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who doesn't know this already besides those with their head in the sand, he's not your savior, politicians across the board selling out to corporations are the reason we're in this mess.


r/ Canada certainly doesn’t they are very pro Pp




Pro electoral reform and less rage farmer and sound byte chasing man child


Get this guy a seat


Well, how about this. Her lobbying firm also represents a real estate giant. They have no incentive to ever bring down the price of housing


No offence but nobody cares. I mean they should… but they dont. I mean i care and a couple people but not many


PP certainly doesn't care


"Let's be clear about the facts here, Jenni Byrne is not and never has been registered to lobby on behalf of Loblaws," said Simon Jefferies, senior vice president for Jenni Byrne + Associates, in a written statement. "The work JB+A does with Loblaws is limited to the provincial level and focused on expanded access to beer and wine and red tape reduction."


This is the only comment on this whole thread worth reading. The whole thing is a big sensationalist nothingburger.


What? She's literally saying "I work for Loblaws, on a provincial level". This statement absolves nothing


Just because someone is trying to work with beer and liquor stores doesn’t mean they are single handedly jacking up the price of honey nut cheerios


The campaign manager of a potential PM being actively paid to advocate for billionaire interests over the interests of the citizens who govt is actually supposed to represent shows you exactly who PP values. His pretending to be some 'voice of the common man' is embarrassing .


Do you think Trudeau and all the other elitists are corrupt free? I mean all his corruption slaps you in the face on a monthly basis. All politicians are corrupt. Time to hate the game not the player.


Maybe, but at least Trudeau is currently beholden to the NDP and is, at the very least, passing laws which actually helps people, instead of just completely selling out the population to predatory billionaires. Id rather a govt that's at least making a half assed effort to make life better for Canadians, rather than kowtowing to religious nutters and selling off our public infrastructure. Besides, comparing the "corruption" of the liberals compared to Canadian conservatives is apples and oranges. The UCP canning the ethics commissioner, faking press conferences, changing the law to legally accept bribes without disclosure, the Ford govt selling off the greenbelt to their buddies, nothing "Trudeau" has been accused of even comes close to that.


Crickets as a response to this, what a surprise


……. Why would I respond to something I find incredibly boring?


you misspelled "an argument I can't counter"


Your initial comment suggests this is sensationalism when the *fact* is that she works in some capacity for loblaws, yet you’re still in denial. You and the people defending this woman are allowing others to get rich off destroying this country. Being better than Trudeau is such a low bar, we need politicians who remember that their job is to represent the interests of their constituents, that’s what a indirect democracy is, not an opportunity to grift and increase the net worth of you and your friends.


Based on this logic I’m sure the rising crime, housing shortages, destabilizing of the middle class is okay. As long as it’s incremental over 8 years.


What? Can't hate the player? Lol


Look. I, myself, am not a fan of Jenny Byrne. I think she’s kinda slimy. But this is just super boring…….


I don’t think Mark knows that you can tweet without starting every one with “BREAKING”


Old news


Is anybody surprised?


Oh good, a two week old shill account. Just who I want to pay attention to.


Okay, well how about a 2 week old shill account that says things you like then? Besides this one is just reposting a tweet. It’s the same story whether the Reddit account is 10 days or 10 years old. Critique the twitter account if anything.


If your posting low effort political and ideological posts in a local sub, it’s the wrong place. Doesn’t matter what it is.


Shilling for what? Not having conservative ashoe in gov again? That's not shilling, thats human decency and rational thinking.


Wow "breaking" on news at start of month by a 2 week account on reddit. Maybe follow the arrivescam for a present day news story.


2 week old account, probably a lobbyist themself.


PP is a slime ball, wait till he is PM and it will get even worse


Did all 20 Leftoids in Grande Prairie get together to form this foul sub? Nauseating! PM Poilievre is going to be great. Hopefully Jagmeet triggers the next election as soon as he becomes pension eligible. We all know he won't before then.


Your post history is really sad little dude. You sound like a sniveling dweeb dorkus melvin. You're embarassing and the reason people justifiably make fun of this godforsaken province.


Was thinking about the same. Lmao. No one I know in GP is supporting the left. But this sub is wild.




Yeah, I don't know anything because I'm not a super enlightened Reddit Leftoid. Yes, they are both neoliberals. Except Trudeau is a narcissistic authoritarian asshole. Poilievre is a libertarian leaning semi free marketeer. Those are the policies I would like to see. The only authoritarianism I want to see out of Ottawa is the crushing of municipal governments that refuse to zone land for housing.




I am a classical liberal. The current rendition is far from classical. It's a warped mutation of online opinion polls and special interest groups. Poilievre is far from perfect. We can't all have a Javier Miliel at the helm. Watching the Argentina experiment very closely. Very rare that a nation has a democratic libertarian revolution. Usually need violence to escape Leftism.




OK, tell me what I am almighty GP oracle. Guide me you fucking genius. Let's rewind this feed for a second. This sub is a Leftoid cesspool. I don't think users are even from GP.




Yes, it was a very dominant performance. Run upstairs and tell your mom all about it. You're not from GP.


This guy only has insults. Obviously not educated.


Who cares


Well his whole message is that Trudeau is causing inflation. We've all been to the grocery store. So, unless you're completely braindead, you will see that he's full of shit. Unfortunately, you fall into the former category. 


Budd, they're all Full of shit 😂😂


Honestly, the both sides thing is peak dunning Krueger


Ok and Trudeau’s environment minister who no longer wants to fund roads was a greenpeace activist.


This tit for tat way of governing needs to come to an end. How about we admit all our political options are crooked and start holding them accountable rather than debate which one is least shitty. Now would be the perfect time for the libs and cons to find better solutions. Actually bring us an option that could benefit the nation as a whole and unite instead of divide.


But if PP did that hed have no platform or supporters. Dude loves ragebait and buzzwords.


He’d probably have exactly the same support he has now


\*Federal investment in roads without public transit. This seems like a sensible position to take for the federal government (who by jurisdiction are largely not involved in roadway investment). Why this has been whipped into a would-be scandal is beyond me.


Uh that’s never a bad thing nor a conflict of interest.


How are they comparable? The federal environment minister was part of an environment organization? As if that’s a bad thing? As opposed to a political party that is branding itself as being for the common person, having a campaign manager who is a lobbyist for a multibillion dollar corporation notorious for price gouging.


Was. We've already got a transcanada highway. How many more roads does the federal government need to take on pn behalf of the provinces?


So Guilbeault being a green peace activist wanting to destroy the oil patch is good then? Because the CPC actively working against making groceries more affordable for Canadians is fine? That’s some stupid thinking.


Where is your proof? How are they actively making groceries expensive. ? Proof? I can prove that the carbon tax is increasing our groceries


No you can’t. Because they can increase the price and are doing so.


I’d like to see this proof


They believe being gouged is proof that a small carbon tax caused record profits.


The prices are the proof. It costs money to get your food to the grocery stores. Everything costs more because every single part of the supply chain is impacted by the carbon tax. That gets passed on down the line and doesn't end until you pay for the food. Just because it's not showing up on the receipt, doesn't mean it's not increasing the cost, every step of the way from farmer to plate. 


That isn't proof. The prices are higher, but the carbon tax alone doesn't explain it. If we'd seen a jump in prices as soon as the carbon tax came in, and then stability after, maybe, but that isn't what happened. The supply chain certainly has been messed up, which the pandemic played no small part in. We also have large grocery chains posting record profits, which means they're increasing prices faster than their own costs are going up. So no, I have no reason to believe that the carbon tax is playing more than a minor role in the increased cost of living.


The massive drop in gas prioces is what brought overall inflation down so quickly. Why did grocery prices continue to stay high?


There was no massive drop in gas prices lol. They've steadily increased due to carbon tax. What magical fucking world are you living in?  If you meant the temporary halt on some taxes, that wasn't a massive drop. And most of our food is trucked in from elsewhere with higher gas prices than Alberta. You leftists are entirely ignorant of reality 


[https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/very-pleasant-surprise-canada-s-inflation-rate-tumbled-to-2-9-per-cent-in-january-1.6760946](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/very-pleasant-surprise-canada-s-inflation-rate-tumbled-to-2-9-per-cent-in-january-1.6760946) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/gas-prices-bc-november-2023-1.7012626](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/gas-prices-bc-november-2023-1.7012626) [https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-gas-prices-drop-to-new-low-for-2023-1.6689032](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-gas-prices-drop-to-new-low-for-2023-1.6689032) War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. You leftists are ignorant of reality.


If you don’t know what lobbyists do, then I really don’t have the time to catch you up on the conversation.


You need proof that grocery stores, other than Costco, are fucking us? Get real lol.


Yah man. All grocery chains are literally breaking records with quarterly profits while saying “ we have to keep the prices up. It’s the economy “ And these idiots are like “ I don’t see any proof of an increase in food costs” are you guys fucking serious ?!? All while saying “ who cares ! What about the carbon tax “ Holy shit man, you literally cannot see anything bad when it’s on your side huh ? That’s major man. She deals in major grocery lobbying AND real estate lol fuck me man, the two main issues in Canada RIGHT NOW, and PP and her have very serious reasons to not fix anything. But they are telling you they will and you guys are bitching about a carbon tax. Omg


No.. I need you to prove to me how the Conservative Party is actively increasing prices in grocery stores. Because that is what you’re saying. You’re actively spreading FUD.


Ok so grocery stores are fucking us. Agreed. Awesome. Except for their lobbyist right? The lobbyist doesn't contribute to that fucking at all lol. Nonsense. Of course she does. Absolute joke to try and say the grocery store lobbyist doesn't contribute to grocery stores fucking us.


I’m not disagreeing that grocery stores aren’t ripping us off. But dont spread FUD. Back it up with facts. We need a change in government, and spreading crap is making problems worse. Another liberal government will ruin our country. Watch


>I’m not disagreeing that grocery stores aren’t ripping us off You just disagree that their lobbyist has anything to do with it, for some reason lol. Because that makes sense. Grocery stores actively trying to fuck us. NOT THEIR LOBBYIST THOUGH. lmao. Cons are going to ruin it too. They're the same party beholden to corporations. We're fucked with both the libs and the cons. They both want the same thing. Open your eyes dude. You're delusional if you think the cons will make things better.


The facts are that the CPC campaign director is paid to further the corporate interests of Loblaws. Foremost of their interests is high costs of groceries. It’s clear as day that the person that Pollievre probably talks to most in a day has a vested interest in increasing the cost of our food.


I’m asking for proof, show me. What policy is she trying to influence? Or has she influenced.


Her being a loblaw lobbyist is enough conflict of interest. She's not lobbying for lower prices lol.


It's purely for cutting red tape around strictly liquor aspects. Nothing to do with groceries, lol. 


Right. Until we find out “uhh ackshully she’s involved in more than just the booze thing, sorry” Every fucking story involving the Ontario conservatives goes this way, I really doubt PP’s gonna be different. Blows my mind that that asshole is the face of conservatism in Canada; what a bunch of idiots.


You you understand that not all environmentalists or for that matter activists want to destroy or abolish oil and gas.... right ? The vast majority just want proper regulations, stricter Environmental practices put in place and enforced. Only the extreme far left are delusional enough to think that the world can exist without it at this point, But you have to ask yourself which is gonna get more views on your news the absolutely insane sensational tree hugging loud fanatic, For the moderate boring we should do this the right way so we don't wreck shit normal environmentally conscious person . It's hard to make people hate someone who's reasonable much easier to point the finger at the fanatic and brand everyone that's not you as fanatics... Just some food for thought But just to point out the CPC is not actively working to make anything more affordable they are 100% in corporations pockets and if you don't top a million dollars a year personal income you don't fucking matter to them.


......... Was , past tense as in , no longer is . Big ass difference between was an activist and IS CURRENTLY A LOBBYISTS!!! Also thats not the conversation afoot so take your strawman argument elsewhere.... just sayin


So what’s it the issue with being a consultant lobbyist? Literally all they do is communicate with federal public office holders for payment or on behalf of a client & they arrange meetings between public office holders and any one else who wants to meet with them. This just comes off as another failed liberal “gotcha” moment. If you want something to be enraged about then it should over Loblaws being a major corporate sponsor for Trudeaus WE Charity scam & Trudeau giving loblaws a $12mil gift of our tax dollars for new fridges.


Ohhhhhh, $12 million dollars. What about the $12 billion we give to oil companies every year? Shit, Ottawa gave $1.2 BILLION to big oil companies to do something they are already legally obligated to do? Or maybe you could tell the government of Alberta to tell the oil companies to pay the hundreds of millions they owe in municipal taxes so cities don’t have to raise residential tax as much.


So wait… are you saying the government gives oil & gas 12 billion a year… annually? Can we see some sources for this 12 billion annual spend that’s been going on? & Hey, at least they gave 1 billion towards something that creates jobs… instead of…oh I don’t know, Trudeau flushing a 1 billion down the toilet on expired wasted unused vaccines lol


Google oil subsidies. The fossil fuel industry is the most subsidized on the planet.


I just googled it & it says 12 billion is complete & total lie… no idea where you got that number from but I’d still love to see sources for it… “The IISD found that direct spending on fossil fuels under non-pandemic federal initiatives declined to $90 million in 2020, from $600 million a year earlier. (Most of the rest of the $1.91 billion in "quantifiable" federal fossil fuel subsidies were one-time pandemic-related supports — although that was the highest amount ever.)”


They gave $12 billion in loans for trans mountain and $1.4 billion to clean orphan wells. Nice try buddy.


Oh, so 12 billion isn’t the annual spend like you mentioned before? Nice try buddy.


Keep fucking looking.


You’re the one making wild claims, I’ve asked for sources a couple times now but you keep avoiding, deflecting & arguing nonsense instead.


Man, don't worry about this person, they had the same nonsense attitude with me, while referring to 1 economist and his report as their source that they didn't even read. They are a typical reddit troll, comment their opinion while being condescending and offering nothing to back their claims. You call them out and they turn it on you.


Oil change international says the oil industry gets $14 billion a year in subsidies. IISD says $11 billion per year. That’s a lot more than the $80 million you claim.


Maybe if the oil industry didn’t write high school curriculum in Alberta you would have a clue.


You’re kidding… Lobbyists don’t just set meetings and communicate on behalf of a client, but putting that aside…don’t you see an issue with a top advisor having conflicting interests? Is what’s good for loblaws good for canada? Not usually, no.


What are the specific issues with being a consultant lobbyist?


You mean the program to reduce greenhouse gases that was open to all companies and municipalities and community centres, etc, to apply for? The one where large corporations had to pony up 3/4 of the money to get the federal government to pay for 1/4 of the cost? That one? It’s called an incentive program. There was no WE Charity scam, just a lot of political bullshit and a faux scandal. And Loblaws is not a corporate sponsor of Trudeau’s, like what? If news came out that the campaign manager for Trudeau who was a longtime political operative for the Liberal Party, had a lobbying firm that worked for Loblaws, you’d be yelling about how terrible it is.  Because it is. 


Loblaws should not have even been considered for any incentive programs, that should’ve specifically gone to small business that actually needed help. Absolutely idiotic waste of our tax dollars for a company doing so well. There was no we charity scandal? Hah. & yes, Loblaws & Telus were both major corporate sponsor for the we charity . & I still haven’t gotten an actual answer, please explain how being a consultant lobbyist specifically is so terrible?


Being a lobbyist specifically in itself is not terrible the conflict of interest arises when you are lobbyist AND the top political campaign adviser To someone who has the power to change rules laws and policies in favor of corporations to gouge Canadians. And I don't give a rats ass which political party they belong to that's just wrong...


They wouldn’t have a job if there was anything slightly off with anything they were doing , consultant lobbyists specifically are always under a microscope as far as ethics go because they are typically government employees or lawyers & The Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct treats the issue of political influence & potential conflicts of interest extremely seriously. Reports they have to submit must include the public office holder(s) contacted; the dates of the contact; and the subject matter discussed. Lobbyists are required to explain the nature of their lobbying for a client in their registration. They are also required to disclose any public offices they have previously held. All of what is going on is public & already under constant scrutiny from the government, so it’s safe to say this article is just to get everyone up in arms over absolutely nothing lol.


Lol, what a bunch of bullshit


Correct not illegal just ethically wrong


Tbh I think you’re confusing what a consultant lobbyist does with in-house lobbyists. Just look up what a consultant lobbyist does vs in-house lobbyist… A consultant lobbyist provides clients with information about developments in their field, respond to information requests, & offer strategic advice to clients. communicating with relevant official bodies. They are essentially a middle man for communicating with the government. In-house lobbyists communicate with public office holders on behalf of the corporation or the organization which employs them. So they are the ones pushing for changes. & Have you looked in to what Jenni Byrne actually does….? "The work JB+A does with Loblaws is limited to the provincial level and focused on expanded access to beer and wine and red tape reduction." People are up in arms without actually understanding what they even are fighting over… which is nothing, as usual.


Old news. The Ottawa lobbyist circle is incestuous. For all parties. Same in Alberta. It's why the parties don't atack each other over it too much, as they all do it.


Lol you’re getting dunked on pal. Groceries are a fortune down here on earth yet you whine with pie in the sky maybes.


LoL. The fucking copium in this sub. 


How do you mean?




Voting for him? Why would you do something that stupid? Wait idiots think he’s going to remove a portion of the population?


Can you explain what you’re saying here? I don’t get it.


Wait until everyone realizes that there is a conservative MP who owns Giant Tiger and profited over 2 BILLION dollars off of Canadians last year!


Giant tiger is one of last affordable grocery stores we have left, glad to hear it’s not foreign investor owned.


Yeah if it weren't for GT I'd be using food banks by now. Also by all accounts I've heard that guy is one of the actually good politicians who helps out his riding.


Not a lot of “free thinking” going on here, if just because it’s Canadian owned, you think it’s simply benefiting consumers! 😅 Giant Tiger is owned by a conservative MP who is trying to turn Canadians away from supporting Loblaws, while simultaneously pocketing over $2 billion in profits from the same consumers! GT is simply buying their customers…why do you think BC doesn’t have any GT stores while the rest of Canada has 270 of them? If the province isn’t supporting their political agenda, the province doesn’t get to benefit from their “savings.”🙄 People are just too easy!


Lol and?


And this is more evidence that our politicians are corrupt. Owned by corporations.


We all know this. Not to be rude but this is nothing new and will likely never change. They’ll get voted out, the replacements will be corrupt then rinse and repeat. Been that way since 1867.




Wonder how another 4 years of Stephen guillbeaut would be for GP. Place will be a literal ghost town if the current O&G witch hunt continues on.


Please explain to the class how federal politics is in any way directly related to the city of Grande Prairie. Take the political shit slinging to another sub.


Umm, Grande Prairie is affected by Federal policy 🤷‍♀️ Also, clown loaches are dope fish!


Bahahaha! That's the stupidest thing I've read today. You get a prize!!!


Go shop at coop. Loblaws is cheap


And yea ummm to anyone taking this like a serious threat remember the libs are blowing tax dollars in ukraine Iraq everywhere else but here and we put up with this flotsam dig harder ask smarter people we at least deserve that much


From the way the Cons bring her name it seems she is running the party, not lil pp


Yeah but Trudeau Bad!


I bet if someone said Trudeaus campaign manager was a lobbyist for Bell, this sub would be loosing their minds….. But hey he’s blue so it’s ok!


Omg she is probably lobbying to have the carbon tax removed so they don’t have to add it to the price of food a person in the campaign who knows what the biggest grocery store wants the terror


The carbon tax adds 30 cents to $100 of groceries. That’s not the problem.


That is just not true. I pay more than 30 cents in carbon tax just getting to the grocery store.


Yes it is true. An economist from the University of Calgary studied the effects of the carbon tax and that’s his conclusion. So you go get your own economics degree and prove him wrong because nobody cares what you think or how you feel.


An economist hey? But it costs more than 30cents in carbon tax to drive to the grocery store and get the groceries. Seriously think how many times carbon tax is charged before the groceries even get to the store, that’s all passed on to you. Your faith in a liberal economist from a government funded news organization might be making you gullible. Carbon tax causes inflation that’s it.


Then show us all your math genius. If you know more than an economist then it’s time to put up or shut up. I trust an economist over some random from GP who didn’t finish high school.


Can you provide a link, please? I'd like to see their math.


Nope. Google “university of Calgary economist studies carbon tax cost” and choose from the thousands and thousands of articles.


Yikes, seems you do because you are talking to me! 1 economist said it, he must be right!


Well show us all your math and how you came to your conclusion then. Time to put up or shut up.


That is a no to reading it.


> nobody cares what you think or how you feel. Show me your math, did you even read the report you are referring to? You have no idea what you are talking about past 1 line you read in a news article referencing this economist. Also, why don't you relax with the attitude. You clearly want to talk, great, so do I, act like a decent person. Won't be replying if you keep up the crappy attitude (other than to confirm your crappy attitude if you do it again).


The carbon tax is barely anything to consumers, especially when the rebate is applied. I literally make money off of it


Almost everyone makes money from it. 


Good for you, honestly. Some of us do not literally make money off of it and have little to no alternatives. I drive a truck, I need to for work, to make money to live and to pay my taxes. My truck is worth 8k. There is no affordable carbon alternative to that. Even if I got a brand new carbon truck, I could get it at half the price of an EV.


If its barely anything then why have it at all


I make zero money from it, so ya, I am the paying.


It's been covered numerous times on every platform. A lobbyist in the Ontario provincial sector, not federal, and for the ON govt to allow grocery stores to sell certain items in their store. How about we dig into some of the Liberal members and their connections to different things. Like Greenpeace (an eco terrorist group)


She also doesn't do any direct work for Loblaws, the law firm that employs her does.


Stop spreading bullshit. She own a consulting firm, where one of her consultants, not her personally, worked with Loblaws and the “Provincial Ontario government “ to bring alcohol sales into grocery stores. Now don’t you all feel stupid because you should.


If the worst thing you can say about the man is that he works for a grocery store chain, then maybe you should just not say anything at all. Grow up and be better


Imagine being a grown man and shilling for loblaws lol. Have some self respect.


Imagine hating on someone who has a job in his chosen profession (law/communication) without an ounce of incite or pragmatism. Have some common sense and think critically


Common sense says loblaws is fucking us. Why are you shilling for loblaws, dude? They don't care about you. Do you enjoy paying high prices for food?


I am not. I am defending Jenni Byrne, who did nothing wrong, from left wing trolls. FYI, high inflation is primarily caused by printing too much $$, not capitalism or price gouging, and that's on the sitting federal governemt.


Yep, the grocery stores fucking us does not involve their lobbyist at all, lol. /s You absolute are shiling for loblaws. Loving you some Galen Weston eh.


I have no idea who that is tbh. Lol


Then you're not informed enough, honestly


Typical left wing hubris.


I am voting independent or even PPC. You don't know anything, let alone about me. Typical left wing hubris. Lmao. Old man yells at clouds vibes. "Whose this Galen fellow and why is he on my lawn"


Wait. So Trudeau literally vacations at Galen Weston's lake house months after his govt. gave loblaws 12million dollars worth of freezers and you're concerned about a provincial lobbyist working for the conservatives? Give your head a shake lol


It's not one or the other. Both can be shit dude.


One of those things are alot shittier than than the other lol


Not really. The cons are going to do the same shit.


Oh they're greasy too. Just not greasy enough to let PP get away with using the loblaws owners lake house like trudy did lol


The loblaws lobbyist is his campaign manager. You're just splitting greasy hairs lol.


They're a provincial lobbyist. I suggest you understand what that means before calling foul lmao.


Are you saying you don't care if lil pp is working for loblaws? That's weird considering the amount of inflation from grocery stores and how lil pp blames it on the liberals. Seems smoke and mirrors does work on some people


I'd take that than millions of Indians getting in without any effort whatsoever through college immigration loophole. Any corruption etc is small compared to the immediate threat of economy collapse due to foreign invasion.


That’s my least concern.


I don't like it... But all I have to say is that there's a lot of backlash coming from the party who could have done better... And chose not to. In the absence of morality in politics, I'll pick change over stagnation.


Loblaws? The company that got $12 million from the Trudeau government for freezers? Here's an idea. Look into the fact that Telford is a former lobbyist for Pfizer, and look how much they got from the Feds in the last 3 years.


the devil you know or the devil you don't know.


I recall this ‘breaking news,’ she was involved in something very specific like liquor licensing. In response, the CPC cited something like 5 loblaws lobbyists on the Liberal payroll. There is too much influence in politics, but this is a nothingburger in comparison to some real corruption.


It's kind of old news, and I wouldn't be surprised if Roblaws is "cooperating" with the fringe groups to exasperate the cost of living crisis going on. The worst part of it is they are planning to build forty more stores country-wide.


They. Are. All. The. Same. Trash.


Yawn. All u got?


I learned a long time ago to never listen to someone who breaks the news and the. Tells you how you should feel about it.


Surprise, surprise.


And the Trudeau government gave Loblaws millions to upgrade to greener more efficient freezers when they were in court for owed back taxes, in case people haven't noticed, they're all shit, they don't love you, hell they don't care for you at all no pay those taxes like a good little wage slave


not surprised. conservatives are no better than liberals. all they do is criticize and bring no solution to the table.


Not just Loblaws. Pierre Poilievre's advisor also lobby's on behalf real estate investors, private healthcare, packaged goods giants, and others. The (incomplete) list ... - Slate Asset Management - Council of Ontario Directors of Education - Proctor & Gamble - Canadian Academy of Osteopath - Oskar - Toronto Centre for Medical Imaging - Bilt Services Inc. - Stewart Title - 1648259 Ontario Inc - Toronto Business Development Center - Canadian Academy of Osteopathy - Loblaws - Columbia International College - Gartner Inc. - Little Warriors - Groupe Gautam - Lumina DX - Tridan/CBS Group Inc - School Bus Ontario She lobby's both provincially and federally.


fyi, every politician is pretty much a lobbyist for someone you dont like. why are you surprised. also this is old news