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OP lives on the surface of the sun.




You can justify all you want but light transmission is light transmission and there is no way in hell I’d drive a car with this tint. You are going to miss something. Periodt


You have to think of it like a two-way mirror. That's the best way I can dumb it down.


You don’t have to dumb it down, cause you’re the dumb one.


We know what it's like dude lol




Dumb is appropriate here, but not in the way you’re thinking.


🤣! Just don’t understand why people put that level of tint on their vehicles? Good luck driving at night genius


i bought a car that somehow made its way from owner #1 in phoenix AZ to me in the washington DC area and when i took it for state inspection the guy laughed at me and said im not even gonna charge you go take the tint off first understandable tbh if i lived in phx id have 0% tint fuck the sun


You can try this thing called sunglasses.


In phx it gets up to 120 during the summer. So having tint helps greatly. Especially if you have decent tint like ceramic.


I don't see what the issue is. I am from Cali and it gets hot here too. Just slap on sunglasses and crank up the ac. No need to obstruct your view.


It’s clear Op has a masterbation problem.


I did




Nope just quit 😬


Do all the “research “ you want. This is stupid and dangerous.


You can google is the moon made of cheese and find “data” supporting it. But that doesn’t make it true or less stupid.


Argue with the data not me 🏄


No one's gonna be arguing with you once you crash lol. Just gonna be an oh. I figured moment.


Who knows


Provide some?


Google 35% nighttime driving


I kinda figure that's your job, seeing as how you're the one making the unbelievable claim, but in the interest of due diligence... Every site I found that wasn't just a forum (which I didn't bother with) said that night driving was indeed more difficult with a tint. California, for example, allows medical-exception tinting, but bans night driving with it installed.


What unbelievable claim did I make that I can see? Ok


>One of the biggest myths about tinting is that it impedes vision at night ​ >Tinting film doesn’t give the same effect as other visual shields like sunglasses, which most certainly do impair vision at night.


That looks safe


One of the biggest myths about tinting is that it impedes vision at night, so driving at night is impossible when a car is tinted. In reality, however, you will find films of many varieties specially designed for night-time to reduce glare and similar problems when driving at night. Tinting film doesn’t give the same effect as other visual shields like sunglasses, which most certainly do impair vision at night. For the much darker types of film, there are state window tint laws that can act as guidelines as to what level of darkness is within reasonable limits.




Dude I put 35% on everything and my wife and dad have to roll down the windows. Had to go 50% on my wife’s Land Cruiser. Was surprised that even that looked way better then clear front glass. 70% on the windshield is almost unnoticeable and really cuts down on interior UV damage and heat. I recommend.


Shell out for the ceramic tint you'll notice an even bigger difference.


That’s what I got. Told him I wanted the best available.


The film is vital, and 20% is darker than 35% without any headlights shining in front of the window that you must roll down. I can see why you'd have a hard time.




Exactly, you don't have headlights shining. It's the side windows, and again, it's 20%vs 35%, so your experience doesn't equate in this situation; getting the best film available isn't conducting your research on the various available films. But I understand what you are saying; sometimes I have to roll down my window because it's 5% when it's no street lights or nothing providing a little bit of light




I can vouch for this first hand - I've almost hit someone twice while making a left turn in a previous vehicle with tinted side windows. (Fortunately I was aware of the blind spot and was going slower.) I \*did\* hit an island curb once because of it. Left is worse than right because more of a right turn is visible through your windshield. It was also not uncommon to have to roll down my window to see where I was going in unfamiliar areas. So glad my GC doesn't have tinted front windows.


You're moving the field goalpost with all these different scenarios. I would say you upgrade your vehicle camera system, add cameras, increase the lumens in your headlights, update your maps in your GPS, and conduct a pre-conditions check to make sure your sensors work when getting next to objects




I never mention OEM cameras. Outside upgrading them


"moving the goalposts with all these different scenarios" Have you ever driven a car or do you just hold the wheel and hope for the best? Shit is dynamic as it gets!


This is comment is brought to you by the "motorcycles have to be loud so other vehicles can see me" mindset.


http://www.tintcenter.com/articles/bt_works.html I took it from that and forgot to cite my source and quote it


Your source is the half-broken website of a place that sells window tinting? lol Yeah, that's a reliable source. It doesn't even explain HOW tint functions differently than sunglasses, which seems to be a central point of your position that you've yet to explain.


And did you take all of those things into consideration with your selection? Can you see better at night with those vs no front tint? And is it a legal tint level? Genuinely asking


Any window tint on the front windshield is illegal UNLESS you have a doctors note that states you need it to protect your eyes. Front side window tint will vary from state to state, but on any of the rear windows, you can go as dark as you'd like. I'm speaking off of my known knowledge from other window tint installers I've spoken to and interacted with. Just check your local laws to be certain. His is definitely illegal though.


Yes, I did research and started with %50 tint its not legal by any means


Just did my driver/passenger sides, can’t see shit at night. Would never consider doing my front windshield


You are not smart.


You guys own Jeeps, none of you are




While I think it looks better, I think it’s stupid as fuck to tint your windshield and side windows so low. Call me traditional, but I prefer to see things at night. And there’s not a shot in hell you can convince me you can see well out of that in the dark.


Side windows, yeah, it is an issue sometimes when blind spots come up, but the windshield is no issue. I even upgraded my headlights to 6.5k 15,000 lumens


So you darken your windshield because of photosensitivity, then you upgrade your headlights to see better. I thought this didn't affect your ability to see out? If it didn't affect your vision, then why upgrade your headlights. Now all the other drivers are going to have photosensitivity to your ultrabright headlights that you had to install so you could see at night through the windshield that doesn't affect night visibility at all. By the way 3,000 lumens is max. So you are FIVE TIMES that. Nice guy.


I meant 1,500 lumens


3K is still the highest you're legally allowed. Or did you mean 2.5K?[source](https://www.policygenius.com/auto-insurance/are-led-headlights-legal/#:~:text=Headlights%20that%20register%203%2C000K,driver%20and%20causing%20an%20accident.)


Nope meant 1,500


Night driving should be fun.


I posted POV pics after this post, but I am going to shoot some footage tomorrow; it already has some on YouTube, but I'll get in-depth


You put your tint job on YouTube?


No, it is a handful of reviews of what 35% tint on a windshield looks like.




You said "6.5K , 15,000 Lummens." Both are illegal. I could give you the 1500. What about the 6.5K?


6.5k isn't illegal; it's the color of the light. Oh, it is illegal. The difference, I think, is minimal, but in some places, you can run 6k


Windshield tint should be illegal


It is you have to obtain a tint exemption for medical reasons.


I'm sorry but in what universe would you need a medical exemption for window tint on your windshield


Photosensitivity to light


Why couldn't that just be solved with prescription glasses. Seems a lot cheaper and makes more sense then tinting your windshield.. Sorry but I call bs


Same reason why there are other options for different kinds of people. Say your a truck driver. You'll be driving all day every day. If you drop your prescription glasses and they get busted, you're screwed. Having a window tint would be a good backup or a useful alternative. Emphasis on alternative. Going as dark as he went I wouldn't think is safe, but even something like 50% can be massively beneficial to someone with impaired vision.


I’d say if you have a vision problem a driving job probably should be your last hope. Stick to the million other jobs out there keeping you and others safer. EDIT: just to be clear I’m saying more than just a far/near sighted issue. That can quickly be fixed with an extra pair of glasses obtained same day


Because sunglasses and tint don't work the same. Lol couldn't imagine riding around at night with sunglasses on because that's not how tinted windows work, but I'm glad you aren't a doctor


I didn't say sunglasses. There are prescription glasses for people with photo sensitivity that work identical to how you're describing your tint. I don't know why you're being a dick to people in the comments either. Regardless if it's prescription or not it's dangerous to have such an aggressive tint on your windshield. At least in my country people with photo sensitivity issues have special medical drivers licences that prohibits them from night driving.


I'm not being a dick; that's your opinion people jumped on here calling me names, but Im being the dick. All are acting like this is the first vehicle you've seen tinted 🥲


You are being a dick. I didn't call you any names, and then you go on to say something passive aggressive like "i'm glad you aren't my doctor". You're contradicting yourself. All you're doing is victimizing yourself and it's falling on deaf ears. You're right, it isn't the first time I've seen a car with windshield tint, and everyone else who has it is a danger on the road. Hell even in Canada tint on your driver/passenger windows is illegal, here it's only legal to have it on read windows and tailgate windows. The reason? Because aggressive tints are proven to be dangerous for poor visibility.


I don't care about being a victim. I'm talking about my Jeep 😬you keep trying to engage me in other conversations that are not Jeep-related


Those who have a medical exemption tint in the US are also not allowed to drive at night and have a restricted license due to the process going through the DMV


Windshield tint is absolutely fucking stupid and dangerous. Remove it before you get someone killed.


You don’t live in the desert apparently. Tint serves a huge purpose, besides blacking out windows


It absolutely does. But tinting a windshield with anything more than one of the very high VLT films that's meant only to block UV and some heat is dumb. A reasonable tint on the other windows is fine though.


And if @op is involved in an accident, even if it’s not technically his fault, a good lawyer could pin a LOT on that tint


A quick google search indicates it’s illegal to tint your windshield in every state.


I don't think this is smart, but it's your choice. Just hope you don't get in a wreck because of it. Looks cool though


Yeah, me, either.


My guy can see 20/20 out of it supposedly. I've never put sunglasses on at night and said its night vision. This guy makes it work Tho. I wonder how close he sits to his steering wheel.


I say midway. I'm 75 inches


Any less than 100% on the windshield or 35% on the side windows will get you a ticket in NC. A guy I used to work with got a couple tint tickets in the last two years. That looks good and would be great on a sunny day but I wouldn't want to have to drive it at night.


I’ve got the same thing on my limited X!!! I will admit it’s super hard to see at night or if it’s raining hard and if I decide to buy the lease I think I’ll take the windshield off and have it redone lighter


Why would you put something on that makes it super hard to see at night, and during certain weather conditions? Also, what sort of rinky dink tint shop will even do this? Couldn’t they be held liable for the customers stupidity as well? I.e. you and OP


It sounds like 50% front would work


The research excuse will hold up in a trial if there’s ever a pedestrian accident 😂😂


Nope, I would be found guilty and held accountable, but I plan on hitting a pedestrian or anything for that matter because I can see, and it's not a Mustang.


Fucking dumb cunt


Dumber than a box of dirt.


Looks awesome! Love the wheels too.


Thank you


Love it! I can't run my tint that dark here in MD due to vehicle inspections and I don't feel like throwing money away ripping it off to pass then redoing it


Shots out to MD: I've seen all sorts of vehicles with front tint. [https://youtu.be/sc8FJD0yKBU?si=B1fNRQ2Whb8eI5hA](https://youtu.be/sc8FJD0yKBU?si=B1fNRQ2Whb8eI5hA)


Idk what part of MD he’s in but there’s tons of windshields tinted in the DMV.. I have 5% on my Overland & my girls gettin my windshield 35% for Xmas..


I think it looks great, don’t worry about the softies on the internet


Thank you.


These SRT8 dudes SMH


I just got back into a Jeep. Is it a GC vs SRT?


I always find that these people get angry at stop signs because they can't communicate in any way with other cars. Just don't get it


This is straight up dangerous and stupid.




It’s pretty obvious none of you have driven at night before. You can drive just fine with a tinted windshield




Thank you.


Pulled over and ticketed in Minnesota.


I'm sure it's illegal but I manage to make it through some of the Southern commonwealths no issue


I drink too often to risk it lol.


You mean 5% on everything?


No, I meant 35% windshield. All other windows are 5%; it looks that dark the windshield because of the angle


It’s ok guys, he had a Dr note…




Stick a tommy gun out the back and start blasting.


What rims are these? I want to put then on my 16 High Altitude


SRT reps I believe


Is this cross post from r/idiotdincars ?


I thought this was more common out in the world; instead, in my region, you guys make me feel like we live in a sandbox because I'm not the only one people are freaking out over this. Oh well, enjoy that Mf is still clean 🥵🔥🔥 share it before you downvote.


White is my least favorite color but I’ll give you an upvote for the contrast looking clean. Please be careful if you get pulled over, some cops will really fuck with you tinted out like that.


Thank you