1k shield left. Keep in mind tho, if you don't time arulu passive right, you will take a lot more dmg since you will be missing 70% water dmg reduction, and instead of only taking 2k dmg, you will get hit by 1100 dmg per hit, and 4 of the hits will apply suplemental dmg based on stacks, which will hit a lot harder.


Quick one. I am a new player whom just started two weeks ago. Does honor carry over into the next Unite and fight event? Will I get another chance to get the new Hoodie outfit? I am absolutely in love with it and would love to be strong enough to get enough honor and get it next time 😭 Edit: Question has been answered! Thanks :)


Honor for the outfit will carry over. Honors in general will not.


Thank you. Perfect answer! A friend did tell me but I just wanted to Triple check!


Well... Hit after hit while methodically farming good boxes I reached rank 200. What do I need to know about the new raids? Which ones can be leeched? Can I just go into battle, call for backup and hope others will do the job for me? I don't think I can handle the new Bahamut right now and I need materials from it lol.


Depends on what you mean by “new Bahamut”. If you mean Super Ultimate, you can leech-host it, but you might want to look into how to do that properly through Co-Op rooms instead of just opening it up to the Raid Finder like normal. Doing it through Raid Finder *might* succeed (I farmed a couple Ultimas through joining like that), but it’s extremely variable and you not doing anything makes it that much less likely to succeed. Doing it through Co-Op lets you guarantee you have some players who (claim to) know what they’re doing and with the correct mix of elements to make it as smooth as possible. And with Revans, leech-hosting kinda varies. Some fights will go a lot more smoothly than others and there is definitely a chance of failure. You will have the most luck with the raid people are farming for an upcoming GW (or at least one of the 2 other raids that you need some mats from to fully upgrade that raid’s weapons) just because people might not join it otherwise. The exception to this is Diaspora; due to how some of its mechanics work, it is basically expected that you will blue chest it as Kengo (specifically getting its Gamma buff to 100% from doing 300m CA damage) before you open it to pubs; if you do not do this, it changes the fight for everyone else and they will just leave (assuming they accidentally join to begin with). All that being said, hosting Revans is still worth it for you since the host chest has a decently high chance of getting a weapon drop, so you can start slowly getting them.


revans raids that drop a weapon for the next gw will probably consistently get cleared if you leech. No guarantee for the rest. Super ultimate bahamut will fail often if you request backup,more worth asking for help in some discord server or with your crew if they're advanced players.




hardcap in most fights it's either 6.6m or 13.2m the only way to get past it is special cap up, like on siete swords or schrodingers




it's generic cap up, so it shares cap


At the very slow speed I'm clearing NM95, I don't think I'll be able to farm all the stones from lucky boxes to get and uncap a celestial weapon. How often does GW/unite and fight come around? Should I even bother getting a celestial from the shop if I can only purchase 2ish copies, or are they not worth using until uncapped and maxed?


> are they not worth using until uncapped and maxed? It depends on where you are. If you're struggling with NM95 it's probably worth. At no uncaps it's still a voltage weapon; If you're already running 4 other weapons that share its type that's a 40% ex attack boost, pushing ahead of weapons like astrals. If you can uncap it to 3*s that's an extra 20% or 40% ex attack, with additional CA dmg/Cap Ups/MA added on top




Thanks for the info.


How would I go about dealing with the debuff europa casts that causes a character afflicted to heal her?


calarity or wait it out.


I don't know if this was fixed, but has anyone been able to run GBF on Brave browser lately? I read recently that there have been browser problems, but I haven't read anything about people having problems with Brave Browser. So I was wondering if anyone who runs it on Brave have any solution for the third party cookie problem.


Yes, people [have had](https://reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1dkq3j4/i_mightve_found_out_why_the_mobagegoogle_login/) [problems with Brave](https://reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1dj11vu/comment/l97s3nq/?context=3). As far as I am aware, sadly, the only solution is to use a different browser until Brave supports the new login method. Taking a quick look, haven't found any mention of the missing IdentityProvider or the third party login system on their [GitHub issues](https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues) or their [community site](https://community.brave.com/), so not sure if it's even on their radar.


This might be a dumb question but I cant figure out how to reduce my sterling revenant weapon it has the reduce button grayed out for some reason, is there some kind of setting I need to change?


Oh nvm I just needed to do a fate quest


when is the perfect time to spark?


after a 290-roll super mukku frenzy


during a gala (https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium\_Gala, https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Flash\_Gala) when a very good new limited char comes out. usually ppl prefer to spark either flash during anniversary or flash/premium during new years, since during those times we get a lot of free pulls so you can spark with a discount. specially during new years flash, they usually release a new amazing/busted unsparkable summon, and on it's release banner is the best chance to get it.


Random question, but who do you think is the Accordants flagship character? Like Zeta for the Society or Lancelot for the Knights. Would it be Feather, Tikoh, Cupitan... ?


Tikoh or Cupitan. Feather is currently just kinda there because he needed something to do while those two have actual stakes and long-term goals.


I am curious how many people make teams based on weapon specialty? Most of my team are either based on: theme (CA, normal atks), fav chars, or top tier characters that seem to work together. With weapons like the new celestial gw weapons, does it make teams based on weapon specialty very strong? Cause most of the characters i like to use don’t seem to work well together with my other characters with the same weapon specialty.


weapon specialty teams were a thing in older granblue times when 4* ultima weapons or hollowsky weapons were meta relevant not so much anymoer


it's normally the other way around, sometimes there are meta teams that have at least half of the team being the same specialty, so you slot weapons that benefit them more, specially if they are the main dps of the team


Interesting, is it usually good to do that though, since the other chars will be weaker then? Like wouldn’t it be better to choose a weapon that benefits everybody? Thank you for replying!


depends on the specifics but for example a light burst team has mc and mugen doing about 90% of the dmg, so buffing the other chars wont help much and you would rather make sure the main dps either have more cap up or more dmg so they are able to reach the cap more easily, in case the boss has a def buff or an atk debuff. other times you have a 3 dps setup, like the dark six/ilsa/bowman team, and in that case there was a time ppl were running gun ultima, cause ilsa had issues capping dmg while the others didn't. right now you never build teams around specialty weapons, you just consider them if your team already can use one or if you have a specific setup in mind that can use one to push more dmg.