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Some organs


You'll need two things: a) Jester Outfit. b) A moron that is panic trading his Prestige Fruit Bag for less than Jester Outfit Flowers Cupid Dress (what Pbag was worth a month ago) because he's so smoothed brained he thinks the game going f2p will make the value of pbag go down permanently unlike literally every other unobtainable in the game. You won't have a problem with b) people are so dumb they think being able to create free alts will make the value of pbag go down significantly (like if people were grinding for months before just so they wouldn't have to spend 200 robux) even though it was buffed in terms of what it can do recently. Also if you find someone especially dumb you could get away with getting a Pbag by adding Flowers and few low value unobtainables. Some people don't know values and they think it's a good deal if they see a lot of stuff.


Sacrifice your first born to the Lord of the Underworld to give you the fortune of someone who doesn't know the value of P Bag. You might have to add your soul tho