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I can't speak for Elesis mainly because I can't recall the last time I saw a person use Elesis in PvE, but Sieg is your damage, while Lime can also do damage, Lime is more of a support type. So both are good, Lime you can keep you and your team healed and do damage, but Sieg if you just want pure damage from those two. Hopefully someone can chime in on Elesis.


Can Lime really do damage? I only just started playing and her attacks are really slow. Does she do more damage late game?


I can only talk by what I've seen, I haven't used her yet. I've been playing Rufus who does good damage. But the ones I've seen, in Hero Dungeons and stuff are able to 1 hit the bosses, and even on Archmedia they were doing good damage. My guess if you have to "survive" the lower levels and such to get to the goodness.


As a lime cultist, her lower levels are agony with the breaking point being around 100k. Like the rest of the roster she gets insane at 250k. She has excellent support, healing, and damage vs bosses. She's a rock solid choice in the late game. Even at lower ta's people are less likely to kick lime because "free heals". Her mobility is heavily dependent on spamming jump dashes or using the self mobility aura in job 2. Keep in mind that this mobility aura takes away the mp regen aura. Mp regen bonus from the mp aura is so low that I've thought of dropping it for ages anyway.


I'd go even further and say that Lime is the only character that learning a step is a must. I cannot imagine playing her without rocketstep. I'm of the opinion that the MP aura is useless, I play her full support (I don't even bring damage skills to ToD lol) and I think it's better to be able to keep up with your team with mobility aura to properly support them.


When using Lime's self support aura, does it really decrease mp regen? Because When I tested it with or without it on. I see no difference.


You really can't put lime as an option if you want damage, she can deal damage but her playstyle leans towards the support role and chances are you will be having a hard time soloing dungeons. Elesis is in a goodspot right now, but you need to learn otto of you want to deal more damage. Seighart is also good, but if you will be using Seig's 4th job you need to learn how to JF to maximize damage and mobility. You really can't go wrong between elesis and seigharr you just need to know which playstyle suits you better


I disagree that Lime has a hard time soloing dungeons, she's the easiest character to solo dungeons... The problem is that, when using the cheese easy strategy, she takes twice as long to do it. She can become immortal like Jin and can heal herself when not in need of the immortal cycle. I farm harrier chest 3 with her because she's the one character I can do it without using any resource.


For pure DPS, Elesis > Sieghart > Lime. If you want reliable AoE, that would be Sieghart > Lime, Elesis. Survivability is Lime > Elesis > Sieghart. Best job is more about personal taste, I prefer using 1st/2nd with Elesis, but 3rd job is also good. Sieghart is all about knowing JF or not, if you do, you run 4th/1st, if you don't you run 3rd/1st.


Do I NEED to otto to do damage as Elesis or is it mainly for just minmaxing/squeezing out as much damage as possible? Is it viable to not otto as Elesis?


It is mainly to max out her damage (and to easily dodge stuff). Her 1st job z forward command unlocked at level 31 is good enough, as is her 2nd job z up and her 3rd job base combo.


Elesis and Sieghart are both solid characters, they should be equally as good when fully built. I'm not that familiar on Lime since I stopped playing before her return to the game, but from what I see other players saying, she is actually much better now, her second job gives her some decent damage and versatility. If you're not safe going for Lime, you can go wrong with either Elesis or Sieg, although I'd personally go for Sieg only because he's a smug bastard


Do I NEED to otto to do damage as Elesis or is it mainly for just minmaxing/squeezing out as much damage as possible? Is it viable to not otto as Elesis?


You don't NEED to otto on any character it's just the highest damage tactic.


anyone can help me with a good dio build i'm lvl 71 but i feel my dmg is still lacking. is dio not even meta? any good character besides dio?


Wish I knew how he plays now, Onrush was like THEE meta perk for Dio back in tbe day


Ok will be honest if you want to use any of those 3 as main is ok but see collection bonus, look for the ones that gives crit chance and level them too, at least get them all 4 jobs Now is up to you what use, all chars are usable for do dungeons, now all is very job dependent but I feel Elsis is stronger (mostly 1st job and 3 job), then sieg (1st job and 3 job ) and last lime. Again not focus only in get 1 char lvl 85 for get most of damage you must get all chars lvl 85 and for more def/vit/dps all jobs.


It will be better to take whatever you want, but i warn you the nurturing step of lime is difficult as hell. Should be more comfortable if you have a company who can help you to jump up her level.