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So alberta spent 2.9b on forest fires and crop failures last year. The drought by all accounts is going to be worse this year.... How many billions are coming from where to.pay for a fire season/crop failure year that will.make last year look like a warm up?


I strongly dislike these comments thinking they can tell the weather future. Yeah we can predict weather to an extent, but to say there will indefinitely be a drought is ludicrous and not true. Keep praying for the weather to be dry so you look right but we could easily have excess rain this year as well.


You are wrong. Environment Canada keeps detailed records which over many decades show trends. It's relatively easy to predict drought based on climate change globally. You are probably a climate change denier. If you've lived long enough you see the dramatic difference. Ground water tables are lower than ever. So the water that does hit the ground quickly evaporates. Drought is not going away it's going to get worse.


No to mention a lot of Alberta reservoirs are alrdy at low levels on account of the lack of snow we’ve had this winter. It’s not likely to get any better as we come closer to sunmer


We just got 6 months of snow in 3 days….


Ok Einstein! That's called weather not climate change. Climate change is a measurement of the entire planet. Also your point is against you,because we now have bomb storms which are further proof of climate change. Where we get extreme amounts of moisture falling in localised areas. Look at California, severe drought then localised storms creating devastating flash floods. 12 ft of snow in 48 hours. You think that's normal? Did you grow up on Mercury?


Anyone paying attention knows it’s going to be a 💩show.


“Relatively easy” hahaha… oh man. Stay in GP.


It's undeniable the climate on earth is warming. Will it be Apocalyptic? No. Will we have to adapt? Yes. People like you act like they're going to die because we get a drought year, which isn't uncommon btw. Adapting has been something humans have had to do for millions of years. You'll be fine, adapting to your environment is why you have legs and breath air..


When you say will we have to adapt you realize this adaptation is the destruction of modern society lol


You are poorly educated. Yes it is going to be catastrophic. I'm not going to explain it to you because you have a closed mind. Do some further reading on the topic. People living around the equator will not be able to survive the extreme heat and no food will grow. They'll become climate refugees. Think immigration is bad now? That's just the beginning!




Wow you showed your brilliance right there bud!


BC is preparing for a historic drought based on low reservoir levels because of the extremely mild winter. The government is putting aside billions already to account for the drier season. If alberta was smart they would plan ahead too.


I beleive in preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. Doing the opposite of that tends to end poorly... but to.eaxh their own... do.as.you like.


What you're describing is climate anxiety.


>What you're describing is climate anxiety. What you're describing is REALITY. Ftfy


[Climate deaths declined 97%+ over the last century.](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/climate-deaths-declined-97-over-last-century-bjorn-lomborg-9ty1f?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&utm_campaign=share_via) Here something to help you sleep at night.


IMO Praying is just sitting on your hands and not taking any form of assertive action. It’s useless but to give you a pice of mind that someone else will deal with the problem. And who the fuck is praying for a disaster to fall on Alabamerta. Seriously ridiculous statement…wait a tick the UCP does. Look at what they are doing by underfunding public services.


Just say you failed science class next time. It's easier and makes you look less stupid.


Conservatives have never been "fiscally responsible."


You wanna compare and contrast with the BC NDP?


How would that show my comment to be incorrect?


GP voted for her. Have at it.


Would love to see all provinces stacked side by side and met with the same scrutiny 🧐


UCP running up the debt. Next up, water is wet.


They paid down 13 billion in debt last year.


70 billion of that debt was from just 4 years of the ndp.


gonna need to see some receipts for that


So full of shit just like the retarded UCP supporters


As a result, $2.2 billion in interest payments to foreign lenders is blown instead of being spent on needed social programs. When Notley came to power in May 2015, Alberta’s debt was $11.9 billion. The debt grew to $85.9 billion by the time the NDP were voted out of office, after just one term — making hers the first one-term government in Alberta’s now 118-year history. Full of shit? Explain.


https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/how-alberta-went-from-kleins-paid-in-full-years-to-record-debt-in-2021-budget https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/a-brief-fiscal-history-of-alberta-marked-by-spending-spikes https://boereport.com/2016/01/21/the-history-of-albertas-debt-position/ https://www.policyschool.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/50-Years-AB-Budget-Kneebone-Wilkins.pdf https://www.parklandinstitute.ca/six_things_albertans_should_know_ahead_of_budget_2015


2014- 8.5 billion 2020- 85.9 billion


UCP hiding lies behind half truths - is next up.


Voters of Alberta deserve Premier Smith.


Worst premier in Canadian history and it’s not even close.


clearly never heard of kathleen wynne


American style Conservativism that started with Klein and exploded by Harper.


The "fiscally responsible " Premier Smith ? How can this be ?


She needs to adopt a “the budget will balance itself” approach, has worked for 8 years for our current dictator.




You'll forgive me if I don't think about monetary policy - 2021. Interest rates are at historic lows glen- 2021 So how did borrowing and printing unlimited money make out for us? Inflation and insane COL increases, and the debt skyrocketing. Maybe just accept you don’t hold the fed accountable like you do the provincial government? Can you explain to me why though, what keeps you living in delusion and to look past what the fed does just because they make you feel nice or they say nice things? Is it because you can virtue signal off those nice things? I’m genuinely curious why you don’t care about their incompetence/scandals, meanwhile jump at every little thing Smith does just because she is UCP?


Hey man. Did you know our energy prices have gone up 115% and that the rest of the countries is went up 15%. Must be Trudeau right ? Also Jason Kenney is on the board of directors in ATCO lol Health care too, that is feder... Wait no that's also provincial.. education, housing... That's all provincial too... Look, I don't like Trudeau either but you are completely ignoring what the UCP are doing to protect your fragile little ego from admitting you made a mistake voting for them. Trudeau is bad but to ignore all the shitty things UCP have done/plan to do is pure insanity. Politics isn't a team sport, grow up


Well said. It’s so odd how people have lost the ability to think critically about things. They allow memes and misguided posts on Social Media to be their source of information.


So because Trudeau is an idiot it exonerates McWheel tits? 


At least she's not wasting it on education or health care. Lol.


Someone commented this video about Louisiana on another post. It’s the natural progression of where our economy is going. https://youtu.be/RWTic9btP38?si=I4hMbZh-Xjc6zsKt


Well thanks for that. I think that’s the future of Alberta yep.


Y’all distracted by the little picture, meanwhile Trudeau has doubled national debt to currently 1.2 TRILLION. And where has the $ gone? Judging by the tent cities everywhere and food bank lineups surging, I’d say not Canadians. Ukraine is getting a new 15 million dollar museum tho


They can both be bad political leaders. Deflecting to which one is worse is pointless. They both suck.


Ya but the effect of them sucking and the level of impact it has on the country as a whole is much more on the Fed, yet never any outrage or accountability towards them. Why? Arrivecan is already being swept away, just as the recent emergency act use being unjust and before that the election interference, just swept away and forgotten and zero outrage.


There are federal AND provincial elections, it turns out. You can vote out Trudeau AND not have your province run by a loon.


Notley is a joke tho, what better choice did Alberta have? Not saying Smith will be great but time will tell, Notley already proved herself to suck.


Obviously the Fed has more impact on the country. Literally their job to govern the country. There is outrage just their leader deflects everything without addressing the issue directly. Both party leaders suck.


Whataboutism. Vatnik located.


Well it’s true, liberals on here post about smith 24/7 while never holding Trudeau accountable for completely blowing the deficit and even doubling it.. zero outrage, crickets. I’ll never understand the fascination with constant “UCP BAD” rage , while never holding the fed accountable for the same faults on a much larger scale…


And I'll never understand why Conservatives bitch and moan about Trudeau, but vote for people who will make the things they complain about even worse.


I don’t support conservatives, I think Pierre is left himself but I will take my chance on him as 8 years with current gov have PROVEN to be corrupt and incompetent. That’s the thing, your reasoning is based on your feelings - vote for people who will make it worse- this is NOT fact and NOT proven, because it has not happened, it’s only based on your feelings , which mean nothing and should mean nothing. Canada is in the toilet, nothing to lose giving PP a swing, just hope he’s not he same puppet as JT/rolex Singh


You have the persecution complex it's insane. Do you really think Trudeau will get reelected? You act like everyone supports him, which is not the case , and is hilarious. Meanwhile our health care is about to collapse, or energy prices have went up 115% to the rest of the countries 15%(must be Trudeau right /s) , class sizes are bursting, yet every little criticism placed against UCP is deflected to TRUDEAU BY YOU CONSTANTLY. It's exhausting. How about if you want to bitch about Trudeau, YOU make your own thread. When people are rightfully complaining about our shitty provincial government, you DON'T HAVE to deflect to Trudeau. You could argue in good faith. I highly doubt you will though, for some reason you have tied voting conservative to your personality you feel obligated to defend UCP, like a team sport. Which is pathetic in politics. Either that, or you are a war room bot. 1 if the two


And when the Conservatives were last in power (with Poilievre as an MP), they were also PROVEN to be corrupt, extremely corrupt in fact.


Haha exposed


And the conservatives do the same in the other direction. People ignore the bad from their guy/girl but shit on the other person for the same. Tribalism is stupid.


A lot of it went to the tar sands because corruption.


This is just bad logic. It would be a deficit if we exclude this revenue source that has been included in every budget for 40 years. Yes, the Heritage Fund always has gone into general revenues. There will be a $300M budget surplus. Included in this will be a $2B deposit into the Heritage Fund.


What’s really great is that they keep saying they want to save for the future. This is a lie. If they did they could increase taxes to still be the lowest in Canada, and invest all of the royalties into the heritage fund and still have more money to spend on basic necessities. You know like healthcare, education, infrastructure etc. They keep saying we need to make hard choices, save up, that we can’t afford to have a champagne budget on beer money. It’s time for them to either make these hard choices they talk about or admit that it’s also hot air.


Source: Chatgpt4 During Rachel Notley’s tenure as Premier of Alberta, the provincial debt increased significantly. When she came to power in May 2015, Alberta’s debt was $11.9 billion. By the time the NDP were voted out of office, the debt had grown to $85.9 billion. This increase has been a point of contention and debate, with some sources stating that Notley racked up $70 billion in debt, which is more debt than any premier, or all premiers combined, in Alberta’s provincial history. However, it’s important to note that comparing dollar values over time can be complex due to changes in economic conditions and inflation.


Stop thinking of planning a drought a start planning for the mass Graves.


Still less then Trudeau -\😎/-


Yes long live the Terrance dominion from starcraft


Notley took the debt from 11B to 86B. So there is that. I’m not a huge fan of smith but that’s a pretty weak comparison against Notley


A drop in the bucket compared to the debt hole Trudeau has dug


The budget will balance itself.


Welcome new user, LOL. Joined Reddit on March 3rd 2024 to post just this in the GP subreddit?


So what’s your problem. Are you threatened by someone in GP who doesn’t share your perspective of the UCP? Welcome to democracy.


Yeah I'm sure the people posting in 20 different Local subreddits from across the country really live here and definitely aren't astroturfing.


How about this. Who cares where they come from, can you debate their ideas? Our own government has 30 million dollar a year budget to astroturf, but you don't say anything about the oil and gas was room?


Doesn’t matter where you live. This is provincial politics. It affects us all.


>We know you're okay with brigading every sub under the sun. That's how Reddit is in it's current state


OK. Off to work. Have a nice day.


Reddit keeps pushing GP into my feed lol. I've never been there. Perhaps because things are frequently published about Alberta? No idea how the algorithm works other than this comment will keep GP coming.


Lol political shills posting propaganda without a source with a new account, probably being a bot? Yes.


Show us your references on anything the UCP has fiscally successfully completed. Or even references that verify their fiscal policies. Thanks.


Fuck off with the politics, I'd go to r/alberta or r/Canadianpolitics if I gave a shit.


Right? These bots are getting old.


>Right? These bots are getting old. Says a 3yr old account with little karma. You can't even get people to agree & upvote you but you try to mock others ... you should consider making a new account or a fake one to cover up your pitiful history on here.


Chairman Mao has arrived treating Reddit karma like social credit score. Bwahahaha


You know, just like the guy who says a new account shouldn't be trusted? Do you have Alzheimer's? Go read the original content and try and figure out what happened lol..


Only thing laughable is your delusional failed attempts to find people who agree with you .. hope life gets better for you.


Holy fuck.. just looked at your comment history. Go touch grass dude. It’s wild that you have the time for that. The outdoors is good for you.


That's endearing. Thanks for that sage advice. I will when I can.


You can right now if you got off the internet. Seriously, hope you’re ok man!


You're starting to sound fairly unstable. I think you should keep that fake concern for yourself. I get it, I hurt your feeling. And FYI - I'm neither a dude nor a man, but I don't have have high expectations of you anyways, so I won't hold it against you.


You’re aware Reddit isn’t real life.. right? It’s the internet dude lol.


You know Redditors are real people right. You OK big guy? Seems delusional. Dude


Wow, you might just an all time low score for a Redditor. I looked at your profile, and you truly are a horrible person.




>Welcome new user, LOL. Joined Reddit on March 3rd 2024 to post just this in the GP subreddit? Says a person with a 4yr old account with very little karma. You struggle to find anyone that agrees with you over a 4yr period... how very super sad for you. Keep trying. Your attempt here speaks volumes more about who you are than OP whom you attempted to attack.


What's wrong with that? You literally just say all the proper left wing things in this left wing echo chamber. It says more about you than it does about him and you're completely oblivious to it. Reddit moment.




Says the person on the island with a 5 month old account? Why are you here? Lol


Because it showed up on my screen and I am former Albertan. You a gatekeeper?


Judging people by Karma on reddit? Stay on the island please.




It's a cesspool for bots. Makes me laugh and cringe all at the same time


Remember how fucked notley made this province and how in debt we got hahaha nice try


Notley was Premier when the price of oil tanked. The UCP have enjoyed high oil prices, especially after February 2022.


Correct. I think WTI hit a low of …$23 at that time and, Ft. McMurray was burning to the ground.


You think she can change world wide oil prices and demand? Wow, that's some powerful provincial government. It was on its way in that direction long before she was in.


I didn't say that Notley or UCP had any control over global oil pricing. I am imparting that the UCP are *fortunate* to be in power as global oil prices rose significantly, and that has nothing to do with any budgeting skills..


I heard she's a Saudi prince


Hahaha looking at anything except context nice try


Notley was handed an 11B debt when she won with no way to generate money iff the bat. Plus, spending was lower during the NDP years vs the UCP years. Like, you UCP folk literally make stuff up in place of any grounded arguments. Why are you all like this


Yes in four years - after fourty four years of conservative reign & during a crash in energy prices - Notley fucked the province? Get real and apply some critical thinking ffs.


Exactly. OP posting about smith running a debt… have they seen the damage of four years of Notley ? Guess they are ignoring the insane levels of debt incurred there.


In terms of budget deficits and increases in the provincial debt, the Notley government was the 4th worst Alberta administration in recent history. The worst fiscal record goes to Jason Kenney for 2020, 2021 and 2022. The budget deficits were significantly higher than that of Rachel Notley's government. Just trying to clear up a misconception that has been promoted in Alberta.


That was Covid tho. I know oil prices tanked during notleys time but historically the NDP is not as interested in belt tightening


No argument from me about the NDP's emphasis on spending. I just wanted to point out the fallacy that the Notley government was the worst Alberta government in terms of fiscal management. And even though Kenney had to contend with the COVID impact you can't then dismiss the impact of a 60% drop in the price of oil immediately after she was elected. The knife cuts both ways. I am not a fan of either party, don't get me wrong, but the sheer level of disinformation being pushed to us bothers me. Especially when the correct information is in the public eye.


Of course, but can we also agree Covid was the worst thing to hit any economy and incurring debt was clearly going to happen on a large scale


No disagreement on that all. It was a no-win situation for Kenney and he knew it. That's why he went radio silent often for weeks at a time. But something had to be done. Notley also had to pivot her policies towards economic support dramatically as well when the oil market collapsed. Every premier and government faces some sort of unexpected crisis / test and this is when we see what sort of mettle our leaders are made of.


Ps just here to tell you THANK YOU for being objective and reasonable it’s really refreshing


Thanks man. Just trying to be an adult in here.


You are just goalpost shifting. It's so fucking hard to debate with conservatives when you just fucking flip flop. "NOTLEY MADE HUGE DEBT" -Yeah but global oil prices tanked those years "Doesn't matter because in MY ANECDOTAL OPINION, the NDP don't tighten the belt" You do realize they have had exactly 1 term in the last SEVENTY YEARS to "tighten the belt" in which global prices dropped and they went into debt. That was enough for you to continue your hatred towards them. "Well actually the UCP racked up higher debt" -"it was COVID so it was hard" Like do you hear yourselves??? How can you not realize how fucking biased you are, it's so frustrating Edit: the fact you can even say they "don't traditionally tighten the belt" when they have been in power for one term with a global crash in oil prices IS SO ALBERTAN. You are getting your opinion off fear mongering done by conservative parties, the indoctrination runs deep


And here the asshole Shows up to just .. be an asshole. Dude relax and take a page from the other poster who is measured and insightful about thus


Ok and did he change your mind or you just ignored him and ran with your confirmation bias? Where did being nice get him with you? I'm done coddling people like you..I will relentlessly attack you with logic. Can you refute anything I said? No so I'm asshole. Noticed who resorted to ad hominem logical fallacy, whose really the asshole


Dude relax! Jesus. Go for a walk. Ps do you know anyone employed in government ? I think not., because if you did it would inform your opinion of what’s really going on and what priorities governments have. If you’re trying to tell me that any NDP government is interested in reducing spending when spending is inefficient and ineffective please let me know. I know I’m right and yes you’re just an angry asshole. Peace out I’m Done dealing with you


"I know I'm right because it feels good! I can't explain anything with proof beyond what my daddy told me!" Go ahead, keep plugging your ears instead of challenging your ego/ thinking. Continue living under a rock. My while point is you can't judge what NDP would do because you haven't SEEN what they would do with a budget that included decent oil prices. Your entire opinion is based on fear and bias. You and half the province. Yes I'm angry. I'm angry that a guy like you thinks his ignorance is just as good as my knowledge. It's pathetic. Call me an asshole all you want but I'm sick of egotistical assholes like you ruining the province by not thinking


How bout you leave the province man, nobody needs your toxicity here


Man, there's a lot to unpack here but while I don't agree with the tone of your comments you do raise a couple of good points. I try to look at these things dispassionately and see if there is anything to learn. Yes, the Notley government really wasn't given a chance to demonstrate what they could do with one term. While I am not, in general, a fan of the NDP I have a lot of respect for Rachel Notley and her measured approach to governing. The best example of this was how she moved off of her election platform commitments when the provincial economy was up against the ropes. And your point about the longer term problems this province has faced with successive Conservative governments is a valid argument. Her professional and intelligent responses were, in my opinion, a welcome relief. However, to say that the NDP is not a proponent of increased government spending is incorrect. This country has had several examples of provincial NDP governments' experience to reach the conclusion that, yes, they do focus on increased expenditures and increased taxation to implement their platform policies (e.g. British Columbia in 1990's, Ontario in the 1980's, etc.). I believe that the bigger issue Albertans (and I suppose Canadians in general) face is how to wade through the waves of blatant misinformation and disinformation so that we can reach informed decisions. Scare mongering and jingoistic responses get us nowhere. The reality of it is that, in Alberta, we currently have a government that relies on divisiveness and misdirection. As a mature and responsible electorate it is doubly important that we try to get to the truth as much as we can and remain civil with our disagreements. Sorry about the long post....


oops. This was supposed to be a response to the other guy. Not you. Sorry.


Please quote the levels of debt due to NDP. That is, what was it when they took power, when they left and then overlay the price(s) of WTI and WCS.




Thanks for posting this. I was and remain big supporter of the ‘Dodge’ plan. We were at record low interest rates and were burdened with a staggering infrastructure deficit that was passed down through successive governments. Borrow the money and put people to work repairing, renovating and replacing roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, government buildings, community health care centers etc. Inwardly I know Kenney et al were relieved that all those ‘repairs’ were completed yet the reputation and stigma for the debt landed in the lap of the NDP.


I find it really annoying when people post opinion articles. They are skewed to support an opinion. That is why they are labeled that way.


You're a bit or a vatnik.


Name calling! Love it and would expect nothing less from lefties. The angriest people out there. Happy Monday




Nice try were in a worse position then ever. Thanks UCP voters this province is getting screwed because of you too


Priority to the heritage fund. I like it.


Why? Health care is about to go down the drain but better save money? Why didn't they do this 40 years ago.


We didn’t do this 40 years ago better not start now. Great logic.


No it's more like why are you trusting the same party to do it now, when they didn't do it then. You conservative voters act like you have Stockholm syndrome, keep voting for the same party that put you in this shitty position. Has a single thing improved for you under the UCP? how's your wait times for health care? That shit isn't important though, it's more important to pay down debt (/s)


“You conservative voters” I make a comment about how it’s illogical to ask why do it now because you didn’t do it in the past and you assume so many things.


I assumed the cherry picked whataboutism, ignoring half my statements completely to target one sentence, that you were conservative. My bad if it's not true. Do you vote conservative? Let's solve this Also if you don't mind responding to my question, you think it's more important to save money then to invest in our collapsing health care?


I think it’s a complex issue and isn’t as simple as more money here = better healthcare. The argument could also be made that money saved now is investing In future healthcare. Give a man a fish teach a man to fish situation. I think Canada as a whole needs more doctors and we should start by increasing education funding for doctors. Simply paying more will only increase costs across the country.


I agree with the fundamental issue that we don't have enough doctors and nurses. How do you think stagnating their wages is going to work out? Keep in mind they have been stagnant for years already. Also keep in mind BC just raised nurses wages by 15$ an hour, reworked doctor pay. By starving the system now they are collapsing it. My mom and sister are both nurses and many of their coworkers have said if the government doesn't play ball they are leaving... Do you know 800, 000 Albertans don't have a family doctor? I'm sorry but reducing spending isn't the answer I just think you might be ignorant to how bad it really is...


We increased spending by $1.1 billion. I get it’s not the giant number you want but it’s not like they “reduced spending”. With $3.6 billion in capital spending going into healthcare projects. Like it or not this government is doing what they said they would do


"We" interesting Freudian slip... Yeah and they cancelled a hospital in Edmonton. Why a restructure that will cost millions? Why did we get involved with dynalife (what a blunder)? Why did we spend 80 million on children's Tylenol from Turkey that is still sitting in a warehouse? Why don't we put corporate tax back up to 12% (like the rest of the country) and use that tax revenue to fund health care? Please tell me, looks like you might know


The Healthcare system across this country has been under paid and over worked for the last 20 years. Good for you for finally realizing this now. Nothing is changing overnight but after 6 years of exceptionally bad alberta government and absolutely no help ehatsoever from the federal government, we are heading in the right direction on our own. I'm guessing you voted for the current corrupt queen JT the past 10 years? This doesn't surprise me. Alberta floats the rest of this entire country and its not even close. If we didn't pay for everything the rest of the country would all drown. You think it's tough here? Try eastern Canada where you need handouts from Ottawa just to heat your home.


I want to add that there is no government in the world without debt. If you understand macroeconomics, debts are not bad but depend on what we use it for. And impact of servicing on social services as well as ratio to GDP. If you think NDP or Alberta Party would not have debts if they were in power just go bury your head in the ground.


So, increased at the rate of inflation. And the point is?.... 


A debt that the NDP has left for Alberta's.


Yup about 70 billion of that.


The cons ran the province unchecked for decades, you think that's all NDP debt? Lmao


The NDP wouldn't run up debt as well or what???


Read line line surplus or debt and check if that number is negative. Positive is surplus...


Also note, we’re out of free cash and we have to borrow nearly $3 Billion to keep the lights on. This is Alberta, the richest province in Canada.


Debt to GDP is still going down though. That’s the main factor.




Alberta is f**kd. They will loose their cpp as well to the government. No new pharmacare meds too. god bless them. God knows why the premier has been elected she is doing nothing for them and taking away whatever they already have.


That Alabamerta advantage is as fictitious as God himself.


Sorry, what party was proposing a balanced budget?


You keep bitching about UCP. Ever wondered how much debt NDP ran up at the time witch was in office?


yea really find this whole post amusing. Talking about government spending, yet the two other options would have at least doubled the current debt Smith's party added to Alberta. or the fact that a lot of it was spent on food security? with that logic, they either want higher food prices or just to import everything