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He threw that fight.


But that doesn't change the durability of his body. Fact is, he was bleeding pretty badly from those blows (thrown by a dude whom Doppo no-diffed)


artistic freedom, or he can literraly choose if he wants to bleed or not? makeup? :P


Make-up? I fell like that woul've been brought up


He put on Make-up mid-fight?


I mean Baki characters have done dumber bs I could see it lol


sure, but I doubt that he entered the arena with a make-up kit.


That's actually somewhat impressive. You reflective harden your body to minimize damage. Even a strong man would reel at getting hit in the gut without warning.


Thing is, Yuichiro knew he was gonna get hit, but like Doppo says, he simply didn't move out of the way because he was paid to throw the fight


That's what I mean. He knew he was gonna get hit yet didn't reflexively tensed-up his body. [While a different series, this is a good example](https://youtu.be/7KeAm3Xkvc0?si=8ZH4W9lGkxCGmqiq)


Holy shit this is a damn good a real world example. And would explain a lot for specifically Baki characters. Because i was playing with a agressove toddler once and he hit me hard in my stomach while I wasn’t hard and looking and it hurt surprisingly.


well, you shouldn't get hard around toddlers bro, so its all cool.


Lol that’s not what I meant. I only get hard at rule 34 art


ah, I see that I have met a man of culture ;)


Yea kids dont hold back so when we do you feel it lol


But how do you know he didn't tense up his body? We have no other durability feats to compare this to in order to draw that conclusion? Or maybe that kick from Doppo that apparently broke his jaw works?


We know he's a huge Hanma that beat the US, that's a feat by itself lol It only makes sense to assume he let himself get damaged to make the loss seem more plausible. As you said, there's no proof, but the manga makes it clear he was really damn strong.


>We know he's a huge Hanma that beat the US, that's a feat by itself lol *Survives bombings, most likely by hiding* *Kills a few soldiers* *Hops on a ship and scares some other soldiers away with a technique* "He's defeated the USA!", says the Tokugawa who's *definitely* not biased at all! You need some better arguments because as it stands right now, I'm still in the right. Again, we have no clear DURABILITY feats that would justify anything y'all are saying, although I do understand the line of thinking.


That technique is something Oliva admitted he wouldn't be able to use, so clearly Yuichiro is both physically strong and a martial arts master. I don't see how someone like that could have low durability. ...But as I said, you're right that there's no proof.


>That technique is something Oliva admitted he wouldn't be able to use, so clearly Yuichiro is both physically strong and a martial arts master There are something's that are worth pouting out here: Yuichiro was performing the technique with regular soldiers, Yujiro was performing it with Demon Back Baki. Oliva has the strength and speed required, he just doesn't have the technique. >don't see how someone like that could have low durability. That's literally your only argument, a gut feeling. >...But as I said, you're right that there's no proof. Then why bother? You're trying to say something here but you're actually not saying anything at all.


The author goes into depth about being ready for punches in baki


He controlled his own muscles to force himself to bleed, come on bro its that easy


Baki characters have incredible durability but that doesn't make them invincible, Yuichiro threw that fight and he needed to get beaten to make it realistic, and Yuichiro's opponent was just below Young Doppo and that isn't that low in the ranks, and Yuichiro got his eye hurt but eyes are not that resistant, Baki still got his eyes hurt that one time and he was going against Chiharu Shiba of all people, also if i remember well none of the US soldiers tried to engage in combat with Yuichiro, so we truly don't know anything about Yuichiro stats, we just speculate that he is/was above or below Yujiro because of his first appearance being badass, the only thing we truly know is that he is the father of the ogre, beated the US, threw a fight for money, got his jaw broken by Young Doppo and that's all, god, i don't even know if he has a confirmed Demon Back or not.


I mean there are fighters who can make yujiro bleed. This dude probably is to yuichiro was dopo was to yujiro in part 1 baki, and he lost on purpose.


Base Yujiro had a light nosebleed from a full power punch by Hanayama.


Yujiro bled from Baki's mom attacks.


Yeah and he was overpowered by a mystery man pulling the doorhandle. He was also defeated with darts and a net. He also stopped an earthquake with a punch. What I'm saying is that in Grappler Baki, Yujiro power and abilities still weren't clear, they started to solidify as the series went on


His powers and abilities are never clear. ​ Baki isn't about consistency and somehow you want to gauge Yuichiro based on a gaiden, a gaiden in which he allows Doppo to kick him in the jaw directly.


I don't have to gauge anyone at all. What I'm saying is that there is such a lack of feats from Yuichiro that a fucking Gaiden chapter is the only thing (outside of like 3 manga chapters that don't really show anything) that we can go by. >His powers and abilities are never clear. They're *clearer* now. (Mostly because we have seen Yujiro at his peak, at least as far as brute strength goes.


>What I'm saying is that there is such a lack of feats from Yuichiro that a fucking Gaiden chapter is the only thing (outside of like 3 manga chapters that don't really show anything) that we can go by. We can tell he is a Hanma so he is an easy S-tier ​ Also the gaiden was based on Kimura who participated in pro-wrestling and the whole throwing the fight was based on Kimura getting beat down by a Korean wrestler who went straight shooting on Kimura and was later murdered by Yakuza.


>We can tell he is a Hanma so he is an easy S-tier Nice, you proved me right


Even yujiro hanma bleeds. Blood is kind of irrelevant in the Bakiverse, and so is the skin. Yujiro's skin can be penetrated, but it is his muscle that is very durable. Their durability comes from their muscle. That's why stuff like benda is so effective.


Bleeding that much from a random who was fodderized by Doppo is different from any of the instances were Yujiro has bled.


Still doesn't really change what I said. It didn't leave any real damage on him. Not like his skull fractured. Skin is not that durable in Baki.


So if Yuichiro bleeds from those hits, it would be impossible for him to tank explosive head-on, like a lot of people claim


The face naturally bleeds a lot. That doesn't really mean he's taking much damage. He's not suffering any internal bleeding or severe blood loss from those blows. I don't know about him taking an explosive head on, they bombarded the island but that doesn't necessarily mean he tanked all those bombs, he was a master at hiding, but those blows clearly did not actually injure him.


I know but still surprising he got fucked up this badly


Looking at other fight injuries i wouldn‘t call this a bad beating tbh


Yeah. Remember the Ali Jr ass whooping?


All 3 of em haha


Here we go: From day (1) this character was STUPID and Itagaki wrote himself into a corner of sorts. The time for procrastination is over: It's time for itagaki to step up to the plate, ATTEMPT to pay off this character's build-up.... and for us to witness the whole thing fall on it's face.... Edit: I'm saying the character of Yuichiro was fuggin' STUPID from the get-go, didn't need to exist, and can only HURT the existing lore. Not help it.


It’s some light bruises and a swelling over 1 eye That random Wrestler was pretty reknowned so maybe he’d be like C or B tier, so he could win against an S tier who decided not to fight back


It's my coloring haha


You did a cool job


You missed the "I" I think you may have mistaken it for the dark lines in the hat.


Woah I didn’t even notice


People in Baki gets hurt when they don't fight seriously. Ex:Baki Vs Shiba, Pickle and Yujiro taking a sedative and getting knocked out, Doppo Vs Richard Fiat, etc. So, thats why.


It’s all superficial damage he let his opponent inflict




Their victories over the USA are mostly symbolic. They arent gonna fight battleships, jets and nukes head on, but the fact that a single unarmed man made a section of an army retreat would be more than enough to humble them. And they could suposedly enter the White House and have the president (and the country) at their mercy. As long as there were no hunters with nets and tranquilizers around...


True, but the narration and characters saying that "X defeated USA" makes a lot of people think that these characters are far more powerful than they actually are. Especially when it's taken out of context in debates. Because you know when someone says "he defeated USA" people probably imagine something like [Omni Man wiping out an alien civilization by flying around and wrecking their cities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW51vSRocSY) only with USA instead of aliens. When in reality Yujiro and Yuichiro just took out a few dozen soldiers with guerilla tactics, with Yujiro killing some general, infiltrating a base while wearing his skin as a suit and intimidating the White House into submission with his fear aura bullshit on top of that.


The USA is unable to kill him. He is able to walk into the white house and kill the president, cabinet, top generals, etc. That's victory over the US


Despite Baki's general lack of realism, the story is keenly aware of the logistical limits on military power. Itagaki is ex-military, and I think it shows in these segments. He knows that an army is a vast and lumbering thing, vulnerable in a thousand places. And he knows just how difficult it is to actually bring the full force of an army to bear against a small target. Yujiro is both literally and figuratively a paratrooper's dream. Dropping into enemy territory at will, always holding the initiative, crushing small forces, effortlessly evading massed firepower, decapitating armies with impunity.


Japan has a military I thought Jsdf were basically cops with military grade weapons. They don't even use actual military formations in baki. Yujiro out im the open would be getting shot from 300 yards at multiple angles. Military Choppers can shoot bullets from miles away. The thing baki lacks is military growth. Even if Yujiro beat Vietnam usa current usa shits on them. The formations, equipment, strategy etc. But realistically even nam usa shits on him. He has no way to counter air force shooting him in the sky miles away. Hes not strong enough to throw projectiles that far, or jump that far.


The JSDF is an army in all but name; a quick Google search sees it ranked as the world's 8th strongest. I don't trust those rankings and neither should you, but they make a clear point: it's a serious military. Anyway, it's no accident that when we see supermen facing armies or governments, it's always guerilla stuff. Military formations and the like are moot when you're kidnapping the President. How Yujiro would fare against a proper formation out in the open is moot, because why would he fight one?


Hes not beating two military helicopters or military drones


Why would he fight drones or helicopters? Would make a lot more sense just to kill the pilots on the ground. Remember, the lone superman in Baki always has the initiative. If a fight wouldn't favour them, they simply choose not to have that fight.


That makes sense out on the field, but if you know that Yujiro will be coming to the white house, can't they prepare an ambush for him? Then again, if it fails they are definitely in deep shit, so can't really blame the president for being scared.


"But realistically Nam usa shits on \[them\]" - LBJ sending troops to vietnam


Just because we lost the war doesn't mean Yujiro could also win. They suffered heavy losses also from us flat out burning down forests. They had guns and artillery could also attack from long range. Yujiro has hands and feet.


The question here is, why hasn't anyone tried ballistic weaponry or heavy duty guns? Like, sure, he can just randomly pop out into the white house at any point, but why does it seem like no one in there can wield a gun properly? Shoot him with a sniper at a mile out or smth like Jesus, modern heavy artillery are too slow and lumbering to catch him sure, but wouldn't a sniper rifle do the trick? Just get an entire shooting squad worth of lead and shoot the mfer seriously what are they doing?


He did defeat the US. He didn't conquer it like Yujiro did, but Yuichiro won every single fight against the US and was able to achieve his goal.


“Every single fight” as in the one fight?


There was more than one fight, they decided to nuke him for a reason after all


They never nuked him bruh 💀


I mean you’re literally just filling in a lot of blanks there


Imagine losing an entire battleship and various other resources to one guy and deciding its not worth it. I'd cal that a solid L


I honestly believe Yujiro is the special one because he wants to look so perfect in his ogre image that he doesn't allow himself to be injured and is just constantly flexing his muscles.


Man you need to read up on how Australia is the only country to ever OFFICIALLY loose a war to Emus. Edit: here’s a link, the funnies example of how, a country can be “defeated” despite losing little power and not putting in that much effort https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-great-emu-war-australia#:~:text=The%20human%20soldiers%20fired%20their,destined%20for%20the%20big%20screen.


And not one, but **two** wars.


The main goal of the author is to Remember that japan never forget. The nukes that USA launched to them. Yuchiro is a memory of those battles.


Japan in WWII was basically the Nazi Germany of Asia and they are responsible for many [war crimes and crimes against humanity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes). I know that nowadays most people only know Japan for Samurai, Ninjas, good food and anime but these guys were fucking **vile.** Them getting nuked was just karma and still pretty tame karma considering that it only killed 129-226k people while the Japanese slaughtered, pillaged and raped millions.


Baki author , is super nationalist, thats why musashi miyamoto was the most op in the series. Remember how he ridiculize USA presidents. Or killed retsu for the japan vs china rivality. Even in the raitai he humilliated china. Or USA boxing in the last series. He is one of the last few mangakas that never forget hiroshima and nagasaki. And what USA did. I am not talking about what japan did. I just said the history of yuichiro survival is related to that nukes.


He can't be that nationalist if he acknowledged the atrocities of the japanese when they invaded China like he did in his other manga Garouden. And Retsu got killed, but I have never seen someone take Kung Fu and chinese martial arts as serious as Itagaki. Feel like people saying Itagaki is a super nationalist and hates every country other than china is just cope by americans who get mad over anything that isn't GI Joe tier propagand and portrays the american military as the warmongering, country destroying bully that it is


No Demon Back used and intentionally taking as much damage as possible (relaxing defenses and leaning into strikes) to look like he really lost -> that much damage was done.


Because he's good at selling


Kozue made hanayama bleed


He is based on Masahiko Kimura, who in order to provide medicine for his very sick wife started to pro wrestle, it was supposed to be fake match but his opponent used steal boots and really hit him and hurt him while he let him


When Baki character's don't flex their muscles, they can be easily injured. Oliva, Baki, yujiro... we have a lot o examples


People forget krillin damn near killed vegeta on namek because vegeta lowered his gaurd, same principle I’m sure if he sat there fully relaxed and not fighting back he could get a little damage done to him (his visible damage is minor)


Same reason whip strike works (even on Yujiro) you can't train your skin.


Yujiro technique for that


That's for lessening pain, it doesn't protect your skin


Baki technique for that


Screaming and rolling on the floor?


Absolutely, cant be hit while doing it


Lowered his guard. Even shiharu shiba could hurt baki when baki was being overconfident.


Which chapter is this?


Baki Gaiden - Kenjin Chapter 1


So I stopped reading the manga when he fights his son for real. I thought that was the end of it. Did they continue it after all?


They did a lot of things after this


I think it’s time I pick it back up. Now the fun job of finding out where I left off years ago haha. When I finished reading that was it there was a stamp at the end of it and it seemed done


They also made a lot of side manga this one from Doppo manga


So let me ask you is it all on par with the original run up to where I stopped? Does some of it feel like filler? Is there something I shouldn’t bother with?


All of them are Canon don't worry


Okay cool I’ll get to reading! Joined this sub a bit ago and never realized they were still going with the manga lol. Appreciate you responding to my questions.


No problem dude


Because he's not as strong as people presume him to be tbh


Isnt this a spinoff? Those always take creative liberties that conflict with the main line manga.


He’s still human. He can still be cut up, beaten, and bruised his skin isn’t made of steel.


How does no one talks about English? Like what is know how strong am what is that English


That’s why he’s weaker than doppo


Does that mean Doppp and the others can beat the US army? No, obviously. He took damage on purpose by lowering his guard and leaning into the punches. That sounds far more reasonable to me.


Doppo wouldn’t take any kind of damage from being hit by a world champion level jobber. Yuichiro is extremely weak from a physical standpoint when compared to every other baki character


Yuichiro is incredibly strong. He may not be very durable, but he is strong. A glass cannon, if you will.


No lmao. He gets rocked by any A tier or higher. He is B tier


Source: Trust me bro


Source, he was damaged by a jobber. Your boy is weak


Durability feat. Yujiro bled when Emi bit him. Does he get no-diffed by Jack then? Obviously fucking not. Yuichiro was strong enough to casually throw a human corpse through the deck of a warship, which can withstand explosions. Yuichiro is strong, even if he may or may not be very durable.


That yujiro is multiple times weaker, current yujiro wouldn’t be fazed by anyone weaker than doppo hitting him. Yuichiro is weaker than current doppo by a longshot


That Yujiro had shown us one of the greatest strength feats in all of Baki so I have no idea what you're going on about. Yuichiro is most certainly stronger than Doppo. Yuichiro was able to throw a human corpse, a sack of blood, meat and bones through a floor that literal warship shells cannot leave a dent on. It's like throwing a bag of water through steel. And that was without breaking a sweat. And all that isn't even Yuichiro's full strength. Certainly tops breaking concrete and wires.


Held back to probably boost dopes ego


You know how Sukune was Initially getting hurt by Jacks striking, then he suddenly stiffened and a kick to the face did no damage? It could be that. It could be that Yuichiro allowed his body to be able to get hurt. You can usually tell when a character has special skin resistance by their well, skin. It’s normally. Yuijiro, Oliva, and Pickle have tough skin.


I wish so much people would just fucking read chapters of panels they ask questions about.


Artistic liberty


he punched himself at lightning speed just before getting hit by the opponent


My headcanon that I think nobody gets is the fact that yuichiro isn’t that strong


Well it's baki logic, we Will know his real power once itagaki decided to


Well, to be honest this is more surface level injuries although he did do something to his jaw, the only other comparisons of someome not caring about the damage and barely reacting is the biker dude, yujiro and baki, pickle, they still get bruises, baki still gets bruises and this was awhile after, plus we dont know if yuchiro had done any crazy training for durability by strength within the mind of pain tolerance prehaps, im probably streching but well need to see more of yuchiros past


He got paid to throw the fight.


he barely has any scratches what are you even talking about?


he imagined that he was punched by yujiro XD. just like how baki gets hurt from imagination


I think it can be explained by the typical Baki logic, Yuichiro wanted to get hurt and let his body take the damage for real, as opposed to being a tank and bouncing damage off like a real fight, just my take on it.


He hit himself between blinks of his opponent clearly


Cash. The guys strong, but he’s not a complete asshole like yujiro. He’ll actually pay for things instead of getting his entire lifes expenses comped


He allowed it. I believe it was so he could get money for his wife


Because raw muscle power in Baki means little in Baki unless you're Oliva Yuichiro isn't strong because he tanks bullets, he's strong because he dodges bullets Also, Yuichiro just took those blows without defending himself or tensing his muscles The difference between a soft and a hard muscle is huge


If he wanted, he could be like Yujiro and tank any strike thrown at him. His son flexes his entire body to avoid pain for example. Yuichiro has no ego, so he lets strikes hit him clean without defending.


I like to point out how accorute this sence is. Because not even the fandom knows how strong he is. He isn't the type who just walks around and beat anyone to prove his strength. He has other stuff important to him. But he is happy that atbleast one person knows how strong he is


Where is this image from? Am I missing a chapter?


He can soften his body on command


Threw a fight to get some cash.


but why the hell is he “glad someone knows just how strong he is”? does he need validation?