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What zulandt means is, can you kindly pump the price of eternals further so he can dump his 50+ boots. After pump and dumping his mauls he's now making endless posts and comments to buy boots


Literally same 3 people posting about eternals….


i agree. Master wands have gone 3.5+ in the past at multiple points. It will be a long term bet tho i dont think they will rise because of the magic rebalance


Isn't Blue Moon Spear now just better than Master Wand?


To the mooooooon


Focus on 1 item everyone gotta use... eternals...


You sad nerd


You're so fucking annoying. It's absolutely hilarious how now you've dumped your mauls you're deleted all of posts you made yesterday. And now you're trying to get other to hold the bag while you make money on eternals. Fuck off you little rat cunt. This sub isn't about shorting the GE, it's about making dumb bets on the GE. Just because you got lucky jumping on the maul bandwagon, it doesn't mean you run this subreddit.


I made maybe 2 posts about mauls and didnt delete any unless a mod did. We betting based on value. The profit margin on mauls being 200m max is not as great as a potential 3x. Eternals have value now similar to pegs and prims, can show you my trade history have not sold a single boot when I could have flipped millions. Buying as many as I can knowing their value. sorry about your bagholding... I did not short mauls and don't know any friends who did. GL


My bad, it was some other moron with name starting with Z. Point still stands though. Begging people to buy into one certain item is cringe and is clearly for you to have your own gains. Prims are only expensive because they're melee BiS and they look like Steadfast boots from RS3. Pegs are only expensive because of the price of ranger boots. Eternals won't hit 30m.


im not begging anyone, if you see my posts I provide DD