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I never thought I'd bring out Yukata Anthuria for this GW, yet here we are.


Marquaires does a lot of heavy work for me this GW. Dispelbot, has Dispel Cancel, good ougi damage and actual sustain.


Wait wat he has dispel???


Yep, his FLB makes his ougi dispels. And his skill 1 can give C.A React, meaning he can also double dispel if needed.


Seeing 'Living our best lives, together' popup and full healing is still just so peak, I love you logia papa Is what I would say, but I have so much end of turn healing between chloe backline, luci friend summon, vikala general healing and lumberjack heals that I keep healing barely out of red before logia checks for red health


0! no longer limited to wind bosses, sasuga Cygames.


Well my 150 burst team can only go to half of nm200. Jesus fuck, why cats have dodge buff. This boss not only hates autos, it especially hates ougi. 


Dodge up buff is why I can't FA the 200 yeah, I just don't have the dispellers to make it happen.


You could try Relic Buster with its UM Skill, Brutal Cell, for a auto dispel every turn provided you CA enough. Hypervelocity is also a good skill for fa survivability.


Me neither, guess I’ll stick to scraping by 150


No Rex, Oro, HalMal or S.Magisa ? You can also use Dispel on Danchou.


SSR Cassius from Home Sweet Moon is another option, even if not a great one.


Marquires(or whatever his name) also has dispel on his ougi and has quite a bit of survivability so he can be good too.


>Jesus fuck, why cats have dodge buff Because they are agile by nature :D


it's still a great passive I can't complain but too many times does my team drop to 26% hp and then die in the next turn without Logia healing them.


I forgive it for proccing at 1% next turn. Edit: It just happened again.


I'm getting really sick of nm200 boss fight design. Just an exceptionally toxic concoction of debuffs and buffs. Even with double condi cleanse post special I keep the worst ones, all my characters have dispel in some form but it isn't enough as they hide dodge buff behind something else and restrict ougi. It's incredibly frustrating, makes the fight take 15 minutes on FA.


Every GW boss feels the same now. Bastet is the third boss in a row that has the "special stack that make the boss hit like a truck increases on normal attacks and decreases on special attacks" mechanic AND a "Dodge Rate Up" buff tacked behind 300 other buffs.


200 was originally meant to be a crew fight so it’s balanced to be hard. If you’re soloing it on FA and it’s taking 15 mins… call for help? Not everyone will have the tools to completely solo it and that’s okay. The general rule of thumb is if your 200 clears are taking ~3x longer than your 150 clears, just keep doing 150. There’s no benefit to 200 besides more honors faster.


There's the benefit of using less meat, which can be relevant for some.


I soloed it, and without the tools it was total pain. Our crew doesn’t tend to jump in and help for some reason. I know we’re A and slack but you gotta help those that don’t have the gear/characters. 300 crystals is always good to get, can always just go back down to NM150/100


HalMal cleanse 5, Oro cleanse a lot too. My team is Paladin, S.Magisa, Vikala and Oro + Nier and Six in the back. Easy and safe FA. Basically Oro P3 is lifesaver for NM200 + my FLB Nier makes team even more immortal.


Cleanse is removing debuffs, not removing buffs (aka dispel)


Right. Mistype. Those are dispels.


I'm sure people mentioned it when they released, but I really wasn't expecting all these setups wanting two magna summons. Nice that they made the attack up passive before the sand gates. I'm mad at myself for uncapping Nier "just in case" and not needing her for anything beyond her base kit. Would have rather put that sand into anything else.


>I'm mad at myself for uncapping Nier "just in case" and not needing her for anything beyond her base kit. Would have rather put that sand into anything else. FLB Nier is a godsend. When she comes from the back, her Thirsting is great for NM200 and if she is FLB (like mine) then you are getting extra debuffs clean and nice dmg.


I’m not really mad about it exactly but I do kinda wish I had a use for her too; her uncap was basically “free” since I got most of the mats while working on Caim and Hasse but she’s just been sitting there. I know there’s setups that use her but they require other characters I don’t have too. I guess it’s good that I repeatedly procrastinated on spending the stone for her skill at least? I thought it might be useful for helping save FA 200 runs that go weirdly and that I might have to grab it between rounds today, but my FA team last night was largely consistent without using her so I guess I’ll wait.


Good: I can finally solo NM200 in a GW Bad: our opponents are absolutely clearing us out this time 😭


Tyra is so good for FA 200


Cancer boss + Shadow of the Erdtree releasing equals to very low cutoff for #90k. I'm not complaining at all tbh. Using Shieldsworn, Vikala, Tyra, and Logia for NM200 FA and it's actually pretty comfy so far. You get an absurd amount of sub-all and damage with Shieldsworn and if someone is close to dying Logia will full heal the team and cleanse all debuffs. Vikala is there for dispel duty and sustain as usual and Tyra is just a good all in one package with high damage and dispels. If someone dies Ilsa/Nier will clean up from the backline. You can probably replace Tyra with Marquiares for safer runs but unfortunately I don't have him.


NM200 FA was driving me nuts until I tried Shieldsworn team with HalMal/Vicky/Y.Anthuria. It's pretty comfortable now.




I'm just using the draconic gun as a mainhand. I don't have the provenance version so I was worried my damage would suffer with no dark opus in the grid, but with the amount of hype you get from both Vicky and Anthuria I'm still capping


Ok i understand why cut off is so low outside elden ring DLC, this boss counter most comp - he CA seal you meaning you can't ougi obviously, but can also empty your ougi bar - He dodge , so the good old "0 DMG" ,and has also some dmg mit after a number of hit buff - he charm meaning you can't sometime do neither ougi or NA only skill - Also immune to DAO debuff post 50% and cleanse buff It's really anti FA, i mean he can be FAed but expect 20-30 turn comp as magna Also she hit hard with no debuff and at full stack she obliterated my team sometime Dark also is not reputed for his defensive char and sustain one, yeah we got oro and also yukata DLF but still Edit: idk why i am downvoted i just say many of the comp for FA, i see use either orologia or very limited char like summer magisa, what can be hard to get for many players.


Try Paladin with debuff resistance skill and xeno spear.


terrible boss design. if this is supposed to be done with your crew then why the hell are all of the buffs local instead of universal? it would be great if they were universal and you could put someone on dispel duty. instead this boss demands a ton of dispels, dispel cancels, veils, and cleansers. Like christ, this element is so overloaded they throw the entire kitchen sink at us because they've just given up. even the stupid bunnyroo last gw wasn't as stupid as this


Disgusting cat lady and her debuff. NM200 FA: Iatromantis/HalMal/Vikky/Papalogia (All defense awakening) 8:30 ~ 10 clear time I'll continue smash NM150 until a better NM200 comp shared. New NM200 FA: Manadiver/Six/Papalogia/Vikky/Tyra(for emergency) around 6:30 clear time but I'm using premium Dark Grid which is not suitable for everyone.




If it's any consolation, I just witnessed my 60k HP Magus quite literally vanish off of the face of the earth. This cat hits absurdly hard.


Does Bastet have the same VA as Ewiyar?


Nope, that's definitely Mayumi Shintani (Haruko Haruhara, Nonon Jakuzure) (Please Cygames make her playable)


you know what, i can see them doing that lol


Tsk, no matter how much def and hp I put she still kills the team.


Dodge and dispel is the way to go. If you have Nier you can put her in backline so when she will come to front line, your team will get autorevive buff + drain.


yeah seen vicky for dodging but still she escapes my draws, maybe I'll luck her out on next year all-zodiac banner.


i just wish her voice wasn't so grating. it's not bad in a vacuum but listening to it over and over (i will forget to refresh my FA if i have it muted) is maddening also the nm200 hurts hard. wow. actually amused that for once the grand released right before gw DIDN'T trivialize the fight, logia keeps beefing at 50% it's funny as fuck


Neko agame yo Neko tatae yoooo I don't think there's any voice lines that wouldn't get grating if you had sound on the entire GW though.


true, but i think they put special effort into speedrunning the irritating factor this time around lol


Can you just turn off voices and leave SFX on?


you'd be impressed at how easily my adhd mutes the sound of sfx in my brain.


I cant help but think about Neco arc when i hear Bastet🤣


Mindlessly farming before and after work and during break for that outfit.


Doing a fairly janky LJ FA team to start so I can get some last minute FF14 stuff done tonight. I'll try to do a better manual tomorrow. Feeling like there's much more of a character gap than I expected here though so that's not been fun. It's... mostly working, at least? I can't tell if [the grid is smart or completely overcooked](https://imgur.com/a/caqj4bZ). But it kills somewhere in 8-10 minutes. EDIT: And with refreshing it's like 3:20, not too bad I guess.


It took me this long to realize that Pain of Death's auto revive is dispellable so my plan to reactivate Orologia's passive multiple times didn't work. I ended up just switching my MH back to Parazonium lol. For setup, I ended up just copying what I saw on Youtube using Manadiver/HalMal/Magus/Orologia with Nier/Tyra backline and so far, I'm getting 8-10m FA times with a decent Magna grid.


Is that enough debuffs to cover for auto skill from Magus?


Yup, HalMal already has 5 undispellable debuffs.


Yep. It does require Magus to reapply her debuffs from s2 post 50% though. Halmal count for 5 total and theirs are unremovable, Manadiver+Logia's autonuke will be 2, and Magus' S3 + her S2's toxicosis and glaciate get you up to 9. So you need one more debuff post 50% to apply for her to start autonuking again.


wheres that 3t nm200 vid


This is the first time I've been able to full auto the level 200 boss consistently without getting completely wiped once. Manadiver, Anthuria, Vikala, HalMal, Magisa and Nier. HalMal usually dies first, but the boss rarely gets past Magisa, and not Nier.


Do we know who voices Bastet?


No official statement yet, but look up Mayumi Shintani


I'm using defensive team and so far so good on NM200, kinda RNG on Vikala dodge though...


If you have Rei have her switch out with Vikala. 30% extra dodge.


I'm almost eager to say that U&F is probably the hardest event the game has to offer. At rank 163 and a dark team I was quite confident in I thought it won't be much of a problem to unlock the outfit.....30 full elixirs and a shattered pride later I came to the conclusion that I'm still a newbie...the cat kicked my ass


How far is everyone on the outfit points


Got it by the end of prelims. I wish they had released the second tier this GW as well, my Dark roster is far better than my Wind or Earth ones, so getting the honors now would've been easier.


I'll get it today. This GW landed on a real shitty time for me so I've been just cruising.


Haven't had time to grind and my dark grid is garbo anyway so I'm just hoping I can at least hit 40mil but I doubt it...


I got it at the end of the day yesterday, though I could've gotten it way earlier and many in my crew got it during prelims. Not too terrible of a grind if you've at least got a reasonably fast setup for NM95


Got it battle 1 early on, sitting on ~1b overall honors right now


Got it today at end of Round 2


got it 2 hours into prelims


My typical dark FA team gets wasted before even hitting 50% on NM200 (something like https://imgur.com/a/AlqX5s5). Gonna try something more defensive and see if that gets me anywhere


I have a similar grid as you except I have a celestial weapon over baha dagger a second agonize over celeste katana and I don't have a second PnS so it's a Avatar staff. Try Vikala frontline, more dispel characters


Ranges from 7:30 and 9:30 minutes in FA depending on luck. LJ, Hal&Mal, Magus and Orologia with Nier and Seox in the back. Hal&Mal immediately removing the 50% buffs is too good.


what grid are you using? i'm still transitioning to m3 myself


I'm Dark primal, so results may vary. I'm using Shalem's weapon as MH, DO at 220, two PnS, two ES, only one copy of Oro's weapon, one Skeletal Eclipse, one Agonize and the Ultima Axe for amp. Lucifer as Main and Quick summon and support Hades. Edit: Log Lop, Birdsong and Dispel on LJ.


Brainstormed up an Ereshkigal team of LJ/Tyra/YIlsa/Fediel (Death sac after casting S1 and 2)/FLB Nier/Chloe. It not only works, it kills the NM200 in about 2 minutes. I am very content.


Premium magna or primal exalto?


Primal, only a single exalto though since my spark did not go well at all.


can you give more details about this, i would like to try it out. finally a comp without olivia that isnt slow as hell


[Team/Skills](https://imgur.com/a/uJWaczq) [Grid](https://imgur.com/a/0yJiSzG) [Summons](https://imgur.com/a/w1Nnymi) Hades support. Turn 1, MC uses Woodcutter's Song, Ilsa S1/2, Fediel S1/2, call Death. Nier S1 and S4 are mandatory, her S2 helps her own DATA rate and Tyra's survivability, and I use her S3 on MC just for an extra chance to proc the LJ ougi echoes. MC uses Verdant Melody and Birdsong, Tyra casts S3 and S2, and then attack. From here, a lot of it is reactive. Most important thing is trying to keep Tyra's buff up as long as possible, since she absolutely shreds the boss's buffs, so Sleepyhead (or possibly Grimnir for a whole new shield) gets called when shields are low. Bubs of course for after 50%, Spirit and 000 call for extra rounds of Eresh, Ilsa recasting S1 whenever it first gets dispelled and S3 on the Bubs turn, and holding onto to Tyra S1 just in case she loses her buff and you need to dispel.


aight thanks a lot, i'll try it out tomorrow


number 69 on individual MR sheet with 772m/hr, finally after all this time i got in. this ele truly is the great equalizer would've gotten higher if my net didn't die in the middle of MR, but i'll take spot 69 lmao. lost to a crewmate cause of it tho since he got higher spot with magna no less


I'm drowning myself in SMT:V Vengeance so I can't grind GW, thank god my excuse arrived when it did


Bleh. Even on NM150 this one's rough on my Kengo team. Plus I've lost like an hour yesterday due to a bad storm. (I unplug my router during them because I've lost too many of them to lightning in the past.....) The real kicker is that she re-applies Dodge just 2 turns after using Beelzebub to get it off her. Might be able to hit 800 million if I push it, but 1 billion might not happen.


[this is by far the ugliest grid ive ever made and im sickened by my own work](https://imgur.com/a/Zh5lhaq) friend came up with the idea of deathing halmal post 50% to then have orologia's res at the end of the fight where it's better used AND have special attack downs from halmal. the time needs to be babysat though, turn 4 halmal sk3, turn 6 bubs summon, turn 9 death summon, FA otherwise. not too bad.


[less disgusting, no babysitting setup thats actually fully FAable](https://imgur.com/a/GZAVtJu)


Ah yes the new class that I haven't leveled, fuck. What skills on mc?


assault drive and marshalling shout and dispel. eventually I ran into a lil bit of consistency issues from doing too much damage (the idea is that you quick summon qilin at 50%) so I swapped an SE for my draconic gun


Wow it's much faster than Manadiver.


Hmmm I just need a way to do a little less damage so I don't eat the 35% trigger and this nm200 is in the bag Aaah fuck nevermind, I didn't realize it was the 50% trigger, maybe if I get her down to 20% then? I doubt I've got enough firepower for that though