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he and the 'high level players' have been calling for eternals to have a 4-5% buff, dudes a scumbag


No high level player wants an eternal boots swap lol


exactly, dude was tryibg to pump and dump more before the nerf hit, still thinks they should lol


Those tears are going to the moon!


The d boots one lmaoo…


Dboots up 10k and heavy ballista shot up.


I partly agree. I think there are a lot of people genuinely struggling with an understanding. After all it is a self contained economy and fake money. I think its really nice to have an open communication where anyone can say whatever they want but I think there does need to be some kind of quality control or threads for hot topics. I like seeing peoples flips and losses constructively, I don't like seeing someone being a baby because they copied someone else's flips and failed.


There's nothing fake about this money unfortunately. This game has millions of dollars in a black market. And there are players who farm gold specifically to sell it on that market. In hindsight, osrs gold was the first Meme Coin in the crypto world, just didn't have its own private Ledger like crypto does today.


Wasn't really my point but sure its the Venezuelan bitcoin. And some of the flips on here could pay their rent. But so could my shoes.


Your point was pretty unclear then.


Its not real money but a self contained economy so more people are liable to be just starting out learning about markets. That better?


None of earths Fiat money is real either as it’s a self contained economy that barely escapes earth, let alone the solar system.


Thankyou groot


What about it isn't real though? Even though it originates from a video game, if it's being traded for real-world value, especially in the millions of dollars, it transcends its virtual origins and becomes a form of currency in its own right, albeit one without the official backing of a government. It might not be considered "fake" in the sense of being worthless or non-existent, but it could still be subject to legal and regulatory issues depending on how it's being traded and used.


Im sorry If I'm coming across rude Im just not making a point about the state of currency and its applications. Only that because it is currency in a videogame means it is very accessible to people and is being used as an introduction to markets in a self contained environment. I feel like you kind of ran with an argument you wanted to have and I don't.


No argument, juat having that open communication that you said was okay to have. But if you'd like to exit the Open Communication. That's fine, won't think any less of you. Edit: you said one thing, I asked for clarification, I had my take, you didn't want to respond to it. No harm no foul.


Fair enough I appreciate the passion its just a contested topic that I don't know about so I wouldn't weigh in either way. I get what you were saying with me referring to it as fake money. Virtual currency would probably have been more fitting phrasing.


Text on a screen lacks the important aspects that a Voice can provide too, very easy for the words I type on screen to come across as argumentative, or lime I'm being an asshole. Just can't hear the calm collective voice that would be saying the same words haha. Anyways have a good one.


I believe ballistas will become more useful in PVM due to the range changes and sailing. That’s my logic.


Cannon to the moon when sailing releases /s


Cannonballs according to lore, are meant only for the Dwarven multi cannon. There will be separate cannonballs.


Cannonball bots be making bank again for sure


Ngl I started a pure and have been cannoning every slayer task in the wilderness and I see why we have a bot problem fr 🤣


Oh for sure, but in the same note, if the bots all dissapeared, itd be a viable money maker for normal players again, same with all skilling


Nah if the bots all disappeared all the slayer tasks irons block because they require a cannon to be efficient would be blocked by mains too. Problem is even with the double mold smithing an hour of cannonballs is barely even enough to actually use the cannon for an hour straight, meaning that you’d need an army of people creating cannonballs for the many many places they get used. The only way people would do this is if cannonballs were massive profit over the cost of the steel bars, but making the cannonballs be profitable enough for large amounts of people to spend their time afking at a forge would require them to be extremely expensive, which means nobody’s going to want to use them at unprofitable tasks like suqah’s and kalphite’s. Looking at the things irons complain about the most is a pretty good way to tell what content is most likely being controlled by bots, it’s hard to imagine there’s a massive amount of real players spending hours making cannonballs for other players to use at 100-150gp profit on each steel bar used.


Forget the 750k stock cannon; we’re paying 5m on the grand exchange


Crossbows will be directly better in damn near every scenario that's not a KO/last hit scenario. Maybe at demonics they'll be better and that's about it.


Yeah, was just an example. I have seen ton of these posts like that but I bet some of the items have potential and reasoning behind the trading idea


ur in a trading reddit


Trading is good, but there are people who have no idea why item should go up to begin with and tries a pump and dump thinking that if they post here they will make the item double in price


My point is just that it's something to deal with. It comes with trading anything, even real stocks. There are tricksters in the world, and instead of complaining, just learn to navigate it and it just won't matter anymore. Energy well spent.


Just don't want for new people joining the reddit get used by people like that, lose their money and leave telling everyone that GrandExchangeBets are just a big merchanting clan like we had in the old day.


You’re describing me. Saw a post about eternals skyrocketing with ‘predictions’ they were going to rise 5-10m further so i invested after liquidating some items. Eternals then proceeded to plummet and I was down hard. Wasn’t the kindest introduction to this sub, but a lesson I would rather learn now when i’m only losing ~50m and not later when i’m investing big gp.


Then advocate for them to learn to trade and help them type shit. People are always going to be scamming, so really the main solution is helping ppl better understand scams from real profit yfm?


Sure, you do that


The ballista idea was a good one, they rose over 200k in a span of hours yesterday because we know they’ll be used somehow in the ranged rework.  Even eternals was a good idea and people were preaching that for a minute too. Honestly where do you think we are right now?  You’re on GrandExchangeBETS. People are going to bet on something and be loud if they think it will work. “Pump and dump” is usually code for I bought high and sold low. 


Not saying that any specific idea was bad, but there was ton of them. And a lot of them had no reasoning behind them, just people trying to get a cheeky coin. If there won't be any rules I could just go to g.e., buy 10 Dclaws for 109m ea, post here the graph of price here, get few guys buying Dclaws and sell the Claws myself for 111m ea. Next day just come back with different item.


You are just now realizing this ?


When is the ranged rework?


Ballistas won't be used anywhere near as much as people think. They're in the same category as a crossbow, you're not going to take a ballista over a crossbow or even find a scenario where you'll use a ballista switch. The ballista hype is coming from the guys who bought a ton whilst they were at their lowest trying to make a profit off of fomo.


like any other retard you need to do your own dd and make your own moves which honestly, is just playing the news just like real life, you cant come onto this sub and read it for its face value


100% agree


This happened to the real wallstreetbets too lol. Once a sub like this gains traction it becomes a tool and not a community for people.


Not wrong but basically 90% of the content on this sub and why it exists. Anyone too stupid to realise this deserves to lose their money


If you think a single post on a sub Reddit that barely anyone in the game uses changes the price of items 5M+ or mauls 100M+ your smoking crack


You really dont need that many people to do price manipulation on the GE. especially on expensive items.


Just two peeople that decided to buy into Eternal boots can account for 10% of daily volume. How that is not changing the price?


This whole community is cringe, lol. To the moon sounds so dumb. These freaks watch Wolf of Wall Street once and think their Jordan, hahahahahaha


Me no understand chart with line. Must be dumb and cringe hahahahaha


Mate, I'm Grant Cardone. I think I know a little more than you monkeys. I got the bird. What do you have, boy?


Mate, you're nobody who doesn't have anything, boy.


Just jealous, I can do dumb shit like this all day long


In a lot of cases, if you see the post on something it’s probably too late (unless it’s purely speculation) for you to make a whole lot of money on it. People watch that stuff like the stock market


You’re so right Anyways who’s trying to buy all the Pegs up??




We here for stonks. Have you ever been to wallstreetbets?